888 resultados para WEAPON DISCRIMINATION
Five kinetic models for adsorption of hydrocarbons on activated carbon are compared and investigated in this study. These models assume different mass transfer mechanisms within the porous carbon particle. They are: (a) dual pore and surface diffusion (MSD), (b) macropore, surface, and micropore diffusion (MSMD), (c) macropore, surface and finite mass exchange (FK), (d) finite mass exchange (LK), and (e) macropore, micropore diffusion (BM) models. These models are discriminated using the single component kinetic data of ethane and propane as well as the multicomponent kinetics data of their binary mixtures measured on two commercial activated carbon samples (Ajax and Norit) under various conditions. The adsorption energetic heterogeneity is considered for all models to account for the system. It is found that, in general, the models assuming diffusion flux of adsorbed phase along the particle scale give better description of the kinetic data.
Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs) are active against oxyimino cephalosporins and monobactams. Twenty-one Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates obtained between 1991 and 1995 at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane, Australia, were subject to amplification and sequencing of the SHV beta-lactamase-encoding genes. Thirteen strains were phenotypically ESBL positive. Of these, six strains carried the bla(SHV-2a) gene and seven strains carried the bla(SHV-12) gene. Eight strains were phenotypically ESBL negative. Of these, seven strains carried the non-ESBL bla(SHV-11) gene and one strain carried the non-ESBL bla(SHV-1) gene. There was complete correspondence between the ESBL phenotype and the presence or absence of an ESBL-encoding gene(s). In addition, it was determined that of the 13 ESBL-positive strains, at least 4 carried copies of a non-ESBL-encoding gene in addition to the bla(SHV-2a) or bla(SHV12) gene. A minisequencing-based assay was developed to discriminate the different SHV classes. This technique, termed first-nucleotide change, involves the identification of the base added to a primer in a single-nucleotide extension reaction. The assay targeted polymorphisms at the first bases of codons 238 and 240 and reliably discriminated ESBL-positive strains from ESBL-negative strains and also distinguished strains carrying bla(SHV-2a) from strains carrying bla(SHV-12). In addition, this method was used to demonstrated an association between the relative copy numbers of bla(SHV) genes in individual strains and the levels of antibiotic resistance.
This paper outlines a major empirical study that is being undertaken by an interdisciplinary team into genetic discrimination in Australia. The 3-year study will examine the nature and extent of this newly emerging phenomenon across the perspectives of consumers, third parties, and the legal system and will analyze its social and legal dimensions. Although the project is confined to Australia, it is expected that the outcomes will have significance for the wider research community as this is the most substantial study of its kind to be undertaken to date into genetic discrimination.
The parasite fauna of Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus commerson from 10 sites across northern Australia and one site in Indonesia, was examined to evaluate the degree of movement and subsequent stock structure of the fish. Kupang fish (Indonesia) had very few Terranova spp.. Grillotia branchi, Otobothrium cysticum or Pterobothrium sp. compared to Australian fish, indicating that no Australian fish enter the Kupang fishery. Univariate and discriminant function analysis of four 'temporary' parasite species, the copepod Pseudocyenoides armatus and the monogeneans Gotocotyla bivaginalis, Pricea multae and Pseudothoracocotyla ovalis, demonstrated little similarity between areas of northern Australia, indicating minimal short-term exchange between neighbouring groups of S. commerson. Analyses of five 'permanent' parasite species, the larval helminths G. branchi, O. cysticum, Pterobothrium sp., Callitetrarhynchus gracilis and Paranybelinia balli, also revealed large differences between areas thus indicating long-term separation. There are at least six parasitological stocks across northern Australia: Fog Bay/Bathurst Island, Cape Wessel. Groote/Sir Edward Pellew. Mornington Island, Weipa. and the Torres Strait. The occurrence of a few irregular fish in the samples suggested that LIP to 5% of fish moved between stocks during their lifetime. The similarity of within-school variability to that between schools showed that the fish do not form long-term school associations. (C) 2003 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.
