982 resultados para alpha-thalassemia
A hemoglobina fetal - Hb F, formada por duas cadeias gama e duas cadeias alfa, é característica do período fetal do desenvolvimento, tendo sua síntese diminuída no período pós-natal. em algumas alterações hereditárias, a Hb F permanece aumentada, como nas delta-beta talassemia, beta talassemia e persistência hereditária de Hb F (PHHF). A síntese da globina gama também pode ser estimulada por fatores externos como leucemias, transplantes de medula óssea, induções químicas, dentre outros. Através da observação de Hb F aumentada em doadores de sangue por procedimentos eletroforéticos objetivou-se avaliar a quantidade de Hb F em amostras de sangue de candidatos à doação, visando estabelecer seus limites de normalidade na população de São José do Rio Preto e região, por meio de desnaturação alcalina e cromatografia líquida de alta pressão (HPLC), comparar as metodologias aplicadas e, nos indivíduos com Hb F aumentada, realizar estudos moleculares para identificar as mutações que alteram a expressão dos genes gama. Foram analisadas 208 amostras de sangue, sendo 119 de candidatos à doação e 89 de indivíduos sem sintomas de anemia ou achados hematológicos e com Hb F aumentada como grupo comparativo. Das 119 amostras de candidatos à doação, 110 foram utilizadas para traçar o perfil de normalidade de Hb F, comparando-se as metodologias de desnaturação alcalina e HPLC, onde se obteve a média de 1,48% e de 0,6%, respectivamente. A análise estatística por regressão linear mostrou diferença significativa na comparação entre as duas metodologias aplicadas, sendo a HPLC mais precisa para a quantificação de Hb F. Foram observados nos testes de rastreamento de hemoglobinas anormais nestas 110 amostras de sangue: 16,4% de alfa talassemia, 0,9% com Hb F aumentada, 0,9% com beta talassemia e 0,9% com hemoglobina variante de cadeia delta. Os outros nove doadores de sangue apresentaram Hb F acima de 10% em eletroforese e observou-se média de 32,28% para desnaturação alcalina e de 26,4% para HPLC. As análises moleculares por PCR-ASO foram realizadas na tentativa de se identificar um defeito genético que pudesse explicar o aumento de Hb F, pelo rastreamento de 16 mutações que originam talassemias do tipo beta. Encontraram-se 5,3% de heterozigotos para mutação CD6-A e 1,75% para as mutações CD 39, IVS1:6, -87 e IVS2:654, todas em heterozigose. Os resultados encontrados neste estudo evidenciam a necessidade de melhor caracterização dos perfis de hemoglobina obtidos pelos métodos clássicos e a importância de sua caracterização molecular.
A doença falciforme é um termo genérico usado para determinar um grupo de alterações genéticas caracterizadas pelo predomínio de hemoglobina (Hb) S. Os principais genótipos que compõem o grupo de doença falciforme são os seguintes: SS, SF [S/beta0 talassemia e S/persistência hereditária de Hb fetal (PHHF)], SFA (S/beta+ talassemia), SC, SD e SH (S/alfa talassemia). O presente trabalho analisa os resultados das avaliações de produtos provenientes da oxidação da Hb S, identificados pela concentração da metemoglobina e de eritrócitos com corpos de Heinz em dois genótipos da doença falciforme (SS e S/beta0 talassemia) e no traço falcêmico (AS), em comparação com o genótipo normal (AA). A análise dos produtos da degradação oxidativa da hemoglobina, evidenciados pelo aumento dos valores das médias referentes à concentração de metemoglobina e do número de eritrócitos com corpos de Heinz, está diretamente relacionada com o aumento da concentração da Hb S. Assim, a degradação oxidativa da hemoglobina decresce entre os genótipos estudados da seguinte forma: SS>SF>AS>AA. É importante destacar que as análises indicaram que a simples presença de Hb S no eritrócito, como é o caso do genótipo AS, é capaz de causar elevação da concentração de metemoglobina em 52,62% das amostras analisadas e de induzir a precipitação de corpos de Heinz em 73,68% dos casos estudados. Explicações referentes aos processos oxidativos e redutores das hemoglobinas estudadas são apresentados no texto. Destaca-se, entre os resultados apresentados, a identificação por meio de eletroforese em agarose alcalina da fração de globina alfa-livre em todas as amostras do genótipo SF provenientes de pessoas com Hb S/beta0 talassemia. É proposto um esquema para explicar a origem da globina alfa-livre, especialmente para o genótipo S/beta0 talassemia, e a importância da sua identificação no diagnóstico laboratorial de Hb S/beta0 talassemia.
