989 resultados para Web servers
Parallel processing is prevalent in many manufacturing and service systems. Many manufactured products are built and assembled from several components fabricated in parallel lines. An example of this manufacturing system configuration is observed at a manufacturing facility equipped to assemble and test web servers. Characteristics of a typical web server assembly line are: multiple products, job circulation, and paralleling processing. The primary objective of this research was to develop analytical approximations to predict performance measures of manufacturing systems with job failures and parallel processing. The analytical formulations extend previous queueing models used in assembly manufacturing systems in that they can handle serial and different configurations of paralleling processing with multiple product classes, and job circulation due to random part failures. In addition, appropriate correction terms via regression analysis were added to the approximations in order to minimize the gap in the error between the analytical approximation and the simulation models. Markovian and general type manufacturing systems, with multiple product classes, job circulation due to failures, and fork and join systems to model parallel processing were studied. In the Markovian and general case, the approximations without correction terms performed quite well for one and two product problem instances. However, it was observed that the flow time error increased as the number of products and net traffic intensity increased. Therefore, correction terms for single and fork-join stations were developed via regression analysis to deal with more than two products. The numerical comparisons showed that the approximations perform remarkably well when the corrections factors were used in the approximations. In general, the average flow time error was reduced from 38.19% to 5.59% in the Markovian case, and from 26.39% to 7.23% in the general case. All the equations stated in the analytical formulations were implemented as a set of Matlab scripts. By using this set, operations managers of web server assembly lines, manufacturing or other service systems with similar characteristics can estimate different system performance measures, and make judicious decisions - especially setting delivery due dates, capacity planning, and bottleneck mitigation, among others.
Der Zugang zu Datenbanken über die universelle Abfragesprache SQL stellt für Nicht-Spezialisten eine große Herausforderung dar. Als eine benutzerfreundliche Alternative wurden daher seit den 1970er-Jahren unterschiedliche visuelle Abfragesprachen (Visual Query Languages, kurz VQLs) für klassische PCs erforscht. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, eine generische VQL zu entwickeln und zu erproben, die eine gestenbasierte Exploration von Datenbanken auf Schema- und Instanzdatenebene für mobile Endgeräte, insbesondere Tablets, ermöglicht. Dafür werden verschiedene Darstellungsformen, Abfragestrategien und visuelle Hints für Fremdschlüsselbeziehungen untersucht, die den Benutzer bei der Navigation durch die Daten unterstützen. Im Rahmen einer Anforderungsanalyse erwies sich die Visualisierung der Daten und Beziehungen mittels einer platzsparenden geschachtelten NF2-Darstellung als besonders vorteilhaft. Zur Steuerung der Datenbankexploration wird eine geeignete Gestensprache, bestehend aus Stroke-, Multitouch- und Mid-Air-Gesten, vorgestellt. Das Gesamtkonzept aus Darstellung und Gestensteuerung wurde anhand des im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelten GBXT-Prototyps auf seine reale Umsetzbarkeit hin, als plattformunabhängige Single-Page-Application für verschiedene mobile Endgeräte mittels JavaScript und HTML5/CSS3 untersucht.
Two complementary de facto standards for the publication of electronic documents are HTML on theWorldWideWeb and Adobe s PDF (Portable Document Format) language for use with Acrobat viewers. Both these formats provide support for hypertext features to be embedded within documents. We present a method, which allows links and other hypertext material to be kept in an abstract form in separate link databases. The links can then be interpreted or compiled at any stage and applied, in the correct format to some specific representation such as HTML or PDF. This approach is of great value in keeping hyperlinks relevant, up-to-date and in a form which is independent of the finally delivered electronic document format. Four models are discussed for allowing publishers to insert links into documents at a late stage. The techniques discussed have been implemented using a combination of Acrobat plug-ins, Web servers and Web browsers.
Biology is now a “Big Data Science” thanks to technological advancements allowing the characterization of the whole macromolecular content of a cell or a collection of cells. This opens interesting perspectives, but only a small portion of this data may be experimentally characterized. From this derives the demand of accurate and efficient computational tools for automatic annotation of biological molecules. This is even more true when dealing with membrane proteins, on which my research project is focused leading to the development of two machine learning-based methods: BetAware-Deep and SVMyr. BetAware-Deep is a tool for the detection and topology prediction of transmembrane beta-barrel proteins found in Gram-negative bacteria. These proteins are involved in many biological processes and primary candidates as drug targets. BetAware-Deep exploits the combination of a deep learning framework (bidirectional long short-term memory) and a probabilistic graphical model (grammatical-restrained hidden conditional random field). Moreover, it introduced a modified formulation of the hydrophobic moment, designed to include the evolutionary information. BetAware-Deep outperformed all the available methods in topology prediction and reported high scores in the detection task. Glycine myristoylation in Eukaryotes is the binding of a myristic acid on an N-terminal glycine. SVMyr is a fast method based on support vector machines designed to predict this modification in dataset of proteomic scale. It uses as input octapeptides and exploits computational scores derived from experimental examples and mean physicochemical features. SVMyr outperformed all the available methods for co-translational myristoylation prediction. In addition, it allows (as a unique feature) the prediction of post-translational myristoylation. Both the tools here described are designed having in mind best practices for the development of machine learning-based tools outlined by the bioinformatics community. Moreover, they are made available via user-friendly web servers. All this make them valuable tools for filling the gap between sequential and annotated data.
