988 resultados para Winter sports facilities
[ES] En este trabajo presentamos un estudio empírico homologable del Instituto Municipal de Deportes de Santurtzi, en el cual se analizan las características y evolución del deporte en este municipio, el nivel de autofinanciación del servicio, el conocimiento de las diferentes instalaciones deportivas, etc. En definitiva, el estudio trata de profundizar en la gestión deportiva del Municipio de Santurtzi, para ello, se emplea un cuestionario específico en el que l obtenemos datos concretos y reales sobre las variables económicas, sociales, técnicas y de Recursos Humanos. Con los datos y resultados de las variables se consigue que al final del estudio se llegue a conclusiones que permitan la autoevaluación en el transcurso del tiempo y la valoración comparada, con municipios de similares características.
Information technologies (ITs), and sports resources and services aid the potential to transform governmental organizations, and play an important role in contributing to sustainable communities development, respectively. Spatial data is a crucial source to support sports planning and management. Low-cost mobile geospatial tools bring productive and accurate data collection, and their use combining a handy and customized graphical user interface (GUI) (forms, mapping, media support) is still in an early stage. Recognizing the benefits — efficiency, effectiveness, proximity to citizens — that Mozambican Minister of Youth and Sports (MJD) can achieve with information resulted from the employment of a low-cost data collection platform, this project presents the development of a mobile mapping application (app) — m-SportGIS — under Open Source (OS) technologies and a customized evolutionary software methodology. The app development embraced the combination of mobile web technologies and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) (e.g. Sencha Touch (ST), Apache Cordova, OpenLayers) to deploy a native-to-the-device (Android operating system) product, taking advantage of device’s capabilities (e.g. File system, Geolocation, Camera). In addition to an integrated Web Map Service (WMS), was created a local and customized Tile Map Service (TMS) to serve up cached data, regarding the IT infrastructures limitations in several Mozambican regions. m-SportGIS is currently being exploited by Mozambican Government staff to inventory all kind of sports facilities, which resulted and stored data feeds a WebGIS platform to manage Mozambican sports resources.
The purpose of this meta-analytic investigation was to review the empirical evidence specific to the effect of physical activity context on social physique anxiety (SP A). English language studies were located from computer and manual literature searches. A total of 146 initial studies were coded. Studies included in the meta-analysis presented at least one empirical effect for SPA between physical activity participants (i.e., athletes or exercisers) and non-physical activity participants. The final sample included thirteen studies, yielding 14 effect sizes, with a total sample size of 2846. Studies were coded for mean SPA between physical activity participants and non-physical activity participants. Moderator variables related to demographic and study characteristics were also coded. Using Hunter and Schmidt's (2004) protocol, statistical artifacts were corrected. Results indicate that, practically speaking, those who were physically active reported lower levels of SPA than the comparison group (dcorr = -.12; SDeorr.-=-;22). Consideration of the magnitude of the ES, the SDeorr, and confidence interval suggests that this effect is not statistically significant. While most moderator analyses reiterated this trend, some differences were worth noting. Previous research has identified SPA to be especially salient for females compared to males, however, in the current investigation, the magnitude of the ES' s comparing physical activity participants to the comparison group was similar (deorr = -.24 for females and deorr = -.23 for males). Also, the type of physical activity was investigated, and results showed that athletes reported lower levels of SP A than the comparison group (deorr = -.19, SDeorr = .08), whereas exercisers reported higher levels of SPA than the comparison group (deorr = .13, SDeorr = .22). Results demonstrate support for the dispositional nature of SP A. Consideration of practical significance suggests that those who are involved in physical activity may experience slightly lower levels of SPA than those not reporting physical activity participation. Results potentially offer support for the bi-directionality of the relationship between physical activity and SP A; however, a causality may not be inferred. More information about the type of physical activity (i.e., frequency/nature of exercise behaviour, sport classificationllevel of athletes) may help clarify the role of physical activity contexts on SPA.
