970 resultados para Workplace environment
Background: Obesity is a major health problem in the United States that has reached epidemic proportions. With most U.S adults spending the majority of their waking hours at work, the influence of the workplace environment on obesity is gaining in importance. Recent research implicates worksites as providing an 'obesogenic' environment as they encourage overeating and reduce the opportunity for physical activity. Objective: The aim of this study is to describe the nutrition and physical activity environment of Texas Medical Center (TMC) hospitals participating in the Shape Up Houston evaluation study to develop a scoring system to quantify the environmental data collected using the Environmental Assessment Tool (EAT) survey and to assess the inter-observer reliability of using the EAT survey. Methods: A survey instrument that was adapted from the Environmental Assessment Tool (EAT) developed by Dejoy DM et al in 2008 to measure the hospital environmental support for nutrition and physical activity was used for this study. The inter-observer reliability of using the EAT survey was measured and total percent agreement scores were computed. Most responses on the EAT survey are dichotomous (Yes and No) and these responses were coded with a '0' for a 'no' response and a '1' for a 'yes' response. A summative scoring system was developed to quantify these responses. Each hospital was given a score for each scale and subscale on the EAT survey in addition to a total score. All analyses were conducted using Stata 11 software. Results: High inter-observer reliability is observed using EAT. The percentage agreement scores ranged from 94.4%–100%. Only 2 of the 5 hospitals had a fitness facility onsite and scores for exercise programs and outdoor facilities available for hospital employees ranged from 0–62% and 0–37.5%, respectively. The healthy eating percentage for hospital cafeterias range from 42%–92% across the different hospitals while the healthy vending scores were 0%–40%. The total TMC 'healthy hospital' score was 49%. Conclusion: The EAT survey is a reliable instrument for measuring the physical activity and nutrition support environment of hospital worksites. The study results showed a large variability among the TMC hospitals in the existing physical activity and nutrition support environment. This study proposes cost effective policy changes that can increase environmental support to healthy eating and active living among TMC hospital employees.^
State government purchases a wide array of goods and services, ranging from office supplies to motor vehicles to energy. While purchasing officials are working to get the maximum value out of each dollar they spend, products with reduced environmental impacts are becoming increasingly available in the marketplace to help state agencies meet the challenge of operating more efficiently. Known as environmentally preferable or "green," these products can save energy and water, reduce waste generation and improve the workplace environment. ... This report provides recommendations on steps Illinois state government can take to expand the purchase of products that have a reduced impact on human health and the environment, while maintaining fiscal responsibility. The report was prepared by the Interagency Working Group on Environmentally Preferable Purchasing, which was created by Governor Rod Blagojevich in response to House Resolution 797. The Working Group included representatives of the Capital Development Board; Department of Central Management Services; Department of Natural Resources, Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity; Environmental Protection Agency; and Governor's Office of Management and Budget.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to introduce this special issue on Islam and human resource management (HRM). Design/methodology/approach – The paper introduces the papers in this special issue, which further current understanding of the association between Islam and HRM, and HRM practices in Islamic countries. The papers debate whether it makes sense to talk about an Islamic HRM, and try to identify the key features of an Islamic HRM model that is substantially distinctive from existing normative models of HRM. Findings – The papers examine the impact of Islamic values on HRM practices and organisational outcomes, but more research is needed to gain a deeper understanding of the role Islam plays at the work place, and specifically how Islamic ideals, culture, values and norms are used in practice and implications thereof on workplace environment and overall organisational performance. Originality/value – The paper introduces the concept of Islam and human resource management.
International audience
Workplace injuries at the University of Queensland Dental School during the period 1992-1994 were assessed to determine their incidence, and the associated indirect costs, causal factors, and appropriate preventive strategies. Overall, dental chairside assistants experienced a higher incidence of injuries than students both on a per worker and per time basis. Of the injuries with a low risk of cross-infection, burns and scalds from sterilizing equipment, and eye injuries in laboratories were the most common. This emphasizes the importance of wearing appropriate protective equipment in areas outside the treatment zone, and the need for signage and education. Common causes of sharps injuries were burs left in handpieces, two-handed needle recapping, and cleaning of probes in the sterilizing room. Changes to techniques and equipment would prevent such incidents. A range of factors which contribute to the calculation of indirect costs following injuries in the dental workplace are identified.
