959 resultados para Wal-Mart


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This article takes a broader theoretical perspective of the retail life cycle by incorporating threshold periods at important inflection points in the international growth process. Specifically, it considers one threshold interval between an early phase of disjointed international expansion and a more focused, accelerated international growth programme. It concludes that executives need to consider a set of threshold periods during the development and growth of international store operations, understand why these events occur, and consider in what ways to respond to them to overcome and cross the threshold. Salient lessons are extracted from Wal-Mart's experiences during the threshold period for other international managers. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In 2007–8, more than 100 Wal-Mart stores in China established trade unions, which were praised by labour organizations and scholars throughout the world. This article questions these positive assessments and evaluations through an empirical study. The empirical findings reveal a dark and unpleasant picture of a double cooptation in that both the Chinese government and Wal-Mart have successfully coopted a few more or less independent unions. Although the presence of the trade union seems to challenge Wal-Mart’s neoliberal corporate ideology and governance, the compromise and tacit agreement between Wal-Mart and the party-state not only reflects a marriage of convenience but also indicates some deeper compatibility, the compatibility between China’s state corporatist model and the neoliberal approach taken by Wal-Mart. This study finds that China continues to move in a ‘state corporatist’ direction and that the transition towards civil society and ‘societal corporatism’ has been stymied.


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This ranks private, public and foreign-affiliated companies by the number of employees on their South Carolina payrolls as of July 1, 2008, and then compares the progress of participating companies from year to year. The South Carolina Big 50 includes financial institutions, insurance companies, retailers, retail establishments, hospitals and healthcare organizations. The South Carolina Big 50, however, does exclude government agencies and organizations. The top company remained the same as in the 2007 issue, with Wal-Mart Stores Inc. continuing to be ranked No. 1. BI-LO LLC and Palmetto Health moved from No. 3 and No. 4 to No. 2 and No. 3 respectively.


