958 resultados para alternant hydrocarbons
This paper addresses the current status of the various diffusion theories for surface diffusion in the literature. The inadequacy of these models to explain the surface diffusion of many hydrocarbons in microporous activated carbon is shown in this paper. They all can explain the increase of the surface diffusivity (D-mu) with loading, but cannot explain the increase of the surface permeability (D(mu)partial derivativeC(mu)/partial derivativeP) with loading as observed in our data of diffusion of hydrocarbons in activated carbon, even when the surface heterogeneity is accounted for in those models. The explanation for their failure was presented, and we have put forward a theory to explain the increase of surface diffusion permeability with loading. This new theory assumes the variation of the activation energy for surface diffusion with surface loading, and it is validated with diffusion data of propane, n-butane, n-hexane, benzene and ethanol in activated carbon. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper presents the comparison of surface diffusivities of hydrocarbons in activated carbon. The surface diffusivities are obtained from the analysis of kinetic data collected using three different kinetics methods- the constant molar flow, the differential adsorption bed and the differential permeation methods. In general the values of surface diffusivity obtained by these methods agree with each other, and it is found that the surface diffusivity increases very fast with loading. Such a fast increase can not be accounted for by a thermodynamic Darken factor, and the surface heterogeneity only partially accounts for the fast rise of surface diffusivity versus loading. Surface diffusivities of methane, ethane, propane, n-butane, n-hexane, benzene and ethanol on activated carbon are reported in this paper.
A variety of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their dihydrodiol derivatives, arylamines, heterocyclic amines, and nitroarenes, were incubated with cDNA-based recombinant (Escherichia coli or Trichoplusia ni) systems expressing different forms of human cytochrome P450 (P450 or CYP) and NADPH-P450 reductase using Salmonella typhimurium, tester strain NM2009, and the resultant DNA damage caused by the reactive metabolites was detected by measuring expression of umu gene in the cells. Recombinant (bacterial) CYP1A1 was slightly more active than any of four CYP1B1 allelic variants, CYP1B1*1, CYP1B1*2, CYP1B1*3, and CYP1B1*6, in catalyzing activation of chrysene-1,2-diol, benz[a]anthracene-trans-1,2-, 3,4-, 5,6-, and 8,9-diol, fluoranthene-2,3-diol, dibenzo[a]pyrene, benzo[c]phenanthrene, and dibenz[a,h]anthracene and several arylamines and heterocyclic amines, whereas CYP1A1 and CYP1B1 enzymes had essentially similar catalytic specificities toward other procarcinogens, such as (+)-, (-)-, and (+/-)-benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-diol, 5-methylchrysene-1,2-diol, 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene-3,4-diol, dibenzo[a,l]pyrene-11,12-diol, benzo[b]fluoranthene-9,10-diol, benzo[c]chrysene, 5,6-dimethylchrysene-1,2-diol, benzo[c]phenanthrene-3,4-diol, 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene, benzo[a]pyrene, 5-methylchrysene, and benz[a]anthracene. We also determined activation of these procarcinogens by recombinant (T. ni) human P450 enzymes in S. typhimurium NM2009. There were good correlations between activities of procarcinogen activation by CYP1A1 preparations expressed in E. coli and T. ni cells, although basal activities with three lots of CYP1B1 in T. ni cells were very high without substrates and NADPH in our assay system. Using 14 forms of human P450S (but not CYP1B1) (in T. ni cells), we found that CY1P1A2, 2C9, 3A4, and 2C19 catalyzed activation of several of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at much slower rates than those catalyzed by CYP1A1 and that other enzymes, including CYP2A6, 2B6, 2C8, 2C18, 2D6, 2E1, 3A5, 3A7, and 4A11, were almost inactive in the activation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons examined here.
