998 resultados para adp glucose pyrophosphorylase


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Next-generation sequencing of complete genomes has given researchers unprecedented levels of information to study the multifaceted evolutionary changes that have shaped elite plant germplasm. In conjunction with population genetic analytical techniques and detailed online databases, we can more accurately capture the effects of domestication on entire biological pathways of agronomic importance. In this study, we explore the genetic diversity and signatures of selection in all predicted gene models of the storage starch synthesis pathway of Sorghum bicolor, utilizing a diversity panel containing lines categorized as either ‘Landraces’ or ‘Wild and Weedy’ genotypes. Amongst a total of 114 genes involved in starch synthesis, 71 had at least a single signal of purifying selection and 62 a signal of balancing selection and others a mix of both. This included key genes such as STARCH PHOSPHORYLASE 2 (SbPHO2, under balancing selection), PULLULANASE (SbPUL, under balancing selection) and ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylases (SHRUNKEN2, SbSH2 under purifying selection). Effectively, many genes within the primary starch synthesis pathway had a clear reduction in nucleotide diversity between the Landraces and wild and weedy lines indicating that the ancestral effects of domestication are still clearly identifiable. There was evidence of the positional rate variation within the well-characterized primary starch synthesis pathway of sorghum, particularly in the Landraces, whereby low evolutionary rates upstream and high rates downstream in the metabolic pathway were expected. This observation did not extend to the wild and weedy lines or the minor starch synthesis pathways.


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Next-generation sequencing of complete genomes has given researchers unprecedented levels of information to study the multifaceted evolutionary changes that have shaped elite plant germplasm. In conjunction with population genetic analytical techniques and detailed online databases, we can more accurately capture the effects of domestication on entire biological pathways of agronomic importance. In this study, we explore the genetic diversity and signatures of selection in all predicted gene models of the storage starch synthesis pathway of Sorghum bicolor, utilizing a diversity panel containing lines categorized as either ‘Landraces’ or ‘Wild and Weedy’ genotypes. Amongst a total of 114 genes involved in starch synthesis, 71 had at least a single signal of purifying selection and 62 a signal of balancing selection and others a mix of both. This included key genes such as STARCH PHOSPHORYLASE 2 (SbPHO2, under balancing selection), PULLULANASE (SbPUL, under balancing selection) and ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylases (SHRUNKEN2, SbSH2 under purifying selection). Effectively, many genes within the primary starch synthesis pathway had a clear reduction in nucleotide diversity between the Landraces and wild and weedy lines indicating that the ancestral effects of domestication are still clearly identifiable. There was evidence of the positional rate variation within the well-characterized primary starch synthesis pathway of sorghum, particularly in the Landraces, whereby low evolutionary rates upstream and high rates downstream in the metabolic pathway were expected. This observation did not extend to the wild and weedy lines or the minor starch synthesis pathways.


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ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase (glucose-1-phosphate adenylyltransferase; ADP:alpha-D-glucose-1-phosphate adenylyltransferase, EC catalyzes a key regulatory step in alpha-glucan synthesis in bacteria and higher plants. We have previously shown that the expression of the cDNA sequences of the potato tuber large (LS) and small (SS) subunits yielded a functional heterotetrameric enzyme capable of complementing a mutation in the single AGP (glgC) structural gene of Escherichia coli. This heterologous complementation provides a powerful genetic approach to obtain biochemical information on the specific roles of LS and SS in enzyme function. By mutagenizing the LS cDNA with hydroxylamine and then coexpressing with wild-type SS in an E. coli glgC- strain, >350 mutant colonies were identified that were impaired in glycogen production. One mutant exhibited enzymatic and antigen levels comparable to the wild-type recombinant enzyme but required 45-fold greater levels of the activator 3-phosphoglycerate for maximum activity. Sequence analysis identified a single nucleotide change that resulted in the change of Pro-52 to Leu. This heterologous genetic system provides an efficient means to identify residues important for catalysis and allosteric functioning and should lead to novel approaches to increase plant productivity.


