999 resultados para Wall Stress


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We report data showing that developed pressure (DPmax) may lead to opposite conclusion with respect to maximal developed circumferential wall stress (smax) when used to assess contractile function in left ventricle isovolumic preparations. Isovolumetric left ventricle preparations of rats with cardiac hypertrophy (H; N = 10) induced by isoproterenol administration showed higher DPmax (174 ± 14 mmHg) than control (C; N = 8) animals (155 ± 12 mmHg) or rats with regression (R; N = 8) of hypertrophy (144 ± 11 mmHg). In contrast, the estimated smax for C (145 ± 26 kdynes/cm2) and R (133 ± 17 kdynes/cm2) was higher than for H (110 ± 13 kdynes/cm2). According to Laplace's law, the opposite results of DPmax and smax may depend on the increased mass/volume left ventricle ratio of the hypertrophied hearts, which favored pressure generation. These results clearly show that DPmax should be used with caution to analyze systolic function.


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La sécrétion des protéines est un processus essentiel à la vie. Chez les eucaryotes, les protéines sécrétées transitent dans le réticulum endoplasmique par le pore de translocation. Le translocon est composé de trois sous-unités fondamentales nommées Sec61α, β et γ chez les mammifères, ou Sec61p, Sbh1p et Sss1p chez les levures. Tandis que le rôle des sous-unités α et γ est bien connu, celui de la sous-unité β demeure énigmatique. Plusieurs phénotypes distincts sont associés à cette protéine dans différents organismes, mais le haut niveau de conservation de séquence suggère plutôt une fonction universelle conservée. Récemment, Feng et al. (2007) ont montré que le domaine transmembranaire (TMD) de Sbh1p était suffisant pour complémenter plusieurs phénotypes associés à la délétion du gène chez Saccharomyces cerevisiae, suggérant un rôle important de cette région. L’objectif de mon projet de recherche consiste à étudier la fonction biologique de la sous-unité β du translocon et de son TMD chez Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Dans cette levure, j’ai découvert que le gène sbh1+ n’était pas essentiel à la viabilité à 30oC, mais qu’il était requis pour la croissance à basse température. La délétion de sbh1+ entraîne une sensibilité aux stress de la paroi cellulaire et une diminution de la sécrétion des protéines à 23oC. La surexpression de Sbh1p diminue elle aussi la sécrétion des protéines et altère la morphologie cellulaire. Ces phénotypes sont distincts de ceux observés chez S. cerevisiae, où la délétion des deux paralogues de Sec61β entraîne une sensibilité à haute température plutôt qu’à basse température. Malgré cela, les homologues de Sec61β de S. pombe et de S. cerevisiae sont tout deux capables de complémenter la thermosensibilité respective de chaque levure. La complémentation est possible même avec l’homologue humain de Sec61β, indiquant la conservation d’une fonction de Sec61β de la levure à l’homme. Remarquablement, le TMD de Sec61β de S. pombe, de S. cerevisiae et de l’humain sont suffisants pour complémenter la délétion génomique autant chez la levure à fission que chez la levure à bourgeons. Globalement, ces observations indiquent que le TMD de Sec61β exerce une fonction cellulaire conservée à travers les espèces.


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In hypertension, left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy develops as an adaptive mechanism to compensate for increased afterload and thus preserve systolic function. Associated structural changes such as microvascular disease might potentially interfere with this mechanism, producing pathological hypertrophy. A poorer outcome is expected to occur when LV function is put in jeopardy by impaired coronary reserve. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of coronary reserve in the long-term outcome of patients with hypertensive dilated cardiomyopathy. Between 1996 and 2000, 45 patients, 30 of them male, with 52 +/- 11 years and LV fractional shortening <30% were enrolled and followed until 2006. Coronary flow velocity reserve was assessed by transesophageal Doppler of the left anterior descending coronary artery. Sixteen patients showed >= 10% improvement in LV fractional shortening after 17 +/- 6 months. Coronary reserve was the only variable independently related to this improvement. Total mortality was 38% in 10 years. The Cox model identified coronary reserve (hazard ratio = 0.814; 95% CI = 0.72-0.92), LV mass, low diastolic blood pressure, and male gender as independent predictors of mortality. In hypertensive dilated cardiomyopathy, coronary reserve impairment adversely affects survival, possibly by interfering with the improvement of LV dysfunction. J Am Soc Hypertens 2010;4(1):14-21. (C) 2010 American Society of Hypertension. All rights reserved.


