52 resultados para Zaleski Bohdan
Eukaryotic cells make many types of primary and processed RNAs that are found either in specific subcellular compartments or throughout the cells. A complete catalogue of these RNAs is not yet available and their characteristic subcellular localizations are also poorly understood. Because RNA represents the direct output of the genetic information encoded by genomes and a significant proportion of a cell's regulatory capabilities are focused on its synthesis, processing, transport, modification and translation, the generation of such a catalogue is crucial for understanding genome function. Here we report evidence that three-quarters of the human genome is capable of being transcribed, as well as observations about the range and levels of expression, localization, processing fates, regulatory regions and modifications of almost all currently annotated and thousands of previously unannotated RNAs. These observations, taken together, prompt a redefinition of the concept of a gene.
Genetic structure of populations of Pissodes castaneus (De Geer) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) using amplified fragment length polymorphism. The objective of this study was to determine the genetic structure of populations of Pissodes castaneus from different areas and on different species of Pinus using the PCR-AFLP technique. Twenty samples were analyzed, representing 19 populations from Brazil and one from Florence, Italy, which is the region of origin of P. castaneus. The four combinations of primers generated a total of 367 fragments of DNA, and 100% of polymorphic loci, indicating high degree of molecular polymorphism. The dendrogram did not reveal trends for grouping the populations in relation to origin. The low genetic similarity (0.11 between the most distant groups) and genetic distances of 0.13 and 0.44 for 10 out of the 20 samples may indicate several founding events or multiple introductions of heterogeneous strains into Brazil. The allelic fixation index (Fst) was 0.3851, considered high, and the number of migrants (Nm) was 0.3991, indicating low gene flow among populations. The highest genetic distances were between the population from Irani, SC and Cambará do Sul, RS and Bituruna, PR, indicating an independent founding event or a particular allelic fixation in the former location. The high genetic diversity among populations points out that the populations are genetically heterogeneous with a diverse gene pool in the surveyed areas, what makes them to respond differently to control measures.
The human genome encodes the blueprint of life, but the function of the vast majority of its nearly three billion bases is unknown. The Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) project has systematically mapped regions of transcription, transcription factor association, chromatin structure and histone modification. These data enabled us to assign biochemical functions for 80% of the genome, in particular outside of the well-studied protein-coding regions. Many discovered candidate regulatory elements are physically associated with one another and with expressed genes, providing new insights into the mechanisms of gene regulation. The newly identified elements also show a statistical correspondence to sequence variants linked to human disease, and can thereby guide interpretation of this variation. Overall, the project provides new insights into the organization and regulation of our genes and genome, and is an expansive resource of functional annotations for biomedical research.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a patogenicidade de isolados de Verticillium lecanii, sobre Cinara atlantica, e estimar a CL50 do melhor isolado. No teste de seleção, utilizaram-se mudas de pinus com ninfas do pulgão, 20 isolados do fungo e um controle, num total de 21 tratamentos e dez repetições. Na CL50 do isolado CG 904, utilizaram-se seis concentrações, com dez repetições. VL 6, CG 902 e VL 2 apresentaram os mais altos índices de mortalidade, 72,22%, 67,34% e 67,31%, respectivamente. A testemunha apresentou mortalidade de 15,6%. Nos bioensaios de CL50, a concentração de 10(8) conídios mL-1 , do isolado CG 904, causou mortalidade de 100%, CL50 de 2x10(5) conídios mL-1 e TL50 de 4,4 dias.
The transcriptome is the readout of the genome. Identifying common features in it across distant species can reveal fundamental principles. To this end, the ENCODE and modENCODE consortia have generated large amounts of matched RNA-sequencing data for human, worm and fly. Uniform processing and comprehensive annotation of these data allow comparison across metazoan phyla, extending beyond earlier within-phylum transcriptome comparisons and revealing ancient, conserved features. Specifically, we discover co-expression modules shared across animals, many of which are enriched in developmental genes. Moreover, we use expression patterns to align the stages in worm and fly development and find a novel pairing between worm embryo and fly pupae, in addition to the embryo-to-embryo and larvae-to-larvae pairings. Furthermore, we find that the extent of non-canonical, non-coding transcription is similar in each organism, per base pair. Finally, we find in all three organisms that the gene-expression levels, both coding and non-coding, can be quantitatively predicted from chromatin features at the promoter using a 'universal model' based on a single set of organism-independent parameters.
