993 resultados para Wood elastic parameters


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The Borborema Province (BP) is a geologic domain located in Northeastern Brazil. The BP is limited at the south by the São Francisco craton, at the west by the Parnaíba basin, and both at the north and east by coastal sedimentary basins. Nonetheless the BP surface geology is well known, several key aspects of its evolution are still open, notably: i)its tectonic compartmentalization established after the Brasiliano orogenesis, ii) the architecture of its cretaceous continental margin, iii) the elastic properties of its lithosphere, and iv) the causes of magmatism and uplifting which occurred in the Cenozoic. In this thesis, a regional coverage of geophysical data (elevation, gravity, magnetic, geoid height, and surface wave global tomography) were integrated with surface geologic information aiming to attain a better understanding of the above questions. In the Riacho do Pontal belt and in the western sector of the Sergipano belt, the neoproterozoic suture of the collision of the Sul domain of the BP with the Sanfranciscana plate (SFP) is correlated with an expressive dipolar gravity anomaly. The positive lobule of this anomaly is due to the BP lower continental crust uplifting whilst the negative lobule is due to the supracrustal nappes overthrusting the SFP. In the eastern sector of the Sergipano belt, this dipolar gravity anomaly does not exist. However the suture still can be identified at the southern sector of the Marancó complex arc, alongside of the Porto da Folha shear zone, where the SFP N-S geophysical alignments are truncated. The boundary associated to the collision of the Ceará domain of the BP with the West African craton is also correlated with a dipolar gravity anomaly. The positive lobule of this anomaly coincides with the Sobral-Pedro II shear zone whilst the negative lobule is associated with the Santa Quitéria magmatic arc. Judging by their geophysical signatures, the major BP internal boundaries are: i)the western sector of the Pernambuco shear zone and the eastern continuation of this shear zone as the Congo shear zone, ii) the Patos shear zone, and iii) the Jaguaribe shear zone and its southwestern continuation as the Tatajuba shear zone. These boundaries divide the BP in five tectonic domains in the geophysical criteria: Sul, Transversal, Rio Grande do Norte, Ceará, and Médio Coreaú. The Sul domain is characterized by geophysical signatures associated with the BP and SFP collision. The fact that Congo shear zone is now proposed as part of the Transversal domain boundary implies an important change in the original definition of this domain. The Rio Grande do Norte domain presents a highly magnetized crust resulted from the superposition of precambrian and phanerozoic events. The Ceará domain is divided by the Senador Pompeu shear zone in two subdomains: the eastern one corresponds to the Orós-Jaguaribe belt and the western one to the Ceará-Central subdomain. The latter subdomain exhibits a positive ENE-W SW gravity anomaly which was associated to a crustal discontinuity. This discontinuity would have acted as a rampart against to the N-S Brasiliano orogenic nappes. The Médio Coreaú domain also presents a dipolar gravity anomaly. Its positive lobule is due to granulitic rocks whereas the negative one is caused by supracrustal rocks. The boundary between Médio Coreaú and Ceará domains can be traced below the Parnaíba basin sediments by its geophysical signature. The joint analysis of free air anomalies, free air admittances, and effective elastic thickness estimates (Te) revealed that the Brazilian East and Equatorial continental margins have quite different elastic properties. In the first one 10 km < Te < 20 km whereas in the second one Te ≤ 10 km. The weakness of the Equatorial margin lithosphere was caused by the cenozoic magmatism. The BP continental margin presents segmentations; some of them have inheritance from precambrian structures and domains. The segmentations conform markedly with some sedimentary basin features which are below described from south to north. The limit between Sergipe and Alagoas subbasins coincides with the suture between BP and SFP. Te estimates indicates concordantly that in Sergipe subbasin Te is around 20 km while Alagoas subbasin has Te around 10 km, thus revealing that the lithosphere in the Sergipe subbasin has a greater rigidity than the lithosphere in the Alagoas subbasin. Additionally inside the crust beneath Sergipe subbasin occurs a very dense body (underplating or crustal heritage?) which