997 resultados para Wooden-frame buildings


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In this thesis, we develop an efficient collapse prediction model, the PFA (Peak Filtered Acceleration) model, for buildings subjected to different types of ground motions.

For the structural system, the PFA model covers modern steel and reinforced concrete moment-resisting frame buildings (potentially reinforced concrete shear wall buildings). For ground motions, the PFA model covers ramp-pulse-like ground motions, long-period ground motions, and short-period ground motions.

To predict whether a building will collapse in response to a given ground motion, we first extract long-period components from the ground motion using a Butterworth low-pass filter with suggested order and cutoff frequency. The order depends on the type of ground motion, and the cutoff frequency depends on the building’s natural frequency and ductility. We then compare the filtered acceleration time history with the capacity of the building. The capacity of the building is a constant for 2-dimentional buildings and a limit domain for 3-dimentional buildings. If the filtered acceleration exceeds the building’s capacity, the building is predicted to collapse. Otherwise, it is expected to survive the ground motion.

The parameters used in PFA model, which include fundamental period, global ductility and lateral capacity, can be obtained either from numerical analysis or interpolation based on the reference building system proposed in this thesis.

The PFA collapse prediction model greatly reduces computational complexity while archiving good accuracy. It is verified by FEM simulations of 13 frame building models and 150 ground motion records.

Based on the developed collapse prediction model, we propose to use PFA (Peak Filtered Acceleration) as a new ground motion intensity measure for collapse prediction. We compare PFA with traditional intensity measures PGA, PGV, PGD, and Sa in collapse prediction and find that PFA has the best performance among all the intensity measures.

We also provide a close form in term of a vector intensity measure (PGV, PGD) of the PFA collapse prediction model for practical collapse risk assessment.


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Deep excavations and tunnelling can cause ground movements that affect buildings within their influence zone. The current approach for building damage assessment is based on tensile strains estimated from the deflection ratio and the horizontal strains at the building foundation. This paper examines the significance of horizontal strains in buildings on individual footings. The first part of the paper presents a case study of a framed building in Singapore which was subjected to the effects of bored tunnelling, where significant horizontal strains were observed. The second part of the paper suggests a method to relate the horizontal strains induced in a building to the stiffness of the frame structure. Using a combination of simplified structural analysis and finite element models, design guidance is proposed to estimate excavation-induced horizontal strains in frame buildings on individual footings. © 2012 Taylor & Francis Group.


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On Wednesday 11th May 2011 at 6:47 pm (local time) a magnitude 5.1 Mw earthquake occurred 6 km northeast of Lorca with a depth of around 5 km. As a consequence of the shallow depth and the small epicentral distance, important damage was produced in several masonry constructions and even led to the collapse of one of them. Pieces of the facades of several buildings fell down onto the sidewalk, being one of the reasons for the killing of a total of 9 people. The objective of this paper is to describe and analyze the failure patterns observed in reinforced concrete frame buildings with masonry infill walls ranging from 3 to 8 floors in height. Structural as well as non-structural masonry walls suffered important damage that led to redistributions of forces causing in some cases the failure of columns. The importance of the interaction between the structural frames and the infill panels is analyzed by means of non-linear Finite Element Models. The resulting load levels are compared with the member capacities and the changes of the mechanical properties during the seismic event are described and discussed. In the light of the results obtained the observed failure patterns are explained. Some comments are stated concerning the adequacy of the numerical models that are usually used during the design phase for the seismic analysis.


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Includes bibliographical references.


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In the mid 1990s a previous prohibitions against multi-story buildings higher than two floors with a wooden frame was changed. Today multi-storey buildings are being built in Skellefteå, Sundsvall, Växjö, and Stockholm with others. Despite this only one of five houses being built today has a wooden frame. Since the municipality is a key force to get projects with wooden frames, this papers purpose is to improve tender document for the opportunity to submit bids and building with wooden frames. To help us forward with our work three questions were formulated. 1) What is the basis from a wooden constructions company perspective, of which they determines if they can place a bid or not? 2) What is the difference between tender documents made by a municipality compared to a private buyer? 3) How can tender documents be improved to create an opportunity to place a bid containing an alternative frame system? To answer these questions a literature study was carried out. The literature study is the basis of this paper. To obtain empirical data a document analysis of tender documents was carried out. The result of the study shows that wood frames are hard to adapt to an already finished technical specification, or to a tender document containing an extensive technical specification. To obtain alternative solutions, the buyer should focus on object design, form and function, or a general technical specification. Instead the technical specifications should be drawn up by the supplier, or in collaboration with them. The tender evaluation should be made by the most economically advantageous rather then the lowest price. Then the buyer can evaluate the offers against each other, rather then choosing the lowest price. This also gives the possibility for suppliers to make a bid containing an alternative solution. As a continuation of this paper, we recommend a study on which impact a general technical specification has on the project final cost.  Furthermore a study exploring which possibilities partner procurement can have alternative solutions in the Swedish procurement act. This report deal exclusively with how tender documents should be formulated. Life cycle analysis, carbon dioxide emissions and strength calculations will not be executed. 