The traditional control of Imperata brasiliensis grasslands used by farmers in the Peruvian Amazon is to burn the grass. The objective of this study was to compare different methods of short-term control. Biological, mechanical, chemical and traditional methods of control were compared. Herbicide spraying and manual weeding have shown to be very effective in reducing above- and below-ground biomass growth in the first 45 days after slashing the grass, with effects persisting in the longer term, but both are expensive methods. Shading seems to be less effective in the short-term, whereas it influences the Imperata growth in the longer term. After one year shading, glyphosate application and weeding significantly reduced aboveground biomass by 94, 67 and 53%; and belowground biomass by 76, 65 and 58%, respectively, compared to control. We also found a significant decrease of Imperata rhizomes in soil during time under shading. Burning has proved to have no significant effect on Imperata growth. The use of shade trees in a kind of agroforestry system could be a suitable method for small farmers to control Imperata grasslands.
Continúa en el n. 17, p. 169-172
Continuación del artículo con el mismo título del n. 15, p. 18-22
Se describen las novedades para el año escolar 1954-1955 soviético. La primera es el retorno a una enseñanza mixta en las escuelas, suprimiendo la separación de sexos establecida en 1943. Entre los motivos se encuentran aspectos sociológicos y económicos, pues exige la construcción del doble de escuelas de las existentes. La segunda novedad, es la mayor politecnización de la enseñanza primaria, introduciendo más horas de trabajos manuales en las clases, y en la secundaria, con más horas de trabajo en talleres y empresas, disminuyendo las disciplinas culturales y humanistas, en beneficio de las disciplinas científicas y técnicas. De este modo se pretende aumentar el número de población obrera y disminuir la población universitaria en la sociedad soviética.
Está totalmente impuesta y controlada por la URSS. La concepción pedagógica soviética no reconoce a la Iglesia ni a la familia el derecho de educar a la juventud. La nueva generación es propiedad de la Sociedad y el Estado que puede formarla conforme a sus fines. Por ello, tratan siempre de alejar a la iglesia de la labor educacional. La lucha contra la iglesia católica ha empezado en los estados satélites, con la enseñanza y la educación religiosa. La actitud hacia la familia ha cambiado en la Urss y la nueva legislación trata de proteger, dificultando el divorcio e imponiendo obligaciones para con los hijos. Pero ello, es una educación forzada al incluir entre los instrumentos educacionales comunistas. Cualquier intento de los padres por educar a sus hijos por su cuenta frente al gobierno alemán se castiga como un crimen contra el Estado y para que cumplan, el gobierno pone a su lado a delatores. La escuela enseña a los niños y les estimula con premios a denunciar todo lo que sucede en su casa. Lo que hace que la escuela se convierta en una institución hostil que trata con métodos opresivos de ahuyentar al niño de la familia. Dentro de ella, el niño crece como un cuerpo extraño ante la impotencia de los padres. Se concede gran importancia a las instituciones educativas del Estado. En 1945 reforma en Alemania de la educación a través de la escuela unitaria: ocho cursos comunes para todos y luego cuatro a elegir entre enseñanza humanística, naturalista y profesional. Todo controlado por la ideología comunista.
