949 resultados para Xenophanes, approximately 570 B.C.-approximately 478 B.C.


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La calificación automática de tareas de programación es un tema importante dentro del campo de la innovación educativa que se enfoca en mejorar las habilidades de programación de los estudiantes y en optimizar el tiempo que el profesorado dedica a ello. Uno de los principales problemas vigentes está relacionado con la diversidad de criterios para calificar las tareas de programación. El presente trabajo propone e implementa una arquitectura, basada en el concepto de orquestación de servicios, para soportar varios procesos de calificación automática de tareas de programación. Esto es obtenido a través de las características de modularidad, extensibilidad y flexibilidad que la arquitectura provee al proceso de calificación. La arquitectura define como pieza clave un elemento llamado Grading-submodule, el mismo que provee un servicio de evaluación del código fuente considerando un criterio de calificación. La implementación se ha llevado a cabo sobre la herramienta Virtual Programming Lab; y los resultados demuestran la factibilidad de realización, y la utilidad tanto para el profesorado como para los estudiantes.


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This article presents the first measurement of the ratio of branching fractions B(Λb0→Λc+μ-ν̅ μ)/B(Λb0→Λc+π-). Measurements in two control samples using the same technique B(B̅ 0→D+μ-ν̅ μ)/B(B̅ 0→D+π-) and B(B̅ 0→D*(2010)+μ-ν̅ μ)/B(B̅ 0→D*(2010)+π-) are also reported. The analysis uses data from an integrated luminosity of approximately 172  pb-1 of pp̅ collisions at √s=1.96  TeV, collected with the CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. The relative branching fractions are measured to be B(Λb0→Λc+μ-ν̅ μ)/B(Λb0→Λc+π-)=16.6±3.0(stat)±1.0(syst)+2.6/-3.4(PDG)±0.3(EBR), B(B̅ 0→D+μ-ν̅ μ)/B(B̅ 0→D+π-)= 9.9±1.0(stat)±0.6(syst)±0.4(PDG)±0.5(EBR), and B(B̅ 0→D*(2010)+μ-ν̅ μ)/B(B̅ 0→D*(2010)+π-)=16.5±2.3(stat)± 0.6(syst)±0.5(PDG)±0.8(EBR). The uncertainties are from statistics (stat), internal systematics (syst), world averages of measurements published by the Particle Data Group or subsidiary measurements in this analysis (PDG), and unmeasured branching fractions estimated from theory (EBR), respectively. This article also presents measurements of the branching fractions of four new Λb0 semileptonic decays: Λb0→Λc(2595)+μ-ν̅ μ, Λb0→Λc(2625)+μ-ν̅ μ, Λb0→Σc(2455)0π+μ-ν̅ μ, and Λb0→Σc(2455)++π-μ-ν̅ μ, relative to the branching fraction of the Λb0→Λc+μ-ν̅ μ decay. Finally, the transverse-momentum distribution of Λb0 baryons produced in pp̅ collisions is measured and found to be significantly different from that of B̅ 0 mesons, which results in a modification in the production cross-section ratio σΛb0/σB̅ 0 with respect to the CDF I measurement.


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Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445


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The A1 variant protein of the β-casein family has been implicated in various disease states although much evidence is weak or contradictory. The primary objective was to measure, for the first time, the proportions of the key β-casein variant proteins in UK retail milk over the course of one year. In total, 55 samples of semi-skimmed milk were purchased from five supermarkets over the course of a year and the proportions of the A1, A2, B and C casein variant proteins were measured, using high resolution HPLC-MS. The results showed that β-casein in UK retail milk comprises approximately 0.58, 0.31, 0.07 and 0.03 A2, A1, B and C protein variants, respectively. The proportion of A2 is higher than some early studies would predict although the reasons for this and any implications for health are unclear


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) calcula que existam mais de 350 milhões de pessoas no mundo infectadas de forma crônica pelo Vírus da hepatite B (VHB) e cerca de 180 milhões de pessoas com o Vírus da hepatite C (VHC), além de, aproximadamente, 40 milhões de pessoas vivendo com o HIV-1. Estima-se que entre dois e quatro milhões são co-infectados pelo VHB e que entre quatro e cinco milhões são co-infectados pelo VHC. A partir dessas informações, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a soroprevalência da co-infecção pelo VHB e pelo VHC em pessoas portadoras do HIV-1 e/ou com SIDA/AIDS da cidade de Belém, entre os usuários da URE-DIPE. As amostras foram testadas para a presença de marcadores da infecção pelo VHB (HBsAg, HBeAg, anti-HBs, anti-HBc, anti-HBc/IgM e anti-HBe) e VHC (anti-VHC) por meio de ensaios imunoenzimáticos. O grupo estudado foi composto por 170 homens (56,7%) e 130 mulheres (43,3%), sendo que 30% não chegaram a cursar o primeiro grau completo e apresentam renda familiar de até 3 salários mínimos. A co-infecção HIV-1/VHB foi detectada em 91 (30,3%), cinco (1,7%) apresentaram co-infecção HIV-1/VHC, e seis (2%) mostraram-se infectados pelo VHB e VHC. Em sete (2,7%), foi possível mostrar evidência de vacinação prévia ao VHB. Não foi possível mostrar diferença estatística entre os valores de carga viral e de contagem de linfócitos T CD4+ e linfócitos T CD8+ com a presença de anticorpos na duplo (HIV-1/VHC) e na triplo infecção (HIV-1/VHB/VHC), porém foi mostrado significância estatística entre os valores de carga viral e contagem de linfócitos T CD8+ entre os co-infectados HIV-1/VHB.