is not present in the crust beneath Alagoas subbasin. The continental margin of the Pernambuco basin (15 < Te < 25 km) presents a very distinct free air edge effect displaying two anomalies. This fact indicates the existence in the Pernambuco plateau of a relatively thick crust. In the Paraíba basin the free air edge effect is quite uniform, Te ≈ 15 km, and the lower crust is abnormally dense probably due to its alteration by a magmatic underplating in the Cenozoic. The Potiguar basin segmentation in three parts was corroborated by the Te estimates: in the Potiguar rift Te ≅ 5 km, in the Aracati platform Te ≅ 25 km, and in the Touros platform Te ≅ 10 km. The observed weakness of the lithosphere in the Potiguar rift segment is due to the high heat flux while the relatively high strength of the lithosphere in the Touros platform may be due to the existence of an archaean crust. The Ceará basin, in the region of Mundaú and Icaraí subbasins, presents a quite uniform free air edge effect and Te ranges from 10 to 15 km. The analysis of the Bouguer admittance revealed that isostasy in BP can be explained with an isostatic model where combined surface and buried loadings are present. The estimated ratio of the buried loading relative to the surface loading is equal to 15. In addition, the lower crust in BP is abnormally dense. These affirmations are particularly adequate to the northern portion of BP where adherence of the observed data to the isostatic model is quite good. Using the same above described isostatic model to calculate the coherence function, it was obtained that a single Te estimate for the entire BP must be lower than 60 km; in addition, the BP north portion has Te around 20 km. Using the conventional elastic flexural model to isostasy, an inversion of crust thickness was performed. It was identified two regions in BP where the crust is thickened: one below the Borborema plateau (associated to an uplifting in the Cenozoic) and the other one in the Ceará domain beneath the Santa Quitéria magmatic arc (a residue associated to the Brasiliano orogenesis). On the other hand, along the Cariri-Potiguar trend, the crust is thinned due to an aborted rifting in the Cretaceous. Based on the interpretation of free air anomalies, it was inferred the existence of a large magmatism in the oceanic crust surrounding the BP, in contrast with the incipient magmatism in the continent as shown by surface geology. In BP a quite important positive geoid anomaly exists. This anomaly is spatially correlated with the Borborema plateau and the Macaú-Queimadas volcanic lineament. The integrated interpretation of geoid height anomaly data, global shear velocity model, and geologic data allow to propose that and Edge Driven Convection (EDC) may have caused the Cenozoic magmatism. The EDC is an instability that presumably occurs at the boundary between thick stable lithosphere and oceanic thin lithosphere. In the BP lithosphere, the EDC mechanism would have dragged the cold lithospheric mantle into the hot asthenospheric mantle thus causing a positive density contrast that would have generated the main component of the geoid height anomaly. In addition, the compatibility of the gravity data with the isostatic model, where combined surface and buried loadings are present, together with the temporal correlation between the Cenozoic magmatism and the Borborema plateau uplifting allow to propose that this uplifting would have been caused by the buoyancy effect of a crustal root generated by a magmatic underplating in the Cenozoic


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O raio conectando dois pontos em um meio anisotrópico, homogêneo por partes e com variação lateral, é calculado utilizando-se técnicas de continuação em 3D. Se combinado com algoritmos para solução do problema de valor inicial, o método pode ser estendido para o cálculo de eventos qS1 e qS2. O algoritmo apresenta a mesma eficiência e robustez que implementações de técnicas de continuação em meios isotrópicos. Rotinas baseadas neste algoritmo têm várias aplicações de interesse. Primeiramente, na modelagem e inversão de parâmetros elásticos na presença de anisotropia. Em segundo lugar, as iterações de Newton-Raphson produzem atributos da frente de onda como vetor vagarosidade e a matrix hessiana do tempo de trânsito, quantidades que permitem determinar o espalhamento geométrico e aproximações de segunda ordem para o tempo de trânsito. Estes atributos permitem calcular as amplitudes ao longo do raio e investigar os efeitos da anisotropia no empilhamento CRS em modelos de velocidade simples.


