24 resultados para alginates


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In this study, the aim was to measure the concentration of fluoride ions in dental alginates and the quantity released from alginate molds immersed in milliQ water, 0.1N hydrochloric acid and artificial saliva. Two separate lots of each of seven brands of alginate commercially available in Brazil were analyzed: Avagel, Deguprint, Hydrogum, Orthoprint, Jeltrate, Jeltrate Plus and Jeltrate Chromatic. Fluoride was measured in each sample by direct potentiometry, using the combined fluoride-ion selective electrode. The brands with the highest fluoride concentrations were Hydrogum (7052.87 μg/g), Jeltrate Plus (6519.68 μg/g) and Orthoprint (6218.18 μg/g). Only in Hydrogum and Jeltrate were different fluoride concentrations found in lots one and two. The various materials showed differences in the amount of fluoride released from the molds into the immersion medium, the mean concentration being highest in Hydrogum and Orthoprint, in all three media. The immersion medium also influenced the release of fluoride, which was lower in saliva than in water and highest in acid. Considering that the concentrations of fluoride found in the alginates tested were high and that various sources of exposure to fluoride exist, there is a need for constant monitoring of alginates intended for dental use.


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Alginate or irreversible hydrocolloid is one the most accepted and frequently employed impression materials in dental practice. Substances like zinc, cadmium, lead silicate and fluorides, which are included in several alginate brands with the aim of improving their physical, chemical and mechanical properties, are a source of serious concern as regards their toxicity. Some brands of alginate have been reported to contain potentially toxic fluorides and metals such as cadmium, lead and zinc silicates, either singly or combined. Consequently, special care should be taken while preparing of these materials. It is necessary to monitor potentially toxic chemicals and metals in the alginates continually to avoid contamination of dental professionals and patients. In this review, alginates used in dentistry are analyzed for potential toxicity.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The dental trade has offered dental impression and dental stone for orthodontic use ensuring accurate models. The compatibility between these materials is defined by the wetting of the model surfaces by the mixture water/stone poured over it and the influenced by the method of disinfection of model and disinfectant solution used. It was evaluated the influence of spray disinfection with sodium hypochlorite 1% on the wettability of two commercial alginate (Jeltrate ® - Dentsply and Orthoprint ® - Zhermack) at two commercial type III gypsum (Rio ® - ME and AOBussoli Orthogesso Orthogesso ®-SA). Twenty models were fabricated for each type of alginate, which were divided into two groups (water and sodium hypochlorite), receiving respectively water and sodium hypochlorite 1% spray. Each group of models was then further divided into two subgroups, and on their surface were poured 2 ml of type III gypsum (Gesso Rio® or Orthogesso®). Reached the final setting of the gypsum specimens were sectioned vertically and medially, settled water with sandpaper No. 400 and mounted on suitable device for reading (in the right and left) of the contact angle Carl Zeiss microscope (precision, 001). The results were submitted to ANOVA and founded statistical significance for solutions used. It was concluded that sodium hypochlorite spray improved wettability of alginates studied.


