862 resultados para ZnO nanorod morphology
The influence of the substrate temperature on the structural features and opto-electrical properties of undoped and indium-doped ZnO thin films deposited by pyrosol process was investigated. The addition of indium induces a drastic decrease (by a factor approximate to 10(10) for samples deposited at 300 degreesC) in the electrical resistivity of films, the lowest electrical resistivity (6 mOmega-cm) being observed for the film deposited at 450 degreesC. Films are highly transparent (>80%) in the Vis-NIR ranges, and the optical band gap exhibits a blue shift (from 3.29 to 3.33 eV) for the In-doped films deposited at increasing temperature. Preferential orientation of the ZnO crystallites with the c-axis perpendicular to the substrate surface and an anisotropic morphology of the nanoporous structure was observed for films growth at 300 and 350 degreesC. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The microstructural evolution, grain growth and densification for the varistor systems ZnO-Bi2O3 (ZB), ZnO-Bi2O3-Sb2O3 (ZBS), ZnO-Bi2O3-Sb2O3-MnO-Cr 2O3-CoO (ZBSCCM) were studied using constant heating rate sintering, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and in situ phase formation measurement by high temperature X-ray diffraction (HT-XRD). The results showed that the densifying process is controlled by the formation and decomposition of the Zn2Bi3Sb3O14 pyrochlore (PY) phase for the ZBS and ZBSCCM systems. The addition of transition metals (ZBSCCM system) alters the formation and decomposition reaction temperatures of the pyrochlore phase and the morphology of the Zn7Sb2O12 spinel phase. Thus, the spinel grains act as inclusions and decrease the ZnO grain growth rate. Spinel grain growth kinetics in the ZBSCCM system showed an n value of 2.6, and SEM and HT-XRD results indicate two grain growth mechanisms based on coalescence and Ostwald ripening. © 1996 Chapman & Hall.
Application of nanoscale materials in photovoltaic and photocatalysis devices and photosensors are dramatically affected by surface morphology of nanoparticles, which plays a fundamental role in the understanding of the physical and chemical properties of nanoscale materials. Zinc oxide nanoparticles with an average size of 20 nm were obtained by the use of a sonochemical technique. X-ray diffraction (XRD) associated to Rietveld refinements and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to study structural and morphological characteristics of the samples. An amorphous shell approximately 10 nm thick was observed in the ultrasonically treated sample, and a large reduction in particle size and changes in the lattice parameters were also observed. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Zinc oxide (ZnO) thin films were prepared using reactive radio-frequency magnetron sputtering of a pure metallic zinc target onto glass substrates. The evolution of the surface morphology and the optical properties of the films were studied as a function of the substrate temperature, which was varied from 50 to 250 C. The surface topography of the samples was examined using atomic force microscopy (AFM), and their optical properties were studied via transmittance measurements in the UV-Vis-NIR region. DRX and AFM analyses showed that the surface morphology undergoes a structural transition at substrate temperatures of around 150 C. Actually, at 50 C the formation of small grains was observed while at 250 C the grains observed were larger and had more irregular shapes. The optical gap remained constant at ∼3.3 eV for all films. In the visible region, the average optical transmittance was 80 %. From these results, one can conclude that the morphological properties of the ZnO thin films were more greatly affected by the substrate temperature, due to mis-orientation of polycrystalline grains, than were the optical properties. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Zinc oxide (ZnO) and aluminum-doped zinc oxide (ZnO:Al) thin films were deposited onto glass and silicon substrates by RF magnetron sputtering using a zinc-aluminum target. Both films were deposited at a growth rate of 12.5 nm/min to a thickness of around 750 nm. In the visible region, the films exhibit optical transmittances which are greater than 80%. The optical energy gap of ZnO films increased from 3.28 eV to 3.36 eV upon doping with Al. This increase is related to the increase in carrier density from 5.9 × 1018 cm-3 to 2.6 × 1019 cm-3. The RMS surface roughness of ZnO films grown on glass increased from 14 to 28 nm even with only 0.9% at Al content. XRD analysis revealed that the ZnO films are polycrystalline with preferential growth parallel to the (002) plane, which corresponds to the wurtzite structure of ZnO.
