18 resultados para allenes


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Os compostos de paládio vêm apresentado uma vasta linha de aplicação, tanto como catalisadores como precursores em reações de síntese orgânica. Dentre esses compostos, os ciclopaladatos, que são compostos cíclicos com uma ligação Pd-heteroátomo, permite a formação de novas estruturas cíclicas contendo algum heteroátomo, como nitrogênio, oxigênio ou enxofre. Neste trabalho foram sintetizadas aminas propargílicas capazes de se coordenar a sais de paládio, formando novos ciclopaladatos através da reação de cloropaladação. Esses compostos se encontram na forma de dímeros e podem apresentar-se como diferentes isômeros. Estudos espectroscópicos, tais como RMN de 1H, 13C e raios-X de monocristais foram realizados para a elucidação estrutural desses novos compostos. Além dos isômeros geométricos clássicos (cisóide e transóide) foram observados pela primeira vez a formação de atropoisômeros. Esses ciclopaladatos, contendo nitrogênio ligado ao paládio, foram testados frente a alenos diferentemente substituídos, mostrando que ocorre a inserção do aleno na ligação Pd-C e, seguido da depaladação, ocorre a formação de novos compostos heterocíclicos a seis membros. Alguns ciclopaladatos, quando em solução, podem apresentar certa instabilidade, ocorrendo a decomposição do ciclopaladato com a regeneração do alcino precursor do respectivo ciclopaladato. Assim, estudou-se a reação de decomposição de diferentes ciclopaladatos, chamada de retrocloropaladação, utilizando a técnica de RMN de 1H em diferentes intervalos de tempo.


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The main scope of this Ph.D. thesis has concerned the possible transformations of bridging ligands in diiron complexes, in order to explore unconventional routes to the synthesis of new functionalized multisite bound organic frames. The results achieved during the Ph.D. can be summarized in the following points: 1) We have extended the assembling between small unsaturated molecules and bridging carbyne ligands in diiron complexes to other species. In particular, we have investigated the coupling between olefins and thiocarbyne, leading to the synthesis of thioallylidene bridging diiron complexes. Then, we have extended the study to the coupling between olefins and aminocarbyne. This result shows that the coupling between activated olefins and heteroatom substituted bridging carbynes has a general character. 2) As we have shown, the coupling of bridging alkylidyne ligands with alkynes and alkenes provides excellent routes to the synthesis of bridging C3 hydrocarbyl ligands. As a possible extension of these results we have examined the synthesis of C4 bridging frames through the combination of bridging alkylidynes with allenes. Also in this case the reaction has a general character. 3) Diiron complexes bearing bridging functionalized C3 organic frames display the presence of donor atoms, such as N and S, potentially able to coordinate unsaturated metal fragments. Thus, we have studied the possibility for these systems to act as ‘organometallic ligands’, in particular towards Pd and Rh. 4) The possibility of releasing the organic frame from the bridging coordination appears particularly appealing in the direction of a metal-assisted organic synthesis. Within this field, we have investigated the possibility of involving the C3 bridging ligand in cycloaddition reactions with alkynes, with the aim of generating variously functionalized five-membered cycles. The [3+2] cyclization does not lead to the complete release of the organic fragment but rather it produces its transformation into a cyclopentadienyl ring, which remains coordinated to one Fe atom. This result introduces a new approach to the formation of polyfunctionalised ferrocenes. 5) Furthermore, I have spent a research period of about six months at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry of the Barcelona University, under the supervision of Prof. Concepción López, with the aim of studying the chemistry of polydentate ferrocenyl ligands and their use in organometallic synthesis.


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Abstract Title of Document: Diversity in Catalytic Reactions of Propargylic Diazoesters Huang Qiu, Doctor of Philosophy, 2016 Directed By: Professor Michael P. Doyle, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Propargylic aryldiazoesters, which possess multiple reactive functional groups in a single molecule, were expected to undergo divergent reaction pathways as a function of catalysts. A variety of transition metal complexes including rhodium(II), palladium(II), silver(I), mercury(II), copper(I and II), and cationic gold (I) complexes have been examined to be effective in the catalytic domino reactions of propargylic aryldiazoesters. An unexpected Lewis acid catalyzed pathway was also discovered by using FeCl3 as the catalyst. Under the catalysis of selected gold catalysts, propargylic aryldiazoesters exist in equilibrium with 1-aryl-1,2-dien-1-yl diazoacetate allenes that are rapidly formed at room temperature through 1,3-acyloxy migration. The newly formed allenes further undergo a metal-free rearrangement in which the terminal nitrogen of the diazo functional group adds to the central carbon of the allene initiating a sequence of bond forming reactions resulting in the production of 1,5-dihydro-4H-pyrazol-4-ones in good yields. These 1,5-dihydro-4H-pyrazol-4-ones undergo intramolecular 1,3-acyl migration to form an equilibrium mixture or quantitatively transfer the acyl group to an external nucleophile with formation of 4-hydroxypyrazoles. In the presence of a pyridine-N-oxide, both E- and Z-1,3-dienyl aryldiazoacetates are formed in high combined yields by Au(I)-catalyzed rearrangement of propargyl arylyldiazoacetates at short reaction times. Under thermal reactions the E-isomers form the products from intramolecular [4+2]-cycloaddition with H‡298 = 15.6 kcal/mol and S‡298= -27.3 cal/ (mol•degree). The Z-isomer is inert to [4+2]-cycloaddition under these conditions. The Hammett relationships from aryl-substituted diazo esters ( = +0.89) and aryl-substituted dienes ( = -1.65) are consistent with the dipolar nature of this transformation. An unexpected reaction for the synthesis of seven-membered conjugated 1,4-diketones from propargylic diazoesters with unsaturated imines was disclosed. To undergo this process vinyl gold carbene intermediates generated by 1,2-acyloxy migration of propargylic aryldiazoesters undergo a formal [4+3]-cycloaddition, and the resulting aryldiazoesters tethered dihydroazepines undergo an intricate metal-free process to form observed seven-membered conjugated 1,4-diketones with moderate to high yields.