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Os coeficientes de reflexão de onda qP em uma interface plana que separa dois meios anisotrópicos dependem dos parâmetros elásticos dos meios envolvidos de maneira não linear. Aproximações lineares para a refletividade de ondas qP pressupondo fraco contraste de impedância e fraca anisotropia levam a uma forma simples para se fazer à análise de AVO/AVD. Neste trabalho a solução das equações de Zoeppritz é rescrita explicitamente em função de matrizes de impedância e polarização. Além disso, utilizando-se esta abordagem, é apresentada uma metodologia geral mais simples para se obter as formas linearizadas. Estas formas linearizadas para os coeficientes de reflexão da onda qP e das ondas convertidas para uma onda qP incidente apresentam resultados muito próximos da formulação exata para ângulos de incidência menores que 30° considerando-se um contraste de impedância moderado e anisotropia em limites geologicamente aceitáveis.


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As medidas de amplitude, polarização e vagarosidade contem informações sobre o meio onde a propagação de onda ocorre. Esta tese investiga esses dados com objetivo de estimar as propriedades elásticas deste meio. Coeficientes de reflexão podem ser estimados das amplitudes dos dados e dependem de forma não linear dos contrastes dos parâmetros elásticos e do contraste de densidade entre os meios separados por uma interface. Quando o contraste de impedância é fraco, as aproximações lineares para a refletividade qP são mais convenientes para inversão da densidade e dos parâmetros elásticos usando as análises de amplitude versus ângulo de incidência (AVO) e amplitude versus a direção do plano de incidência (AVD). Escrevendo as equações de Zoepprittz de forma separada nos permite escrever uma solução destas equações em termos das matrizes de impedância e polarização. Usando esta solução são determinadas aproximações lineares para a refletividade da onda qP considerando fraco contraste de impedância, fraca anisotropia mas com classe de simetria de arbitrária. As linearizações são avaliadas para diferentes geometrias de aquisição e várias escolhas do meio de referência. Estas aproximações apresentam bom desempenho comparado com o valor exato do coeficiente de reflexão da onda qP e de suas ondas convertidas para incidências de até 30° e meios que obedecem à hipótese de fraca anisotropia. Um conjunto de fraturas orientado é representado efetivamente por um meio transversalmente isotrópico (TI), as aproximações lineares da refletividade da onda qP podem ser usadas para estimar a orientação de fratura. Partindo deste pressuposto este problema consiste em estimar a orientação do eixo de simetria a partir de dados de refletividade de onda qP. Este trabalho mostra que são necessários múltiplos azimutes e múltiplas incidências para se obter uma estimativa estável. Também é mostrado que apenas os coeficientes das ondas qS e qT são sensíveis ao mergulho da fratura. Foi investigada a estimativa da anisotropia local através de dados de VSP multiazimutal dos vetores de polarização e vagarosidade. Foram usadas medidas da componente vertical do vetor de vagarosidade e o vetor de polarização de ondas qP diretas e refletidas. O esquema de inversão é validado através de exemplos sintéticos considerando diferentes escolhas do vetor normal à frente de onda no meio de referência, meios de referências e geometria de aquisição. Esta análise mostra que somente um subgrupo dos parâmetros elástico pode ser estimado. Uma importante aplicação desta metodologia é o seu potencial para a determinação de classes de anisotropia. A aplicação desta metodologia aos dados do mar de Java mostra que os modelos isotrópicos e TIV são inadequados para o ajuste desses dados.


