93 resultados para agave mucilage
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Biociências - FCLAS
Con la finalidad de asegurar la adaptación en invernadero de plantas de Agave americana var. oaxacensis obtenidas in vitro, se evaluó el efecto de sustratos y dosis de fertirriego en la aclimatización y crecimiento de 180 plantas. Este trabajo se realizó en un invernadero del Instituto Tecnológico del Valle de Oaxaca, México, a principios de 2012. Se utilizaron plantas recién salidas del laboratorio. El experimento se estableció según el diseño completamente al azar con arreglo factorial 2 (sustratos: arena y perlita) x 5 (fertilización: 1, 25, 50, 75 y 100%). La unidad experimental fue una planta en un recipiente de plástico de 150 cm3 con 18 repeticiones. La fertilización se basó en la solución universal de Steiner y diariamente cada planta recibió a nivel de sustrato 10 mL durante 12 semanas. Se evaluó el crecimiento en hojas, tallo y raíz, realizando análisis de varianza y prueba de medias (Tukey, α = 0,05). Todas las plantas se adaptaron, pero aquellas plantas establecidas en perlita lograron los mejores crecimientos en área foliar, volumen de raíz, peso fresco total, materia seca de raíz y total de planta. El tamaño de las plantas al término de su aclimatación estuvo en relación con la cantidad de nutrimentos de la solución nutritiva.
Para evaluar la proliferación in vitro de brotes de Agave americana var. oaxacensis, piezas de callo con dos a tres brotes adventicios se establecieron en diversos medios de cultivo con pH 5,8 y consistencia de gel, con sales minerales MS, 100 mg L-1 myo-inositol, diversas concentraciones de benciladenina (BA) (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 y 10 mg L-1), tipo de carbohidrato (sacarosa o jarabe fructosado) y concentración de carbohidrato (20, 30, 40 g). Los cultivos se incubaron 60 días bajo luz fluorescente blanca en 16 h luz/8 h oscuridad, temperatura 20- 28°C. El experimento se estableció según un diseño completamente al azar con arreglo factorial 6x2x3. La sacarosa resultó mejor fuente de carbohidrato que el jarabe fructosado. Los explantos en el medio de cultivo sin BA y 20 g L-1 de sacarosa formaron cuatro brotes de 10,8 cm, con raíces adventicias. Al aumentar la concentración de BA y sacarosa los explantos formaron más brotes, pero en el medio con 6 mg L-1 BA y 40 g L-1 sacarosa los explantos formaron hasta 21 brotes de 6,5 cm de tamaño. La citocinina inhibió la formación de raíces.
Four oligofructans (neokestose, 1-kestose, nystose, and an un-identified pentofructan) occurred in the vascular tissues and phloem sap of mature leaves of Agave deserti. Fructosyltransferases (responsible for fructan biosynthesis) also occurred in the vascular tissues. In contrast, oligofructans and fructosyltransferases were virtually absent from the chlorenchyma, suggesting that fructan biosynthesis was restricted to the vascular tissues. On a molar basis, these oligofructans accounted for 46% of the total soluble sugars in the vascular tissues (sucrose [Suc] for 26%) and for 19% in the phloem sap (fructose for 24% and Suc for 53%). The Suc concentration was 1.8 times higher in the cytosol of the chlorenchyma cells than in the phloem sap; the nystose concentration was 4.9 times higher and that of pentofructan was 3.2 times higher in the vascular tissues than in the phloem sap. To our knowledge, these results provide the first evidence that oligofructans are synthesized and transported in the phloem of higher plants. The polymer-trapping mechanism proposed for dicotyledonous C3 species may also be valid for oligofructan transport in monocotyledonous species, such as A. deserti, which may use a symplastic pathway for phloem loading of photosynthates in its mature leaves.
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From Akademie emgegangen den 29 Jan. 1833.
La presente investigación se realizó en el Laboratorio de Biotecnología del Centro Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria y Forestal “Enrique Álvarez Córdova” (CENTA), con el objetivo de establecer un protocolo para el inicio del cultivo In Vitro de Agave letonae (henequén) a partir de yemas axilares. Se evaluaron tres tratamientos de esterilización superficial y en el establecimiento In Vitro se evaluó la combinación de reguladores de crecimiento como 6-bencilaminopurina (BAP) y ácido indolbutírico (AIB) en diferentes concentraciones en medio basal Murashige y Skoog (1962). En la fase de esterilización superficial de yemas axilares, el análisis de varianza al 0.01%, no detectó diferencia estadística altamente significativa entre tratamientos, por lo que la desinfección de yemas axilares puede realizarse con cualquiera de los tres tratamientos evaluados. En la fase de establecimiento In Vitro el análisis de varianza al 0.01%, mostró diferencia estadística altamente significativa entre tratamientos, por lo que se determinó que el tratamiento T2 constituido por medio de cultivo MS basal, suplementado con 1.0 mg/l de BAP y 0.5 mg/l de AIB; aceleró la brotación de yemas axilares a los 32 días promedio de la siembra In Vitro; se obtuvo un porcentaje promedio de brotación de 40%; se formaron brotes bien desarrollados que presentaron coloración verde oscura
Cuphea carthagenensis (Jacq.) J.F. Macbr. is an herb, which occurs preferably in wet places. Amongst other species of the genus, C. carthagenensis is distinguished for its great chemical potential and frequent use in popular medicine. In this study the morphological and anatomical structures were identified, as well as the histochemical characterization was done. Samples of root, stem and leaves were collected from adult plants. This material was processed for anatomical and histochemical analysis in light microscopy and for morphological analysis, in scanning electron microscopy. Important morphological and anatomical considerations were added for C. carthagenensis, such as: the occurrence of aerenchymatous phellem with suberized layers; the types of trichomes present in the vegetative organs, the characterization of secretory trichomes, as well as the secreted substances. The groups of secondary metabolites presents in the root, stem and leaf of C. carthagenensis with more intense histochemical reaction were: proanthocyanidins, phenolic compounds, acids polysaccharides (mucilage especially) and lipids.