In this paper we apply a method recently developed by Do and co-workers(1) for the prediction of adsorption isotherms of pure vapors on carbonaceous materials. The information required for the prediction is the pore size distribution and the BET constant, C, of a corresponding nonporous surface (graphite). The dispersive adsorption force is assumed to be the dominant force in adsorption mechanism. This applies to nonpolar and weakly polar hydrocarbons. We test this predictive model against the adsorption data of benzene, toluene, n-pentane, n-hexane, and ethanol on a commercial activated carbon. It is found that the predictions are excellent for all adsorbates tested with the exception of ethanol where the predicted values are about 10% less than the experimental data, and this is probably attributed to the electrostatic interaction between ethanol molecules and the functional groups on the carbon surfaces.
In this paper, we present a model accounting for the adsorbate-adsorbate interaction in the adsorbed phase in the description of adsorption of pure vapors on carbonaceous materials. The details of the adsorbate-adsorbate interaction of a particular species are obtained from the analysis of its adsorption data on non-porous carbon black. The predictability of the model is tested against the adsorption isotherm data for benzene, toluene, n-pentane, n-hexane, carbon tetrachloride, methanol and ethanol on microporous activated carbon. It was found that the model prediction for non-polar adsorbates are satisfactory while it under-predicts for polar adsorbates, which is attributed to their additional interaction with functional groups. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The cuticular hydrocarbon compositions of two sympatric species of Australian Drosophila in the montium subgroup of the melanogaster group that use cuticular hydrocarbons in mate recognition have been characterized. Drosophila birchii has 34 components in greater than trace amounts, with a carbon number range of C-20 to C-33. Drosophila serrata has 21 components above trace level and a carbon number range of C-24 to C-31. These two species share eight hydrocarbon components, with all but two of them being monoenes. For both species, the (Z)-9-monoenes are the predominant positional isomer. The hydrocarbons of D. birchii are n-alkanes, n-alkenes (Z)-5-, (Z)-7-, (Z)-9-, and (Z)-11-), low to trace levels of homologous (Z,Z)-7,11- and (Z,Z)-9,13-dienes; and trace amounts of (Z,Z)-5,9- C-25:2, a major component of D. serrata. Only one methyl branched hydrocarbon was detected (2-methyl C-28), and it occurred at very low levels. The hydrocarbons of D. serrata are dominated by a homologous series of (Z,Z)-5,9-dienes, and notably, are characterized by the apparent absence of n-alkanes. Homologous series of (Z)-5-, (Z)-7-, and (Z)-9- alkenes are also present in D. serrata as well as 2-methyl alkanes. Drosophila serrata females display strong directional mate choice based on male cuticular hydrocarbons and prefer D. serrata males with higher relative abundances of the 2-methyl alkanes, but lower relative abundances of (Z,Z)-5,9- C-24:2 and (Z)-9-C-25:1.
[GRAPHICS] The major cuticular hydrocarbons from the cane beetle species Antitrogus parvulus were deduced to be 4,6,8,10,16,18-hexa- and 4,6,8,10,16-pentamethyldocosanes 2 and 3, respectively. Isomers of 2,4,6,8-tetramethylundecanal 27, 36, and 37, derived from 2,4,6-trimethylphenol, were coupled with the phosphoranes 28 and 29 to furnish alkenes and, by reduction, diastereomers of 2 and 3. Chromatographic and spectroscopic comparisons confirmed 2 as either 6a or 6b and 3 as either 34a or 34b.