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A análise da estabilidade mecânica de um poço pode ser feita a partir do cálculo de parâmetros elásticos da formação utilizando a densidade do meio e as velocidades de propagação das ondas compressional e cisalhante na formação rochosa, os quais podem ser obtidos de perfis geofísicos do poço. Em formações sedimentares pouco consolidadas as ferramentas de perfilagem sônica convencionais (monopolares) não conseguem registrar com acuidade a velocidade da onda cisalhante pois a primeira chegada dessa onda é camuflada pela chegada de outras ondas que podem ser mais rápidas que a onda cisalhante num poço perfurado neste tipo de formação. Medidas das velocidades sônicas são feitas em laboratório em amostras da formação, sob condições semelhantes às condições in situ, servindo como ajuste das velocidades registradas no poço pela ferramenta de perfilagem sônica. Para a análise de estabilidade da formação, perfis auxiliares são necessários como o perfil de porosidade, saturação de fluidos e perfis de composição mineralógica da formação rochosa. Exige-se ainda dados de testes de avaliação da formação e de condições do reservatório, mas que são comuns em poços de petróleo, como o teste de formação e os testes de pressurização do poço, tais como o teste de micro-fraturamento hidráulico ou o teste de absorção. A avaliação das tensões principais efetivas que atuam distante do poço, e que não são afetadas pela sua presença, é feita através da associação de um modelo de deformação elástica apropriado e o resultado do teste de pressurização disponível para o poço em estudo. Utilizando resultados clássicos da teoria da elasticidade geral pode-se calcular o campo de tensões modificado na vizinhança da parede do poço devido ao efeito da própria presença do poço ali perfurado e da diferença de pressão existente entre o interior do poço e a formação rochosa. A determinação das propriedades mecânicas da formação a partir das velocidades sônicas e a avaliação do campo de tensões assumindo um modelo elástico de deformação, supõem o meio rochoso no qual as ondas se propagam como elástico, homogêneo e isotrópico. Esta suposição representa a principal aproximação assumida pela metodologia descrita neste trabalho. De posse das propriedades mecânicas da formação e do campo de tensões que age na vizinhança do poço resta definir o critério segundo o qual a rocha sofre instabilidade mecânica quando submetida aquele campo de tensões. Isto permite determinar se, nas condições avaliadas do poço e da formação, haverá quebra da parede do poço por excesso de tensão e, se houver, qual a sua extensão. Assim o problema é como analisar o comportamento mecânico de um poço em uma formação pouco consolidada a partir de perfis geofísicos os quais podem ter problemas no registro das propriedades físicas do meio em formações deste tipo. A metodologia proposta é aplicada a dois intervalos de profundidade pertencentes a dois poços onde arenitos e folhelhos se intercalam e nos quais todos os dados necessários estão disponíveis. Os resultados obtidos mostram que, exceto quando outros mecanismos de quebra da parede do poço agem na formação, a metodologia proposta consegue com sucesso detectar zonas de ocorrência de instabilidade mecânica do poço provocadas por um campo de tensões que excede a resistência mecânica da formação.


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Degeneration of tendon tissue is a common cause of tendon dysfunction with the symptoms of repeated episodes of pain and palpable increase of tendon thickness. Tendon mechanical properties are directly related to its physiological composition and the structural organization of the interior collagen fibers which could be altered by tendon degeneration due to overuse or injury. Thus, measuring mechanical properties of tendon tissue may represent a quantitative measurement of pain, reduced function, and tissue health. Ultrasound elasticity imaging has been developed in the last two decades and has proved to be a promising tool for tissue elasticity imaging. To date, however, well established protocols of tendinopathy elasticity imaging for diagnosing tendon degeneration in early stages or late stages do not exist. This thesis describes the re-creation of one dynamic ultrasound elasticity imaging method and the development of an ultrasound transient shear wave elasticity imaging platform for tendon and other musculoskeletal tissue imaging. An experimental mechanical stage with proper supporting systems and accurate translating stages was designed and made. A variety of high-quality tissue-mimicking phantoms were made to simulate homogeneous and heterogeneous soft tissues as well as tendon tissues. A series of data acquisition and data processing programs were developed to collect the displacement data from the phantom and calculate the shear modulus and Young’s modulus of the target. The imaging platform was found to be capable of conducting comparative measurements of the elastic parameters of the phantoms and quantitatively mapping elasticity onto ultrasound B-Mode images. This suggests the system has great potential for not only benefiting individuals with tendinopathy with an earlier detection, intervention and better rehabilitation, but also for providing a medical tool for quantification of musculoskeletal tissue dysfunction in other regions of the body such as the shoulder, elbow and knee.