ZnO and doped M:ZnO (M = V, Fe and Co) nanostructures were synthesized by microwave hydrothermal synthesis using a low temperature route without addition of any surfactant. The transition metal ions were successfully doped in small amount (3% mol) into ZnO structure. Analysis by X-ray diffraction reveals the formation of ZnO with the hexagonal (wurtzite-type) crystal structure for all the samples. The as-obtained samples showed a similar flower-like morphology except for Fe:ZnO samples, which presented a plate-like morphology. The photocatalytic performance for Rhodamine B (RhB) degradation confirmed that the photoactivity of M:ZnO nanostructures decreased for all dopants in structure, according to their eletronegativity. Photoluminescence spectroscopy was employed to correlate M:ZnO structure with its photocatalytical properties. It was suggested that transition metal ions in ZnO lattice introduce defects that act as trapping or recombination centers for photogenerated electrons and holes, making it impossible for them reach the surface and promote the photocatalytical process.
In the field of organic optoelectronics, the nanoscale structure of the materials has huge im-pact on the device performance. Here, scanning force microscopy (SFM) techniques become increasingly important. In addition to topographic information, various surface properties can be recorded on a nanometer length scale, such as electrical conductivity (conductive scanning force microscopy, C-SFM) and surface potential (Kelvin probe force microscopy, KPFM).rnrnIn the context of this work, the electrical SFM modes were applied to study the interplay be-tween morphology and electrical properties in hybrid optoelectronic structures, developed in the group of Prof. J. Gutmann (MPI-P Mainz). In particular, I investigated the working prin-ciple of a novel integrated electron blocking layer system. A structure of electrically conduct-ing pathways along crystalline TiO2 particles in an insulating matrix of a polymer derived ceramic was found and insulating defect structures could be identified. In order to get insights into the internal structure of a device I investigated a working hybrid solar cell by preparing a cross cut with focused ion beam polishing. With C-SFM, the functional layers could be identified and the charge transport properties of the novel active layer composite material could be studied. rnrnIn C-SFM, soft surfaces can be permanently damaged by (i) tip induced forces, (ii) high elec-tric fields and (iii) high current densities close to the SFM-tip. Thus, an alternative operation based on torsion mode topography imaging in combination with current mapping was intro-duced. In torsion mode, the SFM-tip vibrates laterally and in close proximity to the sample surface. Thus, an electrical contact between tip and sample can be established. In a series of reference experiments on standard surfaces, the working mechanism of scanning conductive torsion mode microscopy (SCTMM) was investigated. Moreover, I studied samples covered with free standing semiconducting polymer nano-pillars that were developed in the group of Dr. P. Theato (University Mainz). The application of SCTMM allowed non-destructive imag-ing of the flexible surface at high resolution while measuring the conductance on individual pillarsrnrnIn order to study light induced electrical effects on the level of single nanostructures, a new SFM setup was built. It is equipped with a laser sample illumination and placed in inert at-mosphere. With this photoelectric SFM, I investigated the light induced response in function-alized nanorods that were developed in the group of Prof. R. Zentel (University Mainz). A block-copolymer containing an anchor block and dye moiety and a semiconducting conju-gated polymer moiety was synthesized and covalently bound to ZnO nanorods. This system forms an electron donor/acceptor interface and can thus be seen as a model system of a solar cell on the nanoscale. With a KPFM study on the illuminated samples, the light induced charge separation between the nanorod and the polymeric corona could not only be visualized, but also quantified.rnrnThe results demonstrate that electrical scanning force microscopy can study fundamental processes in nanostructures and give invaluable feedback to the synthetic chemists for the optimization of functional nanomaterials.rn
The phase equilibria in the Fe-Zn-O system in the range 900-1580degreesC in air have been experimentally studied using equilibration and quenching techniques. The compositions of the phases at equilibrium were determined using electron probe X-ray microanalysis (EPMA). The ferrous and ferric bulk iron concentrations were measured with a wet chemical analysis using the ammonium metavanadate technique. X-ray powder diffraction analysis (XRD) was used to characterise the phases. Iron oxide dissolved in zincite was found to be present principally in the ferric form. The XRD analysis and the composition measurements both indicate that zincite is the only phase stable in the ZnO-rich area in the range of conditions investigated. The solubility of the iron oxide in zincite rapidly increases at temperatures above 1200degreesC; the morphology of the zincite crystals also sharply changes between 1200 and 1300degreesC from rounded to plate-like crystals. The plate-like zincite forms a refractory network-the type of microstructure beneficial to the Imperial Smelting Process (ISP) sinter performance. The software program FactSage with a thermodynamically optimised database was used to predict phase equilibria in the Fe-Zn-O system.