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Le diabète est une maladie chronique de l’homéostasie du glucose caractérisée par une hyperglycémie non contrôlée qui est le résultat d’une défaillance de la sécrétion d’insuline en combinaison ou non avec une altération de l’action de l’insuline. La surnutrition et le manque d’activité physique chez des individus qui ont des prédispositions génétiques donnent lieu à la résistance à l’insuline. Pendant cette période dite de compensation où la concentration d’acides gras plasmatiques est élevée, l’hyperinsulinémie compense pleinement pour la résistance à l’insuline des tissus cibles et la glycémie est normale. Le métabolisme du glucose par la cellule pancréatique bêta entraîne la sécrétion d’insuline. Selon le modèle classique de la sécrétion d’insuline induite par le glucose, l’augmentation du ratio ATP/ADP résultant de la glycolyse et de l’oxydation du glucose, induit la fermeture des canaux KATP-dépendant modifiant ainsi le potentiel membranaire suivi d’un influx de Ca2+. Cet influx de Ca2+ permet l’exocytose des granules de sécrétion contenant l’insuline. Plusieurs nutriments comme les acides gras sont capables de potentialiser la sécrétion d’insuline. Cependant, le modèle classique ne permet pas d’expliquer cette potentialisation de la sécrétion d’insuline par les acides gras. Pour expliquer l’effet potentialisateur des acides gras, notre laboratoire a proposé un modèle complémentaire où le malonyl-CoA dérivé du métabolisme anaplérotique du glucose inhibe la carnitine palmitoyltransférase-1, l’enzyme qui constitue l’étape limitante de l’oxydation des acides gras favorisant ainsi leur estérification et donc la formation de dérivés lipidiques signalétiques. Le modèle anaplérotique/lipidique de la sécrétion d'insuline induite par le glucose prédit que le malonyl-CoA dérivé du métabolisme du glucose inhibe la bêta-oxydation des acides gras et augmente la disponibilité des acyl-CoA ou des acides gras non-estérifiés. Les molécules lipidiques agissant comme facteurs de couplage du métabolisme des acides gras à l'exocytose d'insuline sont encore inconnus. Des travaux réalisés par notre laboratoire ont démontré qu’en augmentant la répartition des acides gras vers la bêta-oxydation, la sécrétion d’insuline induite par le glucose était réduite suggérant qu’un des dérivés de l’estérification des acides gras est important pour la potentialisation sur la sécrétion d’insuline. En effet, à des concentrations élevées de glucose, les acides gras peuvent être estérifiés d’abord en acide lysophosphatidique (LPA), en acide phosphatidique (PA) et en diacylglycérol (DAG) et subséquemment en triglycérides (TG). La présente étude a établi l’importance relative du processus d’estérification des acides gras dans la production de facteurs potentialisant la sécrétion d’insuline. Nous avions émis l’hypothèse que des molécules dérivées des processus d’estérification des acides gras (ex : l’acide lysophosphatidique (LPA) et le diacylglycerol (DAG)) agissent comme signaux métaboliques et sont responsables de la modulation de la sécrétion d’insuline en présence d’acides gras. Afin de vérifier celle-ci, nous avons modifié le niveau d’expression des enzymes clés contrôlant le processus d’estérification par des approches de biologie moléculaire afin de changer la répartition des acides gras dans la cellule bêta. L’expression des différents isoformes de la glycérol-3-phosphate acyltransférase (GPAT), qui catalyse la première étape d’estérification des acides gras a été augmenté et inhibé. Les effets de la modulation de l’expression des isoenzymes de GPAT sur les processus d’estérifications, sur la bêta-oxydation et sur la sécrétion d’insuline induite par le glucose ont été étudiés. Les différentes approches que nous avons utilisées ont changé les niveaux de DAG et de TG sans toutefois altérer la sécrétion d’insuline induite par le glucose. Ainsi, les résultats de cette étude n’ont pas associé de rôle pour l’estérification de novo des acides gras dans leur potentialisation de la sécrétion d’insuline. Cependant, l’estérification des acides gras fait partie intégrante d’un cycle de TG/acides gras avec sa contrepartie lipolytique. D’ailleurs, des études parallèles à la mienne menées par des collègues du laboratoire ont démontré un rôle pour la lipolyse et un cycle TG/acides gras dans la potentialisation de la sécrétion d’insuline par les acides gras. Parallèlement à nos études des mécanismes de la sécrétion d’insuline impliquant les acides gras, notre laboratoire s’intéresse aussi aux effets négatifs des acides gras sur la cellule bêta. La glucolipotoxicité, résultant d’une exposition chronique aux acides gras saturés en présence d’une concentration élevée de glucose, est d’un intérêt particulier vu la prépondérance de l’obésité. L’isoforme microsomal de GPAT a aussi utilisé comme outil moléculaire dans le contexte de la glucolipotoxicité afin d’étudier le rôle de la synthèse de novo de lipides complexes dans le contexte de décompensation où la fonction des cellules bêta diminue. La surexpression de l’isoforme microsomal de la GPAT, menant à l’augmentation de l’estérification des acides gras et à une diminution de la bêta-oxydation, nous permet de conclure que cette modification métabolique est instrumentale dans la glucolipotoxicité.