A számítógépes munkavégzés elterjedése számos szempontból és módszerrel vizsgálható. A szerző kutatásai során az ember-gép-környezet összhang megteremtésének igényéből kiindulva arra keresi a választ, hogy milyen tényezők befolyásolják a számítógéppel végzett tevékenységek megszervezésének és végrehajtásának hatékonyságát. Tanulmányában a kutatás indítófázisának főbb eredményeiről, a számítógép-használati szokásokról ad áttekintést, ami elengedhetetlen az irodai-adminisztratív jellegű tevékenységekhez kötődő kritikus tényezők feltárásához, továbbá a mérési és fejlesztési feladatok megalapozásához. A szűkebb értelemben vett ergonómiai szempontok mellett a digitális kompetenciák kérdéskörét vonta be a munkába, amit releváns kérdésnek tart a hatékonyság mérése szempontjából, mivel a számítógép megválasztása és a munkahely kialakítása nem értékelhető az emberi tényező alkalmassága és az elvégzendő feladat tartalma nélkül. __________ Office and administrative work, business corres-pondence, private contacts and learning are increasingly supported by computers. Moreover the technical possibilities of correspondence are wider than using a PC. It is accessible on the go by a cell phone. The author analysed the characteristics of the used devices, the working environment, satisfaction factors in connection with computer work and the digital competence by a survey. In his opinion development in an ergonomic approach is important not only to establish the technological novelties but to utilize the present possibilities of hardware and environment. The reason for this is that many people can not (or do not want) to follow the dynamic technological development of computers with buying the newest devices. The study compares the results of home and work characteristic of computer work. This research was carried out as part of the “TAMOP-4.2.1.B-10/2/ KONV-2010-0001” project with support by the European Union, co-financed by the European Social Fund.
This study aimed to verify the correlation among the nutritional composition of the food consumed in the work environment, the energy expenditure and the nutritional status of workers from different sectors (administration and production) in different industries. The anthropometric data, in addition to the energy expenditure and food intake at lunch were evaluated for 292 workers, all of them included in the Brazilian Worker Food Program (also called PAT). The food consumption was assessed from the direct observation of the meal, for five consecutive days. The obtained data were analyzed by Pearson correlation test and by a Principal Components Analysis. Prevalence of overweight was detected in the studied population, according to the Body Mass Index (BMI). A statistically significant difference was found in terms of the energy expenditure of physical activity and daily energy expenditure in relation to gender and the working sector. The obtained results indicate that there is significant positive correlation (p < 0.01) between the following variables: body weight and BMI (r = 0.84), weight and daily energy expenditure (DEE) (r = 0.52), BMI and DEE (r = 0.27), DEE and energy (r = 0.38), and energy and lipid intake (r = 0.50). These findings seems to indicate the importance of ensuring an adequate balance of nutrients at meals, due to the heterogeneity of workers, in particular in the case of those workers who perform tasks or functions requiring less energy expenditure.
BACKGROUND: Psychomental stress is a major source of illness and reduced productivity. Data objectifying physiological stress responses are scarce. We studied salivary cortisol levels in a highly stressful environment, the pediatric critical care unit. The aim was to identify targets for organizational changes, to implement these changes and to assess their impact on cortisol levels. DESIGN: Repeated measurements observational cohort study (before and after intervention). SUBJECTS: 84 nurses working in two independent teams (A and B) in a 19 bed pediatric intensive care unit. Between study periods team A experienced a major exchange of experienced staff while the turnover rate in team B remained average. MEASUREMENTS AND INTERVENTIONS: Salivary cortisol samples were collected every 2 h and after stressful events. Nurses in study period I showed elevated cortisol levels at the beginning of the late shift, interpreted as an anticipatory stress reaction. To ease conditions during the early part of the late shift (conflicting tasks, noise and crowding), we postponed the afternoon ward round, limited non-urgent procedures and introduced a change in visiting hours. The early shift, which was not affected by the intervention, served as control. MAIN RESULTS: Both crude and adjusted analysis revealed a decrease of cortisol levels at the beginning of the late shift in team B (p = 0.0009), but not in team A (p = 0.464). The control situation showed no difference between teams and study periods. INTERPRETATION: We demonstrated reduced cortisol secretions in one team following organizational changes, which was probably overridden by the disruption of social coherence in the second team.
The Workplace Drugs and Alcohol Policy aims to contribute to a safe, healthy and productive work environment by: • Preventing drugs and alcohol problems through awareness raising; • Identifying problems at the earliest stage; • Offering support to those who have a problem. The policy has been developed in conjunction with our employees, their representatives and management and applies equally to all staff including all levels of management. åÊ
In the literature on voluntary childlessness there is a lack of research on the types of occupations held by women who choose not to mother and how their fertility choice influences their occupational experiences. At the same time, the experience ofwomen with regard to the childfree choice has not been adequately addressed in contemporary feminist literature. In the field of education, much has been written about the association between mothering and teaching. Thus, childfree teachers become particularly interesting since they made seemingly paradoxical choices in that they chose not to bear and rear children yet they chose an occupation in which they are surrounded by and responsible for the daily care of many children. To gain an understanding of the work-related experiences of childfree women, in-depth interviews were conducted with 7 voluntarily childless female elementary school teachers from Southern Ontario. In addition, a focus group interview in which 3 of the 7 childfree teachers participated was conducted. Findings revealed that these women's "choice" to be childless was the result of complex circumstances and multiple motivations. Also, despite their decision to forgo the traditional female role of mother, these women held surprisingly conventional beliefs with regard to family and gender roles. In addition, these childfree women at times identified themselves as mother-like when teaching, yet at other times distanced themselves as teachers from mothers. Finally, results showed that these women experienced both direct and indirect pronatalist pressures outside as well as inside the workplace as a result of their childfree status.