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A new cold formed structural section known as the hollow flange beam is currently under development in Australia. This section will have many applications, particularly in portal frame buildings. This paper discusses the lateral distortional buckling behaviour of the hollow flange beam.


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The dynamic properties of a structure are a function of its physical properties, and changes in the physical properties of the structure, including the introduction of structural damage, can cause changes in its dynamic behavior. Structural health monitoring (SHM) and damage detection methods provide a means to assess the structural integrity and safety of a civil structure using measurements of its dynamic properties. In particular, these techniques enable a quick damage assessment following a seismic event. In this thesis, the application of high-frequency seismograms to damage detection in civil structures is investigated.

Two novel methods for SHM are developed and validated using small-scale experimental testing, existing structures in situ, and numerical testing. The first method is developed for pre-Northridge steel-moment-resisting frame buildings that are susceptible to weld fracture at beam-column connections. The method is based on using the response of a structure to a nondestructive force (i.e., a hammer blow) to approximate the response of the structure to a damage event (i.e., weld fracture). The method is applied to a small-scale experimental frame, where the impulse response functions of the frame are generated during an impact hammer test. The method is also applied to a numerical model of a steel frame, in which weld fracture is modeled as the tensile opening of a Mode I crack. Impulse response functions are experimentally obtained for a steel moment-resisting frame building in situ. Results indicate that while acceleration and velocity records generated by a damage event are best approximated by the acceleration and velocity records generated by a colocated hammer blow, the method may not be robust to noise. The method seems to be better suited for damage localization, where information such as arrival times and peak accelerations can also provide indication of the damage location. This is of significance for sparsely-instrumented civil structures.

The second SHM method is designed to extract features from high-frequency acceleration records that may indicate the presence of damage. As short-duration high-frequency signals (i.e., pulses) can be indicative of damage, this method relies on the identification and classification of pulses in the acceleration records. It is recommended that, in practice, the method be combined with a vibration-based method that can be used to estimate the loss of stiffness. Briefly, pulses observed in the acceleration time series when the structure is known to be in an undamaged state are compared with pulses observed when the structure is in a potentially damaged state. By comparing the pulse signatures from these two situations, changes in the high-frequency dynamic behavior of the structure can be identified, and damage signals can be extracted and subjected to further analysis. The method is successfully applied to a small-scale experimental shear beam that is dynamically excited at its base using a shake table and damaged by loosening a screw to create a moving part. Although the damage is aperiodic and nonlinear in nature, the damage signals are accurately identified, and the location of damage is determined using the amplitudes and arrival times of the damage signal. The method is also successfully applied to detect the occurrence of damage in a test bed data set provided by the Los Alamos National Laboratory, in which nonlinear damage is introduced into a small-scale steel frame by installing a bumper mechanism that inhibits the amount of motion between two floors. The method is successfully applied and is robust despite a low sampling rate, though false negatives (undetected damage signals) begin to occur at high levels of damage when the frequency of damage events increases. The method is also applied to acceleration data recorded on a damaged cable-stayed bridge in China, provided by the Center of Structural Monitoring and Control at the Harbin Institute of Technology. Acceleration records recorded after the date of damage show a clear increase in high-frequency short-duration pulses compared to those previously recorded. One undamage pulse and two damage pulses are identified from the data. The occurrence of the detected damage pulses is consistent with a progression of damage and matches the known chronology of damage.