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Background: The prediction of the ventricular remodeling process after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) may have important clinical implications. Objetive: To analyze echocardiographic variables predictors of remodeling in the infarction model in rats. Methods: The animals underwent echocardiography in two moments, five days and three months after infarction (AMI group) or sham surgery (control group). Linear regression was used to identify the echocardiographic variables on the fifth day after the infarction, which were predictive of remodeling after three months of coronary occlusion. We considered as a criterion of remodeling in this study, the values of left ventricular diastolic diameter (LVDD) after three months of infarction. Results: The infarction induced increase in the left chambers, associated with changes in systolic and diastolic functions. The variables body weight, left ventricular wall stress index (LVWSI), systolic area (SA), diastolic area (DA), LVDD, left ventricular systolic diameter (LVSD), fractional area change (FAC), ejection fraction (EF), fractional shortening (%Short), posterior wall shortening velocity (PWSV) and infarct size assessed five days after infarction were predictors of LVDD after three months. At the multivariate regression analysis, we included the size of infarction, the LVWSI and PWSV. The LVWSI (coefficient: 4.402, standard error: 2.221, p = 0.05), but not the size of infarction and PWSV, was a predictor of remodeling after three months of infarction. Conclusion: LVPSI was an independent predictor of remodeling three months after the myocardial infarction and could be included in the clinical stratification after the coronary occlusion.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Abstract Background In patients with advanced non-ischemic cardiomyopathy (NIC), right-sided cardiac disturbances has prognostic implications. Right coronary artery (RCA) flow pattern and flow reserve (CFR) are not well known in this setting. The purpose of this study was to assess, in human advanced NIC, the RCA phasic flow pattern and CFR, also under right-sided cardiac disturbances, and compare with left coronary circulation. As well as to investigate any correlation between the cardiac structural, mechanical and hemodynamic parameters with RCA phasic flow pattern or CFR. Methods Twenty four patients with dilated severe NIC were evaluated non-invasively, even by echocardiography, and also by cardiac catheterization, inclusive with Swan-Ganz catheter. Intracoronary Doppler (Flowire) data was obtained in RCA and left anterior descendent coronary artery (LAD) before and after adenosine. Resting RCA phasic pattern (diastolic/systolic) was compared between subgroups with and without pulmonary hypertension, and with and without right ventricular (RV) dysfunction; and also with LAD. RCA-CFR was compared with LAD, as well as in those subgroups. Pearson's correlation analysis was accomplished among echocardiographic (including LV fractional shortening, mass index, end systolic wall stress) more hemodynamic parameters with RCA phasic flow pattern or RCA-CFR. Results LV fractional shortening and end diastolic diameter were 15.3 ± 3.5 % and 69.4 ± 12.2 mm. Resting RCA phasic pattern had no difference comparing subgroups with vs. without pulmonary hypertension (1.45 vs. 1.29, p = NS) either with vs. without RV dysfunction (1.47 vs. 1.23, p = NS); RCA vs. LAD was 1.35 vs. 2.85 (p < 0.001). It had no significant correlation among any cardiac mechanical or hemodynamic parameter with RCA-CFR or RCA flow pattern. RCA-CFR had no difference compared with LAD (3.38 vs. 3.34, p = NS), as well as in pulmonary hypertension (3.09 vs. 3.10, p = NS) either in RV dysfunction (3.06 vs. 3.22, p = NS) subgroups. Conclusion In patients with chronic advanced NIC, RCA phasic flow pattern has a mild diastolic predominance, less marked than in LAD, with no effects from pulmonary artery hypertension or RV dysfunction. There is no significant correlation between any cardiac mechanical-structural or hemodynamic parameter with RCA-CFR or RCA phasic flow pattern. RCA flow reserve is still similar to LAD, independently of those right-sided cardiac disturbances.