Implementació d’una aplicació web per a l’àrea esportiva de Blanes (Girona
Aquest projecte desenvolupa el càlcul de les instal·lacions d’un club esportiu. Un dels objectiu es poder comprovar el correcte dimensionament de les instal·lacions actuals, degut a que les instal·lacions han sofert múltiples modificacions respecte al que es va preveure originalment. També s’ aprofita per realitzar uns plànols actualitzat de les instal·lacions
L’objectiu del projecte és la construcció d’unes noves instal•lacions esportives per a la pràctica del futbol a Castellfollit de la Roca degut a la precarietat de l’actual camp de futbol. Inicialment s’ha realitzat un replantejament de la zona retirant una primera capa de restes vegetals per tal de deixar la nova parcel•la neta i llisa. No ha estat necessari anivellar el terreny ja que la parcel•la presentava una topografia gairebé plana, amb un pendent del 0,55%. A continuació s’ha realitzar el moviment de terres per extraure una capa de 0,75 metres de les àrees on es crearan els dos camps de futbol, ja que el terreny d’un camp de futbol és un sòl creat a base de capes de graves i sorres. Tot seguit s’ha dimensionat el drenatge, aquest s’ha realitzat suposant que s’ha d’evacuar la pluja màxima caiguda en dues hores per un període de retorn de 5 anys. A partir d’aquí s’ha decidit que aquesta aigua s’havia d’evacuar per dues vies, per drenatge superficial i per drenatge subterrani
The Memorial Stadium project will investigate the current conditions of facilities, study existing programs with regard to renovation and modification, and establish capacities for expansion. The project necessitates knowledge of sports facilities and the specific needs of the football program. This may involve research into the need of individuals ranging from the players themselves to the coaches, and ultimately the fans as well. The result will lead to a program which provides excellent solutions to the found needs. It is assumed that these needs will include updated training, locker room, and medical facilities for the athletes. Other programs include offices and meeting rooms for coaches, additional seating for fans—raising overall seating capacity of Memorial Stadium, as well as the possible addition of luxury skyboxes. Existing spaces will be scrutinized and renovation options will be explored. Programs may be changed or moved within the existing stadium spaces. Study will uncover the most feasible and reasonable solutions to programming spaces within the stadiums current facilities. This project will seek to connect the architecture of a stadium with the experience of the game. The design of athletic facilities and the addition of seating will embody the tradition of winning and the excitement of the future for Nebraska Football in Memorial Stadium. Mark Hoistad, mentor.
OBJETIVO: Analisar as características dos atendimentos decorrentes de quedas em serviços de urgência e emergência e identificar fatores associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 12.617 atendimentos decorrentes de quedas registrados no Sistema de Vigilância de Violências e Acidentes, coletados em 23 capitais e Distrito Federal, de setembro a novembro de 2009, por meio de uma amostra por conglomerado. Foi utilizada a técnica de análise de correspondência, por permitir a observação conjunta de um grande número de variáveis qualitativas. RESULTADOS: A maior parte das vítimas foi do sexo masculino (56,5%), faixa etária de 0 a 19 anos (45,7%) e declarados não brancos (62,2%). A maioria das quedas ocorreu na residência (54,6%) e via pública (17,4%); 14,3% foram relacionadas ao trabalho. Os tipos predominantes foram "queda no mesmo nível" (57,0%) e "queda de escada/degrau" (15,6%). A maioria das lesões foi classificada como entorse, luxação, contusão, corte e laceração (68,3%). Quedas dentre as crianças associaram-se à ocorrência na residência; com os adolescentes na escola; e jovens na prática esportiva. Quedas em adultos estiveram associadas ao local de trabalho, queda de andaimes, telhados, escada/degrau e buracos e uso de álcool. As quedas no mesmo nível resultaram em lesões de menor gravidade, em membros inferiores e superiores, e as quedas de andaime e telhado se associaram com lesões de maior gravidade e internações. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados mostram que estratégias para a prevenção das quedas devem ser implantadas particularmente em residências, escolas e ambientes de trabalho.