Biomass allocation to above- and belowground compartments in trees is thought to be affected by growth conditions. To assess the strength of such influences, we sampled six Norway spruce forest stands growing at higher altitudes. Within these stands, we randomly selected a total of 77 Norway spruce trees and measured volume and biomass of stem, above- and belowground stump and all roots over 0.5 cm diameter. A comparison of our observations with models parameterised for lower altitudes shows that models developed for specific conditions may be applicable to other locations. Using our observations, we developed biomass functions (BF) and biomass conversion and expansion factors (BCEF) linking belowground biomass to stem parameters. While both BF and BCEF are accurate in belowground biomass predictions, using BCEF appears more promising as such factors can be readily used with existing forest inventory data to obtain estimates of belowground biomass stock. As an example, we show how BF and BCEF developed for individual trees can be used to estimate belowground biomass at the stand level. In combination with existing aboveground models, our observations can be used to quantify total standing biomass of high altitude Norway spruce stands.
European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) are two of the most ecologically and economically important forest tree species in Europe. These two species co-occur in many locations in Europe, leading to direct competition for canopy space. Foliage characteristics of two naturally regenerated pure stands of beech and spruce with fully closed canopies were contrasted to assess the dynamic relationship between foliage adaptability to shading, stand LAI and tree growth. We found that individual leaf size is far more conservative in spruce than in beech. Individual leaf and needle area was larger at the top than at the bottom of the canopy in both species. Inverse relationship was found for specific leaf area (SLA), highest SLA values were found at lowest light availability under the canopy. There was no difference in leaf area index (LAI) between the two stands, however LAI increased from 10.8 to 14.6 m2m-2 between 2009 and 2011. Dominant trees of both species were more efficient in converting foliage mass or area to produce stem biomass, although this relationship changed with age and was species-specific. Overall, we found larger foliage plasticity in beech than in spruce in relation to light conditions, indicating larger capacity to exploit niche openings.
The subject of this thesis is the development of a Gaschromatography (GC) system for non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) and measurement of samples within the project CARIBIC (Civil Aircraft for the Regular Investigation of the atmosphere Based on an Instrument Container, www.caribic-atmospheric.com). Air samples collected at cruising altitude from the upper troposphere and lowermost stratosphere contain hydrocarbons at low levels (ppt range), which imposes substantial demands on detection limits. Full automation enabled to maintain constant conditions during the sample processing and analyses. Additionally, automation allows overnight operation thus saving time. A gas chromatography using flame ionization detection (FID) together with the dual column approach enables simultaneous detection with almost equal carbon atom response for all hydrocarbons except for ethyne. The first part of this thesis presents the technical descriptions of individual parts of the analytical system. Apart from the sample treatment and calibration procedures, the sample collector is described. The second part deals with analytical performance of the GC system by discussing tests that had been made. Finally, results for measurement flight are assessed in terms of quality of the data and two flights are discussed in detail. Analytical performance is characterized using detection limits for each compound, using uncertainties for each compound, using tests of calibration mixture conditioning and carbon dioxide trap to find out their influence on analyses, and finally by comparing the responses of calibrated substances during period when analyses of the flights were made. Comparison of both systems shows good agreement. However, because of insufficient capacity of the CO2 trap the signal of one column was suppressed due to breakthroughed carbon dioxide so much that its results appeared to be unreliable. Plausibility tests for the internal consistency of the given data sets are based on common patterns exhibited by tropospheric NMHCs. All tests show that samples from the first flights do not comply with the expected pattern. Additionally, detected alkene artefacts suggest potential problems with storing or contamination within all measurement flights. Two last flights # 130-133 and # 166-169 comply with the tests therefore their detailed analysis is made. Samples were analyzed in terms of their origin (troposphere vs. stratosphere, backward trajectories), their aging (NMHCs ratios) and detected plumes were compared to chemical signatures of Asian outflows. In the last chapter a future development of the presented system with focus on separation is drawn. An extensive appendix documents all important aspects of the dissertation from theoretical introduction through illustration of sample treatment to overview diagrams for the measured flights.
Scimitar syndrome is a rare congenital heart disease. To evaluate the surgical results, we embarked on the European Congenital Heart Surgeons Association (ECHSA) multicentric study.