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Wiederherstellung einer physiologischen Blutzuckerregelung durch Xenotransplantation mikroenkapsulierter Langerhans-Inseln in zwei diabetische Maus-modelle. Die Inseltransplantation ist ein vielversprechendes Verfahren zur Behandlung des Typ 1 Diabetes. Das Verfah-ren ist nicht invasiv, erfordert jedoch eine lebenslange Immunsuppression der Patienten. Zudem sind nur be-grenzte Spenderorgane verfügbar. Es wäre ein großer Fortschritt, wenn man transplantierte Inseln im Empfänger von dessen Immunsystem abschirmen könnte. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt, dass es möglich ist, funktionsfähige Inseln von Ratten in Alginatkügelchen (Beads) einzuschließen und in dieser Form in diabetische Mäuse zu trans-plantieren. Mit dem ultrahochviskosem Alginat stand erstmals ein speziell für die klinische Anwendung konzipiertes und hergestelltes Alginat zur Verfügung. Im Gegensatz zu den kommerziell erhältlichen Alginaten konnte dieses Al-ginat in hoher Reinheit reproduzierbar produziert werden. Zudem war es erstmals möglich, durch eine interne Kapselstabilisierung auf die bislang benötigte, äußere Stützmembran zu verzichten. Ziel der Arbeit war es, das ultrahochviskose Alginat und das neue „thermodynamisch-stabilisierte“ Verkapse-lungssystem für die Transplantation der Langerhans-Inseln zu optimieren. In der anschließenden Studie sollten verkapselte Inseln von Ratten in zwei Typen diabetische Mäuse transplantiert werden und Tauglichkeit des Ver-fahren in vivo geprüft werden. In vitro wurden die Parameter (insbesondere die Alginatkonzentration) zur Verkapselung der Langerhans-Inseln optimiert. Die Vitalität (Überleben der Inseln) und die Funktionalität (Sekretion von Insulin) des enkapsulierten Gewebes dienten zur Bewertung der Verkapselungsmethode. Die Zugabe von humanem Serumalbumin führte sowohl zur Langzeitstabilisierung der Alginatbeads als auch zur Verbesserung der Nährstoffversorgung des enkapsulierten Gewebes. Durch Transplantationen von Leerkapseln mit verschiedenen Albumin-Konzentrationen wurde die benötigte Albumin-Supplementation bestimmt. Als Empfänger dienten Streptozotozin-diabetische Balb/c- und spontan diabetische NOD-Mäuse. Die intraperitoneale Transplantation von 1.800 mikroenkapsulierten, adulten Ratteninseln bewirkten in Streptozotozin-diabetischen Balb/c-Mäusen eine langanhaltende (>30 Wochen) Normalisierung des Blutzuckerspiegels. Die Glucose-Clearance-Raten des intraperitonealen-Glucose-Toleranz-Tests in der 3., 9. und 16. Woche zeigten aber einen sukzes-siven Verlust der Transplantatfunktion, der aber in den „non fasting“ Blutzuckerwerten nicht evident wurde. Der Diabetes der NOD-Maus wird durch eine autoimmunogene Zerstörung der ß-Zellen durch ein hyperkompe-tentes Immunsystem ausgelöst, da die NOD-Tiere schon auf ß-zellspezifische Antigene konditioniert waren. Auch hier führte die Alginatkapsel zu einem deutlich verlängerten Überleben des Transplantates im Vergleich zu den unverkapselten Kontrollzellen. Jedoch trat dann nach 4-5 Wochen ein spontanes Transplantatversagen auf. Konventionell polymerisierte Kapseln zeigten inhomogene Vernetzungen des Alginates. Dies führte mit zunehmender Transplantationsdauer zu Instabilitäten der Alginatbeads, so dass schließlich Inselgewebe oder ß-Zell-spezifische Antigene frei wurden. Diese Antigene induzierten im hyperkompetenten Immunsystem der NOD-Mäuse eine massive Abwehrreaktion mit rascher Zerstörung der transplantierten Inseln. Im Rahmen der Weiterentwicklung der Verkapselungstechnik konnte mit Hilfe der neuen „Crystal Gun Verkap-selung“ erstmals eine homogene Vernetzung des gesamten Alginatbeads sichergestellt werden. Gegen Ende die-ser Arbeit konnte bei einer dreiwöchigen Kultur in vitro gezeigt werden, dass das „Crystal Gun Verfahren“ zur Mikroenkapsulierung von Langerhans-Inseln geeignet ist. Daher ist zu erwarten, dass mit Hilfe des „Crystal Gun Verfahrens“ auch ein Durchbruch bei der Transplantation von Inseln in NOD-Mäusen zu erreichen sein wird.