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AIMS: In pressure overload left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy, gender-related differences in global LV systolic function have been previously reported. The goal of this study was to determine regional systolic function of the left ventricle in male and female patients with hypertensive heart disease. METHODS AND RESULTS: Regional LV function was analyzed from multiplane transesophageal echocardiography with three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of the left ventricle. In 24 patients (13 males and 11 females), four parallel (2 basal and 2 apical) equidistant short axis cross-sections from base to apex were obtained from the reconstructed LV. In each short axis 24 wall-thickness measurements were carried out at 15 degrees intervals at end-diastole and end-systole. Thus, a total of 192 measurements were obtained in each patient. Wall thickening was calculated as difference of end-diastolic and end-systolic wall thickness, and fractional thickening as thickening divided by end-diastolic thickness. Fractional thickening and wall stress were inversely related to end-diastolic wall thickness in both, males and females. Females showed less LV systolic function when compared to males (p<0.001). However, when corrected for wall stress, which was higher in females, there was no gender difference in systolic function. CONCLUSION: There are regional differences in LV systolic function in females and males which are directly related to differences in wall stress. Thus, gender-related differences in LV regional function are load-dependent and not due to structural differences.


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The vitamin D(3) and nicotine (VDN) model is a model of isolated systolic hypertension (ISH) due to arterial calcification raising arterial stiffness and vascular impedance similar to an aged and stiffened arterial tree. We therefore analyzed the impact of this aging model on normal and diseased hearts with myocardial infarction (MI). Wistar rats were treated with VDN (n = 9), subjected to MI by coronary ligation (n = 10), or subjected to a combination of both MI and VDN treatment (VDN/MI, n = 14). A sham-treated group served as control (Ctrl, n = 10). Transthoracic echocardiography was performed every 2 wk, whereas invasive indexes were obtained at week 8 before death. Calcium, collagen, and protein contents were measured in the heart and the aorta. Systolic blood pressure, pulse pressure, thoracic aortic calcium, and end-systolic elastance as an index of myocardial contractility were highest in the aging model group compared with MI and Ctrl groups (P(VDN) < 0.05, 2-way ANOVA). Left ventricular wall stress and brain natriuretic peptide (P(VDNxMI) = not significant) were highest, while ejection fraction, stroke volume, and cardiac output were lowest in the combined group versus all other groups (P(VDNxMI) < 0.05). The combination of ISH due to this aging model and MI demonstrates significant alterations in cardiac function. This model mimics several clinical phenomena of cardiovascular aging and may thus serve to further study novel therapies.


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OBJECTIVES To compare biomechanical rupture risk parameters of asymptomatic, symptomatic and ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) using finite element analysis (FEA). STUDY DESIGN Retrospective biomechanical single center analysis of asymptomatic, symptomatic, and ruptured AAAs. Comparison of biomechanical parameters from FEA. MATERIALS AND METHODS From 2011 to 2013 computed tomography angiography (CTA) data from 30 asymptomatic, 15 symptomatic, and 15 ruptured AAAs were collected consecutively. FEA was performed according to the successive steps of AAA vessel reconstruction, segmentation and finite element computation. Biomechanical parameters Peak Wall Rupture Risk Index (PWRI), Peak Wall Stress (PWS), and Rupture Risk Equivalent Diameter (RRED) were compared among the three subgroups. RESULTS PWRI differentiated between asymptomatic and symptomatic AAAs (p < .0004) better than PWS (p < .1453). PWRI-dependent RRED was higher in the symptomatic subgroup compared with the asymptomatic subgroup (p < .0004). Maximum AAA external diameters were comparable between the two groups (p < .1355). Ruptured AAAs showed the highest values for external diameter, total intraluminal thrombus volume, PWS, RRED, and PWRI compared with asymptomatic and symptomatic AAAs. In contrast with symptomatic and ruptured AAAs, none of the asymptomatic patients had a PWRI value >1.0. This threshold value might identify patients at imminent risk of rupture. CONCLUSIONS From different FEA derived parameters, PWRI distinguishes most precisely between asymptomatic and symptomatic AAAs. If elevated, this value may represent a negative prognostic factor for asymptomatic AAAs.