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Résumé : De même degré d’importance que les paramètres de formulation, les conditions de consolidation sont des facteurs déterminants pour la durabilité des bétons conventionnels vibrés. Dans le cas des bétons autoplaçants (BAP), grâce à leur grande fluidité, la mise en place dans les coffrages a lieu par écoulement libre sous l’effet de leur poids propre. Leur consolidation se fait sans vibration grâce à leurs caractéristiques rhéologiques. Il est donc légitime de penser que les caractéristiques rhéologiques des BAP peuvent avoir une influence importante sur les propriétés qui déterminent la durabilité. Cette thèse étudie les liens possibles entre les caractéristiques rhéologiques des BAP et leur durabilité vis-à-vis du transport des agents agressifs. Dix-sept formulations de BAP couvrant une large gamme de caractéristiques rhéologiques et se différenciant uniquement par leur dosage en adjuvants ont été étudiées à cet effet. Trois modèles rhéologiques classiques ont été mis en œuvre pour la détermination des paramètres rhéologiques des bétons étudiés. L’essai de sorptivité et dans une moindre mesure l’essai de carbonatation accélérée ont été utilisés comme indicateur de durabilité vis-à-vis du transport des agressifs. La durabilité de la couche superficielle au contact respectivement avec le coffrage en bois et en PVC a été étudiée et les résultats ont été comparés à la durabilité du béton à cœur. Cette étude a été faite en tenant compte des échanges hydriques et de l’arrangement granulaire au droit du coffrage. D’autre part, l’étude de la durabilité de la couche superficielle dans des conditions de mise en place proches du chantier a été faite sur 6 poutres partiellement armées longues de 2 m ainsi que sur 3 bétons semi-autoplaçants légèrement vibrés. Les résultats montrent qu’il existe une corrélation forte entre la viscosité plastique du modèle Bingham modifié ou le coefficient de consistance du modèle Herschel-Bulkley et la sorptivité. Très probablement, la viscosité agit sur le volume relatif des pores capillaires de gros diamètres. L’étude spécifique de la couche superficielle a montré que sa sorptivité dépend du type de coffrage utilisé à cause des éventuels échanges hydriques opérés entre le béton et la surface du coffrage. De plus, l’arrangement granulaire au droit du coffrage est également influencé. Ainsi, la sorptivité de la couche superficielle au contact du PVC est proche mais inférieure à celle du béton à cœur. La sorptivité de la couche superficielle au contact du bois est significativement inférieure à celle de la couche superficielle au contact du PVC tout en restant corrélé avec la viscosité plastique du modèle Bingham modifié ou le coefficient de consistance du modèle Herschel-Bulkley.


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World War I Memorial Plaque (17 ½ cm in diameter). This is a bronze plate encased in a 26 ½ cm x 24 cm wooden frame. The inscription on the plate is “He died for freedom and honour, Samuel DeVeaux Woodruff”. [In 1916 the British Government decided to issue a memorial plaque to be given to the relatives of those who died in the Great War. On the plaque is a figure of Britannia who is facing left and holding a laurel wreath over the box where the serviceman’s name is placed. In her right hand she holds a trident which represents Britain’s sea power. There are 2 dolphins facing her on her left and right hand sides. A lion stands in front of her. He faces left with a menacing growl. A very small lion that faces right is located below the larger lion’s feet. He is biting into a winged creature which represents the German Imperial eagle. Near the lion’s right paw there are the initials E CR P which stand for Mr. E. Carter Preston who designed the plate. Some of the plaques include a stamped batch number in front of the lion’s rear left paw. This plaque was produced in batch 17].


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Wheatstone’s stereoscope placed two mirrors on either side that were mounted at a right angle in order to view the two dissimilar drawings presented (Hankins 148). There are two identical monocular tubes that allow each eye to view the images (Hankins 148). Each eye views the image it was intended to see. The two eyes see slightly different images through this binocular vision (Hankins 148). The combination of the two images creates this illusion of depth and solidarity through their superimposition (Hankins 154). In order to view these images, the eyes were covered from all external light (Clay 152). The stereoscope was first seen as a philosophical toy along with other inventions such as the zoetrope, providing entertainment as well as scientific insight (Hankins 148). The stereoscope above is more similar to the “Holmes Stereoscope”, which transformed Wheatstone’s stereoscope into a handheld version that could be put on a stand (Hawkins 155). He replaced the retina of the eye with a sensitive plate; therefore, the lenses acted as the eyes (Silverman 738). In the video, an embellishment adorns the bottom of the stand that holds up the binocular lens and the images. The lenses are in a wooden frame that has an attached stand that holds the slides of images. There also is a knob on the side of the device that can adjust the lens on the two monocular tubes (Bokander 485).


