982 resultados para Women Teachers


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The Harriet P. Lynch Letters consist of correspondence from Harriet P. Lynch to Mrs. Julian B. Salley discussing the equal pay for equal work controversy at Winthrop College (1915-1920) where certain women teachers resigned or were fired. Mrs. Salley and Mrs. Lynch served as president and vice-president respectively of the Equal Suffrage League.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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To reveal the theories and practices that linked education to the development within the cities of Boston and Buenos Aires, and in turn to the development of US and Argentina nationalism, “Cosmopolitan Imperialism” centers on two education reformers, Horace Mann (1776-1859) and Domingo Faustino Sarmiento (1811-1888). Mann and Sarmiento formed part of a supra-national community where liberal intellectual elites created a republic of letters, or perhaps better said, a republic of schools. As different versions of education branched out from a common Atlantic origin during the nineteenth century, Mann and Sarmiento searched for those ideas that better fit their national projects, a local project that started in the cities and moved to the interior parts of the country. In Boston and Buenos Aires, modern nationalism intertwined with imperial projects. This dissertation thus analyzes nationalism and reform in the nineteenth-century as an imperial project led by cosmopolitan intellectual elites. While we might expect to find Mann and Sarmiento’s ideas on education to be centered on their national experiences, looking to Europe for inspiration, this dissertation shows that it was quite the opposite. Educational ideas developed within an interconnected network and traveled within the North-South axis connecting Boston with Buenos Aires. This framework moves the focus from the interchange of ideas between America and Europe and places it within the American continent. At the same time, it allows us to consider Latin American and the US as both creators and recipients of educational ideas. There is a traditional way of talking about nationalism and reform in the nineteenth-century, especially in terms of education and educational policies. It is common to imagine that in the US, and even more certainly in Latin America, educated elites looked to the so-called West for inspiration. The argument is that they ended up adapting foreign models to their local and internal contexts. This dissertation challenges that idea and shows that different versions of education developed from a shared Atlantic milieu in which reformers in certain cities saw themselves as part of the same cosmopolitan empires.


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Die Autorin greift in ihrem Beitrag den Aspekt der Reproduktion männlicher Herrschaft in pädagogischen Institutionen auf. Unter dem Titel „Man(n) wird da so hineingelobt“ – Ko-Konstruktion von Männlichkeit und Aufstieg ins Schulleitungsamt an Grundschulen nimmt die Autorin die Beobachtung zum Ausgangspunkt, dass auch in diesem frauendominierten Feld die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Übernahme von Leitungsfunktionen für männliche Lehrkräfte nach wie vor größer ist als für weibliche. Sie zeigt auf, wie in der pädagogischen Institution Schule die ‚Eignung‘ von Personen für eine bestimmte Funktion durch spezifische Geschlechterkonstruktionen hergestellt wird. Auf der Basis von Interviews und Beobachtungen bei Qualifikationsmaßnahmen für an Leitungspositionen interessierten Lehrkräften wird rekonstruiert, wie die Beteiligten von einer mangelnden Passung zwischen Männlichkeit und dem Aufgabenfeld einer Grundschullehrkraft und gleichzeitig von einer Eignung der Männer für Leitungsaufgaben ausgehen. Beides mündet in konkrete Formen der Aufstiegsermutigung für männliche Lehrkräfte, die ihre weiblichen Kolleginnen nicht erfahren, sodass es auf der Basis zugeschriebener Eignung bei der unhinterfragten Verknüpfung von Männlichkeit und institutionalisierten Einflussmöglichkeiten bleibt. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Esta investigação foi realizada no âmbito do Mestrado em Administração e Gestão Educacional, tendo como tema A mulher na liderança no contexto educativo do distrito da Guarda. Os objetivos centrais desta investigação assentam na compreensão do que é ser mulher e líder de uma organização educacional e sobre a perceção que a mulher tem do exercício dessa mesma liderança. O quadro teórico de referência aborda o conceito de liderança, do género, a evolução do papel da mulher nos lugares de topo centrado nas organizações escolares e a motivação para oexercício destes cargos. No processo de investigação usou-se uma metodologia de investigação quantitativa comabordagem descritiva, mais adequada para traduzir, em números, as opiniões dos elementos do conselho geral dos treze agrupamentos de escolas que participaram neste estudo. Para apoiar a concretização dos objetivos e seguir as orientações da metodologia de investigação qualitativa em educação, foram, ainda, aplicadas entrevistas a três diretoras do distrito da Guarda privilegiando-se o testemunho das próprias, a fim de percebermos o que as motivou a candidatar-se a um cargo que é predominantemente exercido por homens. A análise dos dados demonstrou que o género não influencia a escolha do diretor, nem tão pouco é fator que influencie o exercício da liderança. As mulheres predominam nas nossas escolas como professoras, no entanto, os cargos de topo ainda são maioritariamente masculinos. Poder-se-á concluir que as responsabilidades familiares e os contrangimentos que advêm do exercício da função faz com que as mulheres tenham de arriscar e efetivarem a sua participação nos lugares de topo, mesmo a nível educativo.


