964 resultados para annotated image database
In this chapter we provide a comprehensive overview of the emerging field of visualising and browsing image databases. We start with a brief introduction to content-based image retrieval and the traditional query-by-example search paradigm that many retrieval systems employ. We specify the problems associated with this type of interface, such as users not being able to formulate a query due to not having a target image or concept in mind. The idea of browsing systems is then introduced as a means to combat these issues, harnessing the cognitive power of the human mind in order to speed up image retrieval.We detail common methods in which the often high-dimensional feature data extracted from images can be used to visualise image databases in an intuitive way. Systems using dimensionality reduction techniques, such as multi-dimensional scaling, are reviewed along with those that cluster images using either divisive or agglomerative techniques as well as graph-based visualisations. While visualisation of an image collection is useful for providing an overview of the contained images, it forms only part of an image database navigation system. We therefore also present various methods provided by these systems to allow for interactive browsing of these datasets. A further area we explore are user studies of systems and visualisations where we look at the different evaluations undertaken in order to test usability and compare systems, and highlight the key findings from these studies. We conclude the chapter with several recommendations for future work in this area. © 2011 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
With the proliferation of multimedia data and ever-growing requests for multimedia applications, there is an increasing need for efficient and effective indexing, storage and retrieval of multimedia data, such as graphics, images, animation, video, audio and text. Due to the special characteristics of the multimedia data, the Multimedia Database management Systems (MMDBMSs) have emerged and attracted great research attention in recent years. Though much research effort has been devoted to this area, it is still far from maturity and there exist many open issues. In this dissertation, with the focus of addressing three of the essential challenges in developing the MMDBMS, namely, semantic gap, perception subjectivity and data organization, a systematic and integrated framework is proposed with video database and image database serving as the testbed. In particular, the framework addresses these challenges separately yet coherently from three main aspects of a MMDBMS: multimedia data representation, indexing and retrieval. In terms of multimedia data representation, the key to address the semantic gap issue is to intelligently and automatically model the mid-level representation and/or semi-semantic descriptors besides the extraction of the low-level media features. The data organization challenge is mainly addressed by the aspect of media indexing where various levels of indexing are required to support the diverse query requirements. In particular, the focus of this study is to facilitate the high-level video indexing by proposing a multimodal event mining framework associated with temporal knowledge discovery approaches. With respect to the perception subjectivity issue, advanced techniques are proposed to support users' interaction and to effectively model users' perception from the feedback at both the image-level and object-level.
The goal of image retrieval and matching is to find and locate object instances in images from a large-scale image database. While visual features are abundant, how to combine them to improve performance by individual features remains a challenging task. In this work, we focus on leveraging multiple features for accurate and efficient image retrieval and matching. We first propose two graph-based approaches to rerank initially retrieved images for generic image retrieval. In the graph, vertices are images while edges are similarities between image pairs. Our first approach employs a mixture Markov model based on a random walk model on multiple graphs to fuse graphs. We introduce a probabilistic model to compute the importance of each feature for graph fusion under a naive Bayesian formulation, which requires statistics of similarities from a manually labeled dataset containing irrelevant images. To reduce human labeling, we further propose a fully unsupervised reranking algorithm based on a submodular objective function that can be efficiently optimized by greedy algorithm. By maximizing an information gain term over the graph, our submodular function favors a subset of database images that are similar to query images and resemble each other. The function also exploits the rank relationships of images from multiple ranked lists obtained by different features. We then study a more well-defined application, person re-identification, where the database contains labeled images of human bodies captured by multiple cameras. Re-identifications from multiple cameras are regarded as related tasks to exploit shared information. We apply a novel multi-task learning algorithm using both low level features and attributes. A low rank attribute embedding is joint learned within the multi-task learning formulation to embed original binary attributes to a continuous attribute space, where incorrect and incomplete attributes are rectified and recovered. To locate objects in images, we design an object detector based on object proposals and deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) in view of the emergence of deep networks. We improve a Fast RCNN framework and investigate two new strategies to detect objects accurately and efficiently: scale-dependent pooling (SDP) and cascaded rejection classifiers (CRC). The SDP improves detection accuracy by exploiting appropriate convolutional features depending on the scale of input object proposals. The CRC effectively utilizes convolutional features and greatly eliminates negative proposals in a cascaded manner, while maintaining a high recall for true objects. The two strategies together improve the detection accuracy and reduce the computational cost.
