998 resultados para Weed Biology


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Modelos matemáticos baseados no conceito de graus dia (thermal-time) e Ψw dia (hydrotime) podem ser usados para a elaboração de modelos mais gerais sobre a germinação e emergência de plântulas no campo, podendo ser uma importante ferramenta para estudos sobre a biologia de plantas daninhas e seu controle. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se a germinação de sementes de D. cordata em resposta ao potencial hídrico (Ψw), usando-se o modelo Ψw dia. Tanto a germinabilidade como a velocidade de germinação decresceram linearmente com a redução do Ψw, atingindo valores próximos a zero em -0.8 MPa. em temperatura ótima, a taxa de queda na germinação foi maior em comparação com as temperaturas sub- e supra-ótima. O Ψw base (Ψwb) mediano foi similar entre as temperaturas sub-ótima (19 ºC) e supra-ótima (32 ºC), mas foi maior (menos negativo) à temperatura ótima (25 ºC), mostrando que sementes de D. cordata são menos sensíveis à redução do potencial hídrico à 19 ºC do que à 25 ºC. O Ψw dia foi maior para sementes germinadas à temperatura sub-ótima do que à temperatura ótima, mostrando que a velocidade de germinação num dado potencial hídrico é maior em temperatura ótima. A quantidade de Ψw dia necessária para a germinação foi maior em temperatura supra-ótima do que em temperatura ótima, e menor em temperatura supra-ótima do que em sub-ótima. em geral, Ψw dia foi relativamente constante entre as diferentes sub-populações. O modelo de Ψw dia pode descrever bem o efeito do potencial hídrico sobre as curvas de germinação (porcentagem acumulada x tempo), especialmente às temperaturas sub-ótima e supra-ótima.


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Uma população de Porophyllum ruderale (Jacq.) Cass. ocorrente nos arredores de São José do Rio Preto (SP) foi estudada quanto à estatura, biomassa epígea seca, número de ramos, de capítulos por ramo e por indivíduo e quanto à produção de aquênios por capítulo e por indivíduo. Esta última foi relativamente baixa (média de 2510 aquênios) correspondendo, na base de 80% de germinabilidade, à média de 2008 disseminulos viáveis por indivíduo. Esta capacidade reprodutiva é muito superior ao número de indivíduos que habitualmente ocorrem em condições naturais. A fraca densidade populacional característica da espécie deve ser atribuída, portanto, a outros fatores, tais como, possivelmente, as condições do solo, a competição interespecífica e, talvez, a ação de inimigos naturais. A produção individual de capítulos e de aquênios revelou correlação com a estatura e a biomassa mas o número de aquênios por capítulo (53 em média) não revelou correlação com a estatura, a biomassa e a produção individual de capítulos e de aquénios, demonstrando ser um carater pouco afetado pelo vigor vegetativo.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi determinar os teores de nutrientes (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Cu, Zn, Fe e Mn) e a relação C/N, presentes na matéria seca da parte aérea das seguintes espécies de plantas daninhas: Ageratum conyzoides L., Amaranthus lividus L., Bidens pilosa L., Brachiaria decumbens Stapf., Brachiaria plantaginea (Link) Hitchc., Senna occidentalis (L.) Link., Commelina benghalensis L., Cyperus rotundus L., Digitaria horizontalis Willd., Euphorbia heterophylla L., Indigofera truxillensis H.B.K., Ipomoea acuminata Roem. et Schult, Panicum maximum Jacq., Raphanus raphanistrum L., Rhynchelytrum repens (Willd.) C.E. Hubb., Richardia brasiliensis Gomez e Sida cordifolia L. Os teores de macronutrientes obtidos da matéria seca das plantas daninhas, foram maiores em geral nas dicotiledôneas. em relação às monocotiledôneas não houve um padrão de comportamento para os micronutrientes. Entretanto, o teores de carbono foram, em média, superiores para todas as monocotiledôneas, sendo que as dicotiledôneas apresentaram relações C/N menores do que as monocotiledôneas.