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L’utilisation de stratégies antisyndicales est un phénomène de plus en plus préconisé par l’acteur patronal (Bronfenbrenner, 2009b). Une piste d’explication de cette croissance serait liée à l’idéologie de gestion se basant sur une amertume inhérente à l’idée de partager le pouvoir avec une tierce partie représentant des travailleurs (Dundon et al., 2006). Dans le but de faire régner cette idéologie et de conserver un environnement de travail sans présence syndicale, des multinationales se sont même positionnées ouvertement contre la syndicalisation, que l’on pense à Wal-Mart, Mc Donald’s ou Disney (Dundon et al., 2006). Avec cette puissance que les multinationales détiennent actuellement, il ne fait nul doute qu’elles exercent une influence auprès des dirigeants des plus petites entreprises (Dundon et al., 2006), ce qui pourrait expliquer ce recours accru aux stratégies antisyndicales, que ce soit avant ou après l’accréditation syndicale. Mais qu’en est-il de l’antisyndicalisme de l’acteur patronal en sol canadien? Pour certains, les employeurs canadiens pratiqueraient davantage une stratégie d’acceptation du syndicalisme comparativement à nos voisins du sud à cause notamment de la plus forte présence syndicale historique dans le système des relations industrielles canadien, des tactiques syndicales canadiennes différentes (Thomason & Pozzebon, 1998) et des lois encadrant davantage les droits d’association et de négociation collective (Boivin, 2010; Thomason & Pozzebon, 1998). Des travaux montrent cependant une réelle volonté de la part des employeurs canadiens à avoir recours à des stratégies d’opposition à la syndicalisation (Bentham, 2002; Martinello & Yates, 2002; Riddell, 2001). Selon les auteurs Martinello et Yates (2002), six pour cent (6 %) des employeurs ontariens couverts dans le cadre de leur étude n’auraient adopté aucune tactique pour éviter ou éliminer le syndicat : quatre-vingt-quatorze pour cent (94 %) des employeurs couverts ont ainsi utilisé différentes tactiques pour s’opposer au syndicalisme. C’est donc dire que l’opposition patronale face au mouvement syndical révélée par l’utilisation de diverses stratégies antisyndicales est aussi présente chez les employeurs canadiens. Peu d’études canadiennes et québécoises ont pourtant enrichi la littérature au sujet de ce phénomène. De manière générale, les travaux effectués sur la question, anglo-saxons et surtout américains, font principalement état du type de stratégies ainsi que de leur fréquence d’utilisation et proposent souvent une méthodologie basée sur une recension des décisions des tribunaux compétents en la matière ou l’enquête par questionnaire. Face à ces constats, nous avons visé à contribuer à la littérature portant sur les stratégies antisyndicales et nous avons construit un modèle d’analyse nous permettant de mieux cerner leurs effets sur les travailleurs et les syndicats. Notre recherche se démarque également de la littérature de par les démarches méthodologiques qu’elle propose. Nous avons en effet réalisé une recherche de nature qualitative, plus spécifiquement une étude de cas d’une entreprise multiétablissement du secteur du commerce au détail. Notre modèle d’analyse nous permet de dégager des constats quant aux effets de l’utilisation des stratégies patronales antisyndicales auprès des travailleurs visés et du syndicat visé, que ce soit sur les intérêts individuels, les intérêts collectifs ainsi que sur les intérêts du syndicat tels que proposés par Slinn (2008b). Également, nous cherchions à comprendre dans quelle mesure les stratégies antisyndicales contribuent à diminuer (effet paralysant) ou à augmenter (effet rebond) la propension à la syndicalisation des travailleurs visés par les stratégies, tout en tenant compte de la propension des travailleurs d’autres succursales qui n’étaient pas visés directement par cette utilisation (effet d’entraînement). Pour atteindre nos objectifs de recherche, nous avons procédé en trois phases. La phase 1 a permis de faire la recension de la littérature et de formuler des propositions théoriques à vérifier sur le terrain. La phase 2 a permis de procéder à la collecte de données grâce aux entrevues semi-dirigées réalisées à deux niveaux d’analyse : auprès de représentants syndicaux et de travailleurs. Au cours de la phase 3, nous avons procédé à la retranscription des entrevues effectuées et nous avons analysé les principaux résultats obtenus. La méthode de l’appariement logique (Yin, 2009) a été utilisée pour comparer les phénomènes observés (données issues du terrain) aux phénomènes prédits (constats de la littérature et propositions théoriques). À la suite de la réalisation de la phase 3, nous constatons que la campagne de peur a été celle qui a été la plus utilisée en réaction à la menace de présence syndicale avec les tactiques dites coercitives qui la composent : la fermeture de deux succursales, un discours devant un auditoire captif, la diffusion d’une vidéo interne, etc. De ce fait, un sentiment de peur généralisé (86 % des répondants) s’attaquant aux intérêts collectifs a été perçu à la suite de l’utilisation des tactiques antisyndicales. Par conséquent, nous avons pu observer l’effet de ces tactiques sur les travailleurs visés et sur le syndicat : elles auraient en effet gelé la propension de travailleurs d’autres succursales à se syndiquer (64 % des répondants) et donc freiné la campagne syndicale en cours. Nous constatons également que bon nombre de tactiques ont été déployées à la suite de l’accréditation syndicale en s’attaquant aux intérêts individuels. Mentionnons, pour n’en citer que quelques-uns, que les travailleurs feraient face à une plus forte discipline (72 % des répondants), qu’ils seraient victimes d’intimidation ou de menaces (80 % des répondants) et que ces tactiques provoquèrent des démissions à cause de l’ambiance de travail alourdie (50 % des répondants).