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The susceptibility of most Bacillus anthracis strains to β-lactam antibiotics is intriguing considering that the B. anthracis genome harbors two β-lactamase genes, bla1 and bla2, and closely-related species, Bacillus cereus and Bacillus thuringiensis, typically produce β-lactamases. This work demonstrates that B. anthracis bla expression is affected by two genes, sigP and rsp, predicted to encode an extracytoplasmic function sigma factor and an antisigma factor, respectively. Deletion of the sigP/rsp locus abolished bla expression in a penicillin-resistant clinical isolate and had no effect on bla expression in a prototypical penicillin-susceptible strain. Complementation with sigP/rsp from the penicillin-resistant strain, but not the penicillin-susceptible strain, conferred β-lactamase activity upon both mutants. These results are attributed to a nucleotide deletion near the 5' end of rsp in the penicillin-resistant strain that is predicted to result in a nonfunctional protein. B. cereus and B. thuringiensis sigP and rsp homologues are required for inducible penicillin resistance in those species. Expression of the B. cereus or B. thuringiensis sigP and rsp genes in a B. anthracis sigP/rsp-null mutant confers resistance to β-lactam antibiotics, suggesting that while B. anthracis contains the genes necessary for sensing β-lactam antibiotics, the B. anthracis sigP/rsp gene products are insufficient for bla induction. ^ Because alternative sigma factors recognize unique promoter sequence, direct targets can be elucidated by comparing transcriptional profiling results with an in silico search using the sigma factor binding sequence. Potential σP -10 and -35 promoter elements were identified upstream from bla1 bla2 and sigP. Results obtained from searching the B. anthracis genome with the conserved sequences were evaluated against transcriptional profiling results comparing B. anthracis 32 and an isogenic sigP/rsp -null strain. Results from these analyses indicate that while the absence of the sigP gene significantly affects the transcript levels of 16 genes, only bla1, bla2 and sigP are directly regulated by σP. The genomes of B. cereus and B. thuringiensis strains were also analyzed for the potential σP binding elements. The sequence was located upstream from the sigP and bla genes, and previously unidentified genes predicted to encode a penicillin-binding protein (PBP) and a D-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase, indicating that the σ P regulon in these species responds to cell-wall stress caused by β-lactam antibiotics. ^ β-lactam antibiotics prevent attachment of new peptidoglycan to the cell wall by blocking the active site of PBPs. A B. cereus and B. thuringiensis pbp-encoding gene located near bla1 contains a potential σP recognition sequence upstream from the annotated translational start. Deletion of this gene abolished β-lactam resistance in both strains. Mutations in the active site of the PBP were detrimental to β-lactam resistance in B. cereus, but not B. thuringiensis, indicating that the transpeptidase activity is only important in B. cereus. I also found that transcript levels of the PBP-encoding gene are not significantly affected by the presence of β-lactam antibiotic. Based on these data I hypothesize that the gene product acts a sensor of β-lactam antibiotic. ^


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BACKGROUND: Persistently elevated natriuretic peptide (NP) levels in heart failure (HF) patients are associated with impaired prognosis. Recent work suggests that NP-guided therapy can improve outcome, but the mechanisms behind an elevated BNP remain unclear. Among the potential stimuli for NP in clinically stable patients are persistent occult fluid overload, wall stress, inflammation, fibrosis, and ischemia. The purpose of this study was to identify associates of B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) in a stable HF population.

METHODS: In a prospective observational study of 179 stable HF patients, the association between BNP and markers of collagen metabolism, inflammation, and Doppler-echocardiographic parameters including left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), left atrial volume index (LAVI), and E/e prime (E/e') was measured.

RESULTS: Univariable associates of elevated BNP were age, LVEF, LAVI, E/e', creatinine, and markers of collagen turnover. In a multiple linear regression model, age, creatinine, and LVEF remained significant associates of BNP. E/e' and markers of collagen turnover had a persistent impact on BNP independent of these covariates.