The development of Next Generation Sequencing promotes Biology in the Big Data era. The ever-increasing gap between proteins with known sequences and those with a complete functional annotation requires computational methods for automatic structure and functional annotation. My research has been focusing on proteins and led so far to the development of three novel tools, DeepREx, E-SNPs&GO and ISPRED-SEQ, based on Machine and Deep Learning approaches. DeepREx computes the solvent exposure of residues in a protein chain. This problem is relevant for the definition of structural constraints regarding the possible folding of the protein. DeepREx exploits Long Short-Term Memory layers to capture residue-level interactions between positions distant in the sequence, achieving state-of-the-art performances. With DeepRex, I conducted a large-scale analysis investigating the relationship between solvent exposure of a residue and its probability to be pathogenic upon mutation. E-SNPs&GO predicts the pathogenicity of a Single Residue Variation. Variations occurring on a protein sequence can have different effects, possibly leading to the onset of diseases. E-SNPs&GO exploits protein embeddings generated by two novel Protein Language Models (PLMs), as well as a new way of representing functional information coming from the Gene Ontology. The method achieves state-of-the-art performances and is extremely time-efficient when compared to traditional approaches. ISPRED-SEQ predicts the presence of Protein-Protein Interaction sites in a protein sequence. Knowing how a protein interacts with other molecules is crucial for accurate functional characterization. ISPRED-SEQ exploits a convolutional layer to parse local context after embedding the protein sequence with two novel PLMs, greatly surpassing the current state-of-the-art. All methods are published in international journals and are available as user-friendly web servers. They have been developed keeping in mind standard guidelines for FAIRness (FAIR: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) and are integrated into the public collection of tools provided by ELIXIR, the European infrastructure for Bioinformatics.
Trabalho de Projecto apresentado como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciência e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Aquesta memòria tracta sobre el procediment de creació d’una aplicació web de notícies. Està dividida en 3 zones, una on usuaris amb permisos d’administració poden penjar notícies per ser visualitzades per tothom, una altra que s’hi accedeix si s’és usuari registrat i permet visualitzar noticies d’altres servidors mitjançant el format de dades RSS, i un tercer apartat de gestió administrativa, incorporar noves notícies, modificar-ne de presents o introduir noves pàgines web que continguin notícies. Els usuaris registrats podran seleccionar el diaris dels quals rebran informació, així com especificar quines temàtiques prefereixen en la cerca de notícies.
Aquest projecte es fonamenta en l'estudi del protocol HTTP, el qual funciona amb l'estàndard client-servidor, la seva estructura, funcionament, l'explicació d'un exemple i el tipus de dades que treballen les peticions i respostes, i la seva aplicació en el cas dels servidors intermediaris (
El projecte que s’ha presentat correspon a la titulació d’Enginyeria en Informàtica i conté diversos aspectes relacionats al desenvolupament d’una aplicació web per a gestionar els pressupostos de l’empresa Ncora. Es presenta un estudi i anàlisi de requeriments, una compra de servidors, una instal·lació i configuració dels servidors en l’entorn hardware del núvol de Ncora, un anàlisi i disseny de la base de dades i un desenvolupament a mida de l’aplicació software. L’objectiu principal del projecte és l’estalvi de temps en la creació de pressupostos i la ràpida cerca de pressupostos fets així com dels seus components.
App Engine on lyhenne englanninkielisistä termeistä application, sovellus ja engine, moottori. Kyseessä on Google, Inc. -konsernin toteuttama kaupallinen palvelu, joka noudattaa pilvimallin tietojenkäsittelyn periaatteita ja mahdollistaa asiakkaan oman sovelluskehityksen. Järjestelmään on mahdollista ohjelmoida itse ideoitu palvelu Internet - verkon välityksellä käytettäväksi, joko yksityisesti tai julkisesti. Kyse on siis hajautetusta palvelinjärjestelmästä, jonka tarjoaa dynaamisesti kuormitukseen sopeutuvan sovellusalustan, jossa asiakas ei vuokraa virtuaalikoneita. Myös järjestelmän tarjoama tallennuskapasiteetti on saatavilla joustavasti. Itse kandidaatintyössä syvennytään yksityiskohtaisemmin sovelluksen toteuttamiseen palvelussa, rajoitteisiin ja soveltuvuuteen. Alussa käydään läpi pilvikäsite, joista monilla tietokoneiden käyttäjillä on epäselvä käsitys. Erilaisia kokonaisuuksia voidaan luoda erittäin monella tavalla, joista rajaamme käsittelyn kohteeksi toteuttamiskelpoiset yleiset ratkaisut.
