1000 resultados para annual pastures


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In the alpine region of the Tibetan Plateau, five perennial grass cultivars, Bromus inermis (B), Elymus nutans (E), Clinelymus nutans (C), Agropyron cristatum (A), and Poa crymophila (P) were combined into nine communities with different compositions and ratios, B+C, E+A, B+E+A, E+B+C,C+E+A,B+E+C+A,B+C+A+P,B+E+A+P and E+C+A+P. Each combination was sown in six 10 X 10 m plots with three hand-weeded plots and three natural-growing plots in a completely randomised design in 1998. A field experiment studied the performance of these perennial grass combinations under the competitive interference of annual weeds in 3 consecutive years from 1998 to 2000. The results showed that annual weeds occupied more space and suppressed the growth of the grasses due to earlier germination and quicker growth in the establishment year, but this pattern changed in the second and third years. Leaf area indexes (LAIs) of grasses were greatly decreased by the competitive interference of weeds, and the negative effect of weeds on LAIs of grasses declined and stabilised in the second and third years. E+B+C, B+E+C+A, and B+E+A+P possessed relatively higher LAIs (P < 0.05) among all grass combinations and their LAIs were close to five when the competitive interference of weeds was removed. Grasses were competitively inferior to weeds in the establishment year, although their competitive ability (aggressivities) increased throughout the growing season. In the second and third years, grasses were competitively superior to weeds, and their competitive ability decreased from May until August and increased in September. Dry matter (DM) yields of grasses were reduced by 29.8-74.1% in the establishment year, 11.0-64.9% in the second year, and 16.0-55.8% in the third year by the competitive interference of weeds. B+E+C+A and B+E+A+P can produce around 14 t/ha of DM yields, significantly higher (P < 0.05) than the production of the other grass combinations in the second and third years after the competitive interference of weeds was removed. It was preliminarily concluded that removal of competitive interference of weeds increased the LAIs of all grass swards and improved the light interception of grasses, thus promoting the production of perennial grass pastures. The germination stage of the grasses in the establishment year was the critical period for weeding and suppression of weeds should occur at an early stage of plant growth. The grass combinations of B+E+C+A and B+E+A+P were productive and can be extensively established in the alpine regions of the Tibetan Plateau. Two or three growing seasons will be needed before determining success of establishment of grass mixtures under the alpine conditions of the Tibetan Plateau.


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Annual Ryegrass Toxicity (ARGT) is a potentially lethal disease affecting livestock grazing on pastures or consuming fodder that include annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) contaminated with corynetoxins. The corynetoxins (CTs), among the most lethal toxins produced in nature, are produced by the bacterium Rathayibacter toxicus that uses a nematode vector to attach to and infect the seedheads of L.rigidum. There is little known of the factors that control toxin production. Several studies have speculated that a bacteriophage specific to R.toxicus may be implicated in CT production. We have developed a PCR-based assay to test for both bacterium and phage in ryegrass material and results indicate that there is a correlation between phage and bacterial presence in all toxic ryegrass samples tested so far. This PCR-based technique may ultimately allow for a rapid, high-throughput screening assay to identify potentially toxic pastures and feed in the field. Currently, ~80% of the 45 Kb genome has been sequenced an investigation to further elucidate its potential role in toxin production.Furthermore, specific alterations in gene expression as a result of exposure to CTs or the closely related tunicamycins (TMs), which are commercially available and considered biologically indistinguishable from CTs, will be evaluated for use as biomarkers of exposure. The effects of both toxins will be analysed in vitro using a rat hepatocyte cell line and screened on a low-density DNA micro array “CT-Chip” that contains <100 selected rat hepatic genes. The results are expected to further define the bioequivalence of CTs and TMs and to identify levels of exposure that are related to specific toxic effects or have no adverse effect on livestock.


