998 resultados para Zappone, Katherine


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Anatomy and physiology refers to the structure and function of the human body. Students studying this module, known as life science or bioscience, develop knowledge of the structure (anatomy) and function (physiology) of the body that can be applied in clinical practice and support other study courses.


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Considering the importance of significations in literary works, this paper proposes a comparative study of the image of the Doll's House in Henrik Ibsen's play ADoll's House (1879), and Katherine Mansfield's short story The Doll's House, published in the book The Dove's Nest (1923), based on the theories of Gaston Bachelard and Jean Baudrillard. In both cases, one notices that the presence of this image indicatesnot only the construction of these works' environment, but also a criticism of the bourgeois model of a perfect and flawless society, as the described image refers to. However, even though this image shares the same idea in both works, it will be explored differentlyin each case, whether through the search of Nora's character in escaping social conformity as in Ibsen, or through the subtle childlike game experienced by the Kelvey sisters, asin Mansfield.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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For more than two-thirds of the life of the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW), Katherine Kendall has been among its leaders. She began her involvement in 1950, served as the first paid Secretary General of the Association in the 1970's and, now in her late 90's, continues to share her wisdom as Honorary President. Beginning in 1950, she attended all the IASSW congresses except 2 (1990 and 1998) until 2004, when health issues prevented long international trips. She personally knew and worked with every President except the first. Thus, although the IASSW began with sustained involvement and contributions of two remarkable founders, Alice Salomon and René Sand, Kendall has surpassed all in terms of her enduring commitment to international social work education and its professional organization. Kendall's remarkable professional career spans 7 decades. Her international involvements began even earlier.


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For more than two-thirds of the life of the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW), Katherine Kendall has been among its leaders. She began her involvement in 1950, served as the first paid Secretary General of the Association in the 1970's and, now in her late 90's, continues to share her wisdom as Honorary President. Beginning in 1950, she attended all the IASSW congresses except 2 (1990 and 1998) until 2004, when health issues prevented long international trips. She personally knew and worked with every President except the first. Thus, although the IASSW began with sustained involvement and contributions of two remarkable founders, Alice Salomon and René Sand, Kendall has surpassed all in terms of her enduring commitment to international social work education and its professional organization. Kendall's remarkable professional career spans 7 decades. Her international involvements began even earlier. This article will focus on highlights of her international career, especially her IASSW service. It will also discuss her formative years and mention other aspects of contributions. Materials for the article are drawn from published and unpublished interviews conducted by other scholars, Kendall's own writings, and a personal interview conducted by the author in 2007.


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Willard apologizes for and describes disciplinary action taken against him by Harvard’s government, and explains that he has been sent to study under Reverend Thayer in Lancaster.


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Willard informs his parents of the death of Deacon Fairbank. He assures them that on his return to Cambridge, he was “received with great apparent cordiality both by the government + the president’s family.” He also reports on the health of President Willard, whose health has improved. Willard concludes the letter by asking for money to pay his expenses.