962 resultados para Water efficiency


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The water and wastewater industry in the UK accounts for around 3% of total energy use and just over 1% of total UK greenhouse gas emissions. Targets for greenhouse gas emissions reduction and higher renewable energy penetration, coupled with rising energy costs, growing demand for wastewater services and tightening EU water quality requirements, have led to an increased interest in alternative wastewater treatment methods. The use of short rotation coppice (SRC) willow for the treatment of wastewater effluent is one such alternative, which brings with it the dual benefits of wastewater treatment and production of biomass for energy. In order to assess the effectiveness of SRC willow, it is important to analyse the overall energy balance in terms of energy input versus energy output. This paper carries out an energy life cycle analysis of a specific SRC willow plantation in Northern Ireland to which farmyard washings (dirty water) are applied. The system boundaries include the establishment, maintenance, and harvesting of the plantation, along with the transport and drying of the wood for biomass combustion. The analysis shows that the overall energy balance is positive, and that the direct and indirect energy demands are 12% and 8% of gross energy production respectively. The energy demands of the plantation are compared with the energy required to treat an equivalent nutrient load in a conventional wastewater treatment plant. While a conventional plant consumes 2.6 MJ/m3 , the irrigation system consumes 1.6 MJ/m3 and the net energy production of the scenario is 48 MJ/m3 .


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil


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Assessments concerning the effects of climate change, water resource availability and water deprivation in West Africa have not frequently considered the positive contribution to be derived from collecting and reusing water for domestic purposes. Where the originating water is taken from a clean water source and has been used the first time for washing or bathing, this water is commonly called “greywater”. Greywater is a prolific resource that is generated wherever people live. Treated greywater can be used for domestic cleaning, for flushing toilets where appropriate, for washing cars, sometimes for watering kitchen gardens, and for clothes washing prior to rinsing. Therefore, a large theoretical potential exists to increase total water resource availability if greywater were to be widely reused. Locally treated greywater reduces the distribution network requirement, lower construction effort and cost and, wherever possible, minimising the associated carbon footprint. Such locally treated greywater offers significant practical opportunities for increasing the total available water resources at a local level. The reuse of treated greywater is one important action that will help to mitigate the reducing availability of clean water supplies in some areas, and the expected mitigation required in future aligns well with WHO/UNICEF (2012) aspirations. The evaluation of potential opportunities for prioritising greywater systems to support water reuse takes into account the availability of water resources, water use indicators and published estimates in order to understand typical patterns of water demand. The approach supports knowledge acquisition regarding local conditions for enabling capacity building for greywater reuse, the understanding of systems that are most likely to encourage greywater reuse, and practices and future actions to stimulate greywater infrastructure planning, design and implementation. Although reuse might be considered to increase the uncertainty of achieving a specified quality of the water supply, robust methods and technologies are available for local treatment. Resource strategies for greywater reuse have the potential to consistently improve water efficiency and availability in water impoverished and water stressed regions of Ghana and West Africa. Untreated greywater is referred to as “greywater”; treated greywater is referred to as “treated greywater” in this paper.


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A sustainable building regards energy use and greenhouse gas emissions as major components, and its sustainability is within a larger context of benefits about productivity, efficiency, health and safety, and serviceability. An intelligent building requires a quality building automation system design which increases productivity, reduces operational costs and protects the people using the facilities. Council House 2 (CH2) is claimed to change the way Australia approaches ecologically sustainable design and construction. Its building intelligence can be evaluated by energy and water efficiency and quality of indoor environments that elevate productivity and lower operational costs. This paper uses triangulation techniques, based upon the "Building Intelligence Quotient" by the Continental Automated Buildings Association (CABA) and "Green Star Rating" by the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA), to cross-verify CH2’s sustainability and intelligence. The author examines 18 design reports and 10 research papers to case-study the effectiveness and efficiency of CH2 and concludes that it is not just another sustainable construction but an intelligent building per se. By leveraging the existing knowledge base of green rating, building professions can measure the intelligence without "reinventing the wheel".