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This dissertation concerns active fibre-reinforced composites with embedded shape memory alloy wires. The structural application of active materials allows to develop adaptive structures which actively respond to changes in the environment, such as morphing structures, self-healing structures and power harvesting devices. In particular, shape memory alloy actuators integrated within a composite actively control the structural shape or stiffness, thus influencing the composite static and dynamic properties. Envisaged applications include, among others, the prevention of thermal buckling of the outer skin of air vehicles, shape changes in panels for improved aerodynamic characteristics and the deployment of large space structures. The study and design of active composites is a complex and multidisciplinary topic, requiring in-depth understanding of both the coupled behaviour of active materials and the interaction between the different composite constituents. Both fibre-reinforced composites and shape memory alloys are extremely active research topics, whose modelling and experimental characterisation still present a number of open problems. Thus, while this dissertation focuses on active composites, some of the research results presented here can be usefully applied to traditional fibre-reinforced composites or other shape memory alloy applications. The dissertation is composed of four chapters. In the first chapter, active fibre-reinforced composites are introduced by giving an overview of the most common choices available for the reinforcement, matrix and production process, together with a brief introduction and classification of active materials. The second chapter presents a number of original contributions regarding the modelling of fibre-reinforced composites. Different two-dimensional laminate theories are derived from a parent three-dimensional theory, introducing a procedure for the a posteriori reconstruction of transverse stresses along the laminate thickness. Accurate through the thickness stresses are crucial for the composite modelling as they are responsible for some common failure mechanisms. A new finite element based on the First-order Shear Deformation Theory and a hybrid stress approach is proposed for the numerical solution of the two-dimensional laminate problem. The element is simple and computationally efficient. The transverse stresses through the laminate thickness are reconstructed starting from a general finite element solution. A two stages procedure is devised, based on Recovery by Compatibility in Patches and three-dimensional equilibrium. Finally, the determination of the elastic parameters of laminated structures via numerical-experimental Bayesian techniques is investigated. Two different estimators are analysed and compared, leading to the definition of an alternative procedure to improve convergence of the estimation process. The third chapter focuses on shape memory alloys, describing their properties and applications. A number of constitutive models proposed in the literature, both one-dimensional and three-dimensional, are critically discussed and compared, underlining their potential and limitations, which are mainly related to the definition of the phase diagram and the choice of internal variables. Some new experimental results on shape memory alloy material characterisation are also presented. These experimental observations display some features of the shape memory alloy behaviour which are generally not included in the current models, thus some ideas are proposed for the development of a new constitutive model. The fourth chapter, finally, focuses on active composite plates with embedded shape memory alloy wires. A number of di®erent approaches can be used to predict the behaviour of such structures, each model presenting different advantages and drawbacks related to complexity and versatility. A simple model able to describe both shape and stiffness control configurations within the same context is proposed and implemented. The model is then validated considering the shape control configuration, which is the most sensitive to model parameters. The experimental work is divided in two parts. In the first part, an active composite is built by gluing prestrained shape memory alloy wires on a carbon fibre laminate strip. This structure is relatively simple to build, however it is useful in order to experimentally demonstrate the feasibility of the concept proposed in the first part of the chapter. In the second part, the making of a fibre-reinforced composite with embedded shape memory alloy wires is investigated, considering different possible choices of materials and manufacturing processes. Although a number of technological issues still need to be faced, the experimental results allow to demonstrate the mechanism of shape control via embedded shape memory alloy wires, while showing a good agreement with the proposed model predictions.


