896 resultados para Zero-valent iron
Carra sawdust pretrated with formaldehyde was used to adsorb RR239 (reactive azo dye) at varying pH and zerovalent iron (ZVI) dosage. Modeling of kinetic results shows that sorption process is best described by the pseudo-second-order model. Batch experiments suggest that the decolorization efficiency was strongly enhanced with the presence of ZVI and low solution pH. The kinetics of dye sorption by mixed sorbent (5 g of sawdust and 180 mg of ZVI) at pH 2.0 was rapid, reaching more than 90% of the total discoloration in three minutes.
Reactive species generated by Fe0 oxidation promoted by O2 (catalyzed or not by ligands) are able to degrade contaminant compounds like the herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. The degradation of 2,4-D was influenced by the concentrations of zero valent iron (ZVI) and different ligands, as well as by pH. In the absence of ligands, the highest 2,4-D degradation rate was obtained at pH 3, while the highest percentage degradation (50%) was achieved at pH 5 after 120 min of reaction. Among the ligands studied (DTPA, EDTA, glycine, oxalate, and citrate), only ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) significantly enhanced oxidation of 2,4-D. This increase in oxidation was observed at all pH values tested (including neutral to alkaline conditions), indicating the feasibility of the technique for treatment of contaminated water. In the presence of EDTA, the oxidation rate was greater at pH 3 than at pH 5 or 7. Increasing the EDTA concentration increased the rate and percentage of 2,4-D degradation, however increasing the Fe0 concentration resulted in the opposite behavior. It was found that degradation of EDTA and 2,4-D occurred simultaneously, and that the new methodology avoided any 2,4-D removal by adsorption/coprecipitation. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Actualmente, a poluição do ar, água e solo são problemáticas nas quais se têm centrado diversos estudos. Reduzir ou eliminar a concentração dos diversos poluentes presentes nestes meios é uma meta que se pretende atingir. Neste âmbito, têm sido desenvolvidos diversos estudos e trabalhos, utilizando diversas tecnologias, como químicas e biológicas, de forma a conseguir-se atingir este fim. Esta tese teve como principal objectivo estudar a remediação de solos contaminados com produtos farmacêuticos recorrendo à oxidação/redução química. Assim, começou por se estudar a remediação de água contaminada com ibuprofeno, uma vez, que a matriz líquida é mais fácil de estudar que o solo. Neste âmbito escolheram-se os seguintes reagentes para estudar a descontaminação da água: permanganato de potássio, reagente de Fenton e nanopartículas de ferro zero valente. Analisando os resultados obtidos nestas análises, verificou-se que o permanganato de potássio não foi capaz de reduzir a concentração de ibuprofeno presente na água. No entanto, o reagente de Fenton e as nanopartículas produzidas a partir do extracto da casca de castanha e do chá conseguirem reagir com o ibuprofeno, apresentando taxas de degradação de 90 % e 77 %, respectivamente, nas melhores condições experimentadas. Com os resultados obtidos, passou-se a analisar solos contaminados com o ibuprofeno, utilizando o reagente de Fenton e as nanopartículas produzidas a partir de um extracto de chá. Verificou-se que estes reagentes conseguiram reduzir a concentração de ibuprofeno presente no solo (areia) para valores residuais, obtendo-se taxas de degradação acima de 95 % após 5 dias de reacção. Conclui-se que, o objectivo principal desta tese foi cumprido pois foi reduzida, e quase eliminada, a concentração do ibuprofeno presente no solo, recorrendo à oxidação/redução química.