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The development of large discount retailers, or big-boxes as they are sometimes referred to, are often subject to heated debate and their entry on a market is greeted with either great enthusiasm or dread. For instance, the world’s largest retailer Wal-Mart (Forbes 2014) has a number of anti- and pro-groups dedicated to its being and the event of a Wal-Mart entry tends to be met with protests and campaigns (Decamme 2013) but also welcomed by, for instance, consumers (Davis & DeBonis 2013). Also in Sweden, the entry of a big box is a hot topic and before IKEA’s opening i Borlänge 2013, the first in Sweden in more than five years, great expectations were mixed with worry (Västerbottens-Kuriren 2011).The presence of large scale discount retailers is not, however, a novel phenomenon but a part of a long-term change in retailing that has taken place globally over the past couple of decades (Taylor & Smalling, 2005). As noted by Dawson (2006), the trend in Europe has over the past few decades gone towards an increasing concentration of large firms along with a decrease of smaller firms.This trend is also detectable in the Swedish retail industry. Over the past decade, the retailing industry in Sweden has increased by around 190 Billion SEK, and its share of GDP has risen from 2,7% to 2,9%, while the number of employees have increased from 200 000 to 250 000 (HUI 2013). This growth, however, has not been distributed evenly but rather it has been oriented mainly towards out-of-town retail clusters. Parallel to this development, the number of large retailers has risen at the expense of market shares of smaller independent firms (Rämme et al 2010). Thereby, the presence of large scale retailers is simply part of a changing retail landscape.The effects of this development, where large scale retailing agents relocate shopping to out-of-town shopping areas, have been heavily debated. On the one hand, the big-boxes are accused of displacing independent small retail businesses in the city-centers and the residential areas, resulting in, to some extent, reduced employment opportunities and less availability for the consumers - especially the elderly (Ljungberg et al 2006). In addition, as access to shopping now tends to require some sort of a motorized vehicle, environmental aspects to the discussion have emerged. Ultimately these types of concerns have resulted in calls for regulations against this development (Olsson 2010). On the other hand, the proponents of the new shopping landscape argue that this evolution implies productivity gains, the benefits of lower prices and an increased variety of products (Maican & Orth 2012). Moreover it is argued that it leads to, for instance, better services (such as longer opening hours) and a creative destruction transformation pressure on retailers, which brings about a renewal of city-centerIIretail and services, increasing their attractivity (Bergström 2010). The belief in benefits of a big box entry can be exemplified by the attractivity of IKEA, and the fact that municipalities are prepared to commit to expenses amounting up to hundreds of millions in order to attract the entry of this big-box. Borlänge municipality, for instance, agreed to expenses of about 350 million SEK in order to secure the entry of IKEA, which opened in 2013 (Blomgren 2009).Against this backdrop, the overall effects of large discount retailers become important: Are the economic benefits enough to warrant subsidies or are there, on the contrary, some very compelling grounds for regulations against these types of establishments? In other words; how is overall retail in a region where a store like IKEA enters affected? And how are local retail firms affected?In order to answer these questions, the purpose of this thesis is to study how entry of a big-box retailer affects the entry region. The object of this study is IKEA - one of the world’s largest retailers, with 345 stores, active in over 40 countries and with profits of about 3.3 billion (IKEA 2013; IKEA 2014). By studying the effects of IKEA-entry, both on an aggregated level and on firm level, this thesis intends to find indications of how large discount retail establishments in general can be expected to affect the economic development both in a region overall, but also on the local firm level, something which is of interest to both policymakers as well as the retailing industry in general.The first paper examines the effects of IKEA on retail revenues and employment in the municipalities that IKEA chose to enter between 2000 and 2011; Gothenburg, Haparanda, Kalmar and Karlstad. By means of a matching method we first identify non-entry municipalities that have a similar probability of IKEA entry as the true entry municipalities. Then, using these non-entry municipalities as a control group, the causal effects of IKEA entry can be estimated using a treatment-control approach. We also extend the analysis to examine the spatial impact of IKEA by estimating the effects on retail in neighboring municipalities. It is found that a new IKEA store increases revenues in durable goods trade with 20% in the entry municipality and the number of employees with 17%. Only small, and in most cases statistically insignificant, negative effects were found in neighboring municipalities.It appears that there is a positive net effect on durables retail sales and employment in the entry municipality. However, the analysis is based on data on an aggregated municipality level and thereby it remains unclear if and how the effects vary within the entry municipalities. In addition, the data used in the first study includes the sales and employment of IKEA itself, which could account for the majority of the increases in employment and retail. Thereby the potential spillover effects on incumbent retailers in the entry municipalities cannot be discerned in the first study.IIITo examine effects of IKEA entry on incumbent retail firms, the second paper in this thesis analyses how IKEA entry affects the revenues and employment of local retail firms in three municipalities; Haparanda, Kalmar and Karlstad, which experienced entry by IKEA between 2000 and 2010. In this second study, we exclude Gothenburg due to the fact that big-box entry appears to have weaker effects in metropolitan areas (as indicated by Artz & Stone 2006). By excluding Gothenburg we aim to reduce the geographical heterogeneity in our study. We obtain control municipalities that are as similar as possible to the three entry municipalities using the same method as in the previous study, but including a slightly different set of variables in the selection equation. Using similar retail firms in the control municipalities as our comparison group, we estimate the impact of IKEA entry on revenues and employment for retail firms located at varying distances from the IKEA entry site.The results generated in this study imply that entry by IKEA increases revenues in incumbent retail firms by, on average, 11% in the entry municipalities. In addition, we do not find any significant impact on retail revenues in the city centers of the entry municipalities. However, we do find that retail firms within 1 km of the IKEA experience increases in revenues of about 26%, which indicates large spillover effects in the area nearby the entry site. As expected, this impact decreases as we expand the buffer zone: firms located between 0-2 km experiences a 14% increase and firms in 2-5 km experiences an increase of 10%. We do not find any significant impacts on retail employment.


