927 resultados para acoustic impedance tests
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This work describes the assessment of the acoustic properties of sputtered tantalum oxide films intended as high impedance films for the acoustic isolation of bulk acoustic wave devices operating in the GHz frequency range. The films are grown by sputtering a metallic tantalum target under different oxygen and argon gas mixtures, total pressures, pulsed DC powers and substrate bias. The structural properties of the films are assessed through infrared absorption spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction measurements. Their acoustic impedance is obtained after estimating the mass density by X-ray reflectometry measurements and the longitudinal acoustic velocity by analyzing the longitudinal λ/2 resonance induced in a tantalum oxide film inserted between an acoustic reflector and an AlN-based resonator. A second measurement of the sound velocity is achieved through picosecond acoustic spectroscopy.
This work describes the performance of AlN-based bulk acoustic wave resonators built on top of insulating acoustic reflectors and operating at around 8 GHz. The acoustic reflectors are composed of alternate layers of amorphous Ta2O5and SiO2 deposited at room temperature by pulsed-DC reactive sputtering in Ar/O2 atmospheres. SiO2 layers have a porous structure that provides a low acoustic impedance of only 9.5 MRayl. Ta2O5 films exhibit an acoustic impedance of around 39.5 MRayl that was assessed by the picoseconds acoustic technique These values allow to design acoustic mirrors with transmission coefficients in the centre of the band lower than -40 dB (99.998 % of reflectance) with only seven layers. The resonators were fabricated by depositing a very thin AlN film onto an iridium bottom electrode 180 nm-thick and by using Ir or Mo layers as top electrode. Resonators with effective electromechanical coupling factors of 5.7% and quality factors at the antiresonant frequency around 600 are achieved.
This thesis investigates the acoustic properties of microperforated panels as an alternative to passive noise control. The first chapters are devoted to the review of analytical models to obtain the acoustic impedance and absorption coefficient of perforated panels. The use of panels perforated with circular holes or with slits is discussed. The theoretical models are presented and some modifications are proposed to improve the modeling of the physical phenomena occurring at the perforations of the panels. The absorption band is widened through the use of multiple layer microperforated panels and/or the combination of a millimetric panel with a porous layer that can be a fibrous material or a nylon mesh. A commercial micrometric mesh downstream a millimetric panel is proposed as a very efficient and low cost solution for controlling noise in reduced spaces. The simulated annealing algorithm is used in order to optimize the panel construction to provide a maximum of absorption in a determined wide band frequency range. Experiments are carried out at normal sound incidence and plane waves. One example is shown for a double layer microperforated panel subjected to grazing flow. A good agreement is achieved between the theory and the experiments. RESUMEN En esta tesis se investigan las propiedades acústicas de paneles micro perforados como una alternativa al control pasivo del ruido. Los primeros capítulos están dedicados a la revisión de los modelos de análisis para obtener la impedancia acústica y el coeficiente de absorción de los paneles perforados. El uso de paneles perforados con agujeros circulares o con ranuras es discutido. Se presentan diferentes modelos y se proponen algunas modificaciones para mejorar la modelización de los fenómenos físicos que ocurren en las perforaciones. La banda de absorción se ensancha a través del uso de capas múltiples de paneles micro perforados y/o la combinación de un panel de perforaciones milimétricas combinado con una capa porosa que puede ser un material fibroso o una malla de nylon. Se propone el uso de una malla micrométrica detrás de un panel milimétrico como una solución económica y eficiente para el control del ruido en espacios reducidos. El algoritmo de recocido simulado se utiliza con el fin de optimizar la construcción de paneles micro perforados para proporcionar un máximo de absorción en una banda determinada frecuencias. Los experimentos se llevan a cabo en la incidencia normal de sonido y ondas planas. Se muestra un ejemplo de panel micro perforado de doble capa sometido a flujo rasante. Se consigue un buen acuerdo entre la teoría y los experimentos.
This article describes the simulation and characterization of an ultrasonic transducer using a new material called Rexolite to be used as a matching element. This transducer was simulated using a commercial piezoelectric ceramic PIC255 at 8 MHz. Rexolite, the new material, presents an excellent acoustic matching, specially in terms of the acoustic impedance of water. Finite elements simulations were used in this work. Rexolite was considered as a suitable material in the construction of the transducer due to its malleability and acoustic properties, to validate the simulations a prototype transducer was constructed. Experimental measurements were used to determine the resonance frequency of the prototype transducer. Simulated and experimental results were very similar showing that Rexolite may be an excellent matching, particularly for medical applications.
In the present paper, a methodology is proposed for obtaining empirical equations describing the sound absorption characteristics of an absorbing material obtained from natural fibers, specifically from coconut. The method, which was previously applied to other materials, requires performing measurements of air-flow resistivity and of acoustic impedance for samples of the material under study. The equations that govern the acoustic behavior of the material are then derived by means of a least-squares fit of the acoustic impedance and of the propagation constant. These results can be useful since they allow the empirically obtained analytical equations to be easily incorporated in prediction and simulation models of acoustic systems for noise control that incorporate the studied materials.
The use of sustainable materials is becoming a common practice for noise abatement in building and civil engineering industries. In this context, many applications have been found for porous concrete made from lightweight aggregates. This work investigates the acoustic properties of porous concrete made from arlite and vermiculite lightweight aggregates. These natural resources can still be regarded as sustainable since they can be recycled and do not generate environmentally hazardous waste. The experimental basis used consists of different type specimens whose acoustic performance is assessed in an impedance tube. Additionally, a simple theoretical model for granular porous media, based on parameters measurable with basic experimental procedures, is adopted to predict the acoustic properties of the prepared mixes. The theoretical predictions compare well with the absorption measurements. Preliminary results show the good absorption capability of these materials, making them a promising alternative to traditional porous concrete solutions.
