981 resultados para Water-adsorption


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GCMC simulations are applied to the adsorption of sub-critical methanol and ethanol on graphitized carbon black at 300 K. The carbon black was modelled both with and without carbonyl functional groups. Large differences are seen between the amounts adsorbed for different carbonyl configurations at low pressure prior to monolayer coverage. Once a monolayer has been formed on the carbon black, the adsorption behaviour is similar between the model surfaces with and without functional groups. Simulation isotherms for the case of low carbonyl concentrations or no carbonyls are qualitatively similar to the few experimental isotherms available in the literature for methanol and ethanol adsorption on highly graphitized carbon black. Isosteric heats and adsorbed phase heat capacities are shown to be very sensitive to carbonyl configurations. A maximum is observed in the adsorbed phase heat capacity of the alcohols for all simulations but is unrealistically high for the case of a plain graphite surface. The addition of carbonyls to the surface greatly reduces this maximum and approaches experimental data with carbonyl concentration as low as 0.09 carbonyls/nm(2).


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The search for cleaner processes is one of the major challenges in modern chemical industries. In this context clay derived materials are environmentally friendly catalysts that can be easily tailored to optimize their catalytic activity for a precise reaction of interest. Furthermore, clay-based catalysts can be easily separated, recovered and reused and their versatility, low cost, high catalytic activity and/or selectivity render them very attractive materials. Considering that the stability towards water vapour is a crucial aspect for catalytic performance and reuse of the catalysts, we present a study of the pore structure stability, in the presence of water vapour, of clay catalysts prepared by acid activation with HCl solutions and ion-exchange with sodium, aluminium and iron, from a natural clay collected at Serra de Dentro (Porto Santo Island, Portugal) [1]. For elucidating the influence of water vapour on the pore structure stability, water vapour adsorption- -desorption isotherm, at 298 K, was determined on each sample by gravimetric method as well as n-pentane adsorption−desorption isotherms, at 298 K, which were determined before and after the corresponding water adsorption-desorption isotherms. Prior to the measurements, the samples were outgassed during 5 h at 473 K and the adsorptives were outgassed by repeated freeze–thaw cycles. The results to be reported in the communication allow us to state that, upon contact with water vapour, the less acid activated catalysts suffered some reduction in pore volume reflecting changes in the pore structure, while the more acid activated catalysts and those prepared by ion-exchange presented excellent stability upon one cycle of water vapour adsorption-desorption. The results are corroborated by nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherms determined, at 77 K, before and after the water and n-pentane adsorption-desorption measurements.


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In this work, we experimentally showed that the spontaneous segregation of MgO as surface excess in MgO doped SnO(2) nanoparticles plays an important role in the system`s energetics and stability. Using Xray fluorescence in specially treated samples, we quantitatively determined the fraction of MgO forming surface excess when doping SnO(2) with several different concentrations and established a relationship between this amount and the surface energy of the nanoparticles using the Gibbs approach. We concluded that the amount of Mg ions on the surface was directly related to the nanoparticles total free energy, in a sense that the dopant will always spontaneously distribute itself to minimize it if enough diffusion is provided. Because we were dealing with nanosized particles, the effect of MgO on the surface was particularly important and has a direct effect on the equilibrium particle size (nanoparticle stability), such that the lower the surface energy is, the smaller the particle sizes are, evidencing and quantifying the thermodynamic basis of using additives to control SnO(2) nanoparticles stability. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nanomaterials have triggered excitement in both fundamental science and technological applications in several fields However, the same characteristic high interface area that is responsible for their unique properties causes unconventional instability, often leading to local collapsing during application Thermodynamically, this can be attributed to an increased contribution of the interface to the free energy, activating phenomena such as sintering and grain growth The lack of reliable interface energy data has restricted the development of conceptual models to allow the control of nanoparticle stability on a thermodynamic basis. Here we introduce a novel and accessible methodology to measure interface energy of nanoparticles exploiting the heat released during sintering to establish a quantitative relation between the solid solid and solid vapor interface energies. We exploited this method in MgO and ZnO nanoparticles and determined that the ratio between the solid solid and solid vapor interface energy is 11 for MgO and 0.7 for ZnO. We then discuss that this ratio is responsible for a thermodynamic metastable state that may prevent collapsing of nanoparticles and, therefore, may be used as a tool to design long-term stable nanoparticles.


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Techniques and mechanism of doping controlled amounts of various cations into pillared clays without causing precipitation or damages to the pillared layered structures are reviewed and discussed. Transition metals of great interest in catalysis can be doped in the micropores of pillared clay in ionic forms by a two-step process. The micropore structures and surface nature of pillared clays are altered by the introduced cations, and this results in a significant improvement in adsorption properties of the clays. Adsorption of water, air components and organic vapors on cation-doped pillared clays were studied. The effects of the amount and species of cations on the pore structure and adsorption behavior are discussed. It is demonstrated that the presence of doped Ca2+ ions can effectively aides the control of modification of the pillared clays of large pore openings. Controlled cation doping is a simple and powerful tool for improving the adsorption properties of pillared clay.