O recente surgimento de nanopartículas de ferro valente-zero (nFZV), um material com elevada capacidade de remediação de solos por via de reacções de oxidação/redução pode ser uma opção viável para a remoção de fármacos do solo. A sua aplicação já é uma realidade em alguns tipos de solos contaminados por compostos específicos e, com este trabalho, procura-se estudar a sua capacidade de remediação de solos contaminados por compostos farmacêuticos, recorrendo-se a uma tecnologia “verde” de síntese destas nanopartículas. Esta tecnologia é bastante recente, ainda não aplicada no campo de trabalho, que se baseia no uso de folhas de certas árvores para produzir extratos naturais que reduzem o ferro (III) a ferro zero valente, formando nFZV. Desta forma procedeu-se, à escala laboratorial, ao estudo da eficiência das nFZV na degradação de um fármaco – paracetamol – e comparou-se com a eficiência demonstrada por oxidantes, muito utilizados hoje em dia em casos de remediação in situ como o permanganato de potássio, o peróxido de hidrogénio, o persulfato de sódio e o reagente de Fenton. O estudo foi efectuado em dois meios diferentes: solução aquosa e solo arenoso. De forma muito sucinta, o estudo baseou-se na introdução dos oxidantes/nFZV em soluções/solos contaminados com paracetamol e consequente monitorização do processo de remediação através de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. Nos ensaios com soluções aquosas contaminadas com paracetamol, o permanganato de potássio e o reagente de Fenton revelaram capacidade para degradar o paracetamol, atingindo mesmo um grau de degradação de 100%. O persulfato de sódio também demonstrou uma capacidade de degradação do paracetamol, chegando a atingir 99% de degradação, mas apenas recorrendo ao uso de um volume de oxidante elevado quando comparado com os outros dois oxidantes já referidos. Por outro lado, o peróxido de hidrogénio não demonstrou qualquer capacidade de degradação do paracetamol, pelo que o seu uso não passou desta fase. Verificou-se também que o uso de ferro granulado para o tratamento de água contaminada com paracetamol revelou resultados diferentes dos observados no uso de nFZV, obtendo-se eficiências de 87%. Existiram dificuldades analíticas na quantificação do paracetamol, especificamente relacionadas com o uso do extracto de folhas de amoreira, cuja composição continha substâncias que causaram dificuldades acentuadas na análise dos cromatogramas. Por fim, um pequeno teste de combinação do reagente de Fenton com os fenómenos de biodegradação resultantes dos microrganismos presentes em folhas do extracto de chá preto demonstrou que este pode ser uma área que pode e deve ser mais estudada. Desta forma, a utilização das nFZV para o tratamento de água contaminada com paracetamol não permitiu a retirada de conclusões seguras sobre a capacidade que as nFZV produzidas com extractos de folhas de amoreira e de chá preto têm de degradação do paracetamol. Nos testes de remediação de solos contaminados os resultados demonstraram que, mais uma vez, tanto o permanganato de potássio como o reagente de Fenton se revelam como os melhores oxidantes para a degradação do paracetamol, obtendo-se a degradação total do paracetamol. Por outro lado, voltou a ser necessário uma elevada quantidade de persulfato de sódio quando comparada com os dois anteriores, para que ocorra a degradação desta mesma quantidade de paracetamol, demonstrando mais uma vez que, apesar de não ideal, o persulfato demonstra capacidade de degradação do paracetamol.
In this work the degradation of aqueous solutions of reactive azo-dyes is reported using a combined reductive/advanced oxidative process based in the H2O2/zero-valent iron system. At optimized experimental conditions (pH 7, H2O2 100 mg L-1, iron 7 g L-1) and using a continuous system containing commercial iron wool, the process afforded almost total discolorization of aqueous solutions of three reactive azo-dyes (reactive orange 16, reactive black 5 and brilliant yellow 3G-P) at a hydraulic retention time of 2.5 min. At these conditions the hydrogen peroxide is almost totally consumed while the released total soluble iron reaches a concentration compatible with the current Brazilian legislation (15 mg L-1).
The remediation of groundwater containing organochlorine compounds was evaluated using a reductive system with zero-valent iron, and the reductive process coupled with Fenton's reagent. The concentration of the individual target compounds reached up to 400 mg L-1 in the sample. Marked reductions in the chlorinated compounds were observed in the reductive process. The degradation followed pseudo-first-order kinetics in terms of the contaminant and was dependent on the sample contact time with the solid reducing agent. An oxidative test with Fenton's reagent, followed by the reductive assay, showed that tetrachloroethylene was further reduced up to three times the initial concentration. The destruction of chloroform, however, demands an additional treatment.
In this work the potentiality of reductive-oxidative processes based on zero-valent iron was studied aiming the degradation of nitroaromatic compounds and the remediation of residues from the explosive industry. The reductive process was applied as a continuous treatment system, using steel-wool as zero-valent iron source. The process permitted an almost total degradation of nitrobenzene, nitrophenol, nitrotoluene, dinitrotoluene and trinitrotoluene, probably with generation of the respective amine-derivative. The yellow-water residue, containing soluble trinitrotoluene, was notably modified by the reductive process, a fact that permitted a substantial enhancement of its biodegradability. Furthermore, the subsequent photo-Fenton process allowed TOC removal of about 80%.