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It is advantageous to develop controlled release dosage forms utilising site-specific delivery or gastric retention for those drugs with frequent or high dosing regimes. Cimetidine is a potent and selective H2 -reception antagonist used in the treatment of various gastrointestinal disorders and localisation in the upper gastrointestinal tract could significantly improve the drug absorption. Three strategies were undertaken to prepare controlled release systems for the delivery of cimetidine to the GI tract. Firstly, increasing the contact time of the dosage form with the mucus layer which coats the gastrointestinal tract, may lead to increased gastric residence times. Mucoadhesive microspheres, by forming a gel-like structure in contact with the mucus, should prolong the contact between the delivery system and the mucus layer, and should have the potential for releasing the drug in sustained and controlled manner. Gelatin microspheres were prepared, optimised and characterised for their physicochemical properties. Crosslinking concentration, particle size and cimetidine loading influenced drug release profiles. Particle size was influenced by surfactant concentration and stirring speed. Mucoadheisve polymers such as alginates, chitosans, carbopols and polycarbophil were incorporated into the microspheres using different strategies. The mucoadhesion of the microspheres was determined using in vitro surface adsorption and ex vivo rat intestine models. The surface-modification strategy resulted in highest levels of microsphere adhesion, with chitosan, carbopols and polycarbophil as the most successful candidates for improvement of adhesion, with over 70% of the microspheres retained ex vivo. Specific targeting agent UEA I lectin was conjugated to the surface of gelatin microspheres, which enhanced the adhesion of the microspheres. Alginate raft systems containing antacids have been used extensively in the treatment of gastro-oesophageal disease and protection of the oesophageal mucosa from acid reflux by forming a viscous raft layer on the surface of the stomach content, and could be an effective delivery system for controlled release of cimetidine.


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The alginic acid or alginates are acidic polysaccharides found in brown seaweed widely used in food, cosmetic, medical and pharmaceutical industry. This paper proposes the extraction, chemical characterization and verification of the pharmacological activities of brown seaweed variegata Lobophora . The alginate was extracted from the seaweed Lobophora variegata and part was sulphated for comparative purposes. The native extract showed 42% total sugar, 65% uronic acid, 0,36 % protein and 0% of sulfate, while the sulfate showed 39% , 60%, 0.36% and 27,92 % respectively. The presence of a sulfate group may be observed by the metachromasia with toluidine blue in electrophoresis system and characteristic vibration 1262,34 cm-1 in infrared spectroscopy connections assigned to S = O. We observed the formation of films and beads of native alginate, where more concentrated solution 6% resulted in a thicker and more consistent film. Native alginate showed proliferative activity at concentrations (25 and 50 mcg), (50 mg) and (100 mg) in 3T3 cell line in 24h, 48h and 72h, respectively , as the sulfated (100 mg) in 24 . Also showed antiproliferative or cytotoxic activity in HeLa cells of strain, (25 and 100 mg), (25 and 100 mg) and (25, 50 and 100 mg), to native, now for the sulfate concentrations (100 mg) in 24 (25, 50 and 100 mg) in 48 hours, and (50 and 100 mg ) 72h. For their antioxidant activity, the sulfated alginates have better total antioxidant activity reaching 29 % of the native activity while 7.5 % of activity . For the hydroxyl radical AS showed high inhibition ( between 77-83 % ) in concentrations, but the AN surpassed these numbers in the order of 78-92 % inhibition. The reducing power of AN and AS ranged between 39-82 % . In the method of ferric chelation NA reached 100 % chelating while the AS remained at a plateau oscillating 6.5%. However, in this study , we found alginates with promising pharmacological activities, to use in various industries as an antioxidant / anti-tumor compound


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This thesis is part of a long-term project which aims to demonstrate for the first time that alginate gel beads can be used as chiral heterogeneous catalysts for enantioselective reactions. Alginate barium beads were prepared as previously optimized and applied to the Friedel-Crafts reaction between indoles and nitroalkenes. New substrates were tested, showing that the reaction can accommodate different nitroalkenes and indoles, affording the corresponding products with moderate yields and good enantioselectivities. However, aliphatic nitroalkenes cannot be used as they degrade under the catalytic reaction conditions. Preliminary study on the recyclability of the heterogeneous catalyst indicated a moderate stability of the catalyst, which can be used for few cycles with a slight erosion of enantioinducing power. Some directions for future improvements (storage and work-up solvent, use of ultrasonic bath) have been suggested.