Object classification is plagued by the issue of session variation. Session variation describes any variation that makes one instance of an object look different to another, for instance due to pose or illumination variation. Recent work in the challenging task of face verification has shown that session variability modelling provides a mechanism to overcome some of these limitations. However, for computer vision purposes, it has only been applied in the limited setting of face verification. In this paper we propose a local region based intersession variability (ISV) modelling approach, and apply it to challenging real-world data. We propose a region based session variability modelling approach so that local session variations can be modelled, termed Local ISV. We then demonstrate the efficacy of this technique on a challenging real-world fish image database which includes images taken underwater, providing significant real-world session variations. This Local ISV approach provides a relative performance improvement of, on average, 23% on the challenging MOBIO, Multi-PIE and SCface face databases. It also provides a relative performance improvement of 35% on our challenging fish image dataset.
Neste trabalho é estudada a viabilidade de uma implementação em paralelo do algoritmo scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) para identificação de íris. Para a implementação do código foi utilizada a arquitetura para computação paralela compute unified device architecture (CUDA) e a linguagem OpenGL shading language (GLSL). O algoritmo foi testado utilizando três bases de dados de olhos e íris, o noisy visible wavelength iris image Database (UBIRIS), Michal-Libor e CASIA. Testes foram feitos para determinar o tempo de processamento para verificação da presença ou não de um indivíduo em um banco de dados, determinar a eficiência dos algoritmos de busca implementados em GLSL e CUDA e buscar valores de calibração que melhoram o posicionamento e a distribuição dos pontos-chave na região de interesse (íris) e a robustez do programa final.
简要介绍了基于内容的检索技术在数字图书馆中图像信息库检索方面的应用 ,着重对基于对象特征的检索技术做了一定的探讨。并给出了检索效果评价准则
We describe our work on shape-based image database search using the technique of modal matching. Modal matching employs a deformable shape decomposition that allows users to select example objects and have the computer efficiently sort the set of objects based on the similarity of their shape. Shapes are compared in terms of the types of nonrigid deformations (differences) that relate them. The modal decomposition provides deformation "control knobs" for flexible matching and thus allows for selecting weighted subsets of shape parameters that are deemed significant for a particular category or context. We demonstrate the utility of this approach for shape comparison in 2-D image databases; however, the general formulation is applicable to signals of any dimensionality.
Based on our previous work in deformable shape model-based object detection, a new method is proposed that uses index trees for organizing shape features to support content-based retrieval applications. In the proposed strategy, different shape feature sets can be used in index trees constructed for object detection and shape similarity comparison respectively. There is a direct correspondence between the two shape feature sets. As a result, application-specific features can be obtained efficiently for shape-based retrieval after object detection. A novel approach is proposed that allows retrieval of images based on the population distribution of deformed shapes in each image. Experiments testing these new approaches have been conducted using an image database that contains blood cell micrographs. The precision vs. recall performance measure shows that our method is superior to previous methods.
An appearance-based framework for 3D hand shape classification and simultaneous camera viewpoint estimation is presented. Given an input image of a segmented hand, the most similar matches from a large database of synthetic hand images are retrieved. The ground truth labels of those matches, containing hand shape and camera viewpoint information, are returned by the system as estimates for the input image. Database retrieval is done hierarchically, by first quickly rejecting the vast majority of all database views, and then ranking the remaining candidates in order of similarity to the input. Four different similarity measures are employed, based on edge location, edge orientation, finger location and geometric moments.
A common problem in many types of databases is retrieving the most similar matches to a query object. Finding those matches in a large database can be too slow to be practical, especially in domains where objects are compared using computationally expensive similarity (or distance) measures. This paper proposes a novel method for approximate nearest neighbor retrieval in such spaces. Our method is embedding-based, meaning that it constructs a function that maps objects into a real vector space. The mapping preserves a large amount of the proximity structure of the original space, and it can be used to rapidly obtain a short list of likely matches to the query. The main novelty of our method is that it constructs, together with the embedding, a query-sensitive distance measure that should be used when measuring distances in the vector space. The term "query-sensitive" means that the distance measure changes depending on the current query object. We report experiments with an image database of handwritten digits, and a time-series database. In both cases, the proposed method outperforms existing state-of-the-art embedding methods, meaning that it provides significantly better trade-offs between efficiency and retrieval accuracy.
The relationship between changes in retinal vessel morphology and the onset and progression of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) has been the subject of several large scale clinical studies. However, the difficulty of quantifying changes in retinal vessels in a sufficiently fast, accurate and repeatable manner has restricted the application of the insights gleaned from these studies to clinical practice. This paper presents a novel algorithm for the efficient detection and measurement of retinal vessels, which is general enough that it can be applied to both low and high resolution fundus photographs and fluorescein angiograms upon the adjustment of only a few intuitive parameters. Firstly, we describe the simple vessel segmentation strategy, formulated in the language of wavelets, that is used for fast vessel detection. When validated using a publicly available database of retinal images, this segmentation achieves a true positive rate of 70.27%, false positive rate of 2.83%, and accuracy score of 0.9371. Vessel edges are then more precisely localised using image profiles computed perpendicularly across a spline fit of each detected vessel centreline, so that both local and global changes in vessel diameter can be readily quantified. Using a second image database, we show that the diameters output by our algorithm display good agreement with the manual measurements made by three independent observers. We conclude that the improved speed and generality offered by our algorithm are achieved without sacrificing accuracy. The algorithm is implemented in MATLAB along with a graphical user interface, and we have made the source code freely available.