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Understanding basic information on weed biology contributes to the implementation of appropriate management and control strategies. Thus, this work was developed to evaluate the germination of Spermacoce latifolia Aubl. seeds, an important weed in reforestation areas. The seeds were subjected to dormancy break treatments, in which the mechanical scarification, chemical treatment (H2SO 4 and KNO 3), heat treatment, and control, were evaluated. Three more tests were done determinate the effects of temperature (10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35°C), light filters (absence of light and red, green, yellow, distant red, blue, orange and clear light) and water availability (0.0, -0.2, -0.4, -0.6, -0.8 and -1.0 MPa) on the seeds germination and vigor. The treatments were arranged in a completely randomized design with four replications, and the experimental plot was constituted by gerbox plastic boxes with 50 seeds. The mechanical scarification (sanding) provided the best dormancy break, indicating that Spermacoce latifolia seeds have tegument water impermeability. The seeds showed higher germination percentage under conditions of mild water stress (-0.2 MPa) and the optimal temperature was 25°C. The blue light reduced seed germination.


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The aim of this research paper was to compare the growth of D. ciliaris and D. nuda crabgrass species under non-competitive conditions. To this end, two experiments were conducted, one from March - July 2010 and the other from February - June 2011. The experimental design of both trials was completely randomized making a factorial (2 seasons x 2 species crabgrass x 12 evaluation periods) with four replications. Assessments began at 15 days after sowing (DAS), and repeated weekly until 92 DAS. The variables evaluated were total dry matter (roots+leaves+stems), leaf area, leaf number and tiller. The results were submitted to analysis of variance and the absolute growth rate, relative growth rate and leaf area ratio were calculated using the means, which were adjusted regression models. The crabgrass species were significantly different in leaf area, leaf number, tiller number and dry matter per plant. D. ciliaris for all variables was statistically higher than D. nuda. Regarding the speed at which the growth of the species occurred, the absolute growth rate and relative growth rate of D. ciliaris was also greater than D. nuda. In addition, D. ciliaris also had a lower leaf area ratio indicating greater efficiency in converting light energy into carbohydrates. It can be concluded that D. ciliaris has a higher growth rate in conditions where there is no limitation of nutrients and water availability in relation to D. nuda, mainly due to D. ciliaris have greater leaf area, number of leaves and dry matter accumulation per plant.


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Understanding the patterns of genetic structure in the introduced range of invasive species can help elucidate invasion histories and levels of gene flow among populations. Parthenium weed (Parthenium hysterophorus L.; PW) is native to the Gulf of Mexico and central South America but has become globally invasive during the last three decades and little is known about the genetics of this species in its invasive range. The present study was conducted to determine the genetic structure of 95 individual samples from 11 populations (9 from Pakistan and 2 from Australia) of PW using ISSR fingerprinting. A total of 30 ISSR primers were screened; of which eight were selected due to their high polymorphism and reproducibility. In toto 147 bands were amplified, which ranged in size from 200-2000 bp; among which 97 were polymorphic. Genetic diversity within the populations both from Pakistan and Australia ranged between 0.193-0.278. Approximately 18% of genetic variation occurred among and 82% within populations. Principal Coordinate Analysis showed that within the 95 samples two groups were present: one contained samples collected mainly from Pakistan and the second group included the Australian samples along with two populations from Pakistan. Overall, there was limited gene flow among PW populations in Pakistan, although the genetic diversity within populations was high. The degree of genetic variation inferred from various population diversity measures can predict different events of founding populations, which have passed through complicated processes of invasion, experiencing genetic bottlenecks. Taken together, results showed that PW in Pakistan is genetically heterogeneous and may have been the result of multiple introductions.