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IKEA is one of the world’s largest retailers, but little is known about how IKEA impact incumbent retailers when deciding to enter a local market. Previous studies on the effects of big-box entry on surrounding retailers have also generated inconclusive results, and mainly been focused towards entry of Wal-Mart in the United States. We contribute to this literature by investigating the effects of IKEA entry on revenues and employment for incumbent retail firms in three Swedish municipalities during 2000-2010. Our results indicate that a new IKEA store increases average revenues for incumbent retailers within the entry municipality by 11%, but also that the effect is highly heterogeneous within the municipality. Retailers that were located up to 1 km from IKEA experienced a 26% increase in revenues when IKEA entered the municipality. However, the positive spillover effect of a new IKEA store on retail revenues diminished with the distance to IKEA, and turned insignificant for retailers in the city centers and those that were located 5-10 km from IKEA. The effects on employment were much less pronounced, and in most cases statistically insignificant.


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At the airport, across from the magazines at Wal-Mart, and probably somewhere near the front of local bookstores — chick lit is everywhere. One would probably recognize it from a distance as a sea of shiny pink1, the small glossy paperbacks cheerfully beckoning from their carefully constructed display. Chick lit has exploded into the western2 market over the last decade, captivating millions of readers with their tales of young, urban professional women navigating the worlds of careers, relationships, and of course, shopping. By the end of the novel, each of these components is generally resolved in somewhat formulaic fashion


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The Radio frequency identification (RFID) system is a new technology which uses the open air to transmit information. RFID technology is one of the most promising technologies in the field of ubiquitous computing which is revolutionizing the supply chain. It has already been applied by many major retail chains such as Target, Wal-Mart, etc. The networked RFID system such as supply chain has very unique and special business needs which lead to special sets of RFID security requirements and security models. However, very little work has been done to analyze RFID security parameters in relation to networked RFID systems business needs. This paper presents a critical analysis of the networked application's security requirements in relation to their business needs. It then presents a comparative study of existing literature and the ability of various models to protect the security of the supply chain in a RFID deployment.