[ES] La finalidad de la presente investigación fue construir una herramienta de carácter pragmático, fiable y válido que permita evaluar la gestión efectiva de instalaciones deportivas públicas. Se utilizó el metodo Delphi para la validación de expertos, análisis factorial exploratorio y un análisis de consistencia interna a través del Alfa de Cronbach.
INTRODUCTION: Winter sports have evolved from an upper class activity to a mass industry. Especially sledging regained popularity at the start of this century, with more and more winter sports resorts offering sledge runs. This study investigated the rates of sledging injuries over the last 13 years and analysed injury patterns specific for certain age groups, enabling us to make suggestions for preventive measures. METHODS: We present a retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data. From 1996/1997 to 2008/2009, all patients involved in sledging injuries were recorded upon admission to a Level III trauma centre. Injuries were classified into body regions according to the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS). The Injury Severity Score (ISS) was calculated. Patients were stratified into 7 age groups. Associations between age and injured body region were tested using the chi-squared test. The slope of the linear regression with 95% confidence intervals was calculated for the proportion of patients with different injured body regions and winter season. RESULTS: 4956 winter sports patients were recorded. 263 patients (5%) sustained sledging injuries. Sledging injury patients had a median age of 22 years (interquartile range [IQR] 14-38 years) and a median ISS of 4 (IQR 1-4). 136 (51.7%) were male. Injuries (AIS≥2) were most frequent to the lower extremities (n=91, 51.7% of all AIS≥2 injuries), followed by the upper extremities (n=48, 27.3%), the head (n=17, 9.7%), the spine (n=7, 4.0%). AIS≥2 injuries to different body regions varied from season to season, with no significant trends (p>0.19). However, the number of patients admitted with AIS≥2 injuries increased significantly over the seasons analysed (p=0.031), as did the number of patients with any kind of sledging injury (p=0.004). Mild head injuries were most frequent in the youngest age group (1-10 years old). Injuries to the lower extremities were more often seen in the age groups from 21 to 60 years (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: Mild head trauma was mainly found in very young sledgers, and injuries to the lower extremities were more frequent in adults. In accordance with the current literature, we suggest that sledging should be performed in designated, obstacle-free areas that are specially prepared, and that children should always be supervised by adults. The effect of routine use of helmets and other protective devices needs further evaluation, but it seems evident that these should be obligatory on official runs.
BACKGROUND: New equipment and techniques in winter sports, such as carving skis and snowboards, have brought up new trauma patterns into the spectrum of leisure trauma. The injuries resemble high-energy trauma known from road crashes. The aim of the present study was to assess the incidence of acute traumatic descending aortic rupture in recreational skiing-crashes. MATERIAL: Between January 1995 and December 2004, 22 patients were admitted to our hospital for aortic rupture. Four patients had skiing crashes (18.2%). Mean age was 31 years, all patients were male. In two cases, aortic rupture was associated with fractures of the upper and lower extremities. One patient additionally had a cerebral contusion with an initial Glasgow Coma Scale score of 13. In two patients, isolated aortic rupture was diagnosed. RESULTS: Two patients were treated by graft interposition, and one by endograft. One patient arrived under mechanical resuscitation without blood pressure. He died at admission. He had been observed for 5 hours in another hospital, complaining of severe intrascapular back pain, before transport to our trauma unit for unknown bleeding. In the other three cases, treatment was successful. CONCLUSION: Rescue services and paramedics should be aware of this new type of injury. Acute aortic rupture has to be considered as possible injury in high velocity skiing crashes.