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Streptozotocin (STZ), a glucose analogue known to induce diabetes in experimental animals, causes DNA strand breaks and subsequent activation of poly(ADPribose) polymerase (Parp). Because Parp uses NAD as a substrate, extensive DNA damage will result in reduction of cellular NAD level. In fact, STZ induces NAD depletion and cell death in isolated pancreatic islets in vitro. Activation of Parp therefore is thought to play an important role in STZ-induced diabetes. In the present study, we established Parp-deficient (Parp−/−) mice by disrupting Parp exon 1 by using the homologous recombination technique. These mice were used to examine the possible involvement of Parp in STZ-induced β-cell damage in vivo. The wild-type (Parp+/+) mice showed significant increases in blood glucose concentration from 129 mg/dl to 218, 370, 477, and 452 mg/dl on experimental days 1, 7, 21, and 60, respectively, after a single injection of 180 mg STZ/kg body weight. In contrast, the concentration of blood glucose in Parp−/− mice remained normal up to day 7, slightly increased on day 21, but returned to normal levels on day 60. STZ injection caused extensive necrosis in the islets of Parp+/+ mice on day 1, with subsequent progressive islet atrophy and loss of functional β cells from day 7. In contrast, the extent of islet β-cell death and dysfunction was markedly less in Parp−/− mice. Our findings clearly implicate Parp activation in islet β-cell damage and glucose intolerance induced by STZ in vivo.


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A distinct phosphodiesterasic activity (EC 3.1.4) was found in both mono- and dicotyledonous plants that catalyzes the hydrolytic breakdown of ADPglucose (ADPG) to produce equimolar amounts of glucose-1-phosphate and AMP. The enzyme responsible for this activity, referred to as ADPG pyrophosphatase (AGPPase), was purified over 1,100-fold from barley leaves and subjected to biochemical characterization. The calculated Keq′ (modified equilibrium constant) value for the ADPG hydrolytic reaction at pH 7.0 and 25°C is 110, and its standard-state free-energy change value (ΔG′) is −2.9 kcal/mol (1 kcal = 4.18 kJ). Kinetic analyses showed that, although AGPPase can hydrolyze several low-molecular weight phosphodiester bond-containing compounds, ADPG proved to be the best substrate (Km = 0.5 mM). Pi and phosphorylated compounds such as 3-phosphoglycerate, PPi, ATP, ADP, NADP+, and AMP are inhibitors of AGPPase. Subcellular localization studies revealed that AGPPase is localized exclusively in the plastidial compartment of cultured cells of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.), whereas it occurs both inside and outside the plastid in barley endosperm. In this paper, evidence is presented that shows that AGPPase, whose activity declines concomitantly with the accumulation of starch during development of sink organs, competes with starch synthase (ADPG:1,4-α-d-glucan 4-α-d-glucosyltransferase; EC for ADPG, thus markedly blocking the starch biosynthesis.


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UNLABELLED Bok (Bcl-2-related ovarian killer) is a Bcl-2 family member that, because of its predicted structural homology to Bax and Bak, has been proposed to be a pro-apoptotic protein. In this study, we demonstrate that Bok is highly expressed in neurons of the mouse brain but thatbokwas not required for staurosporine-, proteasome inhibition-, or excitotoxicity-induced apoptosis of cultured cortical neurons. On the contrary, we found thatbok-deficient neurons were more sensitive to oxygen/glucose deprivation-induced injuryin vitroand seizure-induced neuronal injuryin vivo Deletion ofbokalso increased staurosporine-, excitotoxicity-, and oxygen/glucose deprivation-induced cell death inbax-deficient neurons. Single-cell imaging demonstrated thatbok-deficient neurons failed to maintain their neuronal Ca(2+)homeostasis in response to an excitotoxic stimulus; this was accompanied by a prolonged deregulation of mitochondrial bioenergetics.bokdeficiency led to a specific reduction in neuronal Mcl-1 protein levels, and deregulation of both mitochondrial bioenergetics and Ca(2+)homeostasis was rescued by Mcl-1 overexpression. Detailed analysis of cell death pathways demonstrated the activation of poly ADP-ribose polymerase-dependent cell death inbok-deficient neurons. Collectively, our data demonstrate that Bok acts as a neuroprotective factor rather than a pro-death effector during Ca(2+)- and seizure-induced neuronal injuryin vitroandin vivo SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Bcl-2 proteins are essential regulators of the mitochondrial apoptosis pathway. The Bcl-2 protein Bok is highly expressed in the CNS. Because of its sequence similarity to Bax and Bak, Bok has long been considered part of the pro-apoptotic Bax-like subfamily, but no studies have yet been performed in neurons to test this hypothesis. Our study provides important new insights into the functional role of Bok during neuronal apoptosis and specifically in the setting of Ca(2+)- and seizure-mediated neuronal injury. We show that Bok controls neuronal Ca(2+)homeostasis and bioenergetics and, contrary to previous assumptions, exerts neuroprotective activitiesin vitroandin vivo Our results demonstrate that Bok cannot be placed unambiguously into the Bax-like Bcl-2 subfamily of pro-apoptotic proteins.