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This work studies the impact of two traditional Romanian treatments, Red Petroleum and Propolis, in terms of real efficiency and consequence on the wooden artifacts. The application of these solutions is still a widely adopted and popular technique in preservative conservation but the impact of these solutions is not well known. It is important to know the effect of treatments on chemical-physical and structural characteristics of the artifacts, not only for understanding the influence on present conditions but also for foreseeing the future behavior. These treatments with Romanian traditional products are compared with a commercial antifungal product, Biotin R, which is utilized as reference to control the effectiveness of Red Petroleum and Propolis. Red Petroleum and Propolis are not active against mould while Biotin R is very active. Mould attack is mostly concentrated in the painted layer, where the tempera, containing glue and egg, enhance nutrition availability for moulds. Biotin R, even if is not a real insecticide but a fungicide, was the most active product against insect attack of the three products, followed by Red Petroleum, Propolis and untreated reference. As for colour, it did not change so much after the application of Red Petroleum and Biotin R and the colour difference was almost not perceptible. On the contrary, Propolis affected the colour a lot. During the exposure at different RH, the colour changes significantly at 100% RH at equilibrium and this is mainly due to the mould attack. Red Petroleum penetrates deeply into wood, while Propolis does not penetrate and remains only on the surface. However, Red Petroleum does not interact chemically with wood substance and it is easy volatilized in oven-dry condition. On the contrary Propolis interacts chemically with wood substance and hardly volatilized, even in oven-dry condition and consequently Propolis remains where it penetrated, mostly on the surface. Treatment by immersion has impact on wood physical parameters while treatment by brushing does not have significant impact. Especially Red Petroleum has an apparent impact on moisture content (MC) due to the penetration of solution, while Propolis does not penetrate so much and remains only on surface therefore Propolis does not have so much impact as Red Petroleum. However, if the weight of the solution penetrated in wood is eliminated, there is not significant difference in MC between treated and untreated samples. Considering physical parameters, dimensional stability is an important parameter. The variation of wood moisture content causes shrinkages/swelling of the wood that polychrome layer can only partially follow. The dimension of wooden supports varied under different moisture conditioning; the painted layer cannot completely follow this deformation, and consequently a degradation and deterioration caused by detachment, occurs. That detachment affects the polychrome stratification of the panel painting and eventually the connections between the different layer compositions of the panel painting.


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Tiefherd-Beben, die im oberen Erdmantel in einer Tiefe von ca. 400 km auftreten, werden gewöhnlich mit dem in gleicher Tiefe auftretenden druckabhängigen, polymorphen Phasenübergang von Olivine (α-Phase) zu Spinel (β-Phase) in Verbindung gebracht. Es ist jedoch nach wie vor unklar, wie der Phasenübergang mit dem mechanischen Versagen des Mantelmaterials zusammenhängt. Zur Zeit werden im Wesentlichen zwei Modelle diskutiert, die entweder Mikrostrukturen, die durch den Phasenübergang entstehen, oder aber die rheologischen Veränderungen des Mantelgesteins durch den Phasenübergang dafür verantwortlich machen. Dabei sind Untersuchungen der Olivin→Spinel Umwandlung durch die Unzugänglichkeit des natürlichen Materials vollständig auf theoretische Überlegungen sowie Hochdruck-Experimente und Numerische Simulationen beschränkt. Das zentrale Thema dieser Dissertation war es, ein funktionierendes Computermodell zur Simulation der Mikrostrukturen zu entwickeln, die durch den Phasenübergang entstehen. Des Weiteren wurde das Computer Modell angewandt um die mikrostrukturelle Entwicklung von Spinelkörnern und