CONCLUSION: Multiple variables are associated with persistently elevated BNP levels in stable HF patients. Clarification of the relative importance of NP stimuli may help refine NP-guided therapy, potentially improving outcome for this at-risk population.


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Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) including, hypertension, coronary heart disease and heart failure are the leading cause of death worldwide. Hypertension, a chronic increase in blood pressure above 140/90 mmHg, is the single main contributor to deaths due to heart disease and stroke. In the heart, hypertension results in adaptive cardiac remodelling, including LV hypertrophy to normalize wall stress and maintain cardiac contractile function. However, chronic increases in BP results in the development of hypertensive heart disease (HHD). HHD describes the maladaptive changes during cardiac remodelling which result in reduced systolic and diastolic function and eventually heart failure. This includes ventricular dilation due to eccentric hypertrophy, cardiac fibrosis which stiffens the ventricular wall and microvascular rarefaction resulting in a decrease in coronary blood flow albeit an increase in energy demand. Chronic activation of the renin-angiotensin-system (RAS) with its effector peptide angiotensin (Ang)II plays a key role in the development of hypertension and the maladaptive changes in HHD. Ang II acts via the angiotensin type 1 receptor (AT1R) to mediate most of its pathological actions during HHD, including stimulation of cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, activation of cardiac fibroblasts and increased collagen deposition. The counter-regulatory axis of the RAS which is centred on the ACE2/Ang-(1-7)/Mas axis has been demonstrated to counteract the pathological actions of Ang II in the heart and vasculature. Ang-(1-7) via the Mas receptor prevents Ang II-induced cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis and improves cardiac contractile function in animal models of HHD. In contrast, less is known about Ang-(1-9) although evidence has demonstrated that Ang-(1-9) also antagonises Ang II and is anti-hypertrophic and anti-fibrotic in animal models of acute cardiac remodelling. However, so far it is not well documented whether Ang-(1-9) can reverse established cardiac dysfunction and remodelling and whether it is beneficial when administered chronically. Therefore, the main aim of this thesis was to assess the effects of chronic Ang-(1-9) administration on cardiac structure and function in a model of Ang II-induced cardiac remodelling. Furthermore, this thesis aimed to investigate novel pathways contributing to the pathological remodelling in response to Ang II. First, a mouse model of chronic Ang II infusion was established and characterised by comparing the structural and functional effects of the infusion of a low and high dose of Ang II after 6 weeks. Echocardiographic measurements demonstrated that low dose Ang II infusion resulted in a gradual decline in cardiac function while a high dose of Ang II induced acute cardiac contractile dysfunction. Both doses equally induced the development of cardiac hypertrophy and cardiac fibrosis characterised by an increase in the deposition of collagen I and collagen III. Moreover, increases in gene expression of fibrotic and hypertrophic markers could be detected following high dose Ang II infusion over 6 weeks. Following this characterisation, the high dose infusion model was used to assess the effects of Ang-(1-9) on cardiac structural and functional remodelling in established disease. Initially, it was evaluated whether Ang-(1-9) can reverse Ang II-induced cardiac disease by administering Ang-(1-9) for 2-4 weeks following an initial 2 week infusion of a high dose of Ang II to induce cardiac contractile dysfunction. The infusion of Ang-(1-9) for 2 weeks was associated with a significant improvement of LV fractional shortening compared to Ang II infusion. However, after 4 weeks fractional shortening declined to Ang II levels. Despite the transient improvement in cardiac contractile function, Ang-(1-9) did not modulate blood pressure, LV hypertrophy or cardiac fibrosis. To further investigate the direct cardiac effects of Ang-(1-9), cardiac contractile performance in response to Ang-(1-9) was evaluated in the isolated Langendorff-perfused rat heart. Perfusion of Ang-(1-9) in the paced and spontaneously beating rat heart mediated a positive inotropic effect characterised by an increase in LV developed pressure, cardiac contractility and relaxation. This was in contrast to Ang II and Ang-(1-7). Furthermore, the positive inotropic effect to Ang-(1-9) was blocked by the AT1R antagonist losartan and the protein kinase A inhibitor H89. Next, endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EndMT) as a novel pathway that may contribute to Ang II-induced cardiac remodelling was assessed in Ang II-infused mice in vivo and in human coronary artery endothelial cells (HCAEC) in vitro. Infusion of Ang II to mice for 2-6 weeks resulted in a significant decrease in myocardial capillary density and this was associated with the occurrence of dual labelling of endothelial cells for endothelial and mesenchymal markers. In vitro stimulation of HCAEC with TGFβ and Ang II revealed that Ang II exacerbated TGF-induced gene expression of mesenchymal markers. This was not correlated with any changes in SMAD2 or ERK1/2 phosphorylation with co-stimulation of TGFβ and Ang II. However, superoxide production was significantly increased in HCAEC stimulated with Ang II but not TGFβ. Finally, the role of Ang II in microvesicle (MV)-mediated cardiomyocyte hypertrophy was investigated. MVs purified from neonatal rat cardiac fibroblasts were found to contain detectable Ang II and this was increased by stimulation of fibroblasts with Ang II. Treatment of cardiomyocytes with MVs derived from Ang II-stimulated fibroblasts induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy which could be blocked by the AT1R antagonist losartan and an inhibitor of MV synthesis and release brefeldin A. Furthermore, Ang II was found to be present in MVs isolated from serum and plasma of Ang II-infused mice and SHRSP and WKY rats. Overall, the findings of this thesis demonstrate for the first time that the actions of Ang-(1-9) in cardiac pathology are dependent on its time of administration and that Ang-(1-9) can reverse Ang II-induced cardiac contractile dysfunction by acting as a positive inotrope. Furthermore, this thesis demonstrates evidence for an involvement of EndMT and MV signalling as novel pathways contributing to Ang II-induced cardiac fibrosis and hypertrophy, respectively. These findings provide incentive to further investigate the therapeutic potential of Ang-(1-9) in the treatment of cardiac contractile dysfunction in heart disease, establish the importance of novel pathways in Ang II-mediated cardiac remodelling and evaluate the significance of the presence of Ang II in plasma-derived MVs.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica. A presente dissertação foi desenvolvida no Erasmus Medical Center em Roterdão, Holanda