There were three purposes to this study. The first purpose was to determine how learning can be influenced by various factors i~ the rock climbing experience. The second purpose was to examine what people can learn from the rock climbing experience. The third purpose was to investigate whether that learning can transfer from the rock climbing experience to the subjects' real life in the workplace. Ninety employees from a financial corporation in the Niagara Region volunteered for this study. All subjects were surveyed throughout a one-day treatment. Ten were purposefully selected one month later for interviews. Ten themes emerged from the subjects in terms of what was learned. Inspiration, motivation, and determination, preparation, goals and limitations, perceptions and expectations, confidence and risk taking, trust and support, teamwork, feedback and encouragement, learning from failure, and finally, skills and flow. All participants were able to transfer what was learned back to the workplace. The results of this study suggested that subjects' learning was influenced by their ability to: take risks in a safe environment, fail without penalty, support each other, plan without time constraints, and enjoy the company of fellow workers that they wouldn't normally associate with. Future directions for research should include different types of treatments such as white water rafting, sky diving, tall ship sailing, or caving.
A good working environment will help to provide the user with a good sense of wellbeing, inspiration and comfort. The main advantages of good environments is in terms of reduced upgrading investment, reduced sickness absence, an optimum level of productivity and improved overall satisfaction. Individuals respond very differently to their environments and research suggests a correlation between worker productivity and well-being, environmental, social and organisational factors. Research shows the occupants who report a high level of dissatisfaction about their job are usually the people who suffer more work and office environment related illnesses which affect their wellbeing, but not always so. Well-being expresses overall satisfaction. There is a connection between dissatisfied staff and low productivity; and a good sense of well-being is very important as it can lead to substantial productivity gain. If the environment is particularly bad people will be dissatisfied irrespective of job satisfaction. This paper describes research showing how environment affects productivity.
Purpose – Facilities managers have less visibility of how buildings are being used due to flexible working and unpredictable workers. The purpose of this paper is to examine the current issues in workspace management and an automatic solution through radio frequency identification (RFID) that could provide real time information on the volume and capacity of buildings. Design/methodology/approach – The study described in this paper is based on a case study at a facilities management (FM) department. The department is examining a ubiquitous technology in the form of innovative RFID for security and workspace management. Interviews and observations are conducted within the facilities department for the initial phase of the implementation of RFID technology. Findings – Research suggests that work methods are evolving and becoming more flexible. With this in mind, facilities managers face new challenges to create a suitable environment for an unpredictable workforce. RFID is one solution that could provide facilities managers with an automatic way of examining space in real time and over a wider area than currently possible. RFID alone for space management is financially expensive but by making the application multiple for other areas makes more business sense. Practical implications – This paper will provide practicing FM and academics with the knowledge gained from the application of RFID in this organisation. While the concept of flexible working seems attractive, there is an emerging need to provide various forms of spaces that enable employees' satisfaction and enhance the productivity of the organisation. Originality/value – The paper introduces new thinking on the subject of “workspace management”. It highlights the current difficulties in workspace management and how an RFID solution will benefit workspace methods.
Objective: To evaluate the impact of an educational and environmental intervention on the availability and consumption of fruits and vegetables in workplace cafeterias. Design: This was a randomized intervention study involving a sample of companies that were divided into intervention and control groups. The intervention, which focused on change in the work environment, was based on an ecological model for health promotion. It involved several different aspects including menu planning, food presentation and motivational strategies to encourage the consumption of fruits and vegetables. The impact of the intervention was measured by changes (between baseline and follow-up) in the availability of fruits and vegetables that were eaten per consumer in meals and the consumption of fruits and vegetables in the workplace by workers. We also evaluated the availability of energy, macronutrients and fibre. Settings: Companies of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Subjects: Twenty-nine companies and 2510 workers. Results: After the intervention we found an average increase in the availability of fruits and vegetables of 49 g in the intervention group, an increase of approximately 15 %, whereas the results for the control group remained practically equal to baseline levels. During the follow-up period, the intervention group also showed reduced total fat and an increase in fibre in the meals offered. The results showed a slight but still positive increase in the workers` consumption of fruits and vegetables (about 11 g) in the meals offered by the companies. Conclusions: Interventions focused on the work environment can be effective in promoting the consumption of healthy foods.