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Bellyache bush, Jatropha gossypiifolia L., is a serious weed of northern Australia. Agonosoma trilineatum (F.) is an insect from tropical America released in Australia in 2003 as a biological control agent against bellyache bush. It feeds on seeds and has the potential to reduce seed production, thereby potentially reducing the rate of spread and recruitment. To test the host specificity of A. trilineatum, four biological responses to host plant species were determined: development of nymphs, oviposition preferences, adult feeding and frequency of mating. Development of nymphs to adults and adult feeding only occurred on three Jatropha spp. These species also supported mating and oogenesis but only J. gossypiifolia was accepted for oviposition. Mating did not occur in the presence of other plant species. The evidence indicates that there is little risk associated with the release of this insect species in Australia and probably other countries where this weed is a problem. The probability of this insect expanding its host range is low because multiple aspects of the biology would need to change simultaneously. A. trilineatum was released in Australia between 2003 and 2007. A Climex model indicated that coastal areas of Queensland and the Northern Territory would be climatically most suitable for this insect.


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Over the past decade, The biology of Australian weeds series has presented summary chapters about the biology, taxonomy, significance and control of most of Australia's most problematic weeds. Many of these chapters first appear in Plant Protection Quarterly and are then updated and revised for the book. Dane Panetta was also an editor of the second volume. This volume contains chapters of a further sixteen weed species including several of interest to Queensland.


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Prickly acacia, Acacia nilotica subsp. indica (Benth.) Brenan, a major weed of the Mitchell Grass Downs of northern Queensland, Australia, has been the target of biological control projects since the 1980s. The leaf-feeding caterpillar Cometaster pyrula (Hopffer) was collected from Acacia nilotica subsp. kraussiana (Benth.) Brenan during surveys in South Africa to find suitable biological control agents, recognised as a potential agent, and shipped into a quarantine facility in Australia. Cometaster pyrula has a life cycle of approximately 2 months during which time the larvae feed voraciously and reach 6 cm in length. Female moths oviposit a mean of 339 eggs. When presented with cut foliage of 77 plant species, unfed neonates survived for 7 days on only Acacia nilotica subsp. indica and Acacia nilotica subsp. kraussiana. When unfed neonates were placed on potted plants of 14 plant species, all larvae except those on Acacia nilotica subsp. indica and Acacia nilotica subsp. kraussiana died within 10 days of placement. Cometaster pyrula was considered to be highly host specific and safe to release in Australia. Permission to release C. pyrula in Australia was obtained and the insect was first released in north Queensland in October 2004. The ecoclimatic model CLIMEX indicated that coastal Queensland was climatically suitable for this insect but that inland areas were only marginally suitable.


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The project will evaluate seed bank depletion of key northern herbicide resistant weeds under different environments, cropping systems, crop agronomies and non-chemical control tactics. The project will also evaluate soil biology and seed bank relationships to explain differences in seed bank persistence.


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Review of the biology of the Australian weed Baccharis halimifolia. This paper reviews the morphology, geographical distribution, habitat, growth and development, reproduction (flowering, seed production and dispersal, and seed germination), hybrids, population dynamics, importance (detrimental and beneficial), legislation, and control (using mechanical methods, herbicides and biological control agents/natural enemies) of an invasive alien species, B. shall.


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Parthenium hysterophorus L. is a weed of global significance that has become a major weed in Australia and many other parts of the world. A combined approach for the management of parthenium weed using biological control and plant suppression, was tested under field conditions over a two-year period in southern central Queensland. The six suppressive plant species, selected for their demonstrably suppressive ability in earlier glasshouse studies, worked synergistically with the biological control agents (Epiblema strenuana Walker, Zygogramma bicolorata Pallister, Listronotus setosipennis Hustache and Puccinia abrupta var. partheniicola) present in the field to reduce the growth (above ground biomass) of parthenium weed, by between 60–86% and 47–91%, in Years 1 and 2, respectively. The biomass of the suppressive plants was between 6% and 23% greater when biological control agents were present than when the biological control agents had been excluded. This shows that parthenium weed can be more effectively managed by combining the current biological control management strategy with selected sown suppressive plant species, both in Australia and elsewhere.