986 resultados para Wolff, Charlotta
RESUMO:O objetivo deste artigo é discutir sobre os conceitos de obrigação e lei natural, tendo como referência o polêmico debate moderno envolvendo intelectualismo e voluntarismo. Em um primeiro momento, destacaremos a rejeição de Wolff ao voluntarismo de Pufendorf e sua orientação em direção ao intelectualismo de Leibniz. Conforme essa nova orientação, uma teoria da lei natural não deve basear seu conceito de obrigação na autoridade das leis (estabelecidas, em uma instância maior, como um decreto arbitrário de Deus) e em seu poder coercitivo (suscitado, na parte obrigada, como medo da punição), mas, por outro lado, unicamente na ideia de necessidade moral, interpretada como expressão da ligação natural universal dos seres racionais com o dever. Em um segundo momento, apresentaremos os efeitos dessa discussão no pensamento inicial de Kant, que, se posicionando diante mesmo de Wolff e Baumgarten, vai empreender a superação de seus predecessores, através de uma revisão conceitual do problema, a qual culminará nos pressupostos de sua doutrina ética madura.
The bulk of the materials consist of administrative records, minutes programs and publicity material for The Niagara Symphony Association, St. Catharines Community Concerts, The Brock University Fine Arts Committee and Brock University convocations.
Ann (Anna Eva) Levine was born on November 12, 1890 to William and Sarah Ida Levine, and died on April 3, 1890. This scrapbook contains family memories, photographs, and an exam book in holograph for a history class in 1936 at Colby College.
A concise synthesis of the (-)-indolizidine alkaloid 167B and two formal syntheses of (-)-indolizidine 209D and (-)-coniceine are described in just three steps from an alpha,beta-unsaturated diazoketone, via an unusual photochemical Wolff rearrangement. Preparation of the unsaturated diazoketone is straightforward from N-Cbz-prolinal and a 3-diazo-2-oxopropylphosphonate, employing a Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons reaction. The strategy should be feasible and easily adaptable to the synthesis of other indolizidine alkaloids and analogues. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
AIMS In 1999 the consensus statement "living anatomy of the atrioventricular junctions" was published. With that new nomenclature the former posteroseptal accessory pathway (APs) are termed paraseptal APs. The aim of this study was to identify ECG features of manifest APs located in this complex paraseptal space. METHODS AND RESULTS ECG characteristics of all patients who underwent radiofrequency ablation of an AP during a 3 year period were analyzed. Of the 239 patients with one or more APs, 30 patients had a paraseptal AP with preexcitation. Compared to APs within the coronary sinus (CS) or the middle cardiac vein (MCV) the right sided paraseptal APs significantly more often showed an isoelectric delta wave in lead II and/or a negative delta wave in aVR. The left sided paraseptal APs presented a negative delta wave in II significantly more often compared to the right sided APs. CONCLUSIONS According to the site of radiofrequency ablation, paraseptal APs are classified into 4 subgroups: paraseptal right, paraseptal left, inside the CS or inside the MCV. Subtle differences in preexcitation patterns of the delta wave as well as of the QRS complex exist. However, the definitive localization of APs remains reserved to the periinterventional intracardiac electrogram analysis.
Gotthold Salomon
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