In this work the treatment of textile dyeing baths by a sequential reductive-oxidative process was evaluated, aiming its utilization in new dyeing process. The results demonstrated that reactive dyes can be easily degraded by reductive processes mediated by zero-valent iron, a fact that induces decolorizations of about 80%. Sequential photo-Fenton processes permit almost total removal of the residual color with elimination of 90% of the COD content. The reuse of treated residues permits the achievement of materials that attend practically all textile specifications, with exception of the color difference parameter (ΔE), which is unsatisfactory toward the importation standards, but adequate for the national market.
The deep Black Sea is known to be depleted in electron-acceptors for sulphide oxidation. This study on depth distributions of sulphur species (S(II), S(0),S(n)**2-,S2O3**2-,SO3**2-,SO4**2-) in the Dvurechenskii mud volcano, a cold seep situated in the permanently anoxic eastern Black Sea basin (Sorokin Trough, 2060 m water depth), showed remarkable concentrations of sulphide oxidation products. Sulphite concentrations of up to 11 µmol L**1-, thiosulphate concentrations of up to 22 µmol L**1-, zero-valent sulphur concentrations of up to 150 µmol L**1- and up to five polysulphide species were measured in the upper 20 cm of the sediment. Electron-acceptors found to be available in the Dvurechenskii mud volcano (DMV) for the oxidation of hydrogen sulphide to sulphide oxidation intermediates are iron-minerals, and probably also reactive manganese phases. Up to 60 µmol g**1- of reactive iron-minerals and up to 170 µmol L**1- dissolved iron was present in the central summit with the highest fluid upflow and fresh mud outflow. Thus, the source for the oxidative power in the DMV are reactive iron phases extruded with the mud from an ancient source in the deeply buried sediments, leading to the formation of various sulphur intermediates in comparably high concentrations. Another possible source of sulphide oxidation intermediates in DMV sediments could be the formation of zero-valent sulphur by sulphate dependent anaerobic microbial oxidation of methane followed by disproportionation of zero-valent sulphur. Sulphide oxidation intermediates, which are produced by these processes, do not reach thermodynamic equilibrium with rhombic sulphur, especially close to the active center of the DMV due to a short equilibration time. Thus, mud volcano sediments, such as in the DMV, can provide oxidizing niches even in a highly reduced environment like the abyssal part of the Black Sea.
Sulfur phases in the Argentine Basin.
The quantum chemical investigations presented in this thesis use hybrid density functional theory to shed light on the catalytic mechanisms of mononuclear non-heme iron oxygenases, accommodating a ferrous ion in their active sites. More specifically, the dioxygen activation process and the subsequent oxidative reactions in the following enzymes were studied: tetrahydrobiopterin-dependent hydroxylases, naphthalene 1,2-dioxygenase and α-ketoglutarate-dependent enzymes. In light of many experimental efforts devoted to the functional mimics of non-heme iron oxygenases, the reactivity of functional analogues was also examined. The computed energetics and the available experimental data served to assess the feasibility of the reaction mechanisms investigated. Dioxygen activation in tetrahydrobiopterin- and α-ketoglutarate-dependent enzymes were found to involve a high-valent iron-oxo species, which was then capable of substrate hydroxylation. In the case of naphthalene 1,2-dioxygenase, the reactivity of an iron(III)-hydroxperoxo species toward the substrate was investigated and compared to the biomimetic counterpart.
Here, we present results from sediments collected in the Argentine Basin, a non-steady state depositional marine system characterized by abundant oxidized iron within methane-rich layers due to sediment reworking followed by rapid deposition. Our comprehensive inorganic data set shows that iron reduction in these sulfate and sulfide-depleted sediments is best explained by a microbially mediated process-implicating anaerobic oxidation of methane coupled to iron reduction (Fe-AOM) as the most likely major mechanism. Although important in many modern marine environments, iron-driven AOM may not consume similar amounts of methane compared with sulfate-dependent AOM. Nevertheless, it may have broad impact on the deep biosphere and dominate both iron and methane cycling in sulfate-lean marine settings. Fe-AOM might have been particularly relevant in the Archean ocean, >2.5 billion years ago, known for its production and accumulation of iron oxides (in iron formations) in a biosphere likely replete with methane but low in sulfate. Methane at that time was a critical greenhouse gas capable of sustaining a habitable climate under relatively low solar luminosity, and relationships to iron cycling may have impacted if not dominated methane loss from the biosphere.