Roofing provides the main protection against direct solar radiation in animal housing. Appropriate thermal properties of roofing materials tend to improve the thermal comfort in the inner ambient. Nonasbestos fiber-cement roofing components reinforced with cellulose pulp from sisal (Agave sisalana) were produced by slurry and dewatering techniques, with an optional addition of polypropylene fibers. Nonasbestos tiles were evaluated and compared with commercially available asbestos-cement sheets and ceramic tiles (frequently chosen as roofing materials for animal housing). Thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of tiles were determined by the parallel hot-wire method, along with the evaluation of the downside surface temperature. Cement-based components reinforced with sisal pulp presented better thermal performance at room temperature (25ºC), while those reinforced with sisal pulp added by polypropylene fibers presented better thermal performance at 60ºC. Non-asbestos cement tiles provided more efficient protection against radiation than asbestos corrugated sheets.
The present work describes non-conventional sisal (Agave sisalana) chemical (organosolv) pulp from residues of cordage as reinforcement to cement based materials. Sisal organosolv pulp was produced in a 1:1 ethanol/water mixture and post chemically and physically characterized in order to compare its properties with sisal kraft pulp. Cement based composites reinforced with organosolv or kraft pulps and combined with polypropylene (PP) fibres were produced by the slurry de-watering and pressing method as a crude simulation of the Hatschek process. Composites were evaluated at 28 days of age, after exposition to accelerated carbonation and after 100 soak/dry cycles. Composites containing organosolv pulp presented lower mechanical strength, water absorption and apparent porosity than composites reinforced with kraft pulp. The best mechanical performance after ageing was also achieved by samples reinforced with kraft pulp. The addition of PP fibres favoured the maintenance of toughness after ageing. Accelerated carbonation promoted the densification of the composites reinforced with sisal organosolv + PP fibres.
Colleters are widely occurring in eudicots showing relevant taxonomic importance in several families. Nevertheless, there are few records in monocots, restricted to only one description of these glands in Orchidaceae. The genus Oncidium is polyphyletic, currently the subject of taxonomic studies. In this context, the secretory structures can be an important diagnostic character that may help in the delineation of this group. O. flexuosum Sims presents colleters in vegetative - leaf primordium of protocorms, apical and axillary buds in the mature rhizomes - and reproductive organs - at the base of bracts, bracteoles and sepals. All the colleters observed are finger-like trichomes, composed of two uniseriated cells, where the apical one is elongated and possesses dense cytoplasm. The exsudate accumulates in a subcuticular space. causing displacement of the cuticle. Histochemical tests indicate the presence of mucilage in association with lipophilic and proteinic compounds inside the secretory cell. Secretion is abundant, hyaline and slightly viscous. The localization of the trichomes and their exsudate indicate the involvement of these colleters with the protection of meristematic regions in vegetative and reproductive organs. These results can be useful in the taxonomy of the genus Oncidium and for future studies about colleters in monocots. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
In the present work the microbial decontamination of some medicinal plants by plasma treatment using oxygen gas or a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen peroxide was investigated. The efficiency of the decontamination process was analyzed by the count of heterotropic microorganisms and pathogenic research. The results showed a reduction in the microorganism number such as 3 and 4 logarithmic cycles for ginkgo and artichoke, while it was not efficient for samples containing hard and thick cells, and mucilage, such as guarana and chamomile.
Descreve-se o aproveitamento do resíduo do desfibramento das folhas de Agave sisalana, como um larvicida para o combate a mosquitos transmissores de doenças tropicais. Durante 24 horas, larvas de Aedes aegypti e Culex quinquefasciatus foram expostas a concentrações diferentes do extrato da planta para determinar as concentrações letais. Para A. aegypti foi constatada a CL50 em 322ppm e para C. quinquefasciatus em 183ppm. Foi investigada a ação de saponinas existentes na planta, ficando evidenciado que o resíduo de A. sisalana é ativo através da interação de vários dos seus componentes. Este extrato poderá ser utilizado em campo, na concentração de 100ppm para C. quinquefasciatus com um aumento do tempo de exposição para três dias, obtendo-se uma mortalidade de 100% das larvas. Este produto, porém, não é recomendado para o controle de A. aegypti, devido à necessidade de uma alta concentração para a obtenção de 100% de mortalidade das larvas e ao fato destas se desenvolverem preferencialmente em água potável.