85 resultados para Wombat


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The benthic stable isotope record from ODP Site 761 (Wombat Plateau, NW Australia, 2179.3 m water depth) documents complete recovery of the middle Miocene delta13C excursion corresponding to the climatic optimum and subsequent expansion of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. The six main delta13C maxima of the "Monterey Excursion" between 16.4 and 13.6 Ma and the characteristic stepped increase in delta18O between 14.5 and 13.9 Ma are clearly identified. The sedimentary record of the shallower ODP Sites 1126 and 1134 [Great Australian Bight (GAB), SWAustralia, 783.8 and 701 m water depth, respectively] is truncated by several unconformities. However, a composite benthic stable isotope curve for these sites provides a first middle Miocene bathyal record for southwest Australia. The delta18O and delta13C curves for Sites 1126 and 1134 indicate a cooler, better-ventilated water mass at ~700 m water depth in the Great Australian Bight since approximately 16 Ma. This cooler and younger water mass probably originated from a close southern source. Cooling of the bottom water at ~16 Ma started much earlier than at other sites of equivalent paleodepths in the central and western parts of the Indian Ocean. At Site 761, the delta18O curve shows an excellent match with the global sea level curve between ~11.5 and 15.1 Ma, and thus closely reflects changes in global ice volume. Prior to 15.1 Ma, the mismatch between the delta18O curve and the sea level curve indicates that delta18O fluctuations are mainly due to changes in bottom water temperature.


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Bentonites (i.e., smectite-dominated, altered volcanic ash layers) were recovered in Berriasian to Valanginian hemipelagic sediments of the Wombat Plateau (Site 761) and southern Exmouth Plateau (Site 763). They are compared to coeval bentonites in eupelagic sediments of the adjacent Argo Abyssal Plain (Sites 261 and 765) and Gascoyne Abyssal Plain (Site 766). A volcaniclastic origin with dacitic to rhyolitic ash as parent material is suggested by the abundance of well-ordered montmorillonite, fresh to altered silicic glass shards, volcanogenic minerals (euhedral sanidine, apatite, and long-prismatic zircon), and volcanic rock fragments, and by a vitroclastic ultrafabric (smectitized glass shards). We distinguish (1) pure smectite bentonites with a white, pink, or light gray color, a waxy appearance, and a very homogeneous, cryptocrystalline smectite matrix (water-free composition at Site 761: 68.5% SiO2, 0.27% TiO2, 19.1% Al2O3, 3.3% Fe2O3, 0.4%-1.1% Na2O, and 0.6% K2O) and (2) impure bentonitic claystones containing mixtures of volcanogenic smectite and pyroclastic grains with terrigenous and pelagic components. The ash layers were progressively altered during diagenesis. Silicic glass was first hydrated, then slightly altered (etched with incipient smectite authigenesis), then moderately smectitized (with shard shape still intact), and finally completely homogenized to a pure smectite matrix without obvious relict structures. Euhedral clinoptilolite is the latest pore-filling or glass-replacing mineral, postdating smectite authigenesis. Volcanic activity was associated with continental breakup and rapid subsidence during the "juvenile ocean phase." Potential source areas for a Neocomian post-breakup volcanism include the Wombat Plateau, Joey and Roo rises, Scott Plateau, and Wallaby Plateau/Cape Range Fracture Zone. Westward-directed trade winds transported silicic ash from these volcanic source areas to the Exmouth Plateau into the adjacent abyssal plains. The Wombat Plateau bentonites are interpreted as proximal ash turbidites.


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Marsupial spermatozoa tolerate cold shock well, but differ in cryopreservation tolerance. In an attempt to explain these phenomena, the fatty acid composition of the sperm membrane from caput and cauda epididymides of the Eastern grey kangaroo, koala, and common wombat was measured and membrane sterol levels were measured in cauda epididymidal spermatozoa. While species-related differences in the levels of linolenic acid (18:3, n-6) and arachidonic acid (20:4, n-6) were observed in caput epididymal spermatozoa, these differences failed to significantly alter the ratio of unsaturated/saturated membrane fatty acids. However in cauda epididymidal spermatozoa, the ratio of unsaturated/saturated membrane fatty acids in koala and kangaroo spermatozoa was approximately 7.6 and 5.2, respectively; substantially higher than any other mammalian species so far described. Koala spermatozoal membranes had a higher ratio of unsaturated/saturated membrane fatty acids than that of wombat spermatozoa (t = 3.81; df = 4; p less than or equal to 0.02); however, there was no significant difference between wombat and kangaroo spermatozoa. The highest proportions of DHA (22:6, n-3), the predominant membrane fatty acid in cauda epididymidal spermatozoa, were found in wombat and koala spermatozoa. While species-related differences in membrane sterol levels (cholesterol and desmosterol) were observed in cauda epididymidal spermatozoa, marsupial membrane sterol levels are very low. Marsupial spermatozoal membrane analyses do not support the hypothesis that a high ratio of saturated/unsaturated membrane fatty acids and low membrane sterol levels predisposes spermatozoa to cold shock damage. Instead, cryogenic tolerance appears related to DHA levels. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In an attempt to develop a gamete-recovery protocol for the northern hairy nosed wombat (Lasiorhinus krefftii), spermatozoa were removed from the cauda epididymides of four common wombats (Vombatus ursinus) and cryopreserved following a variety of prefreeze storage conditions. Spermatozoa stored for 72 h at 4 degrees C within the testicle before cryopreservation tolerated the freeze-thaw procedure remarkably well, resulting in a higher post-thaw viability (% motile P< 0.01; rate of movement P< 0.01; % live P< 0.01) than sperm recovered on the day of post-mortem, stored in a test tube for 72 h at 4 degrees C and then frozen. The effect of post-thaw dilution with Tris citrate fructose (TCF) diluent on the survival of epididymal common wombat spermatozoa was also investigated. Motility (P< 0.05), rate of sperm movement (P< 0.01) and the percentage of live spermatozoa (P< 0.05) were all significantly greater when spermatozoa were thawed and diluted immediately in TCF than when thawed without dilution. The present study also reports, for the first time, a successful pellet method of freezing wombat spermatozoa on dry ice; volumes of 0.25 and 0.5mL resulted in higher post- thaw survival compared with 0.1-mL pellets.