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A two-step method of loading controlled amounts of transition metal cations into alumina pillared clays (Al-PILCs) is proposed. First, calcined Al-PILC was dispersed into an aqueous solution of sodium or ammonium ions. Increasing the pH of the dispersion resulted in an increase in the amount of cations loaded into the clay. The ion-doped Al-PILC was then exchanged with an aqueous solution of transition metal salt at a pH of similar to 4.5 to replace Na+ or NH4+ ions by transition metal cations. Analytical techniques such as atomic absorption spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, diffuse reflectance-ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, as well as N-2 adsorption were used to characterize the PILC products with and without the loading of metal ions. The introduced transition metal species exist in the forms of hydrated ions in the PILC hosts. The content of transition metal ions in the final product increased with the amount of Na+ or NH4+ loaded in the first step so that by controlling the pH of the dispersion in the first step, one can control the doping amounts of transition metal cations into Al-PILCs. A sample containing 0.125 mmol/g of nickel was thus obtained, which is similar to 3 times of that obtained by directly exchanging Al-PILC with Ni(NO3)(2) solution, while the pillared layered structures of the Al-PILC remained. The porosity analysis using N-2 adsorption data indicated that most of the doped transition metal ions dispersed homogeneously in the micropores of the Al-PILC, significantly affecting the micropore structure.


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Composite clay nanostructures (CCNs) were observed in intercalating Laponite clay with alumina in the presence of alkyl polyether surfactants which contain hydrophobic alkyl chains and ether groups. Such nanostructured clays are highly porous solids consisting of randomly orientated clay platelets intercalated with alumina nanoparticles. The pores in the product solids are larger than the dimension of the surfactant molecules, ranging from 2 to 10 nm. This suggests that the micelles of the surfactant molecules, rather than the molecules, act as templates in the synthesis. Interestingly, it is found that the size of the framework pores was directly proportional to the amount of the surfactants in terms of moles, but shows no evident dependence on the size of the surfactant molecules. Broad pore size distributions were observed for the product CCNs. This study demonstrates that introducing surfactants in the pillaring process of clays is a powerful strategy for tailoring the pore structures of nanoporous clays. With this new technique, it is possible to design and engineer such composite clay nanostructures with desired pore and surface properties by the proper choice of surfactant amounts and preparation conditions.


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Polymeeriadsorbentteja valmistetaan silloittamalla styreeniä, akrylaattia tai fenoliformaldehydiä. Useimmiten ristisilloittajana toimii divinyylibentseeni. Polymeeriadsorbenteissa ei itsessään ole ioninvaihtoryhmiä, joten ne sopivat ionittomien ja heikosti ionisoitujen aineiden adsorptioon. Usein polymeeriadsorbentteja käytetään vaihtoehtona aktiivihiilelle eri sovelluksissa. Työn kirjallisuusosassa on katsaus polymeeriadsorbenttien sovelluksiin lähinnä elintarviketeollisuudessa. Lisäksi siinä selvitetään polymeeriadsorbenttien rakennetta ja synteesimenetelmiä. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin valittujen styreeni- ja akrylaattipohjaisten polymeeriadsorbenttien soveltuvuutta kromatografisen erotuksen stationaarifaasiksi. Kromatografia-ajoissa käytettiin eluenttina vettä, jonka lämpötila oli pääasiassa joko 75 tai 125 °C. Jälkimmäisessä lämpötilassa vesi on paineistettua neste, jota kutsutaan myös alikriittiseksi vedeksi. Malliaineina oli eri sokereita, aminohappoja sekä bentsoehappoa ja bentsyylialkoholia. Kromatografisen soveltuvuuden lisäksi selvitettiin adsorbenttien termistä kestävyyttä ja rakennetta. Termisesti polymeeriadsorbentit kestivät hyvin lämpötiloja 125 °C:eseen saakka. Polymeeriadsorbenteilla, joilla on suuri ominaispinta-ala, on myös suuri adsorptiokapasiteetti. Styreenipohjaiset adsorbentit erottivat kaikkia tutkittuja malliaineita akrylaattipohjaisia paremmin. Jotkut adsorbentit eivät erottaneet mitään tutkituista yhdisteistä. Lämpötilan nostaminen kavensi piikkejä ja nopeutti malliaineiden retentoitumista, mutta ei parantanut erottumista.