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Segundo a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), existem no mundo, aproximadamente, 350 milhões de pessoas infectadas cronicamente pelo VHB e outras 170 milhões com infecção crônica pelo VHC. Assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a incidência da infecção pelos VHB e VHC e analisar possíveis fatores de risco entre 365 mulheres profissionais do sexo no Estado do Pará, sendo 32 participantes em Augusto Corrêa, 99 em Barcarena, 175 em Belém e 59 em Bragança. Destas participantes foram colhidas amostras de sangue , sendo os plasmas analisados por meio de um ensaio imunoenzimático e características epidemiológicas foram coletadas por meio de um questionário epidemiológico. Os resultados revelaram uma prevalência da infecção pelo VHB de 63,6%, sendo que para o HBsAg foi de 1,1% e para o anti-HBc de 61,9%. A soroprevalência do anti-VHC foi de 7,7% e, no que se refere à sororreatividade ao VHB e VHC simultaneamente foi de 4,4%. Entre as participantes, a imunização ao VHB foi observada em apenas 4,7% e 29,0% demonstraram suscetibilidade à infecção pelo VHB e VHC. Houve uma correlação significativa entre a soropositividade para os marcadores virais do VHB com a baixa renda familiar, o desconhecimento de doença hepática sob forma de hepatite e o uso ocasional do preservativo nas relações sexuais. Entretanto, não houve essa correlação entre as variáveis epidemiológicas com a sororreatividade para o marcador do VHC. Assim, as prevalências de infecção pelo VHB e o VHC na população de mulheres profissionais do sexo do Estado do Pará revelam padrão de intensa circulação desses vírus nessa população.


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Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB


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Variable angle of incidence spectroscopic ellipsometry was used to determine the optical constants near the band edge of boron carbide (B5C) thin films deposited on glass and n-type Si(111) via plasma-enhanced chemical-vapor deposition. The index of refraction n, the extinction coefficient k, and the absorption coefficient are reported in the photon energy spectrum between 1.24 and 4 eV. Ellipsometry analysis of B5C films on silicon indicates a graded material, while the optical constants of B5C on glass are homogeneous. Line shape analyses of absorption data for the films on glass indicate an indirect transition at approximately 0.75 eV and a direct transition at about 1.5 eV. ©1996 American Institute of Physics.


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One letter sent from Valparaiso, Chile, in which Thompson discusses the political situation in that country and his own health.


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Vol. 2 cite as: P.Col. IV


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High-resolution UCLES/AAT spectra are presented for nine B-type supergiants in the SMC, chosen on the basis that they may show varying amounts of nuclear-synthetically processed material mixed to their surface. These spectra have been analysed using a new grid of approximately 12 000 non-LTE line blanketed tlusty model atmospheres to estimate atmospheric parameters and chemical composition. The abundance estimates for O, Mg and Si are in excellent agreement with those deduced from other studies, whilst the low estimate for C may reflect the use of the C II doublet at 4267 Å. The N estimates are approximately an order of magnitude greater than those found in unevolved B-type stars or H II regions but are consistent with the other estimates in AB-type supergiants. These results have been combined with results from a unified model atmosphere analysis of UVES/VLT spectra of B-type supergiants (Trundle et al. 2004, A&A, 417, 217) to discuss the evolutionary status of these objects. For two stars that are in common with those discussed by Trundle et al., we have undertaken a careful comparison in order to try to understand the relative importance of the different uncertainties present in such analyses, including observational errors and the use of static or unified models. We find that even for these relatively luminous supergiants, tlusty models yield atmospheric parameters and chemical compositions similar to those deduced from the unified code fastwind.


