987 resultados para answers


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ANSWERS-2000是一个以分布式参数、物理学基础、连续模拟农田或流域为尺度的山地规划模型,目的是评价农业和城市最优化经营管理措施(BMPs)对减少沉积物和养分进入地表径流及减少养分从根区流失的影响。该模型是专门为缺乏实测数据,无法对模型所需数据进行校正的流域规划者使用的。模型将整个研究区域模拟划分为面积相同的栅格(1 hm2或更小),假定同一栅格内所有特性(表层和下层土壤特性、植被、地表条件、农作物管理和气象条件)都相同。模型利用不连续的降雨数据,模拟水文过程,在径流事件内以30 s为步长,在径流事件间则以1 d为步长。模型能够预测截流、地面保水力/滞留力、渗透、浸透、沉积物分离和混合粒径等级粒子的运输、农作物生长、植物吸收营养物质、土壤中N、P的动态变化、硝酸盐淋滤及受土壤条件、养分条件、植被和水文条件影响的硝酸盐、铵态氮、凯氏法测定的总氮、磷的流失量。模型采用基于ArcInfo的用户界面,便于数据文件的建立和处理。


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Our media is saturated with claims of ``facts'' made from data. Database research has in the past focused on how to answer queries, but has not devoted much attention to discerning more subtle qualities of the resulting claims, e.g., is a claim ``cherry-picking''? This paper proposes a Query Response Surface (QRS) based framework that models claims based on structured data as parameterized queries. A key insight is that we can learn a lot about a claim by perturbing its parameters and seeing how its conclusion changes. This framework lets us formulate and tackle practical fact-checking tasks --- reverse-engineering vague claims, and countering questionable claims --- as computational problems. Within the QRS based framework, we take one step further, and propose a problem along with efficient algorithms for finding high-quality claims of a given form from data, i.e. raising good questions, in the first place. This is achieved to using a limited number of high-valued claims to represent high-valued regions of the QRS. Besides the general purpose high-quality claim finding problem, lead-finding can be tailored towards specific claim quality measures, also defined within the QRS framework. An example of uniqueness-based lead-finding is presented for ``one-of-the-few'' claims, landing in interpretable high-quality claims, and an adjustable mechanism for ranking objects, e.g. NBA players, based on what claims can be made for them. Finally, we study the use of visualization as a powerful way of conveying results of a large number of claims. An efficient two stage sampling algorithm is proposed for generating input of 2d scatter plot with heatmap, evalutaing a limited amount of data, while preserving the two essential visual features, namely outliers and clusters. For all the problems, we present real-world examples and experiments that demonstrate the power of our model, efficiency of our algorithms, and usefulness of their results.


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A series of developments during the 2010–11 football season has led to an intense public debate over the question of the nature and extent of religious sectarianism in Scotland. The Scottish National Party (SNP) government has responded with a new piece of legislation which has been widely criticised and has prompted some commentators to speculate about a political ‘own goal’. This article provides a guide to the debate around sectarianism and its historical and political dimensions. It also suggests that the Irish roots of the problem in Scotland should be properly acknowledged, and that a possible way forward could involve cooperation between Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland within the structures and procedures of the British–Irish Council (BIC).


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For physicians facing patients with organ-limited metastases from colorectal cancer, tumor shrinkage and sterilization of micrometastatic disease is the main goal, giving the opportunity for secondary surgical resection. At the same time, for the majority of patients who will not achieve a sufficient tumor response, disease control remains the predominant objective. Since FOLFOX or FOLFIRI have similar efficacies, the challenge is to define which could be the most effective targeted agent (anti-EGFR or anti-VEGF) to reach these goals. Therefore, a priori molecular identification of patients that could benefit from anti-EGFR or anti-VEGF monoclonal antibodies (i.e. the currently approved targeted therapies for metastatic colorectal cancer) is of critical importance. In this setting, the KRAS mutation status was the first identified predictive marker of response to anti-EGFR therapy. Since it has been demonstrated that tumors with KRAS mutation do not respond to anti-EGFR therapy, KRAS status must be determined prior to treatment. Thus, for KRAS wild-type patients, the choices that remain are either anti-VEGF or anti-EGFR. In this review, we present the most updated data from translational research programs dealing with the identification of biomarkers for response to targeted therapies.


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Refractory status epilepticus (RSE) is defined as status epilepticus that continues despite treatment with benzodiazepines and one antiepileptic drug. RSE should be treated promptly to prevent morbidity and mortality; however, scarce evidence is available to support the choice of specific treatments. Major independent outcome predictors are age (not modifiable) and cause (which should be actively targeted). Recent recommendations for adults suggest that the aggressiveness of treatment for RSE should be tailored to the clinical situation. To minimise intensive care unit-related complications, focal RSE without impairment of consciousness might initially be approached conservatively; conversely, early induction of pharmacological coma is advisable in generalised convulsive forms of the disorder. At this stage, midazolam, propofol, or barbiturates are the most commonly used drugs. Several other treatments, such as additional anaesthetics, other antiepileptic or immunomodulatory compounds, or non-pharmacological approaches (eg, electroconvulsive treatment or hypothermia), have been used in protracted RSE. Treatment lasting weeks or months can sometimes result in a good outcome, as in selected patients after encephalitis or autoimmune disorders. Well designed prospective studies of RSE are urgently needed.


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The book is hardcover and inscribed with an illegible signature, dated 1880 and below that is the signature Margaret J. Woodruff. The preface of the book begins, "The present work is designed to fulfil an important purpose in Education - that of bringing clearly into view the leading facts which are supposed to be gained through a long course of instruction. Without proposing to supersede the elementary books usually employed, it offers a certain test of what is presumed to have been previously learned. With such a work in their hands, Schoolmasters, Tutors, Governesses, or Parents, may at once satisfy themselves as to the degree of knowledge on a variety of subjects attained by the young person under their charge, and for whose intellectual culture they feel a special interest." The full text is available in the Brock University Special Collections and Archives.


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Questions and answers of W. Henry Griffen (2 double-sided pages, handwritten). These pages are stained and slightly torn. This affects a small portion of the text, 1830.


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Questions and answers of W. Joseph Smith, clerk of Grimsby (2 pages, handwritten). These pages are stained and slightly torn. This affects a small portion of the text, 1830.