Our objective was to determine how the distribution of red blood cell diseases is related to malaria occurrence in north Brazil, a region endemic for malaria. We evaluated the incidence of two mutations in the HFE gene, H63D and C282Y, in two study groups: a control blood donor group, with no indication of malaria infection, and a group constituted of malaria patients of four states of the Amazonian region. The hemoglobin polymorphisms were obtained by HPLC and classical laboratory methodologies, and the two mutations in the HFE gene were assayed by PCR-RFLP. We found a high frequency of alpha thalassemia, but there were no significant differences between blood donors and malaria patients. There were also no significant differences in the frequencies of HbA(2); however, the frequency of HbF was significantly different in individuals with malaria from Para and Rondonia. The mean number of reticulocytes was significantly reduced in the blood donors from the northern region, suggesting an adaptive strategy of these populations to parasitic attack by Plasmodium. Most individuals were heterozygous for the H63D allele of the HFE gene in both study groups. In the blood donors group, the greatest frequency of the H63D allele was found in Caucasians of all the states. In the malaria patients group in Rondonia, there was a high frequency of the H63D allele among the non-Caucasians. In the other states, and in the malaria patients group, the H63D allele was the most frequent among the Caucasians. Based on our results, we suggest that the maintenance of polymorphism of the mutations in the gene HFE can be explained by selective factors other than malaria, or it is due to simple allelic oscillation and by the constant gene flow among the populations in Brazil.
Sickle Cell disease is a generic term for a group of genetic disorders characterized by the predominance of hemoglobin S. These disorders include Sickle Cell anemia, the Sickle Cell beta Thalassemia syndromes and Hemoglobinopathies in which hemoglobin S is in association with another abnormal hemoglobin, such as hemoglobin S/C. The Sickle Cell trait (hemoglobin AS) associated with Alpha Thalassemia presents alterations in the red blood cells morphology, usually absent in the heterozygous for this hemoglobin variant. The interaction between hemoglobin Sand alpha Thalassemia has been described as one of the factors responsible for the improvement in the clinical picture of homozygous of hemoglobin S (Sickle Cell Anemia), decreasing the number of episodes of pain. The genetic mechanisms of this influence are evaluated using molecular analyses of the human globin genes. With the objective of verifying the presence of alpha Thalassemia in heterozygous of hemoglobin S, with anemia, sent to the Laboratory of Hemoglobins, Department of Biology, UNESP, São José do Rio Preto, SP, we analyzed 1002 blood samples with Sickle Cell trait, in the period from 1990 to 1998. The samples were picked with EDTA 5% as anticoagulant, after previous authorization of the carriers. Appropriated counseling and management requires definitive diagnosis. For the laboratorial diagnosis the blood samples were submitted to electrophoretic procedures in alkaline and acid pH and cytological evaluation of hemoglobin H. The electrophoretic procedures confirmed the presence of hemoglobin AS. The cytological evaluation evidenced the presence of alpha Thalassemia. Of this total analyzed, 16(1,59%) blood samples presented the association between hemoglobin AS and alpha Thalassemia and two individuals belonged of the same family. Our results addressed us to suggest to the routine laboratories, that is important to accomplish the research of alpha Thalassemia among the Sickle Cell trait, with anemia, to verify the interaction with alpha Thalassemia, supplying to the carriers a important information on its hematological profile, genetic pattern of hemoglobinopathies and the appropriated counseling. Rev.bras.hematol.hemoter.,2000,22(3):388-394.
The human hemoglobins, with genetically defined inheritance patterns, have shown characteristic polymorphic variation within the Brazilian population, depending on the racial groups of each region. They have appeared under the form of hemoglobin variants or thalassemias, the variant types S and C and the alpha and beta thalassemias being more common, all of them in heterozygote form. During the year of 1999, blood samples from 506 individuals, with suspected anemia or that had already passed through hemoglobinopathies screening, were sent to the Hemoglobin Reference Center - UNESP for diagnostic confirmation and submitted to electrophoresis proceedings, biochemical and cytological analyses in order to characterize the type of abnormal hemoglobins. The goal of the present study was to verify which abnormal hemoglobin types show greater diagnostic difficulty. The samples came from 24 cities in twelve states. The results showed that 354 (69.96%) individuals presented abnormal hemoglobins, 30 (5.93%) being Hb AS, 5 (0.98%) being Hb AC, 76 (15.02%) suggestive of heterozygote alpha thalassemia, 134 (26.48%) suggestive of heterozygote beta thalassemia and 109 (21.54%) with other forms of abnormal hemoglobin, including rare variants and different forms of thalassemias and variant hemoglobin interactions. It has been concluded that, despite the improved techniques currently available and a constant influx of capacitated personnel, the heterozygote form of thalassemias (210 individuals -41.50%) is challenging to diagnose, followed in difficulty by rare variant characterization and interactive forms of hemoglobinopathies (109 individuals-21,54%), suggesting that the capacity for production of qualified professionals and information about these genetic changes in our population should be increased.