BACKGROUND Since the introduction of helmets in winter sports there is on-going debate on whether they decrease traumatic brain injuries (TBI). METHODS This cohort study included 117 adult (≥ 16 years) snowboarders with TBI admitted to a level I alpine trauma center in Switzerland between 2000/2001 and 2010/2011. The primary objective was to examine the association between helmet use and moderate-to-severe TBI. Secondary objectives were to describe the epidemiology of TBI during the past decade in relation to increased helmet use. RESULTS Of 691 injured snowboarders evaluated, 117 (17%) suffered TBI. Sixty-six percent were men (median age, 23 years). Two percent of accidents were fatal. Ninety-two percent of patients sustained minor, 1% moderate, and 7% severe TBI according to the Glasgow coma scale. Pathologic computed tomography findings were present in 16% of patients, 26% of which required surgery. Eighty-three percent of TBIs occurred while riding on-slope. There was no trend in the TBI rate during the studied period, although helmet use increased from 10% to 69%. Comparing patients with and without a helmet showed no significant difference in odds ratios for the severity of TBI. However, of the 5 patients requiring surgery only 1 was wearing a helmet. Off-piste compared with on-slope snowboarders showed an odds ratio of 26.5 (P = 0.003) for sustaining a moderate-to-severe TBI. CONCLUSIONS Despite increased helmet use we found no decrease in TBI among snowboarders. The possibility of TBI despite helmet use and the dangers of riding off-piste should be a focus of future prevention programs.
Cuando se inició el trabajo para obtener el título de doctora, el proyecto era acerca de la financiación público privada de los clubes deportivos madrileños. El punto uno de ese primer índice, versaba sobre el origen del club deportivo en la Comunidad de Madrid (en este sentido, es preciso tener en cuenta que el territorio sufrió modificaciones, lo que antes eran pueblos hoy son distritos y lo que antes era provincia hoy es Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid, nuestro ámbito territorial de estudio). Al leer la doctrina autorizada que coincidía en su totalidad en que los primeros clubes deportivos fueron de origen inglés (el Recreativo de Huelva en el año1889 era considerado el primer club de España) y recordar dudas e inquietudes al respecto que surgieron durante la licenciatura, la investigación se tornó incómoda, por no decir temeraria. ¿Por qué había que limitarse a recoger las ideas de una doctrina, sin duda hoy y entonces prestigiosa, cuando se pensaba que aquella teoría del origen británico no podía ser, aunque fuera dentro de un marco teórico? No parecía tener sentido que no hubiera habido asociacionismo en España antes de la llegada de las compañías inglesas, pero sobre todo en Madrid, siempre bulliciosa en cuanto a participación ciudadana, por varios motivos: existían juegos y deportes populares autóctonos antes de que llegara el fútbol. ¿No se asociaban los madrileños para poder competir con otros?, ¿Se equivocó Goya al pintar estampas de juegos populares?, ¿Por qué existía entonces una Ley de Asociaciones de 1887, evidentemente anterior al Recreativo de Huelva (1889)? Las leyes se elaboran en respuesta a una necesidad social o a una costumbre anterior, o a las dos cosas. ¿Nadie pensó en la costumbre, siendo fuente del Derecho junto con la Ley y los principios generales?, ¿Nadie, estando tan cerca?, ¿Nadie, figurando en el artículo 1 del Código Civil? De esta forma, la justificación y objetivos cambiaron, la investigación se volvió otra, se tenía necesidad de probar la lógica o nada. Sólo hacían falta las pruebas documentales que aportaran luz y fueran tangibles para la argumentación jurídica. Así, entre las reglas del juego de la norma jurídica, la jurisprudencia y la doctrina, se desenvuelve el marco teórico de este trabajo. Es necesario para ello conocer cómo funciona la legislación que afecta a los clubes deportivos en la actualidad para entender las similitudes con los clubes pioneros. Es preciso comprender que una Ley nunca se encuentra aislada de otras, que todas están relacionadas, que los cruces son inevitablemente ilimitados y los resultados inmensos. Se ha realizado un análisis de una realidad compleja que trasciende de lo jurídico y lo deportivo. Respecto al material y método, no se encontraban referencias de estudios comparados, desde el punto de vista jurídico, de los Estatutos de los primeros clubes deportivos madrileños, ni nombrarlos hasta que a principios del año 2013 digitalizamos en la Biblioteca Nacional el Reglamento del Instituto de Gimnástica, Equitación