Chiral resolution of the cobalt cage complexes [Co(diNOsar)](3+) and [Co(diAMsarH(2))](5+) have been achieved by selective crystallization with the anion bis-mu-(R),(R)-tartratodiantimonate(III) ([Sb-2(R,R-tart)(2)](2-)) and also by column chromatography with Na-2[Sb-2(R, R-tart)(2)] as eluent. The X-ray crystal structures of Lambda-[ Co(diNOsar)][Sb-2(R, R-tart)(2)] Cl . 7H(2)O and Delta-[Co(diAMsarH(2))][Sb-2(R, R-tart)(2)](2)Cl . 14H(2)O are reported, which reveal an unexpected reversal of chiral discrimination when the cage substituent is changed from nitro (Lambda-enantiomer) to ammonio (Delta-enantiomer) and shows that the ammonio- substituted cage is capable of forming a three-point hydrogen-bonding interaction with each complex anion, whereas the nitro analogue can only form two hydrogen bonds with each [Sb-2(R, R-tart)(2)](2-) anion. During cation exchange chromatography of the racemic cobalt cage complexes with Na-2[Sb-2(R, R-tart)(2)] as eluent, Lambda-[Co(diNOsar)](3+) elutes first, which implies a tighter ion pairing interaction than for the Delta-enantiomer. On the other hand, Delta-[Co(diAMsarH(2))](5+) elutes first during chromatography under identical conditions, which is also consistent with a preferred outer-sphere complex formed between Delta-[Co(diAMsarH(2))](5+) and [Sb-2(R, R-tart)(2)](2-) relative to Lambda-[Co(diAMsarH(2))](5+) and [Sb-2(R,R-tart)(2)](2-).
A large number of countries worldwide have legalized homosexual rights. But for 147 years, since when India was a British colony, Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code defines homosexuality as a crime, punishable by imprisonment. This outdated law violates the fundamental rights of homosexuals in India. Despite the fact that literature drawn from Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, and modern fiction testify to the presence of same-sex love in various forms, homosexuality is still considered a taboo subject in India, by both the society and the government. In the present article, the continuation of the outdated colonial-era homosexuality law and its impact on the underprivileged homosexual society in India is discussed, as well as consequences to this group's health in relation to HIV infection.
OBJECTIVE: To develop an instrument to assess discrimination effects on health outcomes and behaviors, capable of distinguishing harmful differential treatment effects from their interpretation as discriminatory events. METHODS: Successive versions of an instrument were developed based on a systematic review of instruments assessing racial discrimination, focus groups and review by a panel comprising seven experts. The instrument was refined using cognitive interviews and pilot-testing. The final version of the instrument was administered to 424 undergraduate college students in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Southeastern Brazil, in 2010. Structural dimensionality, two types of reliability and construct validity were analyzed. RESULTS: Exploratory factor analysis corroborated the hypothesis of the instrument's unidimensionality, and seven experts verified its face and content validity. The internal consistency was 0.8, and test-retest reliability was higher than 0.5 for 14 out of 18 items. The overall score was higher among socially disadvantaged individuals and correlated with adverse health behaviors/conditions, particularly when differential treatments were attributed to discrimination. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate the validity and reliability of the instrument developed. The proposed instrument enables the investigation of novel aspects of the relationship between discrimination and health.
The most consumed squid species worldwide were characterized regarding their concentrations of minerals, fatty acids, cholesterol and vitamin E. Interspecific comparisons were assessed among species and geographical origin. The health benefits derived from squid consumption were assessed based on daily minerals intake and on nutritional lipid quality indexes. Squids contribute significantly to daily intake of several macro (Na, K, Mg and P) and micronutrients (Cu, Zn and Ni). Despite their low fat concentration, they are rich in long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, particularly docosahexaenoic (DHA) and eicosapentanoic (EPA) acids, with highly favorable ω-3/ω-6 ratios (from 5.7 to 17.7), reducing the significance of their high cholesterol concentration (140–549 mg/100 g ww). Assessment of potential health risks based on minerals intake, non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risks indicated that Loligo gahi (from Atlantic Ocean), Loligo opalescens (from Pacific Ocean) and Loligo duvaucelii (from Indic Ocean) should be eaten with moderation due to the high concentrations of Cu and/or Cd. Canonical discriminant analysis identified the major fatty acids (C14:0, C18:0, C18:1, C18:3ω-3, C20:4ω-6 and C22:5ω-6), P, K, Cu and vitamin E as chemical discriminators for the selected species. These elements and compounds exhibited the potential to prove authenticity of the commercially relevant squid species.
Espresso coffee beverages prepared from pure origin roasted ground coffees from the major world growing regions (Brazil, Ethiopia, Colombia, India, Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, Papua New Guinea, Kenya, Cuba, Timor, Mussulo and China) were characterized and compared in terms of their mineral content. Regular consumption of one cup of espresso contributes to a daily mineral intake varying from 0.002% (sodium; Central America) to 8.73% (potassium; Asia). The mineral profiles of the espresso beverages revealed significant inter- and intra-continental differences. South American pure origin coffees are on average richer in the analyzed elements except for calcium, while samples from Central America have generally lower mineral amounts (except for manganese). Manganese displayed significant differences (p < 0.05) among the countries of each characterized continent. Intercontinental and inter-country discrimination between the major world coffee producers were achieved by applying canonical discriminant analysis. Manganese and calcium were found to be the best chemical descriptors for origin.