994 resultados para Ziegler, Sandra


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The isotope effect on propagation rate was determined for four homogeneous ethylene polymerization systems. The catalytic system Cp_2Ti(Et)Cl + EtA1Cl_2 has a k^H_p/k^D_p = 1.035 ± 0.03. This result strongly supports an insertion mechanism which does not involve a hydrogen migration during the rate determining step of propagation (Cossee mechanism). Three metal-alkyl free systems were also studied. The catalyst I_2 (PMe_3)_3Ta(neopentylidene)(H) has a k^H_p/k^D_p = 1.709. It is interpreted as a primary isotope effect involving a non-linear a-hydrogen migration during the rate determining step of propagation (Green mechanism). The lanthanide complexes Cp*_2LuMe•Et_2O and Cp*_2YbMe•Et_2O have a k^H_p/k^D_p = 1.46 and 1.25, respectively. They are interpreted as primary isotope effects due to a partial hydrogen migration during the rate determining step of propagation.

The presence of a precoordination or other intermediate species during the polymerization of ethylene by the mentioned metal-alkyl free catalysts was sought by low temperature NMR spectroscopy. However, no evidence for such species was found. If they exist, their concentrations are very small or their lifetimes are shorter than the NMR time scale.

Two titanocene (alkenyl)chlorides (hexenyl 1 and heptenyl 2 were prepared from titanocene dichloride and a THF solution of the corresponding alkenylmagnesium chloride. They do not cyclize in solution when alone, but cyclization to their respective titanocene(methyl(cycloalkyl) chlorides occurs readily in the presence of a Lewis acid. It is demonstrated that such cyclization occurs with the alkenyl ligand within the coordination sphere of the titanium atom. Cyclization of 1 with EtAlCl_2 at 0°C occurs in less than 95 msec (ethylene insertion time), as shown by the presence of 97% cyclopentyl-capped oligomers when polymerizing ethylene with this system. Some alkyl exchange occurs (3%). Cyclization of 2 is slower under the same reaction conditions and is not complete in 95 msec as shown by the presence of both cyclohexyl-capped oligomers (35%) and odd number α-olefin oligomers (50%). Alkyl exchange is more extensive as evidenced by the even number n-alkanes (15%).

Cyclization of 2-d_1 (titanocene(hept-6-en-1-yl-1-d_1)chloride) with EtA1Cl_2 demonstrated that for this system there is no α-hydrogen participation during said process. The cyclization is believed to occur by a Cossee-type mechanism. There was no evidence for precoordination of the alkenyl double bond during the cyclization process.


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Nesta Dissertação foi utilizado um sistema catalítico Zieger-Natta à base de neodímio para avaliar a influência do agente de halogenação e da razão molar halogênio:Nd sobre a atividade catalítica, a constante de velocidade de propagação, a conversão da polimerização, a microestrutura, a massa molecular e a polidispersão do polibutadieno 1,4-cis. O sistema utilizado era constituído por versatato de neodímio (NdV), hidreto de diisobutilalumínio (DIBAH) e um agente de halogenação. Os agentes halogenantes estudados foram: cloreto de t-butila (t-BuCl), sesquicloreto de etilalumínio (EASC) e cloreto de dietilalumínio (DEAC), em valores de razão molar Cl:Nd que variaram entre 0,5:1 e 5:1 e o dietil-eterato de trifluoreto de boro (BF3.Et2O), na razão molar F:Nd = 3:1. Os polímeros foram caracterizados por espectroscopia na região do infravermelho para determinação da microestrutura e por cromatografia de exclusão por tamanho para determinação das massas moleculares. O teor de unidades 1,4-cis variou de 90 a 98%, a massa molecular numérica média ( ) permaneceu na faixa entre 0,2 e 2x105, e a massa molecular ponderal média ( ) variou de 1,4 a 4x105


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A zirconium-based Ziegler-Natta catalytic system has been tested in the dimerization of 1-butene. It was found that the concentration of Et2AlCl, Ph3P and PhONa as well as the reaction temperature had great influences on the activity and selectivity of the catalyst. Under the optimum reaction conditions, the conversion of 1-butene is 91.9%, and the selectivity of dimers is 76.7%. Basic ligands such as Ph3P and PhONa can inhibit isomerization of 1-butene to 2-butene effectively. In addition, the metal hydride mechanism was also suggested and some indirect evidence was obtained in favor of this mechanism.


