40 resultados para Wahlbäck, Krister


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Digitoitu 29. 12. 2008


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Flavobacterium psychrophilum is the etiological agent of bacterial cold-water disease (BCWD) causing high fish mortalities and significant economic losses to the freshwater salmonid aquaculture industry around the world. Today BCWD outbreaks are mainly treated with environmentally hazardous antimicrobial agents and alternative preventative measures are urgently needed in order to ensure the well-being of animals and the sustainability of aquaculture. The diversity of pathogenic bacteria challenges the development of universal control strategies and in many cases the pathogen population structure, i.e. the total genetic diversity of the species must be taken into account. This work integrates the tools of modern molecular biology and conventional phenotypic microbiology to gain knowledge about the diversity and population structure of F. psychrophilum. The present work includes genetic characterization of a large collection of isolates collected from diverse origins and years, from aquaculture in a whole region including different countries, and provides the first international validation of a universal multilocus sequence typing (MLST) approach for unambiguous genetic typing of F. psychrophilum. Population structure analyses showed that the global F. psychrophilum population is subdivided into pathogenic species-specific clones, of which one particular genetic lineage, clonal complex CC-ST2, has been responsible for the majority of BCWD outbreaks in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in European aquaculture facilities over several decades. Genotypic and phenotypic population heterogeneity affecting antimicrobial resistance in F. psychrophilum within BCWD outbreaks was discovered. Specific genotypes were associated with severe infections in farmed rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), and in addition to high adherence, antimicrobial resistance was strongly associated with outbreak strains. The study brought additional support for the hypothesis of an epidemic F. psychrophilum population structure, where recombination is an important force for the generation and maintenance of genetic diversity, and a significant contribution towards mapping the genetic diversity of this important fish pathogen. Evidence indicating dissemination of virulent strains with commercial movement of fish and fish products was strengthened.


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Large freshwater lakes formed in North America and Europe during deglaciation following the Last Glacial Maximum. Rapid drainage of these lakes into the Oceans resulted in abrupt perturbations in climate, including the Younger Dryas and 8.2 kyr cooling events. In the mid-latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere major glacial lakes also formed and drained during deglaciation but little is known about the magnitude, organization and timing of these drainage events and their e ect on regional climate. We use 16 new single-grain optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dates to de ne three stages of rapid glacial lake drainage in the Lago General Carrera/Lago Buenos Aires and Lago Cohrane/ Pueyrredón basins of Patagonia and provide the rst assessment of the e ects of lake drainage on the Paci c Ocean. Lake drainage occurred between 13 and 8 kyr ago and was initially gradual eastward into the Atlantic, then subsequently reorganized westward into the Paci c as new drainage routes opened up during Patagonian Ice Sheet deglaciation. Coupled ocean-atmosphere model experiments using HadCM3 with an imposed freshwater surface “hosing” to simulate glacial lake drainage suggest that a negative salinity anomaly was advected south around Cape Horn, resulting in brief but signi cant impacts on coastal ocean vertical mixing and regional climate.


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Advanced Building Energy Data Visualization is a way to detect performance problems in commercialbuildings. By placing sensors in a building that collects data from example, air temperature and electricalpower, then makes it possible to calculate the data in Data Visualization software. This softwaregenerates visual diagrams so the building manager or building operator can see if for example thepower consumption is to high.A first step (before sensors are installed in a building) to see how the energy consumption is in abuilding can be to use a Benchmarking Tool. There is a number of Benchmarking Tools that is availablefor free on the Internet. Each tool have a bit different approach, but they all show how much energyconsumption there is in a building compared to other similar buildings.In this study a new web design for the benchmarking tool CalARCH has been developed. CalARCHis developed at the Berkeley Lab in Berkeley, California, USA. CalARCH uses data collected only frombuildings in California, and is only for comparing buildings in California with other similar buildingsin the state.Five different versions of the web site were made. Then a web survey was done to determine whichversion would be the best for CalARCH. The results showed that Version 5 and Version 3 was the best.Then a new version was made, based on these two versions. This study was made at the LawrenceBerkeley Laboratory.


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Este trabalho apresenta uma sistemática para realizar a otimização numérica de pré-formas e de matrizes em problemas de forjamento axissimétricos e em estado plano de deformações. Para este fim, desenvolveu-se um código computacional composto basicamente de três módulos: módulo de pré-processamento, módulo de análise e módulo de otimização. Cada um destes foi elaborado acrescentando rotinas em programas comerciais ou acadêmicos disponíveis no GMAp e no CEMACOM. Um programa gerenciador foi desenvolvido para controlar os módulos citados no processo de otimização. A abordagem proposta apresenta uma nova função objetivo a minimizar, a qual está baseada em uma operação booleana XOR (exclusive or) sobre os dois polígonos planos que representam a geometria desejada para o componente e a obtida na simulação, respectivamente. Esta abordagem visa eliminar possíveis problemas geométricos associados com as funções objetivo comumente utilizadas em pesquisas correlatas. O trabalho emprega análise de sensibilidade numérica, via método das diferenças finitas. As dificuldades associadas a esta técnica são estudadas e dois pontos são identificados como limitadores da abordagem para problemas de conformação mecânica (grandes deformações elastoplásticas com contato friccional): baixa eficiência e contaminação dos gradientes na presença de remalhamentos. Um novo procedimento de diferenças finitas é desenvolvido, o qual elimina as dificuldades citadas, possibilitando a sua aplicação em problemas quaisquer, com características competitivas com as da abordagem analítica Malhas não estruturadas são tratadas mediante suavizações Laplacianas, mantendo as suas topologias. No caso de otimização de pré-formas, o contorno do componente a otimizar é parametrizado por B-Splines cujos pontos de controle são adotados como variáveis de projeto. Por outro lado, no caso de otimização de matrizes, a parametrização é realizada em termos de segmentos de reta e arcos de circunferências. As variáveis de projeto adotadas são, então, as coordenadas das extremidades das retas, os raios e centros dos arcos, etc. A sistemática é fechada pela aplicação dos algoritmos de programação matemática de Krister Svanberg (Método das Assíntotas Móveis Globalmente Convergente) e de Klaus Schittkowski (Programação Quadrática Sequencial – NLPQLP). Resultados numéricos são apresentados mostrando a evolução das implementações adotadas e o ganho de eficiência obtido.