La compréhension des interrelations entre la microstructure et les processus électroniques dans les polymères semi-conducteurs est d’une importance primordiale pour leur utilisation dans des hétérostructures volumiques. Dans cette thèse de doctorat, deux systémes diffèrents sont étudiés ; chacun de ces systèmes représente une approche diffèrente pour optimiser les matériaux en termes de leur microstructure et de leur capacité à se mettre en ordre au niveau moléculaire. Dans le premier système, j’ai effectué une analyse complète des principes de fonctionnement d’une cellule photovoltaïque hybride à base des nanocristaux d’oxyde de zinc (ZnO) et du poly (3-hexylthiophène) (P3HT) par absorption photoinduite en régime quasi-stationnaire (PIA) et la spectroscopie PIA en pompage modulé dépendant de la fréquence. L’interface entre le donneur (le polymère P3HT) et l’accepteur (les nanoparticules de ZnO), où la génération de charges se produit, joue un rôle important dans la performance des cellules photovoltaïques hybrides. Pour améliorer le mécanisme de génération de charges du P3H: ZnO, il est indispensable de modifier l’interface entre ses constituants. Nous avons démontré que la modification d’interface moléculaire avec cis-bis (4, 40 - dicarboxy-2, 20bipyridine) ruthénium (II) (N3-dye) et a-Sexithiophen-2 yl-phosphonique (6TP) a améliorée le photocourant et la performance dans les cellules P3HT: ZnO. Le 6TP et le N3 s’attachent à l’interface du ZnO, en augmentant ainsi l’aire effective de la surface donneur :accepteur, ce qui contribue à une séparation de charge accrue. De plus, le 6TP et le N3 réduisent la densité de pièges dans le ZnO, ce qui réduit le taux de recombinaison des paires de charges. Dans la deuxième partie, jai introduit une matrice hôte polymérique de polystyréne à masse molaire ulra-élevée, qui se comporte comme un solide pour piéger et protéger une solution de poly [2-méthoxy, 5- (2´-éthyl-hexoxy) -1,4-phénylènevinylène- PPV] (MEHPPV) pour utilisation dans des dispositifs optoèlectroniques quantiques. Des travaux antérieurs ont montré que MEH-PPV en solution subit une transition de conformation, d’une conformation enroulé à haute température (phase bleue) à une conformation de chaîne étendue à basse température (phase rouge). La conformation de la chaîne étendue de la solution MEH-PPV favorise les caractéristiques nécessaires à l’amélioration des dispositifs optoélectroniques quantiques, mais la solution ne peut pas être incorporées dans le dispositif. J’ai démontré que la caractéristique de la phase rouge du MEH-PPV en solution se maintient dans une matrice hôte polymérique de polystyrène transformé de masse molaire très élevée, qui se comporte comme un solide (gel de MEH-PPV/UHMW PS), par le biais de la spectroscopie de photoluminescence (PL) dépendant de la température (de 290K à 80 K). La phase rouge du gel MEH-PPV/UHMW PS se manifeste par des largeurs de raie étroites et une intensité augmentée de la transition 0-0 de la progression vibronique dans le spectre de PL ainsi qu’un petit décalage de Stokes entre la PL et le spectre d’absorption à basse température. Ces approches démontrent que la manipulation de la microstructure et des propriétés électroniques des polymères semi-conducteurs ont un impact direct sur la performance de dispositifs pour leurs développements technologiques continus.