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Comparative ultrastructural observations are presented of the distended bladder of a hibernating dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius) and a relaxed organ taken from an active animal. The distended bladder of the hibernating animal has an extremely thin wall lined with a three-layer urothelium. An osmiophilic coat lines the luminal surface of the urothelium in the hibernating animal, but it is very thin indeed in the specimen from the active dormouse. In the urothelium of the distended bladder, a larger number of fusiform vesicles (FVs, typical structures of the urothelium with asymmetric unit membrane) is found. On the contrary, lysosomes, multivesicular bodies, and interdigitation of plasma membrane between adjacent cells are all more frequent in the relaxed bladder of the active dormouse. Results suggest that hibernating animals can be a useful model for investigating the biology of epithelial cells in the mammalian bladder.


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The epidermis on leaves protects plants from pathogen invasion and provides a waterproof barrier. It consists of a layer of cells that is surrounded by thick cell walls, which are partially impregnated by highly hydrophobic cuticular components. We show that the Arabidopsis T-DNA insertion mutants of REDUCED WALL ACETYLATION 2 (rwa2), previously identified as having reduced O-acetylation of both pectins and hemicelluloses, exhibit pleiotrophic phenotype on the leaf surface. The cuticle layer appeared diffused and was significantly thicker and underneath cell wall layer was interspersed with electron-dense deposits. A large number of trichomes were collapsed and surface permeability of the leaves was enhanced in rwa2 as compared to the wild type. A massive reprogramming of the transcriptome was observed in rwa2 as compared to the wild type, including a coordinated up-regulation of genes involved in responses to abiotic stress, particularly detoxification of reactive oxygen species and defense against microbial pathogens (e.g., lipid transfer proteins, peroxidases). In accordance, peroxidase activities were found to be elevated in rwa2 as compared to the wild type. These results indicate that cell wall acetylation is essential for maintaining the structural integrity of leaf epidermis, and that reduction of cell wall acetylation leads to global stress responses in Arabidopsis.