y Esgrima (Villalobos, 1842); la prueba documental que se buscaba para apoyar la teoría ya era tangible. Luego se encontrarían otros para añadir a la muestra y también documentación probatoria complementaria. Tampoco había trabajos sobre la documentación emanada de la Administración Pública, por lo que se han estudiado Expedientes administrativos así como su comparativa con la legislación coetánea y la actual, lo que ha permitido concretar más la forma y tipología de las primeras formas jurídicas deportivas. Para la búsqueda de documentación se ha recurrido a bibliotecas, archivos e incluso depósitos que tenían legajos sin clasificar, habían sufrido las inundaciones y carcoma que azotaron a los sótanos de Madrid e incluso a alguno el fuego le miró de reojo. La documentación encontrada ha permitido convivir con los personajes que habitaron los clubes pioneros en los primeros domicilios sociales; historias reales con banda sonora propia. Y es que el nacimiento del asociacionismo deportivo madrileño no se podría haber gestado en mejor momento; durante el Romanticismo, ni en mejor lugar, en las encrucijadas de las callejuelas estrechas cercanas a las grandes arterias de la Capital; un paseo por las calles Libertad, Barbieri, Minas, Hortaleza y Montera. Los resultados de la investigación confirman la teoría de que el primer club deportivo madrileño nada tuvo que ver con los clubes que posteriormente vinieron en los equipajes de las compañías inglesas. Ni en tiempo, son anteriores; ni en lugar, Madrid; ni en forma, la comparativa con un club británico de la época denota diferencias o mejor, deficiencias, pero más que nada en el fondo. Los clubes madrileños tenían una naturaleza que reflejaba el sentir de los primeros socios y el espíritu de la Capital: beneficencia, espectáculo, participación ciudadana y trabajo en equipo. También se demuestra, tanto en los resultados como en la discusión, las particularidades de los primeros clubes madrileños en cuanto a su relación con la imprenta, la docencia, la prensa, las instalaciones deportivas siempre compartidas con la cultura como la terminología y las equipaciones, pero sobre todo la especial relación con el inherente derecho de reunión. Difícil pensar en un principio que la prueba de la costumbre se encontrara en la cartelería teatral, y que un programa de una competición deportiva escondiera unos Estatutos durante siglos. ABSTRACT When work for a doctorate degree began, the project was about public-private financing of sports clubs Madrid. At point one of the first index, concerned the origin of the sports club in Madrid ( Keep in mind that the territory was modified, which were towns before today are districts and what was once the province is now Community Autonomous of Madrid, our territorial area of study). When reading the authoritative doctrine which coincided entirely in the first sports clubs were of English origin (Huelva Recreation Club, 1889) and remember about questions and concerns raised during the undergraduate research became awkward, if not reckless. Why it had to be limited to collecting the ideas of a doctrine certainly prestigious now and then, when it was thought that this theory could not be British origin, albeit within a framework? It did not seem to make sense that there had been associations in Spain before the arrival of British companies, but especially in Madrid, always busy in terms of citizen participation, for several reasons; and indigenous games were popular sports before the football do the locals are not associated to compete with other?, Goya was wrong to paint pictures of popular games?, Why then was no Associations Act, 1887, clearly previous Huelva Recreation Club (1889)? The laws are developed in response to a social need or a past practice, or both. No one thought of being a source of law practice with the law and the general principles? No, being so close? No one appearing in Article 1 of the Civil? Thus the rationale and objectives of the research turned back, it was necessary to try logic or anything. Only documentary evidence was needed that provide light and were tangible to the legal arguments. Thus, among the rules of the legal rule, jurisprudence and doctrine, the theoretical framework of this work develops, we need to know how legislation affects sports clubs at present to understand the similarities with clubs works pioneers, we must understand that a law is never isolated from others, they are all related, intersections are inevitably unlimited and the immense results. It has made an analysis of a complex reality that transcends the legal and sports. Regarding the material and method, no references