The Brazilian population, presents genes for abnormal hemoglobins with variable frequencies, which are influenced by the founding racial groups. Thus, the detection of carriers of the genetic alterations is important for public health, since they represent sources of new beterozygotes and possible homozygotes. The control of the hemoglobin pathologies has been possible by means of genetic counseling and early diagnosis. The clinical follow-up of the homozygotes and the orientation of the beterozygotes and especially the couples at risk represent a more effective mode of acting to avoid the birth of children who are carriers of a genetic disease, that is frequently lethal. For these reasons this work had as its objectives: to evaluate the importance of testing in pregnant women for the detection of hemoglobin pathologies with the purpose of investigating the prevalence, attaining prevention, a familial study and awareness; for the positive cases such as couples at risk, orient as to appropriate medical attendance; and to evaluate the response to the program. Of the total of 696 pregnant women analysed, 10.7% revealed hemoglobin pathologies with the following rates: alpha Thalassemia 6.75%; Hb AS 2.01%; beta minor Thalassemia 1.29%; Hb AC 0.28%; Hb AJ 0.14%; Hb AS/Alpha Thalassemia 0.14% and P.H.H.F. 0.14%. The high rates of hemoglobin pathologies encountered in the population of pregnant women studied shows the necessity of the implantation of tests for these abnormalities in the pre-natal routine, since in this period the mothers are more apt to be preoccupied with their own health and that of their babies and, however earlier diagnosed the alterations in the hemoglobins, better and more adequate will be the orientations given the couple.
Hereditary hemochromatosis is a disorder of iron metabolism characterized by increased iron intake and progressive storage and is related to mutations in the HFE gene. Interactions between thalassemia and hemochromatosis may further increase iron overload. The ethnic background of the Brazilian population is heterogeneous and studies analyzing the simultaneous presence of HFE and thalassemia-related mutations have not been carried out. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of the H63D, S65C and C282Y mutations in the HFE gene among 102 individuals with alpha-thalassemia and 168 beta-thalassemia heterozygotes and to compare them with 173 control individuals without hemoglobinopathies. The allelic frequencies found in these three groups were 0.98, 2.38, and 0.29% for the C282Y mutation, 13.72, 13.70, and 9.54% for the H63D mutation, and 0, 0.60, and 0.87% for the S65C mutation, respectively. The chi-square test for multiple independent individuals indicated a significant difference among groups for the C282Y mutation, which was shown to be significant between the beta-thalassemia heterozygote and the control group by the Fisher exact test (P value = 0.009). The higher frequency of inheritance of the C282Y mutation in the HFE gene among beta-thalassemic patients may contribute to worsen the clinical picture of these individuals. In view of the characteristics of the Brazilian population, the present results emphasize the need to screen for HFE mutations in beta-thalassemia carriers.
The purpose of the present study was to establish reference values for hemoglobins (Hb) using HPLC, in samples containing normal Hb (AA), sickle cell trait without alpha-thalassemia (AS), sickle cell trait with alpha-thalassemia (ASH), sickle cell anemia (SS), and Hb SC disease (SC). The blood samples were analyzed by electrophoresis, HPLC and molecular procedures. The Hb A2 mean was 4.30 ± 0.44% in AS, 4.18 ± 0.42% in ASH, 3.90 ± 1.14% in SS, and 4.39 ± 0.35% in SC. They were similar, but above the normal range. Between the AS and ASH groups, only the amount of Hb S was higher in the AS group. The Hb S mean in the AS group was 38.54 ± 3.01% and in the ASH it was 36.54 ± 3.76%. In the qualitative analysis, using FastMap, distinct groups were seen: AA and SS located at opposite extremes, AS and ASH with overlapping values and intermediate distribution, SC between heterozygotes and the SS group. Hb S was confirmed by allele-specific polymerase chain reaction. The Hb values established will be available for use as a reference for the Brazilian population, drawing attention to the increased levels of Hb A2, which should be considered with caution to prevent incorrect diagnoses. ©FUNPEC-RP.
