995 resultados para Weighted graphs


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Generative algorithms for random graphs have yielded insights into the structure and evolution of real-world networks. Most networks exhibit a well-known set of properties, such as heavy-tailed degree distributions, clustering and community formation. Usually, random graph models consider only structural information, but many real-world networks also have labelled vertices and weighted edges. In this paper, we present a generative model for random graphs with discrete vertex labels and numeric edge weights. The weights are represented as a set of Beta Mixture Models (BMMs) with an arbitrary number of mixtures, which are learned from real-world networks. We propose a Bayesian Variational Inference (VI) approach, which yields an accurate estimation while keeping computation times tractable. We compare our approach to state-of-the-art random labelled graph generators and an earlier approach based on Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs). Our results allow us to draw conclusions about the contribution of vertex labels and edge weights to graph structure.


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Recently, Cardon and Tuckfield (2011) [1] have described the Jordan canonical form for a class of zero-one matrices, in terms of its associated directed graph. In this paper, we generalize this result to describe the Jordan canonical form of a weighted adjacency matrix A in terms of its weighted directed graph.


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Extra t.p. with thesis statement inserted.


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We consider the problem of computing an approximate minimum cycle basis of an undirected edge-weighted graph G with m edges and n vertices; the extension to directed graphs is also discussed. In this problem, a {0,1} incidence vector is associated with each cycle and the vector space over F-2 generated by these vectors is the cycle space of G. A set of cycles is called a cycle basis of G if it forms a basis for its cycle space. A cycle basis where the sum of the weights of the cycles is minimum is called a minimum cycle basis of G. Cycle bases of low weight are useful in a number of contexts, e.g. the analysis of electrical networks, structural engineering, chemistry, and surface reconstruction. We present two new algorithms to compute an approximate minimum cycle basis. For any integer k >= 1, we give (2k - 1)-approximation algorithms with expected running time 0(kmn(1+2/k) + mn((1+1/k)(omega-1))) and deterministic running time 0(n(3+2/k)), respectively. Here omega is the best exponent of matrix multiplication. It is presently known that omega < 2.376. Both algorithms are o(m(omega)) for dense graphs. This is the first time that any algorithm which computes sparse cycle bases with a guarantee drops below the Theta(m(omega)) bound. We also present a 2-approximation algorithm with O(m(omega) root n log n) expected running time, a linear time 2-approximation algorithm for planar graphs and an O(n(3)) time 2.42-approximation algorithm for the complete Euclidean graph in the plane.


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Let G - (V, E) be a weighted undirected graph having nonnegative edge weights. An estimate (delta) over cap (u, v) of the actual distance d( u, v) between u, v is an element of V is said to be of stretch t if and only if delta(u, v) <= (delta) over cap (u, v) <= t . delta(u, v). Computing all-pairs small stretch distances efficiently ( both in terms of time and space) is a well-studied problem in graph algorithms. We present a simple, novel, and generic scheme for all-pairs approximate shortest paths. Using this scheme and some new ideas and tools, we design faster algorithms for all-pairs t-stretch distances for a whole range of stretch t, and we also answer an open question posed by Thorup and Zwick in their seminal paper [J. ACM, 52 (2005), pp. 1-24].


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We consider the problem of computing an approximate minimum cycle basis of an undirected non-negative edge-weighted graph G with m edges and n vertices; the extension to directed graphs is also discussed. In this problem, a {0,1} incidence vector is associated with each cycle and the vector space over F-2 generated by these vectors is the cycle space of G. A set of cycles is called a cycle basis of G if it forms a basis for its cycle space. A cycle basis where the sum of the weights of the cycles is minimum is called a minimum cycle basis of G. Cycle bases of low weight are useful in a number of contexts, e.g. the analysis of electrical networks, structural engineering, chemistry, and surface reconstruction. Although in most such applications any cycle basis can be used, a low weight cycle basis often translates to better performance and/or numerical stability. Despite the fact that the problem can be solved exactly in polynomial time, we design approximation algorithms since the performance of the exact algorithms may be too expensive for some practical applications. We present two new algorithms to compute an approximate minimum cycle basis. For any integer k >= 1, we give (2k - 1)-approximation algorithms with expected running time O(kmn(1+2/k) + mn((1+1/k)(omega-1))) and deterministic running time O(n(3+2/k) ), respectively. Here omega is the best exponent of matrix multiplication. It is presently known that omega < 2.376. Both algorithms are o(m(omega)) for dense graphs. This is the first time that any algorithm which computes sparse cycle bases with a guarantee drops below the Theta(m(omega) ) bound. We also present a 2-approximation algorithm with expected running time O(M-omega root n log n), a linear time 2-approximation algorithm for planar graphs and an O(n(3)) time 2.42-approximation algorithm for the complete Euclidean graph in the plane.