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Recibido 17 de mayo de 2011 • Aceptado 26 de agosto de 2011 • Corregido 9 de octubre de 2011   La escritura femenina, como todas las formas de producción simbólica desde las mujeres, ha existido y se ha desarrollado a pesar del mandato patriarcal de obedecer y callar que pesa sobre el género femenino. No es objetivo en esta reflexión, ahondar en las acciones y las obras de las mujeres transgresoras quienes, a lo largo de la historia y a pesar de, han ejercido esa forma de hacerse presente y afirmarse ante los otros que es la escritura. Mi propósito es identificar a las mujeres, quienes desde el oficio de maestras ejercitaron su escritura, combinaron su rol docente con el de escritoras y en la elaboración de sus discursos cívicos cuestionaron, precisamente, las concepciones de patriotismo y sentimiento cívico dentro del mismo proceso de construcción de una ciudadanía de la cual ellas no disfrutaban.


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The questioning of identity and the various roles that artists have begun to explore, from the last century, are fundamental aspects in this article. Today it is difficult to speak of the artist as individual isolated innate talent working in his studio, but the various social, political and cultural effects, have moved the artists to become part of the social world and to generate artistic practices that visualize and manifest critically these concerns. To explain these transits deeper, we will share part of the personal artistic practice and reflections, and how it has begun to intertwine with the doctoral research, through the art project “Dialogues with women art teachers”. From the experience as an artist and researcher in training, we will share what this project of artistic inquiry is about and reflect their points with the notion of `artistic practice as research´ developed by Graeme Sullivan (2010, 2011). On the other hand, we will seek to reflect how the identities of `artist´ and `academic´ are in constant dialogue. This art project seeks to show that these identities are not in a fixed position, but rather reflect, from the place of an artist, how through the various shifts in different disciplines, can conceive an identity ‘in-between’. The latter refers to the ability to understand the processes of being a woman, artist and researcher who travels and forms its identity among both disciplines.


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The purpose of this research was to explore women elementary teachers' perceptions of how their decision to return to teaching part-time from a maternity leave influences their professional and personal lives. The investigation focused on the decisions surrounding a mother's choice to reenter the teaching profession parttime in a field where each mother had previously been employed full-time. A collective case study was undertaken based on an in-depth interview with five mothers who had made the choice to return to the classroom part-time. The data collected in this study were analyzed and interpreted using qualitative methods. The following four major themes emerged from the interviews: decisionmaking process, challenges faced by mothers who teach part-time, the importance of support, and the enhancement of instructional practice from parenthood. Using these four themes, an analysis was conducted to examine the similarities and differences among the experiences of the participants. The mothers' reflections, my analysis, and the related literature were used at the conclusion of this report to compile implications for teaching practice, theory, and further research.


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Objectifs: Cette étude a documenté la collaboration intersectorielle entre les agents de santé communautaires (ASC) et les enseignants visant à combattre la violence à l’égard des femmes et des filles à Vulindlela, une communauté rurale Sud-Africaine. La collaboration entre ces acteurs, les facteurs qui influencent leur collaboration et les avenues possibles pour une amélioration de cette collaboration ont été explorés. Méthodes: Six ASC et cinq enseignants ont pris part à cette recherche participative qui a inclut l'utilisation du dessin comme méthodologie visuelle. La collecte de données a été réalisée en quatre phases, avec un total de huit entretiens de groupes. La stratégie d’analyse principale a inclus une approche dirigée du contenu narratif et une approche de comparaison constante. Résultats: Le système de collaboration entre les enseignants et les ASC manque de définition et ces acteurs ne peuvent donc en faire l’utilisation. Par conséquent la collaboration actuelle entre ces acteurs a été jugée peu développé, impromptue et informelle. De nombreuses contraintes à la collaboration ont été identifiées, y compris le manque de motivation de la part des enseignants, la nature des relations entre les acteurs, et la capacité individuelle limitée des ASC. Conclusion: Compte tenu des nombreuses contraintes à la collaboration entre ces ASC et les enseignants, il n'est pas évident que cette collaboration conduira aux résultats espérés. Dans l'absence de motivation suffisante et d’une prise de conscience réaliste des défis par les acteurs eux-mêmes, les initiatives externes pour améliorer la collaboration sont peu susceptibles de succès.