die Kontrollparameter zu untersuchen. Die Arbeit ist daher in zwei Teile unterteilt: Der erste Teil (Kap. 2 und 3) behandelt die physikalischen Gesetzmäßigkeiten und die prinzipielle Funktionsweise des Computer Modells, das auf der Kombination von Gleichungen zur Errechnung der kinetischen Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit mit Gesetzen der Nichtgleichgewichtsthermodynamik unter nicht-hydostatischen Bedingungen beruht. Das Computermodell erweitert ein Federnetzwerk der Software latte aus dem Programmpaket elle. Der wichtigste Parameter ist dabei die Normalspannung auf der Kornoberfläche von Spinel. Darüber hinaus berücksichtigt das Programm die Latenzwärme der Reaktion, die Oberflächenenergie und die geringe Viskosität von Mantelmaterial als weitere wesentliche Parameter in der Berechnung der Reaktionskinetic. Das Wachstumsverhalten und die fraktale Dimension von errechneten Spinelkörnern ist dabei in guter Übereinstimmung mit Spinelstrukturen aus Hochdruckexperimenten. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wird das Computermodell angewandt, um die Entwicklung der Oberflächenstruktur von Spinelkörnern unter verschiedenen Bedigungen zu eruieren. Die sogenannte ’anticrack theory of faulting’, die den katastrophalen Verlauf der Olivine→Spinel Umwandlung in olivinhaltigem Material unter differentieller Spannung durch Spannungskonzentrationen erklärt, wurde anhand des Computermodells untersucht. Der entsprechende Mechanismus konnte dabei nicht bestätigt werden. Stattdessen können Oberflächenstrukturen, die Ähnlichkeiten zu Anticracks aufweisen, durch Unreinheiten des Materials erklärt werden (Kap. 4). Eine Reihe von Simulationen wurde der Herleitung der wichtigsten Kontrollparameter der Reaktion in monomineralischem Olivin gewidmet (Kap. 5 and Kap. 6). Als wichtigste Einflüsse auf die Kornform von Spinel stellten sich dabei die Hauptnormalspannungen auf dem System sowie Heterogenitäten im Wirtsminerals und die Viskosität heraus. Im weiteren Verlauf wurden die Nukleierung und das Wachstum von Spinel in polymineralischen Mineralparagenesen untersucht (Kap. 7). Die Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit der Olivine→Spinel Umwandlung und die Entwicklung von Spinelnetzwerken und Clustern wird durch die Gegenwart nicht-reaktiver Minerale wie Granat oder Pyroxen erheblich beschleunigt. Die Bildung von Spinelnetzwerken hat das Potential, die mechanischen Eigenschaften von Mantelgestein erheblich zu beeinflussen, sei es durch die Bildung potentieller Scherzonen oder durch Gerüstbildung. Dieser Lokalisierungprozess des Spinelwachstums in Mantelgesteinen kann daher ein neues Erklärungsmuster für Tiefbeben darstellen.


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This work discusses the results from tests which were performed in order to study the effect of high temperatures in the physical and mechanical properties of a calcarenite (San Julian's stone). Samples, previously heated at different temperatures (from 105 °C to 600 °C), were tested. Non-destructive tests (porosity and ultrasonic wave propagation) and destructive tests (uniaxial compressive strength and slake durability test) were performed over available samples. Furthermore, the tests were carried out under different conditions (i.e. air-cooled and water-cooled) in order to study the effect of the fire off method. The results show that uniaxial compressive strength and elastic parameters (i.e. elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio), decrease as the temperature increases for the tested range of temperatures. A reduction of the uniaxial compressive strength up to 35% and 50% is observed in air-cooled and water-cooled samples respectively when the samples are heated to 600 °C. Regarding the Young's modulus, a fall over 75% and 78% in air-cooled and water-cooled samples respectively is observed. Poisson's ratio also declines up to 44% and 68% with the temperature in air-cooled and water-cooled samples respectively. Slake durability index also exhibits a reduction with temperature. Other physical properties, closely related with the mechanical properties of the stone, are porosity, attenuation and propagation velocity of ultrasonic waves in the material. All exhibit considerable changes with temperature.