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O experimento foi conduzido na FCAV - Campus de Jaboticabal, no período de inverno-primavera-verão de 2001-2002, com o objetivo de determinar o fracionamento de compostos nitrogenados e de carboidratos do Tifton 85 (Cynodon nlemfuensis Vanderyst x Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers), exclusivo ou sobressemeado com forrageiras anuais de inverno. Os tratamentos testados foram: aveia preta (Avena strigosa Schreb); aveia amarela (Avena byzantina C. Koch); triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack); aveia preta + aveia amarela; aveia preta + triticale; aveia amarela + triticale; aveia preta + aveia amarela + triticale, sobressemeados sobre Tifton 85 e, sem consorciação (testemunha). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos completos ao acaso, com três repetições. O corte das forrageiras foi realizado a 20 cm de altura (presença de forrageiras de inverno) e 10 cm de altura (ausência das forrageiras de inverno). Foram determinados os teores de proteína bruta, carboidratos totais, e o fracionamento dos compostos nitrogenados e de carboidratos. Houve redução nos teores dos compostos químicos das espécies de forrageiras de inverno e no Tifton 85 ao longo dos períodos de avaliações. Os conteúdos de compostos nitrogenados e de carboidratos apresentaram grande variação durante os períodos avaliados, relacionando com as características morfológicas das espécies de gramineas e com a composição botânica das pastagens.


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Field observations have shown stand reduction and slow spring regrowth of Tifton. 85 bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) pastures overseeded with temperate forages for grazing during the cool season. This experiment compared the effect of cool-season management programs, including overseeding and use of different grazing treatments, on productivity of Tifton 85 the following warm season. There were seven treatments: four were bermudagrass overseeded with a cool-season annual forage mixture (two grasses and two legumes) and grazed differentially, and three were bermudagrass controls With differences in amount of residual stubble remaining at beginning of autumn. There was only a slight delay in initiation of Tifton 85 spring regrowth relative to the unseeded controls and no apparent stand loss resulting from overseeding cool-season forages. Late spring and summer Tifton 85 production generally was greater on seeded than non-seeded areas, possibly resulting from the nitrogen (N) release from decaying cool-season legumes. Grazing management of winter species in seeded plots and stubble height of bermudagrass in control plots had no effect on bermudagrass performance. Nutritive value responses generally favored overseeded plots. These data, though from one year, show no negative effect on Tifton 85 bermudagrass performance from overseeding and grazing cool-season annual forages during winter.


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Rangelands store about 30% of the world’s carbon and support over 120 million pastoralists globally. Adjusting the management of remote alpine pastures bears a substantial climate change mitigation potential that can provide livelihood support for marginalized pastoralists through carbon payment. Landless pastoralists in Northern Pakistan seek higher income by cropping potatoes and peas over alpine pastures. However, tilling steep slopes without terracing exposes soil to erosion. Moreover, yields decline rapidly requiring increasing fertilizer inputs. Under these conditions, carbon payment could be a feasible option to compensate pastoralists for renouncing hazardous cropping while favoring pastoral activities. The study quantifies and compares C on cropped and grazed land. The hypothesis was that cropping on alpine pastures reduces former carbon storage. The study area located in the Naran valley of the Pakistani Himalayas receives an annual average of 819 mm of rain and 764 mm of snow. Average temperatures remain below 0°C from November to March while frost may occur all year round. A total of 72 soil core samples were collected discriminating land use (cropping, pasture), aspect (North, South), elevation (low 3000, middle 3100, and high 3200 m a.s.l.), and soil depth (shallow 0-10, deep 10-30 cm). Thirty six biomass samples were collected over the same independent variables (except for soil depth) using a 10x10x20 cm steal box inserted in the ground for each sample. Aboveground biomass and coarse roots were separated from the soil aggregate and oven-dried. Soil organic carbon (SOC) and biomass carbon (BC) were estimated through a potassium dichromate oxidation treatment. The samples were collected during the second week of October 2010 at the end of the grazing and cropping season and before the first snowfall. The data was statistically analyzed by means of a one-way analysis of variance. Results show that all variables taken separately have a significant effect on mean SOC [%]: crop/pasture 1.33/1.6, North/South 1.61/1.32, low/middle/high 1.09/1.62/1.68, shallow/deep 1.4/1.53. However, for BC, only land use has a significant effect with more than twice the amount of carbon in pastures [g m-2]: crop/pasture 127/318. These preliminary findings suggest that preventing the conversion of pastures into cropping fields in the Naran valley avoids an average loss of 12.2 t C ha-1 or 44.8 t CO2eq ha-1 representing a foreseeable compensation of 672 € ha-1 for the Naran landless pastoralists who would renounce cropping. The ongoing study shall provide a complete picture for carbon payment integrating key aspects such as the rate of cropping encroachment over pastures per year, the methane leakage from the system due to livestock enteric fermentation, the expected cropping income vs. livestock income and the transaction costs of implementing the mitigation project, certifying it, and verifying carbon credits. A net present value over an infinite time horizon for the mitigation scenario shall be estimated on an iterative simulation to consider weather and price uncertainties. The study will also provide an estimate of the minimum price of carbon at which pastoralists would consider engaging in the mitigation activity.