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The first aryldiimine NCN-pincer ligated rare earth metal dichlorides (2,6-(2,6-C6H3R2N=CH)(2)C6H3)LnCl(2)(THF)(2) (Ln = Y, R = Me (1), Et (2), Pr (3); R = Et, Ln = La (4), Nd (5), Gd (6), Sm (7), Eu (8), Tb (9), Dy (10), Ho (11), Yb (12), Lu (13)) were successfully synthesized via transmetalation between 2,6-(2,6-C2H3-R2N=CH)(2)-C6H3Li and LnCl(3)(THF)(1 similar to 3.5). These complexes are isostructural monomers with two coordinating THF molecules, where the pincer ligand coordinates to the central metal ion in a kappa C:kappa N: kappa N' tridentate mode, adopting a meridional geometry.


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Living characteristics of facilely prepared Ziegler-Natta type catalyst system consisting of iron(III) 2-ethylhexanoate, triisobutylaluminum and diethyl phosphite have been found in the polymerization of 1,3-butadiene in hexane at 40 degrees C. The characteristics have been well demonstrated by: a first-order kinetics with respect to monomer conversion, a narrow molecular weight distribution (M-w/M-n = 1.48-1.52) of polybutadiene in the entire range of polymerization conversion and a good linearity between M-n and the yield of polymer. Feasible post-polymerization of 1,3-butadiene and block co-polymerization of 1,3-butadiene and isoprene further support the living natures of the catalyst bestowed with.


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Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) were modified with polyethylene (PE) prepared by in situ Ziegler-Natta polymerization. Because of the catalyst pre-treated on the surface of the SWNTs, the ethylene was expected to polymerize there. Scanning electron microscopy images and solubility measurements showed that the surface of the SWNTs was covered with a PE layer, and a crosslink may have formed between the SWNTs and PE. When the SWNTs covered with a PE layer were mixed with commercialized PE by melt blending, the resulting composite had better mechanical properties than the composite from the SWNTs without a PE layer. The yield strength, the tensile strength and modulus, the strain at break, and the fracture energy of the modified-SWNT/PE composites were improved by 25, 15.2, 25.4, 21, and 38% in comparison with those of the raw-SWNT/PE composites.


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The prediction, based on unsteady diffusion kinetics, of the enhancement of reactivity and incorporation of 1-hexadecene in its copolymerization with propylene on adding a small amount of ethylene (increase from 5,2 mol-% to 10,8 mol-% when 2% of ethylene was added, and to 16,1 mol-% when 5% was added) was verified in the terpolymerization of propylene/1-hexadecene/ethylene on a commercial Solvay-type delta-TiCl3 catalyst. The catalyst efficiency was thus also increased. These augmentations originate from the increase in diffusion coefficient of 1-hexadecene at the catalyst surface when the PP crystallinity decreases on introduction of ethylene. Calculation based on unsteady diffusion kinetics showed that the order of diffusion coefficients ethylene > propylene > 1-hexadecene is reversed as the monomer concentration increases when the monomers are not at their equilibrium concentration. Sequence distribution as determined by means of C-13 NMR revealed a tendency of blocky structure rather than a Bernoullian one. The terpolymer compositions obtained by means of an IR method developed in this work conform rather well with the NMR results. Results in this work not only support the unsteady diffusion kinetics but also provide a new route to prepare olefinic copolymer rubbers with heterogeneous titanium catalysts.


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This paper describes the roles of silica (SiO2), the butoxy ligand (-OBu) and ethyl benzoate (EB) on ethylene/1-butene copolymerization with MgCl2/SiO2-supported titanium catalysts. The distribution of SiO2 and of the elements Mg and Ti was observed by means of an energy-dispersed X-ray microanalyzer on a scanning electron microscope (SEM). An inversed Si/Mg ratio results, at invariant Ti/Mg ratio and -OBu content, in higher catalyst efficiency and higher comonomer incorporation, with a correspondingly decreased crystallinity of the copolymers. Thus, the inert carrier SiO2 favors copolymerizability, as seen from the values of the reactivity ratios. The copolymer compositional distribution is also affected by the SiO2 content, as seen from the DSC curves of the copolymers. As to the copolymer morphology, addition of SiO2 makes the copolymer particles larger and more uniform.


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Unsteady diffusion kinetic, recently advanced by this laboratory, is applied to the examination of some polymerization and molecular chain structure problems. Hitherto deemed "anomalous" phenomena, such as the faster rate of copolymerization of ethylene/alpha-olefin than the homopolymerization of ethylene and the enrichment in the incorporation of a higher alpha-olefin in its copolymerization with ethylene by a lower alpha-olefin, are reasonably explained by unsteady diffusion of monomers. Molecular chain structure of copolymers, such as compositional heterogeneity and its dependence on comonomer incorporation originates from the difference in diffusion coefficients of the monomers. A copolymer composition equation taking into consideration the unsteady diffusion was developed. In cases where simulated curves were compared with experimental curves, good agreements were found.


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