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Este estudo teve por objetivo identificar e descrever o processo de estratégia de duas grandes organizações do ramo varejista pela ótica da estratégia deliberada, destacando as principais características, modelos e ferramentas teóricas que se aplicam aos casos empíricos. Assim, realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa, essencialmente descritiva, com abordagem de estudo de caso junto ao Makro Atacadista e a Wal-Mart. Observou-se que o processo de estratégia do Makro caracteriza-se por ser formal, consciente, sistemático, contínuo e organizado e por seguir uma seqüência bem definida de etapas pré-programadas. Os agentes estratégicos são os Diretores da empresa e a estratégia é tornada explícita através de planos e programas. Na Wal-Mart, a formulação da estratégia passa por um processo de concepção, no qual o líder (Presidente da empresa) tem papel fundamental. O modelo é simples e informal e as estratégias são implementadas através de um processo de institucionalização. Nos dois casos, a formulação da estratégia precede a implementação, sendo que a formulação é responsabilidade do Presidente e Diretores e a implementação é executada por seus subordinados. Não se utilizam nos casos as ferramentas analíticas propostas por alguns teóricos da estratégia deliberada e a análise da concorrência é realizada de modo intuitivo. Além disso, não se verifica um modelo de estratégia padrão para as empresas estudadas. Cada qual impõe as suas especificidades organizacionais ao processo de estratégia. Observou-se que o processo deliberado gera integração e unidade entre os funcionários das empresas, pois todos se alinham num foco comum. Constatou-se ainda a importância do sistema tecnológico das empresas no processo de estratégia, principalmente no que se refere ao controle estratégico. Por fim, o estudo realizado pela ótica da estratégia deliberada demonstrou-se importante, pois, ao contrário do que alguns teóricos, em especial Mintzberg, argumentam, os processos de estratégia empíricos


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The development of Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, Arkansas, by Wal-Mart heiress Alice Walton has prompted diverse coverage from print and online media. This investigation looked at trends in news stories and commentary from 2005-10 to show how the location of a medium affected coverage. Through the author’s own observations and interviews with journalists and other interested parties, several trends emerged. Media outlets outside Arkansas portrayed the museum as trying to plunder the cultural heritage of local communities and relied partly on the museum’s association with Wal-Mart and stereotypes of Arkansas to frame coverage. Arkansas media, faced with limited cooperation from the museum’s public relations apparatus, typically played a cheerleader role, at times overemphasizing the importance of the collection in the art world and showcasing few critical voices in stories about acquisitions and other areas of the museum’s development.