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High resolution spectra of seven early B-type giant/supergiant stars in the SMC cluster NGC330 are analysed to obtain their chemical compositions relative to SMC field and Galactic B-type stars. It is found that all seven stars are nitrogen rich with an abundance approximately 1.3 dex higher than an SMC main- sequence field B-type star, AV304. They also display evidence for deficiencies in carbon, but other metals have abundances typical of the SMC. Given the number of B-type stars with low projected rotational velocities in NGC330 (all our targets have v sin i <50 km s(-1)), we suggest that it is unlikely that the stars in our sample are seen almost pole-on, but rather that they are intrinsically slow rotators. Furthermore, none of our objects displays any evidence of significant Balmer emission excluding the possibility that these are Be stars observed pole-on. Comparing these results with the predictions of stellar evolution models including the effects of rotationally induced mixing, we conclude that while the abundance patterns may indeed be reproduced by these models, serious discrepancies exist. Most importantly, models including the effects of initially large rotational velocities do not reproduce the observed range of effective temperatures of our sample, nor the currently observed rotational velocities. Binary models may be able to produce stars in the observed temperature range but again may be incapable of producing suitable analogues with low rotational velocities. We also discuss the clear need for stellar evolution calculations employing the correct chemical mix of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen for the SMC.


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High-resolution spectra for 24 SMC and Galactic B-type supergiants have been analysed to estimate the contributions of both macroturbulence and rotation to the broadening of their metal lines. Two different methodologies are considered, viz. goodness-of-fit comparisons between observed and theoretical line profiles and identifying zeros in the Fourier transforms of the observed profiles. The advantages and limitations of the two methods are briefly discussed with the latter techniques being adopted for estimating projected rotational velocities ( v sin i) but the former being used to estimate macroturbulent velocities. The projected rotational velocity estimates range from approximately 20 to 60 kms(-1), apart from one SMC supergiant, Sk 191, with a v sin i similar or equal to 90 km s(-1). Apart from Sk 191, the distribution of projected rotational velocities as a function of spectral type are similar in both our Galactic and SMC samples with larger values being found at earlier spectral types. There is marginal evidence for the projected rotational velocities in the SMC being higher than those in the Galactic targets but any differences are only of the order of 5 - 10 km s(-1), whilst evolutionary models predict differences in this effective temperature range of typically 20 to 70 km s(-1). The combined sample is consistent with a linear variation of projected rotational velocity with effective temperature, which would imply rotational velocities for supergiants of 70 kms(-1) at an effective temperature of 28 000 K ( approximately B0 spectral type) decreasing to 32 km s(-1) at 12 000 K (B8 spectral type). For all targets, the macroturbulent broadening would appear to be consistent with a Gaussian distribution ( although other distributions cannot be discounted) with an 1/e half-width varying from approximately 20 km s(-1) at B8 to 60 km s(-1) at B0 spectral types.


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Aims.We aim to provide the atmospheric parameters and rotational velocities for a large sample of O- and early B-type stars, analysed in a homogeneous and consistent manner, for use in constraining theoretical models. Methods: Atmospheric parameters, stellar masses, and rotational velocities have been estimated for approximately 250 early B-type stars in the Large (LMC) and Small (SMC) Magellanic Clouds from high-resolution VLT-FLAMES data using the non-LTE TLUSTY model atmosphere code. This data set has been supplemented with our previous analyses of some 50 O-type stars (Mokiem et al. 2006, 2007) and 100 narrow-lined early B-type stars (Hunter et al. 2006; Trundle et al. 2007) from the same survey, providing a sample of ~400 early-type objects. Results: Comparison of the rotational velocities with evolutionary tracks suggests that the end of core hydrogen burning occurs later than currently predicted and we argue for an extension of the evolutionary tracks. We also show that the large number of the luminous blue supergiants observed in the fields are unlikely to have directly evolved from main-sequence massive O-type stars as neither their low rotational velocities nor their position on the H-R diagram are predicted. We suggest that blue loops or mass-transfer binary systems may populate the blue supergiant regime. By comparing the rotational velocity distributions of the Magellanic Cloud stars to a similar Galactic sample, we find that (at 3s confidence level) massive stars (above 8 M?) in the SMC rotate faster than those in the solar neighbourhood. However there appears to be no significant difference between the rotational velocity distributions in the Galaxy and the LMC. We find that the v sin i distributions in the SMC and LMC can modelled with an intrinsic rotational velocity distribution that is a Gaussian peaking at 175 km s-1 (SMC) and 100 km s-1 (LMC) with a 1/e half width of 150 km s-1. We find that in NGC 346 in the SMC, the 10-25 M? main-sequence stars appear to rotate faster than their higher mass counterparts. It is not expected that O-type stars spin down significantly through angular momentum loss via stellar winds at SMC metallicity, hence this could be a reflection of mass dependent birth spin rates. Recently Yoon et al. (2006) have determined rates of GRBs by modelling rapidly rotating massive star progenitors. Our measured rotational velocity distribution for the 10-25 M? stars is peaked at slightly higher velocities than they assume, supporting the idea that GRBs could come from rapid rotators with initial masses as low as 14 M? at low metallicities.