944 resultados para anabolic steroids
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Anabolic steroids are synthetic derivatives of testosterone, modified to enhance its anabolic actions (promotion of protein synthesis and muscle growth). They have numerous side effects, and are on the International Olympic Committee's list of banned substances. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry allows identification and characterisation of steroids and their metabolites in the urine but may not distinguish between pharmaceutical and natural testosterone. Indirect methods to detect doping include determination of the testosterone/epitestosterone glucuronide ratio with suitable cut-off values. Direct evidence may be obtained with a method based on the determination of the carbon isotope ratio of the urinary steroids. This paper aims to give an overview of the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids in sport and methods used in anti-doping laboratories for their detection in urine, with special emphasis on doping with testosterone. METHODS: Review of the recent literature of anabolic steroid testing, athletic use, and adverse effects of anabolic-androgenic steroids. RESULTS: Procedures used for detection of doping with endogenous steroids are outlined. The World Anti-Doping Agency provided a guide in August 2004 to ensure that laboratories can report, in a uniform way, the presence of abnormal profiles of urinary steroids resulting from the administration of testosterone or its precursors, androstenediol, androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone or a testosterone metabolite, dihydrotestosterone, or a masking agent, epitestosterone. CONCLUSIONS: Technology developed for detection of testosterone in urine samples appears suitable when the substance has been administered intramuscularly. Oral administration leads to rapid pharmacokinetics, so urine samples need to be collected in the initial hours after intake. Thus there is a need to find specific biomarkers in urine or plasma to enable detection of long term oral administration of testosterone.
Prominent doping cases in certain sports have recently raised public awareness of doping and reinforced the perception that doping is widespread. Efforts to deal with doping in sport have intensified in recent years, yet the general public believes that the 'cheaters' are ahead of the testers. Therefore, there is an urgent need to change the antidoping strategy. For example, the increase in the number of individual drug tests conducted between 2005 and 2012 was approximately 90 000 and equivalent to an increase of about 50%, yet the number of adverse analytical findings remained broadly the same. There is also a strikingly different prevalence of doping substances and methods in sports such as a 0.03% prevalence of anabolic steroids in football compared to 0.4% in the overall WADA statistics. Future efforts in the fight against doping should therefore be more heavily based on preventative strategies such as education and on the analysis of data and forensic intelligence and also on the experiences of relevant stakeholders such as the national antidoping organisations, the laboratories, athletes or team physicians and related biomedical support staff. This strategy is essential to instigate the change needed to more effectively fight doping in sport.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The use and the demand for substances that enhance masculinity, strength and sexual power are not novel. Over the years, this search has assisted the research directions in this area, leading to the discovery of the primary male sex hormone testosterone in 1935. Since then, numerous testosterone analogue compounds were synthesized, which are generically called Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS). The AAS were produced for therapeutic purposes, but an increase in the use of these compounds for other purposes occurred over time. Initially they were used mainly to improve performance in athletes. However, recent studies have shown that the use of AAS by non-athletes with aesthetical purposes have been increasing as well. The abuse of AAS with non-clinical purposes can promote a number of physiological alterations, such as heart, liver, respiratory and psychological problems such as changes in mood, levels of anxiety and aggression. Exposure to supraphysiological doses of AAS is associated with behavioral changes, however, little is known about the effects of AAS on cognitive functions. In this work, we aimed to mimic the AAS abuse in humans with intramuscular administration of a supraphysiological dose of testosterone propionate (TP) in rats. We investigated the effects of this treatment on different aspects of cognitive function, specifically learning, memory and anxiety. Adult male Wistar rats were tested in the spontaneous alternation, novel object recognition and plus-maze discriminative avoidance tasks. The control group received intramuscular injections of vegetable oil (vehicle), and the TP group received injections of TP (10 mg/kg, i.m.). The injections were administered for 40 days, with intervals of 48 hours (chronic treatment) or in a single injection (acute treatment). In addition to the behavioral assessments, we performed biochemical analyzes as indicators of the endocrine effects of the