Hemoglobinopathies were included in the Brazilian Neonatal Screening Program on June 6, 2001. Automated high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was indicated as one of the diagnostic methods. The amount of information generated by these systems is immense, and the behavior of groups cannot always be observed in individual analyses. Three-dimensional (3-D) visualization techniques can be applied to extract this information, for extracting patterns, trends or relations from the results stored in databases. We applied the 3-D visualization tool to analyze patterns in the results of hemoglobinopathy based on neonatal diagnosis by HPLC. The laboratory results of 2520 newborn analyses carried out in 2001 and 2002 were used. The Fast, F1, F and A peaks, which were detected by the analytical system, were chosen as attributes for mapping. To establish a behavior pattern, the results were classified into groups according to hemoglobin phenotype: normal (N = 2169), variant (N = 73) and thalassemia (N = 279). 3-D visualization was made with the FastMap DB tool; there were two distribution patterns in the normal group, due to variation in the amplitude of the values obtained by HPLC for the F1 window. It allowed separation of the samples with normal Hb from those with alpha thalassemia, based on a significant difference (P > 0.05) between the mean values of the Fast and A peaks, demonstrating the need for better evaluation of chromatograms; this method could be used to help diagnose alpha thalassemia in newborns.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Genética - IBILCE
Hb S-Sao Paulo (SP) [HBB:c.20A > T p.Glu6Val: c.196A > G p.Lys65Glu] is a new double-mutant hemoglobin that was found in heterozygosis in an 18-month-old Brazilian male with moderate anemia. It behaves like Hb S in acid electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing and solubility testing but shows different behavior in alkaline electrophoresis, cation-exchange HPLC and RP-HPLC. The variant is slightly unstable, showed reduced oxygen affinity and also appeared to form polymers more stable than the Hb S. Molecular dynamics simulation suggests that the polymerization is favored by interfacial electrostatic interactions. This provides a plausible explanation for some of the reported experimental observations. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A polymorphous variant of oligodendroglioma was described by K.J. Zülch half a century ago, and is only very sporadically referred to in the subsequent literature. In particular, no comprehensive analysis with respect to clinical or genetic features of these tumors is available. From a current perspective, the term polymorphous oligodendroglioma (pO) may appear as contradictory in terms, as nuclear monotony is a histomorphological hallmark of oligodendrogliomas. For the purpose of this study, we defined pO as diffusely infiltrating gliomas felt to be of oligodendroglial rather than astrocytic differentiation and characterized by the presence of multinucleate tumor giant cells and/or nuclear pleomorphism. In a total of nine patients, we identified tumors consistent with this working definition. All tumors were high-grade. We characterized these with respect to clinical, histomorphological and genetic features. Despite clinical and genetic heterogeneity, we identified a subset of tumors of bona fide oligodendroglial differentiation as characterized by combined loss of heterozygosity of chromosome arms 1p and 19q (LOH 1p19q). Those tumors that lacked LOH 1p19q showed a high frequency of IDH1 mutations and loss of alpha thalassemia/mental retardation syndrome X-linked gene (ATRX) immunoreactivity, indicating a possible phenotypic convergence of true oligodendrogliomas and gliomas of the alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT) pathway. p53 alterations were common irrespective of the 1p19q status. Histomorphologically, the tumors featured interspersed bizarre multinucleate giant tumor cells, while the background population varied from monotonous to significantly pleomorphic. Our findings indicate, that a rare polymorphous - or "giant cell" - variant of oligodendroglioma does indeed exist.
We report a case in which the interaction of heterozygosis for both the ß0-IVS-II-1 (G->A) mutation and the aaaanti-3.7 allele was the probable cause for the clinical occurrence of thalassemia intermedia. The propositus, a 6-year-old Caucasian Brazilian boy of Portuguese descent, showed a moderately severe chronic anemia in spite of having the ß-thalassemia trait. Investigation of the alpha-globin gene status revealed heterozygosis for alpha-gene triplication (aaa/aa). The patient's father, also presenting mild microcytic and hypochromic anemia, had the same alpha and ß genotypes as his son, while the mother, not related to the father and hematologically normal, was also a carrier of the aaaanti-3.7 allele. The present case emphasizes the need for considering the possibility of alpha-gene triplication in ß-thalassemia heterozygotes who display an unexpected severe phenotype. The ß-thalassemia mutation found here is being described for the first time in Brazil.