Atmospheric aerosols of four aerodynamic size ranges were collected using high volume cascade impactors in an extremely busy roadway tunnel in Lisbon (Portugal). Dust deposited on the tunnel walls and guardrails was also collected. Average particle mass concentrations in the tunnel atmosphere were more than 30 times higher than in the outside urban background air, revealing its origins almost exclusively from fresh vehicle emissions. Most of the aerosol mass was concentrated in submicrometer fractions (65%), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were even more concentrated in the finer particles with an average of 84% of total PAH present in sizes smaller than 0.49 mu m. The most abundant PAH were methylated phenanthrenes, fluoranthene and pyrene. About 46% of the total PAH mass was attributed to lower molecular weight compounds (two and three rings), suggesting a strong influence of diesel vehicle emissions on the production of local particulate PAH. The application of diagnostic ratios confirmed the relevance of this source of PAH in the tunnel ambient air. Deposited dust presented PAH profiles similar to the coarser aerosol size range, in agreement with the predominant origin of coarser aerosol particles from soil dust resuspension and vehicle wear products. (c) 201 1 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper presents the study of the remediation of sandy soils containing six of the most common contaminants (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene, trichloroethylene and perchloroethylene) using soil vapour extraction (SVE). The influence of soil water content on the process efficiency was evaluated considering the soil type and the contaminant. For artificially contaminated soils with negligible clay contents and natural organic matter it was concluded that: (i) all the remediation processes presented efficiencies above 92%; (ii) an increase of the soil water content led to a more time-consuming remediation; (iii) longer remediation periods were observed for contaminants with lower vapour pressures and lower water solubilities due to mass transfer limitations. Based on these results an easy and relatively fast procedure was developed for the prediction of the remediation times of real soils; 83% of the remediation times were predicted with relative deviations below 14%.
An accurate and sensitive method for determination of 18 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (16 PAHs considered by USEPA as priority pollutants, dibenzo[a,l]pyrene and benzo[j]fluoranthene) in fish samples was validated. Analysis was performed by microwave-assisted extraction and liquid chromatography with photodiode array and fluorescence detection. Response surface methodology was used to find the optimal extraction parameters. Validation of the overall methodology was performed by spiking assays at four levels and using SRM 2977. Quantification limits ranging from 0.15–27.16 ng/g wet weight were obtained. The established method was applied in edible tissues of three commonly consumed and commercially valuable fish species (sardine, chub mackerel and horse mackerel) originated from Atlantic Ocean. Variable levels of naphthalene (1.03–2.95 ng/g wet weight), fluorene (0.34–1.09 ng/g wet weight) and phenanthrene (0.34–3.54 ng/g wet weight) were detected in the analysed samples. None of the samples contained detectable amounts of benzo[a]pyrene, the marker used for evaluating the occurrence and carcinogenic effects of PAHs in food.
Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) are important environmental contaminants which are toxic to human and environmental receptors. Several analytical methods have been used to quantify TPH levels in contaminated soils, specifically through infrared spectrometry (IR) and gas chromatography (GC). Despite being two of the most used techniques, some issues remain that have been inadequately studied: a) applicability of both techniques to soils contaminated with two distinct types of fuel (petrol and diesel), b) influence of the soil natural organic matter content on the results achieved by various analytical methods, and c) evaluation of the performance of both techniques in analyses of soils with different levels of contamination (presumably non-contaminated and potentially contaminated). The main objectives of this work were to answer these questions and to provide more complete information about the potentials and limitations of GC and IR techniques. The results led us to the following conclusions: a) IR analysis of soils contaminated with petrol is not suitable due to volatilisation losses, b) there is a significant influence of organic matter in IR analysis, and c) both techniques demonstrated the capacity to accurately quantify TPH in soils, irrespective of their contamination levels.
QuEChERS method was evaluated for extraction of 16 PAHs from fish samples. For a selective measurement of the compounds, extracts were analysed by LC with fluorescence detection. The overall analytical procedure was validated by systematic recovery experiments at three levels and by using the standard reference material SRM 2977 (mussel tissue). The targeted contaminants, except naphthalene and acenaphthene, were successfully extracted from SRM 2977 with recoveries ranging from 63.5–110.0% with variation coefficients not exceeding 8%. The optimum QuEChERS conditions were the following: 5 g of homogenised fish sample, 10 mL of ACN, agitation performed by vortex during 3 min. Quantification limits ranging from 0.12– 1.90 ng/g wet weight (0.30–4.70 µg/L) were obtained. The optimized methodology was applied to assess the safety concerning PAHs contents of horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus), chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus), sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and farmed seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax). Although benzo(a)pyrene, the marker used for evaluating the carcinogenic risk of PAHs in food, was not detected in the analysed samples (89 individuals corresponding to 27 homogenized samples), the overall mean concentration ranged from 2.52 l 1.20 ng/g in horse mackerel to 14.6 ± 2.8 ng/ g in farmed seabass. Significant differences were found between the mean PAHs concentrations of the four groups.