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When searching for characteristic subpatterns in potentially noisy graph data, it appears self-evident that having multiple observations would be better than having just one. However, it turns out that the inconsistencies introduced when different graph instances have different edge sets pose a serious challenge. In this work we address this challenge for the problem of finding maximum weighted cliques. We introduce the concept of most persistent soft-clique. This is subset of vertices, that 1) is almost fully or at least densely connected, 2) occurs in all or almost all graph instances, and 3) has the maximum weight. We present a measure of clique-ness, that essentially counts the number of edge missing to make a subset of vertices into a clique. With this measure, we show that the problem of finding the most persistent soft-clique problem can be cast either as: a) a max-min two person game optimization problem, or b) a min-min soft margin optimization problem. Both formulations lead to the same solution when using a partial Lagrangian method to solve the optimization problems. By experiments on synthetic data and on real social network data we show that the proposed method is able to reliably find soft cliques in graph data, even if that is distorted by random noise or unreliable observations. Copyright 2012 by the author(s)/owner(s).


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We introduce three compact graph states that can be used to perform a measurement-based Toffoli gate. Given a weighted graph of six, seven, or eight qubits, we show that success probabilities of 1/4, 1/2, and 1, respectively, can be achieved. Our study puts a measurement-based version of this important quantum logic gate within the reach of current experiments. As the graphs are setup independent, they could be realized in a variety of systems, including linear optics and ion traps.


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We are looking into variants of a domination set problem in social networks. While randomised algorithms for solving the minimum weighted domination set problem and the minimum alpha and alpha-rate domination problem on simple graphs are already present in the literature, we propose here a randomised algorithm for the minimum weighted alpha-rate domination set problem which is, to the best of our knowledge, the first such algorithm. A theoretical approximation bound based on a simple randomised rounding technique is given. The algorithm is implemented in Python and applied to a UK Twitter mentions networks using a measure of individuals’ influence (klout) as weights. We argue that the weights of vertices could be interpreted as the costs of getting those individuals on board for a campaign or a behaviour change intervention. The minimum weighted alpha-rate dominating set problem can therefore be seen as finding a set that minimises the total cost and each individual in a network has at least alpha percentage of its neighbours in the chosen set. We also test our algorithm on generated graphs with several thousand vertices and edges. Our results on this real-life Twitter networks and generated graphs show that the implementation is reasonably efficient and thus can be used for real-life applications when creating social network based interventions, designing social media campaigns and potentially improving users’ social media experience.


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A weighted Bethe graph $B$ is obtained from a weighted generalized Bethe tree by identifying each set of children with the vertices of a graph belonging to a family $F$ of graphs. The operation of identifying the root vertex of each of $r$ weighted Bethe graphs to the vertices of a connected graph $\mathcal{R}$ of order $r$ is introduced as the $\mathcal{R}$-concatenation of a family of $r$ weighted Bethe graphs. It is shown that the Laplacian eigenvalues (when $F$ has arbitrary graphs) as well as the signless Laplacian and adjacency eigenvalues (when the graphs in $F$ are all regular) of the $\mathcal{R}$-concatenation of a family of weighted Bethe graphs can be computed (in a unified way) using the stable and low computational cost methods available for the determination of the eigenvalues of symmetric tridiagonal matrices. Unlike the previous results already obtained on this topic, the more general context of families of distinct weighted Bethe graphs is herein considered.


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We present a method for topological SLAM that specifically targets loop closing for edge-ordered graphs. Instead of using a heuristic approach to accept or reject loop closing, we propose a probabilistically grounded multi-hypothesis technique that relies on the incremental construction of a map/state hypothesis tree. Loop closing is introduced automatically within the tree expansion, and likely hypotheses are chosen based on their posterior probability after a sequence of sensor measurements. Careful pruning of the hypothesis tree keeps the growing number of hypotheses under control and a recursive formulation reduces storage and computational costs. Experiments are used to validate the approach.


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Uncooperative iris identification systems at a distance and on the move often suffer from poor resolution and poor focus of the captured iris images. The lack of pixel resolution and well-focused images significantly degrades the iris recognition performance. This paper proposes a new approach to incorporate the focus score into a reconstruction-based super-resolution process to generate a high resolution iris image from a low resolution and focus inconsistent video sequence of an eye. A reconstruction-based technique, which can incorporate middle and high frequency components from multiple low resolution frames into one desired super-resolved frame without introducing false high frequency components, is used. A new focus assessment approach is proposed for uncooperative iris at a distance and on the move to improve performance for variations in lighting, size and occlusion. A novel fusion scheme is then proposed to incorporate the proposed focus score into the super-resolution process. The experiments conducted on the The Multiple Biometric Grand Challenge portal database shows that our proposed approach achieves an EER of 2.1%, outperforming the existing state-of-the-art averaging signal-level fusion approach by 19.2% and the robust mean super-resolution approach by 8.7%.