treatment. Our results show that chronic treatment with a supraphysiological dose of TP caused memory impairments in the novel object recognition and the discriminative avoidance tasks. The spatial working memory (evaluated by spontaneous alternation task) was not affected. Also, we did not observe changes in anxiety levels. Regarding the biochemical parameters, chronic treatment increased serum levels of glutamicpyruvic transaminase, an indicator of hepatic and pancreatic lesions (as those observed after chronic use of these substances in humans). On the other hand, acute treatment with PT did not promote significant changes in any of these parameters when compared to the control group. In summary, we conclude that chronic treatment with a supraphysiological dose of testosterone propionate produces memory deficits in novel object recognition and retrieval of the discriminative avoidance task in adult male rats
The effect of increased protein intake on the muscle mass gain, nitrogen balance and N-15-glycine kinetics was studied in six young, healthy subjects practitioners of strength training (> 2 years), without use of anabolic steroids and in agreement with the ethical principles of the research. All athletes received adequate diet (0.88g protein/kg/day) during 2 weeks prior the study (D1), and thereafter with diet providing 1.5g of protein/kg/day and 30kcal/g of protein (D2 diet) for the subsequent 2 weeks. Later on, they all received diet with 2.5g of protein/kg/day (D3 diet) and 30 kcal/g protein for the last two weeks. Body composition, food intake, blood biochemistry, nitrogen balance (NB) and 15N-glycine kinetics were determined at the beginning, after D1 (M0) and in the last days of the D2 (M1) and D3 (M2). The results showed at the end of the study (4 weeks) significant increase in muscle mass (1.63 +/- 0.9kg), without difference between D2 and D3. The NB followed the protein/energy consumption (M0 = -7.8g/day; M1 = 5.6g/day and D3 = 16.6g/day), the protein synthesis followed the NB, with M0 < (M1= M2) (M1 = 49.8 +/- 12.2g N/day and M2 = 52.5 +/- 14.0g N/day). Protein catabolism rate was similarly kept among diets. Thus, the results of the NB and N-15-glycine kinetics indicate that the recommended protein intake for these athletes is higher than the one for sedentary adults (0.88g/kg) and lower than 2.5g/kg, around 1.5g of protein/kg/day, with adjustment of the energy consumption to 30 kcal/g of protein.
Há algum tempo o condicionamento físico vem sendo parte obrigatória no tratamento de portadores de DPOC. Estes pacientes apresentam comumente intolerância ao exercício de intensidade variável e relacionada à disfunção muscular esquelética. Neste sentido, o exercício físico apresenta-se como ramo mais importante no processo de reabilitação pulmonar. O exercício aeróbio e o treino de força com pesos são fundamentais no incremento de capacidade física e qualidade de vida, principalmente naqueles indivíduos que apresentam as formas moderada ou grave da DPOC. Além disso, espera-se atualmente maior desenvolvimento nas pesquisas em relação à aplicação de estimulação elétrica neuromuscular (EENM) e ao uso criterioso de substâncias ergogênicas tais como esteróides anabolizantes e creatina oral. Tendo em vista as repercussões negativas da disfunção muscular e a importância da reabilitação pulmonar no tratamento da DPOC, esta revisão tem como objetivo reunir informações de estudos relevantes acerca das principais estratégias para o recondicionamento muscular esquelético nestes pacientes nos últimos 15 anos.
Neural plasticity has been observed in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) following exposure to both cocaine and androgenic-anabolic steroids. Here we investigated the involvement of the BNST on changes in cardiovascular function and baroreflex activity following either single or combined administration of cocaine and testosterone for 10 consecutive days in rats. Single administration of testosterone increased values of arterial pressure, evoked rest bradycardia and reduced baroreflex-mediated bradycardia. These effects of testosterone were not affected by BNST inactivation caused by local bilateral microinjections of the nonselective synaptic blocker CoCl2. The single administration of cocaine as well as the combined treatment with testosterone and cocaine increased both bradycardiac and tachycardiac responses of the baroreflex. Cocaine-evoked baroreflex changes were totally reversed after BNST inactivation. However, BNST inhibition in animals subjected to combined treatment with cocaine and testosterone reversed only the increase in reflex tachycardia, whereas facilitation of reflex bradycardia was not affected by local BNST treatment with CoCl2. In conclusion, the present study provides the first direct evidence that the BNST play a role in cardiovascular changes associated with drug abuse. Our findings suggest that alterations in cardiovascular function following subchronic exposure to cocaine are mediated by neural plasticity in the BNST. The single treatment with cocaine and the combined administration of testosterone and cocaine had similar effects on baroreflex activity, however the association with testosterone inhibited cocaine-induced changes in the BNST control of reflex bradycardia. Testosterone-induced cardiovascular changes seem to be independent of the BNST. © 2013 IBRO.
Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Nowadays the regular practice of sports is known as a way to obtain a better quality of life. On the other hand, the media has been distorting this idea, determining the ideal body as the hypertrophy phenotype. It is well known that the genetic factor does not allow all individuals to have this body shape. Besides the fact that, the anxiety of these people in obtain quick results, as one of the globalization’s consequence, make use of anabolic steroid to achieve this goal. However the bodybuilding or the strength muscle gain, make anabolic steroids users abuse and in major cases the users do not know the side effects. In front of these considerations, the present study evaluated the effects of the treatment with anabolic steroids and/or high intensity physical training on the corporal developing, the reproductive organs, bone parameters (strength and bone deformation) and seminal parameters as well the social behavior (aggressiveness). In other to obtain the experimental group, male Wistar rats were used, with 75 days old. The groups were divided into: Vehicle Non-Training (NV), Anabolic Steroid-Non-Training (NA), Vehicle-Training (TV) and Anabolic Steroid-Training (TA). These rats received i.m. injections, twice a week, of anabolic steroid (5mg/kg per animal of nandrolona decanoate) or vehicle (the same volume of peanut oil per animal) and the group TV and TA were submitted to physical training three times per week, during eight weeks. The body mass, wet weight of reproductive organs, femur and semen of the different groups were measured. The aggressive test was also realized in two steps: the first, within 4 weeks of the treatment and the other step in the end of the treatment, in this period the animal was isolated. It was not observed alterations in body mass of the groups. Though it was observed a benefic effect on the maximum strength of the... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Não possui
Cocaine and anabolic-androgenic steroids are substances commonly co-abused. The use of anabolic steroids and cocaine has increased among adolescents. However, few studies investigated the consequences of the interaction between anabolic-androgenic steroids in animals' model of adolescence. We examined the effects of acute and repeated testosterone administration on cocaine-induced locomotor activity in adult and adolescent rats. Rats received ten once-daily subcutaneous (s.c.) injections of testosterone (10mg/kg) or vehicle. Three days after the last testosterone or vehicle injections rats received an intraperitoneal (i.p.) challenge injection of either saline or cocaine (10mg/kg). A different subset of rats was treated with a single injection of testosterone (10mg/kg) or vehicle and three days later was challenged with cocaine (10mg/kg, i.p.) or saline. Immediately after cocaine or saline injections the locomotor activity was recorded during forty minutes. Our results demonstrated that repeated testosterone induced locomotor sensitization to cocaine in adolescent but not adult rats.
We can see a current increase in individuals' body care in our society. What happened predominantly with the female audience, today also affects the male one. This increase has recently been linked to the required and exposed standards of beauty by the consumer's culture. The media reinforce this ideology by exhibiting non-fat, Strong bodies. This huge appreciation of beauty in our time has generated numerous disorders related to body image. The vigorexia is one of these disorders and it is predominantly characterized in men, and it has defined in the literature as muscle dysmorphic disorder. Such disorder is generated through a self-distorted perception of the body in which the individual sees his body smaller than it really is, and thereby creates various strategies to increase their body size. One of these strategies has been the use of anabolic androgenic steroids, such substances assist in muscle protein synthesis, thus leading to hypertrophy. Thus, the subjects are released for use with the sense to accelerate his path to the perfect body. Warning that the rampant use of anabolic-androgenic steroids can lead to serious health problems. So, this study is justified by the investigation of the mechanisms that act directly in the construction of body image and by the understanding of the aspects that guide the vigorexia and also how it's related to the use of androgenic anabolic steroids
The first records of the use of substances that enhance athletic performance began in antiquity. The objective of this study is to analyze the use of doping methods and supplements by amateur athletes and MMA professionals and what motivates usage. The work consisted of desk research in which use of work carried out at fifteen amateur and professional athletes, which underwent a data collection; these athletes are all over eighteen years old, male and practicing MMA for at least two years. The questionnaire that they were submitted corresponded to ten multiple-choice questions, which are: Age, what type of fight practiced as a basis for MMA, how long practices martial arts, sees the sport of competitive or recreational way, has already made use dietary supplements, have made use of banned substances (steroids) in the sport, it has already made use of steroids which the substance used and to what end was done using, know the side effects of anabolic steroids, know one or more people who have already made use of steroids in order to increase their performance in the fight, he believes it is possible an athlete achieve success in modern MMA without the use of anabolic steroids. The results showed that, of the fifteen athletes interviewed, only two said they never made use of dietary supplements, and four said they have already made use of anabolic steroids. All fifteen athletes claim to know the side effects of steroid use, and 14 of them say they know one or more sport-mates who have already made use of steroids. Given the results, it can be concluded that the use of steroids is common in MMA