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Objetivou-se neste estudo avaliar a eficiência de controle de herbicidas inibidores da ACCase aplicados em pós-emergência em plantas de Eleusine indica submetidas a diferentes teores de água no solo. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em casa de vegetação, com a aplicação de três diferentes herbicidas (fluazifop-p-butil, haloxyfop-methyl e sethoxydim + óleo mineral Assist); o delineamento experimental utilizado para cada herbicida foi inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, constituído de um fatorial 3 x 4, sendo a combinação de três manejos hídricos (-0,03, -0,07 e -1,5 MPa) e quatro doses desses produtos (100, 50, 25 e 0% da dose recomendada). Os parâmetros fisiológicos avaliados foram: taxa fotossintética, condutância estomática, transpiração, temperatura da folha e matéria seca das plantas. As avaliações visuais de fitotoxicidade foram realizadas aos 14 dias após a aplicação. Os manejos hídricos aplicados não influenciaram o controle das plantas nos tratamentos testados, com exceção do herbicida sethoxydim, que teve sua eficiência hídrica prejudicada quando da deficiência hídrica nas aplicações das doses fracionadas. A taxa fotossintética, a transpiração e a condutância estomática foram maiores em plantas submetidas ao manejo hídrico de 13%, as quais apresentaram as menores temperaturas foliares em relação à temperatura ambiente.


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The knowledge of meteorological elements in protected environment is very important for commercial plants, because of possibility to produce for all the year according to the study conduced in Botucatu - SP, in order to evaluate the effects of different irrigation treatments on three lettuce cultivars. (Lisa, Crespa and American). The study was developed in a polyethilene tunnel with orientation northeast/southwest (NE/SW) and the fertigation through drip irrigation. Leaf number, head diameter, fresh weigh, dry weigh, meteorological elements and evaporation from minievaporimeters were determined. Four treatments of minimum soil water potential were applied: 20, 28, 35 and 45 kPa and the results showed the treatment -35 kPa showed the highest lettuce production and maximurn water efficiency use. The highest productions occurred in May/June, July/September and September/November, while the worst one was in February/April. There was not significant difference of dry mass production among the treatments, independently of the year period with exception of the Crespa cultivar which was superior in September/November. The south face showed the highest evaporation.


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O consumo de águas salinas pelas plantas na maioria dos casos afetam o rendimento das culturas em suas diversas fases prejudicando desenvolvimento e produção. O trabalho avaliou o consumo hídrico da rúcula (Eruca sativa) em sistema hidropônico NFT com águas salinas. Foram analisados seis níveis crescentes de salinidade da água (CEa), quais sejam: 0,2; 1,2; 2,2; 3,2; 4,2 e 5,2 (dS m-1) utilizaram-se duas fontes de sais: águas salobras (AS) e NaCl. Foi determinado o volume evapotranspirado por planta (VETc) no sistema durante o cultivo. O consumo hídrico nos primeiros dias após transplantio foi de 250 mL dia-1 aproximadamente para ambas as testemunhas e decresceram com o aumento da salinidade, a eficiência de utilização da água foi reduzida revelando uma resposta linear decrescente em função da salinidade ocorrendo uma resposta negativa das plantas que apresentaram uma redução na quantidade de folhas de 3,34%.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA


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The aim of this experiment was evaluate the effect of the bioestimulant administered in grafted and non-grafted japanese cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) plants, under greenhouse conditions, in gas exchanges during the development of the plant and in the increase of yield. The experiment was carried out in the experimental area of Agronomic Sciences University of UNESP, Campus of Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil. The experiment design was completely randomized, in a factorial arrangement of 2x5, grafted and non-grafted plants and 5 treatments with bioestimulant: control, indolbutyric acid 0,0005% + citocinine 0,0009% + gibberelic acid 0,005% 250 mL ha-1; indolbutyric acid 0,0005% + citocinine 0,0009% + gibberelic acid 0,005% 375 mL ha-1; indolbutyric acid 0,0005% + citocinine 0,0009% + gibberelic acid 0,005% 500 mL ha-1; Yuca extract (Yucca elephantipes) + manganese + iron + copper + sulfur 375 mL ha-1 applied 15 days after the transplant, in intervals of 7 days between the applications, via leaf. The effect of the treatments were evaluated through the observations of the following characteristics: production of fruits (number and mass), average mass of the fruit and measures of gas exchanges. It can be concluded that indolbutyric acid 0,0005% + citocinine 0,0009% + gibberelic acid 0,005% 250 mL ha-1 increased CO2 assimilation rate and the water efficiency, influencing in addition to increase the quantity of the fruits