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Maximum-likelihood estimates of the parameters of stochastic differential equations are consistent and asymptotically efficient, but unfortunately difficult to obtain if a closed-form expression for the transitional probability density function of the process is not available. As a result, a large number of competing estimation procedures have been proposed. This article provides a critical evaluation of the various estimation techniques. Special attention is given to the ease of implementation and comparative performance of the procedures when estimating the parameters of the Cox–Ingersoll–Ross and Ornstein–Uhlenbeck equations respectively.


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The characterisation of cracks is usually done using the well known three basic fracture modes, namely opening, shearing and tearing modes. In isotropic materials these modes are uncoupled and provide a convenient way to define the fracture parameters. It is well known that these fracture modes are coupled in anisotropic materials. In the case of orthotropic materials also, coupling exists between the fracture modes, unless the crack plane coincides with one of the axes of orthotropy. The strength of coupling depends upon the orientation of the axes of orthotropy with respect to the crack plane and so the energy release rate components associated with each of the modes vary with crack orientation. The variation, of these energy release rate components with the crack orientation with respect to orthotropic axes, is analyzed in this paper. Results indicate that in addition to the orthotropic planes there exists other planes with reference to which fracture modes are uncoupled.


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Key message Eucalyptus pellita demonstrated good growth and wood quality traits in this study, with young plantation grown timber being suitable for both solid and pulp wood products. All traits examined were under moderate levels of genetic control with little genotype by environment interaction when grown on two contrasting sites in Vietnam. Context Eucalyptus pellita currently has a significant role in reforestation in the tropics. Research to support expanded of use of this species is needed: particularly, research to better understand the genetic control of key traits will facilitate the development of genetically improved planting stock. Aims This study aimed to provide estimates of the heritability of diameter at breast height over bark, wood basic density, Kraft pulp yield, modulus of elasticity and microfibril angle, and the genetic correlations among these traits, and understand the importance of genotype by environment interactions in Vietnam. Methods Data for diameter and wood properties were collected from two 10-year-old, open-pollinated progeny trials of E. pellita in Vietnam that evaluated 104 families from six native range and three orchard sources. Wood properties were estimated from wood samples using near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. Data were analysed using mixed linear models to estimate genetic parameters (heritability, proportion of variance between seed sources and genetic correlations). Results Variation among the nine sources was small compared to additive variance. Narrow-sense heritability and genetic correlation estimates indicated that simultaneous improvements in most traits could be achieved from selection among and within families as the genetic correlations among traits were either favourable or close to zero. Type B genetic correlations approached one for all traits suggesting that genotype by environment interactions were of little importance. These results support a breeding strategy utilizing a single breeding population advanced by selecting the best individuals across all seed sources. Conclusion Both growth and wood properties have been evaluated. Multi-trait selection for growth and wood property traits will lead to more productive populations of E. pellita both with improved productivity and improved timber and pulp properties.


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An elastic-plastic constitutive model for transversely isotropic compressible solids (foams) has been developed. A quadratic yield surface with four parameters and one hardening function is proposed. Associated plastic flow is assumed and the yield surface evolves in a self-similar manner calibrated by the uniaxial compressive (or tensile) response of the cellular solid in the axial direction. All material constants in the model (elastic and plastic) can be determined from a combination of a total of four uniaxial and shear tests. The model is used to predict the indentation response of balsa wood to a conical indenter. For the three cone angles considered in this study, very good agreement is found between the experimental measurements and the finite element (FE) predictions of the transversely isotropic cellular solid model. On the other hand, an isotropic foam model is shown to be inadequate to capture the indentation response. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.