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Accurate assessment of standing pasture biomass in livestock production systems is a major factor for improving feed planning. Several tools are available to achieve this, including the GrassMaster II capacitance meter. This tool relies on an electrical signal, which is modified by the surrounding pasture. There is limited knowledge on how this capacitance meter performs in Mediterranean pastures. Therefore, we evaluated the GrassMaster II under Mediterranean conditions to determine (i) the effect of pasture moisture content (PMC) on the meter’s ability to estimate pasture green matter (GM) and dry matter (DM) yields, and (ii) the spatial variability and temporal stability of corrected meter readings (CMR) and DM in a bio-diverse pasture. Field tests were carried out with typical pastures of the southern region of Portugal (grasses, legumes, mixture and volunteer annual species) and at different phenological stages (and different PMC). There were significant positive linear relations between CMR and GM (r2 = 0.60, P < 0.01) and CMR and DM (r2 = 0.35, P < 0.05) for all locations (n = 347). Weak relationships were found for PMC (%) v. slope and coefficient of determination for both GM and DM. A significant linear relation existed for CMR v. GM and DM for PMC >80% (r2= 0.57, P < 0.01, RMSE = 2856.7 kg ha–1, CVRMSE=17.1% to GM; and r2= 0.51, P < 0.01,RMSE = 353.7 kg ha–1, CVRMSE = 14.3% to DM). Therefore, under the conditions of this current study there exists an optimum PMC (%) for estimating both GM and DM with the GrassMaster II. Repeated-measurements taken at the same location on different dates and conditions in a bio-diverse pasture showed similar and stable patterns between CMR and DM (r2= 0.67, P < 0.01, RMSE = 136.1 kg ha–1, CVRMSE = 6.5%). The results indicate that the GrassMaster II in-situ technique could play a crucial role in assessing pasture mass to improve feed planning under Mediterranean conditions.


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Mineral nitrogen (N) dynamics in soil and the exchange of N gaseous in the interface soil-atmosphere are intimately associated with animal manure in pastures. According to soil inorganic-N pools and the site studied, forest or pasture, and pastures age the soil inorganic-N pools of ammonium and nitrate can be similar in the forest or ammonium dominated in the pasture. Also annual average net nitrification rates at soil surface in forest can be higher than in pasture suggesting a higher potential for nitrate-N losses either through leaching or gaseous emissions from intact forests compared with established pastures (NEILL et al., 1995).


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The career development literature published in 2008 is summarized and presented thematically: (a) professional issues, (b) career assessment, (c) career development, (d) career theory and concepts, (e) career interventions, (f) advances in technology, (g) employment, (h) international perspectives, and (i) research design and methodology. Traditional and emerging theories and practices are robust and vibrant.


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Orthopaedics and Trauma Queensland is an internationally recognised research group that is developing into an international leader in research and education. It provides a stimulus for research, education and clinical application within the international orthopaedic and trauma communities. Orthopaedics and Trauma Queensland develops and promotes the innovative use of engineering and technology, in collaboration with surgeons, to provide new techniques, materials, procedures and medical devices. Its integration with clinical practice and strong links with hospitals ensure that the research will be translated into practical outcomes for patients. The group undertakes clinical practice in orthopaedics and trauma and applies core engineering, modelling and clinical skills to challenges in medicine. The research is built on a strong foundation of knowledge in biomedical engineering and incorporates expertise in cell biology, mathematical modelling, human anatomy and physiology and clinical medicine in orthopaedics and trauma. New knowledge is being developed and applied to the full range of orthopaedic diseases and injuries, such as knee and hip replacements, fractures and spinal deformities.