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Endocrinopathic laminitis is frequently associated with hyperinsulinaemia but the role of glucose in the pathogenesis of the disease has not been fully investigated. This study aimed to determine the endogenous insulin response to a quantity of glucose equivalent to that administered during a laminitis-inducing, euglycaemic, hyperinsulinaemic clamp, over 48. h in insulin-sensitive Standardbred racehorses. In addition, the study investigated whether glucose infusion, in the absence of exogenous insulin administration, would result in the development of clinical and histopathological evidence of laminitis. Glucose (50% dextrose) was infused intravenously at a rate of 0.68 mL/kg/h for 48. h in treated horses (n = 4) and control horses (n = 3) received a balanced electrolyte solution (0.68 mL/kg/h). Lamellar histology was examined at the conclusion of the experiment. Horses in the treatment group were insulin sensitive (M value 0.039 ± 0.0012. mmol/kg/min and M-to-I ratio (100×) 0.014 ± 0.002) as determined by an approximated hyperglycaemic clamp. Treated horses developed glycosuria, hyperglycaemia (10.7 ± 0.78. mmol/L) and hyperinsulinaemia (208 ± 26.1. μIU/mL), whereas control horses did not. None of the horses became lame as a consequence of the experiment but all of the treated horses developed histopathological evidence of laminitis in at least one foot. Combined with earlier studies, the results showed that laminitis may be induced by either insulin alone or a combination of insulin and glucose, but that it is unlikely to be due to a glucose overload mechanism. Based on the histopathological data, the potential threshold for insulin toxicity (i.e. laminitis) in horses may be at or below a serum concentration of ∼200. μIU/mL.


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Purpose The aim was to assess the effects of a Tai Chi based program on health related quality of life (HR-QOL) in people with elevated blood glucose or diabetes who were not on medication for glucose control. Method 41 participants were randomly allocated to either a Tai Chi intervention group (N = 20) or a usual medical care control group (N = 21). The Tai Chi group involved 3 x 1.5 hour supervised and group-based training sessions per week for 12 weeks. Indicators of HR-QOL were assessed by self-report survey immediately prior to and after the intervention. Results There were significant improvements in favour of the Tai Chi group for the SF36 subscales of physical functioning (mean difference = 5.46, 95% CI = 1.35-9.57, P < 0.05), role physical (mean difference = 18.60, 95% CI = 2.16-35.05, P < 0.05), bodily pain (mean difference = 9.88, 95%CI = 2.06-17.69, P < 0.05) and vitality (mean difference = 9.96, 95% CI = 0.77-19.15, P < 0.05). Conclusions The findings show that this Tai Chi program improved indicators of HR-QOL including physical functioning, role physical, bodily pain and vitality in people with elevated blood glucose or diabetes who were not on diabetes medication.


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Due to their inherently hypoxic environment, cancer cells often resort to glycolysis, or the anaerobic breakdown of glucose to form ATP to provide for their energy needs, known as the Warburg effect. At the same time, overexpression of the insulin receptor in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is associated with an increased risk of metastasis and decreased survival. The uptake of glucose into cells is carried out via glucose transporters or GLUTs. Of these, GLUT-4 is essential for insulin-stimulated glucose uptake. Following treatment with the epigenetic targeting agents histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi), GLUT-3 and GLUT-4 expression were found to be induced in NSCLC cell lines, with minimal responses in transformed normal human bronchial epithelial cells (HBECs). Similar results for GLUT-4 were observed in cells derived from liver, muscle, kidney and pre-adipocytes. Bioinformatic analysis of the promoter for GLUT-4 indicates that it may also be regulated by several chromatin binding factors or complexes including CTCF, SP1 and SMYD3. Chromatin immunoprecipitation studies demonstrate that the promoter for GLUT-4 is dynamically remodeled in response to HDACi. Overall, these results may have value within the clinical setting as (a) it may be possible to use this to enhance fluorodeoxyglucose (18F) positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) imaging sensitivity; (b) it may be possible to target NSCLC through the use of HDACi and insulin mediated uptake of the metabolic targeting drugs such as 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG); or (c) enhance or sensitize NSCLC to chemotherapy. © 2011 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.