There are many learning problems for which the examples given by the teacher are ambiguously labeled. In this thesis, we will examine one framework of learning from ambiguous examples known as Multiple-Instance learning. Each example is a bag, consisting of any number of instances. A bag is labeled negative if all instances in it are negative. A bag is labeled positive if at least one instance in it is positive. Because the instances themselves are not labeled, each positive bag is an ambiguous example. We would like to learn a concept which will correctly classify unseen bags. We have developed a measure called Diverse Density and algorithms for learning from multiple-instance examples. We have applied these techniques to problems in drug design, stock prediction, and image database retrieval. These serve as examples of how to translate the ambiguity in the application domain into bags, as well as successful examples of applying Diverse Density techniques.
La visió és probablement el nostre sentit més dominant a partir del qual derivem la majoria d'informació del món que ens envolta. A través de la visió podem percebre com són les coses, on són i com es mouen. En les imatges que percebem amb el nostre sistema de visió podem extreure'n característiques com el color, la textura i la forma, i gràcies a aquesta informació som capaços de reconèixer objectes fins i tot quan s'observen sota unes condicions totalment diferents. Per exemple, som capaços de distingir un mateix objecte si l'observem des de diferents punts de vista, distància, condicions d'il·luminació, etc. La Visió per Computador intenta emular el sistema de visió humà mitjançant un sistema de captura d'imatges, un ordinador, i un conjunt de programes. L'objectiu desitjat no és altre que desenvolupar un sistema que pugui entendre una imatge d'una manera similar com ho realitzaria una persona. Aquesta tesi es centra en l'anàlisi de la textura per tal de realitzar el reconeixement de superfícies. La motivació principal és resoldre el problema de la classificació de superfícies texturades quan han estat capturades sota diferents condicions, com ara distància de la càmera o direcció de la il·luminació. D'aquesta forma s'aconsegueix reduir els errors de classificació provocats per aquests canvis en les condicions de captura. En aquest treball es presenta detalladament un sistema de reconeixement de textures que ens permet classificar imatges de diferents superfícies capturades en diferents condicions. El sistema proposat es basa en un model 3D de la superfície (que inclou informació de color i forma) obtingut mitjançant la tècnica coneguda com a 4-Source Colour Photometric Stereo (CPS). Aquesta informació és utilitzada posteriorment per un mètode de predicció de textures amb l'objectiu de generar noves imatges 2D de les textures sota unes noves condicions. Aquestes imatges virtuals que es generen seran la base del nostre sistema de reconeixement, ja que seran utilitzades com a models de referència per al nostre classificador de textures. El sistema de reconeixement proposat combina les Matrius de Co-ocurrència per a l'extracció de característiques de textura, amb la utilització del Classificador del veí més proper. Aquest classificador ens permet al mateix temps aproximar la direcció d'il·luminació present en les imatges que s'utilitzen per testejar el sistema de reconeixement. És a dir, serem capaços de predir l'angle d'il·luminació sota el qual han estat capturades les imatges de test. Els resultats obtinguts en els diferents experiments que s'han realitzat demostren la viabilitat del sistema de predicció de textures, així com del sistema de reconeixement.
This paper presents the prototype of a low-cost terrestrial mobile mapping system (MMS) composed of a van, two digital video cameras, two GPS receivers, a notebook computer, and a sound frame synchronisation system. The imaging sensors are mounted as a stereo video camera on top of the vehicle together with the GPS antennae. The GPS receivers and the notebook computer are configured to record data referred to the vehicle position at a planned time interval. This position is subsequently transferred to the road images. This set of equipment and methods provide the opportunity to merge distinct techniques to make topographic maps and also to build georeferenced road image databases. Both vector maps and raster image databases, when integrated appropriately, can give spatial researchers and engineers a new technique whose application may realise better planning and analysis related to the road environment. The experimental results proved that the MMS developed at the São Paulo State University is an effective approach to inspecting road pavements, to map road marks and traffic signs, electric power poles, telephone booths, drain pipes, and many other applications important to people's safety and welfare. A small number of wad images have already been captured by the prototype as a consequence of its application in distinct projects. An efficient organisation of those images and the prompt access to them justify the need for building a georeferenced image database. By expanding it, both at the hardware and software levels, it is possible for engineers to analyse the entire road environment on their office computers.