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This study aims to prepare biodegradable films from cassava starch, poly (butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT), and montmorillonite (MMT) using blow-extrusion process and analyze the effects of different types and concentrations of MMT on the microstructure, physicochemical, and mechanical properties of the resulting films. The films were produced by blending 30% of PBAT with glycerol (17.5%), starch (49.0-52.5%), and four different types of montmorillonite (Cloisite® Na+, 10A, 15A, and 30B) at two different concentrations (1.75% and 3.5%). All the films prepared in this study showed an increase in the basal spacing of MMT layers. In particular, the films with 10A and 30B showed the highest increase in intercalation basal spacing, suggesting the formation of intercalated composites. The addition of nanoclays decreased the elongation of films. The addition of Cloisite® 10A resulted in films with the lowest WVP values and the highest stability to water adsorption under different RH conditions.


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The objective of this study was to characterize the chemical and functional properties of Mexican chia (Salvia hispanica) gums extracted from defatted whole and crushed nutlets using the Soxhlet and SFE-CO2 methods. Chia gums have interesting chemical and functional properties for the food industry. The oil and gum yields were in the range of 1.98-16.42% and 5.81-12.60%, respectively. The defatting procedure did not affect significantly the oil and gum extraction; the nutlet type (whole or crushed) was the only parameter influencing the yield. The proximate composition and the protein and fiber contents of chia gum were evaluated. Low contents of protein and fiber and high NFE levels were found in whole nutlet gums. The functional properties of chia gum extracted from whole and crushed nutlets with the Soxhlet and SFE-COs methods showed the following ranges of water absorption capacity of 62.64 to 143.66 g/g, water adsorption capacity of 0.69 to 1.35 g/g, and water and oil holding capacity of 100 to 149.28 g/g and19.5 to 40.4 g/g, respectively. The rheological behavior exhibited by the gums was pseudoplastic or shear thinning. From a functional perspective, chia gum is an important food component due its emulsifier and stabilizer potentials.


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Catalyst precursors composed of Ni/Mg/Al oxides with added La and Ce were tested in ethanol steam reforming (ESR) reactions. La and Ce were added by anion-exchange. The oxides were characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) analysis. The catalyst precursors consist of a mixture of oxides, with the nickel in the form of NiO strongly interacting with the support Mg/Al. The XPS analysis showed a lanthanum-support interaction, but no interaction of Ce species with the support. The reaction data obtained with the active catalysts showed that the addition of Ce and La resulted in better H(2) production at 550 degrees C. The CeNi catalyst provided the higher ethanol conversion, with lower acetaldehyde production, possibly clue to a favoring of water adsorption on the weakly interacting clusters of CeO(2) on the surface. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work investigates the solar heterogeneous photocatalytic degradation of three commercial acid dyes: Blue 9 (C.I. 42090), Red 51 (C.I. 45430), and Yellow 23 (C.I. 19140). TiO(2) P25 from Degussa was used as the photocatalyst. The dyes were completely degraded within 120 min of treatment in the following increasing order of removal rate: Blue 9 < Yellow 23 < Red 51. The photocatalytic color removal process was well described by a two-first-order in-series reaction, followed by another first-order reaction. Photolytic experiments showed that this process is quite inefficient and highly selective towards Red 51 only. The dyes` solution was completely decolorized and organic matter removals up to 99% were achieved with photocatalysis. The lack of selectivity and the possibility of using solar light to excite the photocatalyst are promising results regarding the feasibility of this technology.


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Different growing media were compared as to water adsorption and water loss, at Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil, through a three-year period. The objective was to recommend substrates other than tree fern fiber for cultivation of epiphytic orchids. Two treatments of each substrate were used in each sampling: materials stored in laboratory (without use) and materials exposed to conditions of orchid cultivation under laths (used). Generally, the substrates without use adsorbed less water than used substrates. When materials without use were compared, the tree fern fiber retained initially the greatest quantity of water and the blocks of pressed coconut bark, the smallest. However, these blocks gained a great capacity of water adsorption after being used. Charcoal added to the growing media did not cause significant alterations in the studied characteristics. In terms of water relations, the best growing media to substitute the tree fern fiber were composed by blocks of pressed coconut bark or by mixtures of this material with charcoal or Eucalyptus grandis bark. Bark of E grandis alone or in mixture with charcoal did not give good results.


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The rheological properties of tin oxide slurries were studied experimentally and theoretically. The deflocculants used were ammonium polyacrilate (PAA) and the copolymer poly(vinyl butyral-co-vinyl alcohol-co-vinyl acetate) (PVB-PVA-PVAc), in water and ethanol, respectively. The amount of deflocculant was optimized for different solid contents by means of viscosity measurements. In spite of the high stability of PVB-dispersed slurries, a high solid concentration was not obtained. On the other hand, a slurry with a 56.4 vol.% of solids was attained when PAA was used. A theoretical study of the adsorption of PAA in its dissociated (basic solution) and non-dissociated (acidic solution) forms on SnO 2 (110) is presented. This analysis was made by means of the PM3 method using a large cluster Sn 15O 28 for the surface model. The calculated adsorption energy is larger for the ionized PAA than for the non-ionized form, indicating that alkaline slurries favor PAA adsorption on the SnO 2 surface. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.