Traffic emissions and tobacco smoke are considered two main sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in indoor and outdoor air. In this study, the impact of these sources on the level of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and on the distribution of 15 PAHs regarded as priority pollutants by the US-EPA on PM2.5 were evaluated and compared. Outdoor and indoor PM2.5 samples were collected during winter 2008 in Oporto city in Portugal, for sampling periods of 12 and 24 hours, respectively. The outdoor PM2.5 were sampled at one site directly influenced by traffic emissions and the indoor PM2.5 samples were collected at one home directly influenced by tobacco smoke and another one without smoke. A methodology based on microwave-assisted extraction and liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection was applied for the efficient PAHs determination in indoor and outdoor PM2.5. PAHs in indoor PM2.5 concentrations were significantly influenced by the presence of traffic and tobacco smoking emissions. The mean of ΣPAHs in the outdoor traffic PM2.5 was not significantly different from the value attained in the indoor without smoking site. The tobacco smoke increased significantly PAHs concentrations on average about 1000 times more, when compared with the outdoor profile samples suggesting that tobacco smoking may be the most important source of indoor PAHs pollution.
A methodology based on microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) and LC with fluorescence detection (FLD) was investigated for the efficient determination of 15 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) regarded as priority pollutants by the US Environmental Protection Agency and dibenzo(a,l)pyrene in atmospheric particulate samples. PAHs were successfully extracted from real outdoor particulate matter (PM) samples with recoveries ranging from 81.4±8.8 to 112.0±1.1%, for all the compounds except for naphthalene (62.3±18.0%) and anthracene (67.3±5.7%), under the optimum MAE conditions (30.0 mL of ACN for 20 min at 110ºC). No clean-up steps were necessary prior to LC analysis. LOQs ranging from 0.0054 ng/m3 for benzo( a)anthracene to 0.089 ng/m3 for naphthalene were reached. The validated MAE methodology was applied to the determination of PAHs from a set of real world PM samples collected in Oporto (north of Portugal). The sum of particulate-bound PAHs in outdoor PM ranged from 2.5 and 28 ng/m3.
As polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have a negative impact on human health due to their mutagenic and/or carcinogenic properties, the objective of this work was to study the influence of tobacco smoke on levels and phase distribution of PAHs and to evaluate the associated health risks. The air samples were collected at two homes; 18 PAHs (the 16 PAHs considered by U.S. EPA as priority pollutants, dibenzo[a,l]pyrene and benzo[j]fluoranthene) were determined in gas phase and associated with thoracic (PM10) and respirable (PM2.5) particles. At home influenced by tobacco smoke the total concentrations of 18 PAHs in air ranged from 28.3 to 106 ngm 3 (mean of 66.7 25.4 ngm 3),∑PAHs being 95% higher than at the non-smoking one where the values ranged from 17.9 to 62.0 ngm 3 (mean of 34.5 16.5 ngm 3). On average 74% and 78% of ∑PAHs were present in gas phase at the smoking and non-smoking homes, respectively, demonstrating that adequate assessment of PAHs in air requires evaluation of PAHs in both gas and particulate phases. When influenced by tobacco smoke the health risks values were 3.5e3.6 times higher due to the exposure of PM10. The values of lifetime lung cancer risks were 4.1 10 3 and 1.7 10 3 for the smoking and nonsmoking homes, considerably exceeding the health-based guideline level at both homes also due to the contribution of outdoor traffic emissions. The results showed that evaluation of benzo[a]pyrene alone would probably underestimate the carcinogenic potential of the studied PAH mixtures; in total ten carcinogenic PAHs represented 36% and 32% of the gaseous ∑PAHs and in particulate phase they accounted for 75% and 71% of ∑PAHs at the smoking and non-smoking homes, respectively.