Valveless pulsejets are extremely simple aircraft engines; essentially cleverly designed tubes with no moving parts. These engines utilize pressure waves, instead of machinery, for thrust generation, and have demonstrated thrust-to-weight ratios over 8 and thrust specific fuel consumption levels below 1 lbm/lbf-hr – performance levels that can rival many gas turbines. Despite their simplicity and competitive performance, they have not seen widespread application due to extremely high noise and vibration levels, which have persisted as an unresolved challenge primarily due to a lack of fundamental insight into the operation of these engines. This thesis develops two theories for pulsejet operation (both based on electro-acoustic analogies) that predict measurements better than any previous theory reported in the literature, and then uses them to devise and experimentally validate effective noise reduction strategies. The first theory analyzes valveless pulsejets as acoustic ducts with axially varying area and temperature. An electro-acoustic analogy is used to calculate longitudinal mode frequencies and shapes for prescribed area and temperature distributions inside an engine. Predicted operating frequencies match experimental values to within 6% with the use of appropriate end corrections. Mode shapes are predicted and used to develop strategies for suppressing higher modes that are responsible for much of the perceived noise. These strategies are verified experimentally and via comparison to existing models/data for valveless pulsejets in the literature. The second theory analyzes valveless pulsejets as acoustic systems/circuits in which each engine component is represented by an acoustic impedance. These are assembled to form an equivalent circuit for the engine that is solved to find the frequency response. The theory is used to predict the behavior of two interacting pulsejet engines. It is validated via comparison to experiment and data in the literature. The technique is then used to develop and experimentally verify a method for operating two engines in anti-phase without interfering with thrust production. Finally, Helmholtz resonators are used to suppress higher order modes that inhibit noise suppression via anti-phasing. Experiments show that the acoustic output of two resonator-equipped pulsejets operating in anti-phase is 9 dBA less than the acoustic output of a single pulsejet.
Opto-acoustic imaging is a growing field of research in recent years, providing functional imaging of physiological biomarkers, such as the oxygenation of haemoglobin. Piezo electric transducers are the industry standard detector for ultrasonics, but their limited bandwidth, susceptibility to electromagnetic interference and their inversely proportional sensitivity to size all affect the detector performance. Sensors based on polymer optical fibres (POF) are immune to electromagnetic interference, have lower acoustic impedance and a reduced Young's Modulus compared to silica fibres. Furthermore, POF enables the possibility of a wideband sensor and a size appropriate to endoscopy. Micro-structured POF (mPOF) used in an interferometric detector has been shown to be an order of magnitude more sensitive than silica fibre at 1 MHz and 3 times more sensitive at 10 MHz. We present the first opto-acoustic measurements obtained using a 4.7mm PMMA mPOF Bragg grating with a fibre diameter of 130 μm and present the lateral directivity pattern of a PMMA mPOF FBG ultrasound sensor over a frequency range of 1-50 MHz. We discuss the impact of the pattern with respect to the targeted application and draw conclusions on how to mitigate the problems encountered.
Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Biomédica.
Engineering ceramics, indentation methods, crack-resistance, Rayleigh waves, acoustic microscopy, machining parameters, green ceramic bodies, ultrasonic contact impedance, acoustic impedance, residual stress
Las capas de acoplamiento son un elemento clave en los dispositivos BAW CRF. El factor de acoplamiento K de estas capas permite el diseño de una determinada respuesta. Debido al limitado número de materiales con las que implementarlas, las soluciones que utilizan capas de λ/4 ofrecen un rango discreto de K. Por otra parte, el reflector de Bragg es un mecanismo de aislamiento mecánico entre el sustrato y la estructura BAW que está formado por capas alternas de alta y baja impedancia acústica de λ/4. El problema que presenta es la reducción del factor de calidad asociado a las pérdidas producida por las ondas shear. Este proyecto presenta un método para la obtención de un rango continuo de factores de acoplamiento y estudia la mejora del factor de calidad de las estructuras BAW con reflector de Bragg partiendo de dos materiales con alta y baja impedancia acústica.
Using the transit pulse method, we have determined compressional wave velocities of rocks from various geological units belonging to the Penninic zone along the NFP20-West profiles of the Swiss western Alps. The velocities have been measured at confining pressures up to 400 MPa, along three orthogonal axes defined by the macrostructure of the rocks. The samples analysed show a degree of metamorphism ranging from greenschist to eclogite facies. This collection includes schists, dolomites, gneisses and ophiolitic rocks. The mean velocities range from 5.9 km/s for a quartzitic calcschist to 7.9 km/s for an eclogitic metagabbro. The velocity anisotropy is as high as 20 %. The range of acoustic impedance is wide, from 15 to 27 10(6) kg/m2s. From these measurements, normal incident reflection coefficients for likely rock assemblages within and between geological units were estimated in order to interpret zone of the strong reflections recorded along the seismic profiles. Reflection coefficients as high as 0.17 could be determined.
In this work it is introduced a new approach to calculate the density of liquids in terms of the energies of the acoustic signals. This method is compared to other methods in the time domain (peak-to-peak amplitudes) and frequency domain magnitudes at a single frequency. It is used a measurement cell based on a multiple reflection technique, and it is developed an acoustic model for the cell. Simulations and experiments using several liquids are presented, showing that the energy method a less sensitive to noise than the other techniques. The relative errors in the density are smaller than 0.2% when compared to the values measured with a pycnometer.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)