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Objectives To evaluate the feasibility, acceptability and effects of a Tai Chi and Qigong exercise programme in adults with elevated blood glucose. Design, Setting, and Participants A single group pre–post feasibility trial with 11 participants (3 male and 8 female; aged 42–65 years) with elevated blood glucose. Intervention Participants attended Tai Chi and Qigong exercise training for 1 to 1.5 h, 3 times per week for 12 weeks, and were encouraged to practise the exercises at home. Main Outcome Measures Indicators of metabolic syndrome (body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, blood pressure, fasting blood glucose, triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol); glucose control (HbA1c, fasting insulin and insulin resistance (HOMA)); health-related quality of life; stress and depressive symptoms. Results There was good adherence and high acceptability. There were significant improvements in four of the seven indicators of metabolic syndrome including BMI (mean difference −1.05, p<0.001), waist circumference (−2.80 cm, p<0.05), and systolic (−11.64 mm Hg, p<0.01) and diastolic blood pressure (−9.73 mm Hg, p<0.001), as well as in HbA1c (−0.32%, p<0.01), insulin resistance (−0.53, p<0.05), stress (−2.27, p<0.05), depressive symptoms (−3.60, p<0.05), and the SF-36 mental health summary score (5.13, p<0.05) and subscales for general health (19.00, p<0.01), mental health (10.55, p<0.01) and vitality (23.18, p<0.05). Conclusions The programme was feasible and acceptable and participants showed improvements in metabolic and psychological variables. A larger controlled trial is now needed to confirm these promising preliminary results.


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Methanesulfonic acid (MSA) was compared with sulfuric acid for the conversion of glucose and xylose mixtures to produce levulinic acid and furfural. The interactions of glucose and xylose, the predominant sugars found in biomass, were found to influence product yields with furfural degradation reactions enhanced under higher reactant loadings. Fast heating rates allowed maximal yields (>60 mol%) of levulinic acid and furfural to be achieved under short reaction times. Under the range of conditions examined, sulfuric acid produced a slight increase in levulinic acid yield by 6% (P = 0.02), although there was no significant difference (P = 0.11) between MSA and sulfuric acid in levulinic acid formed from glucose alone. The amount and type of the solid residue is similar between MSA and sulfuric acid. As such, MSA is a suitable alternative because its use minimizes corrosion and disposal issues associated with mineral acid catalysts. The heating value of the residue was 22 MJ/kg implying that it is a suitable source of fuel. On the basis of these results, a two-stage processing strategy is proposed to target high levulinic acid and furfural yields, and other chemical products (e.g., lactic acid, xylitol, acetic acid and formic acid). This will result in full utilization of bagasse components.


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REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY An increased incidence of metabolic disease in horses has led to heightened recognition of the pathological consequences of insulin resistance (IR). Laminitis, failure of the weight-bearing digital lamellae, is an important consequence. Altered trafficking of specialised glucose transporters (GLUTs) responsible for glucose uptake, are central to the dysregulation of glucose metabolism and may play a role in laminitis pathophysiology. OBJECTIVES We hypothesised that prolonged hyperinsulinaemia alters the regulation of glucose transport in insulin-sensitive tissue and digital lamellae. Our objectives were to compare the relative protein expression of major GLUT isoforms in striated muscle and digital lamellae in healthy horses and during hyperinsulinaemia. STUDY DESIGN Randomised, controlled study. METHODS Prolonged hyperinsulinaemia and lamellar damage were induced by a prolonged-euglycaemic hyperinsulinaemic clamp (p-EHC) or a prolonged-glucose infusion (p-GI) and results were compared to electrolyte-treated controls. GLUT protein expression was examined with immunoblotting. RESULTS Lamellar tissue contained more GLUT1 protein than skeletal muscle (p = 0.002) and less GLUT4 than the heart (p = 0.037). During marked hyperinsulinaemia and acute laminitis (induced by the p-EHC), GLUT1 protein expression was decreased in skeletal muscle (p = 0.029) but unchanged in the lamellae, while novel GLUTs (8; 12) were increased in the lamellae (p = 0.03), but not skeletal muscle. However, moderate hyperinsulinaemia and subclinical laminitis (induced by the p-GI) did not cause differential GLUT protein expression in the lamellae vs. control horses. CONCLUSIONS The results suggest that lamellar tissue functions independently of insulin and that IR may not be an essential component of laminitis aetiology. Marked differences in GLUT expression exist between insulin-sensitive and insulin-independent tissues during metabolic dysfunction in horses. The different expression profiles of novel GLUTs during acute and subclinical laminitis may be important to disease pathophysiology and require further investigation.