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Background. Retail clinics, also called convenience care clinics, have become a rapidly growing trend since their initial development in 2000. These clinics are coupled within a larger retail operation and are generally located in "big-box" discount stores such as Wal-mart or Target, grocery stores such as Publix or H-E-B, or in retail pharmacies such as CVS or Walgreen's (Deloitte Center for Health Solutions, 2008). Care is typically provided by nurse practitioners. Research indicates that this new health care delivery system reduces cost, raises quality, and provides a means of access to the uninsured population (e.g., Deloitte Center for Health Solutions, 2008; Convenient Care Association, 2008a, 2008b, 2008c; Hansen-Turton, Miller, Nash, Ryan, Counts, 2007; Salinsky, 2009; Scott, 2006; Ahmed & Fincham, 2010). Some healthcare analysts even suggest that retail clinics offer a feasible solution to the shortage of primary care physicians facing the nation (AHRQ Health Care Innovations Exchange, 2010). ^ The development and performance of retail clinics is heavily dependent upon individual state policies regulating NPs. Texas currently has one of the most highly regulated practice environments for NPs (Stout & Elton, 2007; Hammonds, 2008). In September 2009, Texas passed Senate Bill 532 addressing the scope of practice of nurse practitioners in the convenience care model. In comparison to other states, this law still heavily regulates nurse practitioners. However, little research has been conducted to evaluate the impact of state laws regulating nurse practitioners on the development and performance of retail clinics. ^ Objectives. (1). To describe the potential impact that SB 532 has on retail clinic performance. (2). To discuss the effectiveness, efficiency, and equity of the convenience care model. (3). To describe possible alternatives to Texas' nurse practitioner scope of practice guidelines as delineated in Texas Senate Bill 532. (4). To describe the type of nurse practitioner state regulation (i.e. independent, light, moderate, or heavy) that best promotes the convenience care model. ^ Methods. State regulations governing nurse practitioners can be characterized as independent, light, moderate, and heavy. Four state NP regulatory types and retail clinic performance were compared and contrasted to that of Texas regulations using Dunn and Aday's theoretical models for conducting policy analysis and evaluating healthcare systems. Criteria for measurement included effectiveness, efficiency, and equity. Comparison states were Arizona (Independent), Minnesota (Light), Massachusetts (Moderate), and Florida (Heavy). ^ Results. A comparative states analysis of Texas SB 532 and alternative NP scope of practice guidelines among the four states: Arizona, Florida, Massachusetts, and Minnesota, indicated that SB 532 has minimal potential to affect the shortage of primary care providers in the state. Although SB 532 may increase the number of NPs a physician may supervise, NPs are still heavily restricted in their scope of practice and limited in their ability to act as primary care providers. Arizona's example of independent NP practice provided the best alternative to affect the shortage of PCPs in Texas as evidenced by a lower uninsured rate and less ED visits per 1,000 population. A survey of comparison states suggests that retail clinics thrive in states that more heavily restrict NP scope of practice as opposed to those that are more permissive, with the exception of Arizona. An analysis of effectiveness, efficiency, and equity of the convenience care model indicates that retail clinics perform well in the areas of effectiveness and efficiency; but, fall short in the area of equity. ^ Conclusion. Texas Senate 532 represents an incremental step towards addressing the problem of a shortage of PCPs in the state. A comparative policy analysis of the other four states with varying degrees of NP scope of practice indicate that a more aggressive policy allowing for independent NP practice will be needed to achieve positive changes in health outcomes. Retail clinics pose a temporary solution to the shortage of PCPs and will need to expand their locations to poorer regions and incorporate some chronic care to obtain measurable health outcomes. ^


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Transnational governance has been advanced as a viable option for regulating commodities produced in emerging economies—where incapable or unwilling states may undersupply institutions requisite for overseeing supply chains consistent with the quality, safety, environmental, or social standards demanded by the global marketplace. Producers from these jurisdictions, otherwise left with few venues for securing market access and price premiums, ostensibly benefit from whatever pathways transnational actors offer to minimize barriers to entry—including voluntary certification for compliance with a panoply of public and private rules, such as those promulgated by NGOs like the Fair Trade Federation or multinational retailers like Wal-Mart. Yet, such transnational “sustainability” governance may neither be effective nor desirable. Regulatory schemes, like third-party certification, often privilege the interests of primary architects and beneficiaries—private business associations, governments, NGOs, and consumers in the global North—over regulatory targets—producers in the global South. Rather than engaging with the international marketplace via imported and externally-driven schemes, some producer groups are instead challenging existing rules and innovating homegrown institutions. These alternatives to commercialization adopt some institutional characteristics of their transnational counterparts yet deliver benefits in a manner more aligned with the needs of producers. Drawing on original empirical cases from Nicaragua and Mexico, this dissertation examines the role of domestic institutional alternatives to transnational governance in enhancing market access, environmental quality and rural livelihoods within producer communities. Unlike the more technocratic and expert-driven approaches characteristic of mainstream governance efforts, these local regulatory institutions build upon the social capital, indigenous identity, “ancestral” knowledge, and human assets of producer communities as new sources of power and legitimacy in governing agricultural commodities.