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The aim of this study was to determine the relative cryopreservation success of koala and wombat spermatozoa and to investigate reasons for their respective post-thaw survival by examining the sperm's response to a range of osmotic media and determining the presence and distribution of F-actin. An hypothesis was proposed that F-actin may be imparting a degree of structural inflexibility to the koala sperm plasma membrane; hence, exposure of spermatozoa to cytochalasin D (5 mu M), a F-actin depolymerisation agent, should result in increased plasticisation of the membrane and greater tolerance of cell volume changes that typically occur during cryopreservation. In experiment 1, koala (n = 4) and wombat (n = 4) spermatozoa packaged in 0.25 mL straws were cryopreserved using two freezing rates (fast-3 cm above liquid N2 interface; slow-6 degrees C/min in a freezing chamber) and two glycerol concentrations (8 and 14% v/v) in a tris-citrate glucose buffer with 15% (v/v) egg yolk. Wombat spermatozoa showed better (P < 0.01) post-thaw survival (% motile, % intact plasma membranes, % decondensed sperm heads) than koala spermatozoa. When exposed to media of varying osmolality, koala spermatozoa were less tolerant (% intact plasma membrane) of hyper-osmotic conditions (920 and 1410mOsmol/kg) than wombat spermatozoa. F-actin was localised using a monoclonal antibody but only found in the wombat sperm head. When koala and wombat spermatozoa were exposed to media of varying osmolality, cytochalasin D had no beneficial effect on sperm survival (% intact plasma membranes). This study has demonstrated that wombat spermatozoa are highly tolerant of cryopreservation when compared to koala sperm but that spermatozoa from both species show greatest post-thaw survival when frozen slowly in 14% glycerol. Koala sperm are also particularly susceptible to hyper-osmotic environments but lack of detectable F-actin in the koala spermatozoan suggests that poor cryopreservation success in this species is unlikely to be associated with F-actin induced plasma membrane inflexibility. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a possibilidade de uso de dados parciais na seleção de codornas de corte para produção de ovos. Foram avaliados os grupos genéticos de codornas de corte UFV1 e UFV2, de origens distintas. Utilizaram-se informações de 1.632 matrizes, das quais 816 provieram do grupo genético UFV1, e 816 do grupo UFV2. Os parâmetros genéticos foram obtidos nos períodos parciais da 6ª semana até a 24ª (P24), a 32ª (P32), a 40ª (P40) e a 48ª (P48) semanas, e no período total de produção de ovos(P52), da 6ª à 52ª semana. Os componentes de variância e covariância e os parâmetros genéticos foram estimados pelo método da máxima verossimilhança restrita, pelo modelo animal unicaracterístico. A produção parcial e a total de ovos foram estimadas pelo modelo animal multicaracterístico, por meio do aplicativo Wombat. Para UFV1, os valores de herdabilidade foram: 0,09, P24; 0,09, P32; 0,09, P40; 0,08, P48; e 0,07 para P52; as correlações genéticas variaram de 0,79 a 0,99. Para UFV2, os valores de herdabilidade foram: 0,09, P24; 0,09, P32; 0,10, P40; 0,11, P48; e 0,13 para P52; as correlações variaram de 0,70 a 0,99. Para a seleção de UFV1, recomenda-se considerar a produção de ovos até a 40ª semana e, para UFV2, até a 48ª semana. As baixas estimativas de herdabilidade indicam que se devem fazer mudanças de manejo para controlar os efeitos de ambiente.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar modelos de regressão aleatória com diferentes ordens de polinômios de Legendre, quanto ao melhor ajuste para a produção de ovos de codornas de corte. Foram avaliados os grupos genéticos UFV1 e UFV2 de codornas de corte, de origens distintas, do programa de melhoramento genético da Universidade Federal de Viçosa. Determinou-se a produção semanal de ovos de 1.294 matrizes, da 6ª até a 57ª semana de idade, das quais 644 do grupo genético UFV1 e 650 do UFV2. Utilizou-se o modelo animal em regressão aleatória pelo programa Wombat e, para modelar as trajetórias das características com o tempo, aplicaram-se as funções polinomiais de Legendre. Foram feitas comparações pelo critério de informação de Akaike, critério de informação bayesiano de Schwarz, logaritmo da função de verossimilhança e teste da razão de verossimilhança. O modelo com K = 3, para efeitos fixos, Ka = 4, para efeitos genéticos, e Kc = 4, para efeito de ambiente, propicia melhor ajuste para ambas as linhagens, não provoca grandes alterações nos componentes de variância e fornece melhores estimativas de herdabilidade.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)