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Damages during extreme wind events highlight the weaknesses of mechanical fasteners at the roof-to-wall connections in residential timber frame buildings. The allowable capacity of the metal fasteners is based on results of unidirectional component testing that do not simulate realistic tri-axial aerodynamic loading effects. The first objective of this research was to simulate hurricane effects and study hurricane-structure interaction at full-scale, facilitating better understanding of the combined impacts of wind, rain, and debris on inter-component connections at spatial and temporal scales. The second objective was to evaluate the performance of a non-intrusive roof-to-wall connection system using fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) materials and compare its load capacity to the capacity of an existing metal fastener under simulated aerodynamic loads. ^ The Wall of Wind (WoW) testing performed using FRP connections on a one-story gable-roof timber structure instrumented with a variety of sensors, was used to create a database on aerodynamic and aero-hydrodynamic loading on roof-to-wall connections tested under several parameters: angles of attack, wind-turbulence content, internal pressure conditions, with and without effects of rain. Based on the aerodynamic loading results obtained from WoW tests, sets of three force components (tri-axial mean loads) were combined into a series of resultant mean forces, which were used to test the FRP and metal connections in the structures laboratory up to failure. A new component testing system and test protocol were developed for testing fasteners under simulated triaxial loading as opposed to uni-axial loading. The tri-axial and uni-axial test results were compared for hurricane clips. Also, comparison was made between tri-axial load capacity of FRP and metal connections. ^ The research findings demonstrate that the FRP connection is a viable option for use in timber roof-to-wall connection system. Findings also confirm that current testing methods of mechanical fasteners tend to overestimate the actual load capacities of a connector. Additionally, the research also contributes to the development a new testing protocol for fasteners using tri-axial simultaneous loads based on the aerodynamic database obtained from the WoW testing. ^


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Damages during extreme wind events highlight the weaknesses of mechanical fasteners at the roof-to-wall connections in residential timber frame buildings. The allowable capacity of the metal fasteners is based on results of unidirectional component testing that do not simulate realistic tri-axial aerodynamic loading effects. The first objective of this research was to simulate hurricane effects and study hurricane-structure interaction at full-scale, facilitating better understanding of the combined impacts of wind, rain, and debris on inter-component connections at spatial and temporal scales. The second objective was to evaluate the performance of a non-intrusive roof-to-wall connection system using fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) materials and compare its load capacity to the capacity of an existing metal fastener under simulated aerodynamic loads. The Wall of Wind (WoW) testing performed using FRP connections on a one-story gable-roof timber structure instrumented with a variety of sensors, was used to create a database on aerodynamic and aero-hydrodynamic loading on roof-to-wall connections tested under several parameters: angles of attack, wind-turbulence content, internal pressure conditions, with and without effects of rain. Based on the aerodynamic loading results obtained from WoW tests, sets of three force components (tri-axial mean loads) were combined into a series of resultant mean forces, which were used to test the FRP and metal connections in the structures laboratory up to failure. A new component testing system and test protocol were developed for testing fasteners under simulated tri-axial loading as opposed to uni-axial loading. The tri-axial and uni-axial test results were compared for hurricane clips. Also, comparison was made between tri-axial load capacity of FRP and metal connections. The research findings demonstrate that the FRP connection is a viable option for use in timber roof-to-wall connection system. Findings also confirm that current testing methods of mechanical fasteners tend to overestimate the actual load capacities of a connector. Additionally, the research also contributes to the development a new testing protocol for fasteners using tri-axial simultaneous loads based on the aerodynamic database obtained from the WoW testing.


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The construction of reinforced concrete buildings with unreinforced infill is common practice even in seismically active country such as Bhutan, which is located in high seismic region of Eastern Himalaya. All buildings constructed prior 1998 were constructed without seismic provisions while those constructed after this period adopted seismic codes of neighbouring country, India. However, the codes have limited information on the design of infilled structures besides having differences in architectural requirements which may compound the structural problems. Although the influence of infill on the reinforced concrete framed structures is known, the present seismic codes do not consider it due to the lack of sufficient information. Time history analyses were performed to study the influence of infill on the performance of concrete framed structures. Important parameters were considered and the results presented in a manner that can be used by practitioners. The results show that the influence of infill on the structural performance is significant. The structural responses such as fundamental period, roof displacement, inter-storey drift ratio, stresses in infill wall and structural member forces of beams and column generally reduce, with incorporation of infill wall. The structures designed and constructed with or without seismic provision perform in a similar manner if the infills of high strength are used.


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This paper reports on progress in developing new design and measurement concepts, and translating these concepts into practical applications. This research addresses gaps in ‘best practice’ green building, and is aimed ultimately at replacing green buildings with sustainable urban environments. Building on the author’s previously articulated concepts of Design for Eco-services and Positive Development, this research will demonstrate how to eco-retrofit cities so that they reverse the negative impacts of past design and generate net positive ecological impacts, at no extra cost. In contrast to ‘restorative’ design,this means increasing ecological carrying capacity and natural and social capital through built environment design. Some exemplars for facilitating Positive development will be presented in this talk,such as Green Scaffolding for retrofits, and Green Space Walls for new construction. These structures have been designed to grow and change over time, be easily deconstructed, and entail little waste. The frames support mini-ecospheres that provide a wide range of ecosystem services and biodiversity habitats, as well as heating, cooling and ventilating. In combination, the modules serve to improve human and environmental health. Current work is focused on developing a range of such space frame walls, optimised through an innovative marriage of eco-logical design and virtual modelling.