to studies were compared, from the legal point of view, of the Statute of the first Madrid sports clubs, or name them until early 2013 digitized at the National Library of the Institute of Regulation Gymnastics, Riding and Fencing (Villalobos, 1842); the documentary evidence that was sought to support the theory was already tangible. Then they find others to add to the sample and further supporting documentation. There was also no work on the documentation issued by the Public Administration, which have been studied administrative records and their comparison with the contemporary legislation and the current, allowing more concrete form and type of the first sports legal forms. Search for documentation we have turned to libraries, archives and even deposits that were not rated bundles, had suffered flooding and decay in the basement of Madrid and even fire some looked askance. The found documents have enabled us to live with the characters that inhabited the early clubs in the first addresses; real stories with its own soundtrack. And the birth of the Madrid sports associations could not have been gestated at a better time ; during the Romantic period , or in a better place ; at the crossroads of the nearby narrow streets of the great arteries of the Capital; a walk along the Libertad, Barbieri, Minas, Hortaleza and Montera. The research results confirm the theory that the first Madrid sports club had nothing to do with the clubs that later came in the luggage of British companies, nor in time; They predate, or rather; Madrid, or in the form; the comparison with a British club denotes the time differences or rather shortcomings, but more than anything in the background; the Madrid club had a nature that reflect the sentiments of the first members and the spirit of the Capital; charity, show, citizen participation and teamwork. It is also shown in the results and discussion the particularities of the first locals clubs in their relationship with the press, teaching, media, sports facilities always shared with the culture and terminology and the kits, but all the special relationship with the inherent right of assembly; hard to think at first that the test of habit were in the theater posters, and a program of a sports competition hide Statutes for centuries.
O contexto tecnológico em que vivemos é uma realidade. E a tendência é para ser assim também no futuro. Cada vez mais. É o caso das representações de locais e entidades em mapas digitais na web. Na visão de Crocker (2014), esta tendência é ainda mais acentuada, no âmbito das aplicações móveis, como mostram as mais diversas location-based applications. No setor do desporto e da respetiva gestão nem sempre foi fácil desenvolver aplicações, recorrendo a este tipo de representações espaciais. A tecnologia não era fácil e o know-how não era adequadamente qualificado. Mas, as empresas fornecedoras de tecnologia geoespacial simplificaram o desenvolvimento de aplicações web nesta área, através da utilização de application programming interfaces (API). Como refere Svennerberg (2010), estas API’s servem de interface entre um serviço proporcionado por uma empresa, caso da Google Maps (2013) e uma aplicação web ou móvel que utiliza esses serviços. Foi com este objetivo que desenvolvemos uma aplicação web, utilizando as metodologias próprias neste domínio, como a framework de Zachman (2009), tal como foi originalmente adaptada por Whitten e Bentley (2005), onde um dos módulos é precisamente a representação de espaços desportivos, recorrendo à utilização dos serviços da Google Maps. Para além disso, toda a aplicação é suportada numa abordagem Model-View-Control (MVC). Para conseguir representar as instalações desportivas num mapa, criámos uma base de dados MySQL, com dados de longitude e latitude, de cada instalação desportiva. Através de JavaScript criou-se o mapa propriamente dito, indicando o tipo (mapa de estradas, satélite ou street view) e as respetivas opções (nível de zoom, alinhamento, controlo de interface e posicionamente, entre muitas outras opções). O passo seguinte consistiu em passar os dados para o frontend da aplicação web. Para isso, recorreu-se à integração do PHP com as livrarias externas de código JavaSrcipt, criadas especificamente para o efeito (caso da MarkerManager). A implementação destas funcionalidades permite georeferenciar todos os tipos e géneros de espaços desportivos de um concelho, região ou País. Obteve-se ainda know-how, background e massa crítica, para o desenvolvimento de novas funcionalidades. A sua utilização em dispositivos móveis é outra das possibilidades atualmente já em desenvolvimento.
Mode of access: Internet.