The SIGFRUT project is set within what we could call GIS applications in a web environment. (The acronym GIS is SIG in Spanish). We are all familiar with Internet map servers or IMS, with which we can visualize different thematic layers, check their attributes and, in the best cases, consult a data base, selecting and visualizing the elements that meet the required conditions. Nevertheless, these types of applications are basically simple map viewers and do not have any more functional features than the classic tools of visualization and consultation.(...)
The Introductory Lecture is a discussion about "What is the Web". It involves lots of calling out TLAs and writing them on the blackboard, dividing things into servers, clients, protocols, formats, and the punchline is that the one unique and novel thing about the web is the hypertext link. This follows naturally into the Web architecture - the answer to the question "what is the web".
Geospatial information of many kinds, from topographic maps to scientific data, is increasingly being made available through web mapping services. These allow georeferenced map images to be served from data stores and displayed in websites and geographic information systems, where they can be integrated with other geographic information. The Open Geospatial Consortium’s Web Map Service (WMS) standard has been widely adopted in diverse communities for sharing data in this way. However, current services typically provide little or no information about the quality or accuracy of the data they serve. In this paper we will describe the design and implementation of a new “quality-enabled” profile of WMS, which we call “WMS-Q”. This describes how information about data quality can be transmitted to the user through WMS. Such information can exist at many levels, from entire datasets to individual measurements, and includes the many different ways in which data uncertainty can be expressed. We also describe proposed extensions to the Symbology Encoding specification, which include provision for visualizing uncertainty in raster data in a number of different ways, including contours, shading and bivariate colour maps. We shall also describe new open-source implementations of the new specifications, which include both clients and servers.
O surgimento de novas aplicações que utilizam o protocolo HTTP nas suas transações e a crescente popularidade da World Wide Web (WWW) provocaram pesquisas pelo aumento do desempenho de servidores Web. Para tal, uma das alternativas propostas neste trabalho é utilizar um conjunto de servidores Web distribuídos que espalham a carga de requisições entre vários computadores, atuando como um só associado a uma estratégia de replicação de conteúdo. Um dos problemas centrais a ser resolvido em servidores Web distribuídos é como manter a consistência das réplicas de conteúdo entre os equipamentos envolvidos. Esta dissertação apresenta conceitos fundamentais envolvendo o tema replicação de conteúdo em servidores Web distribuídos. São mostrados detalhes sobre arquitetura de servidores Web distribuídos, manutenção da consistência em ambientes de servidores Web distribuídos, uso de replicação e formas de replicação. Além disso, são citados alguns trabalhos correlatos ao propósito de manter réplicas consistentes em ambientes de servidores Web distribuídos. Este trabalho tem por objetivo propor um modelo de manutenção da consistência de conteúdo em servidores Web distribuídos com características de transparência e autonomia. O modelo, denominado One Replication Protocol for Internet Servers (ORPIS), adota uma estratégia de propagação otimista porque não existe sincronismo no envio das atualizações para as réplicas. Este trabalho apresenta os principais componentes tecnológicos empregados na Web, além dos problemas causados pela escalabilidade e distribuição inerentes a esse ambiente. São descritas as principais técnicas de aumento de desempenho de servidores Web que atualmente vêm sendo utilizadas. O modelo ORPIS é descrito, sendo apresentados seus pressupostos, elencados seus componentes e detalhados os seus algoritmos de funcionamento. Este trabalho dá uma visão geral sobre a implementação e os testes realizados em alguns módulos do protótipo do modelo, caracterizando o ambiente de desenvolvimento do protótipo e detalhes da implementação. São enumerados os atributos e métodos das classes do protótipo e definidas as estruturas de dados utilizadas. Além disso, apresentam-se os resultados obtidos da avaliação funcional dos módulos implementados no protótipo. Um ponto a ser salientado é a compatibilidade do modelo ORPIS aos servidores Web existentes, sem a necessidade de modificação em suas configurações. O modelo ORPIS é baseado na filosofia de código aberto. Durante o desenvolvimento do protótipo, o uso de software de código aberto proporcionou um rápido acesso às ferramentas necessárias (sistema operacional, linguagens e gerenciador de banco de dados), com possibilidade de alteração nos códigos fonte como uma alternativa de customização.