426 resultados para Voluntariado - Volunteering
The recent spate of natural disasters across Australia has led to an outpouring of spontaneous volunteering, both formally through nonprofit and government agencies and informally through local community and online networks. Relatively little is understood about the motivations and characteristics of spontaneous volunteers. The aims of this project were to: Examine the characteristics and motivations of spontaneous volunteers who respond to a crisis event; Illuminate the effects of spontaneous volunteering on personal, social and civic networks; Explicate the conditions under which sustained volunteering and other forms of civic engagement arise from spontaneous volunteering and; Consider the practical implications of these findings for organisations involved in coordinating volunteers both with and beyond disaster events.
Retired business professionals represent an unexplored source of skill support for struggling rural communities. This research examined the feasibility of drawing on this valuable pool of knowledge and experience by engaging retirees in short term, project based volunteering roles in rural, not for profit agencies. Using the theory of planned behaviour and the functional approach to volunteering, the program of study generated a model comprising the key psychological and contextual factors determining the volunteers' decision to provide skill assistance in rural settings. The model provides a useful resource for creating suitable volunteering opportunities and for informing volunteer recruitment strategies.
This chapter reviews spontaneous volunteering in Australia and its challenges for volunteers and volunteer organisations. Drawing on their own empirical research mzd the wider literature, the authors suggest that better understanding of the nature and functions of spontaneous volunteering is needed to support community resilience and individual wellbeing.
The regulatory reforms touching volunteer governs over the last 25 years are identified and analysed. BOth direct reforms such as the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission's (ACNC) governance standards and society--wide indirect reforms to workplace health and safety, civil liability and deemed liability provisions are discussed in this chapter.
Giving and Volunteering in Australia: literature review summarises the findings of a comprehensive literature search that identifies relevant research on giving and volunteering in Australia. The report comments on the strengths and weaknesses of the methods used and the lessons that can be learned for the development of a future research agenda. The report arranges the findings in separate sections under the headings government sources, industry sources, university/peer-reviewed sources and international comparative sources. We learned that in the last 25 years there has been a growing body of knowledge about the dimensions of giving and volunteering in Australia, but much of the available data is not easily comparable or collected at regular intervals.
This paper provides an outline of the work undertaken by nurses who participated in the relief effort as members of Australian medical teams during the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake and tsunami response. This profile is contrasted with the information provided by nurses who registered their interest in volunteering to help via the Australian Tsunami Hotline. The paper provides an overview of the skills and background of the nurses who provided information to the hotline and describes the range and extent of experience among this cohort of potential volunteers. This data is compared to nursing workforce data and internal rates of volunteering in Australia. The paper concludes that further research is necessary to examine the motivations of and disincentives for nurses to volunteer for overseas (disaster) work and, to develop an improved understanding within the discipline of the skills and experience required of volunteer responders. Further, it is argued that the development of standards for the collection of disaster health volunteer data would assist future responses and provide better tools for developing an improved understanding of disaster volunteering.
353 p.
Relatrio de estgio de mestrado, Cincias da Educao (Formao de Adultos), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educao, 2011
Dissertao apresentada Escola Superior de Comunicao Social como parte dos requisitos para obteno de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.
O objetivo desta investigao demonstrar o impacto do voluntariado no desenvolvimento econmico e social dos pases membros da Unio Europeia. Para o efeito, atravs de uma metodologia emprica, com recurso anlise quantitativa atravs de tcnicas estatsticas adequadas e tendo por base os indicadores do ndice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH), apurou-se o nvel de correlao existente entre as variveis. As variveis selecionadas foram os ndices: de educao, de longevidade e de rendimento dos pases da Unio Europeia. O grau de correlao apresenta valores positivos entre as variveis escolhidas. Em particular, a correlao calculada permite afirmar que os pases com maiores nveis de voluntariado so os que apresentam maiores nveis de IDH. Concluiu-se ento que o voluntariado um instrumento capaz de ajudar a mudar o ritmo e o nvel de desenvolvimento econmico e social de um pas.
Nas ltimas dcadas, o trabalho voluntrio tem vindo a assumir um protagonismo e um papel importante, dada a pertinncia que desenvolve junto das instituies da Economia Social e, por conseguinte, da sociedade. Assim, possvel afirmar que o voluntariado constitui um recurso valioso na resposta s crescentes necessidades sociais. Nessa conformidade, o objetivo geral da presente investigao consiste na caraterizao e na realizao de uma anlise sobre o voluntariado em Portugal, permitindo realar a relevncia da sua contabilizao. Nesse sentido, a metodologia de investigao assumiu uma anlise estatstica descritiva no mbito de um estudo exploratrio. As principais concluses a reter deste estudo assentam na ideia que em 2012, 11,5% da populao residente em Portugal e 24% na Unio Europeia, com idade igual ou superior a 15 anos participou numa atividade voluntria. Sendo assim, a pesquisa evidencia que a contabilizao do voluntariado essencial e significativa devido sua preponderncia.
Nas ltimas dcadas o trabalho voluntrio tem vindo a assumir um protagonismo e um papel importante, dada a pertinncia que desenvolve junto das instituies da Economia Social e, por conseguinte, da sociedade. Assim, possvel afirmar que o voluntariado constitui um recurso valioso na resposta s crescentes necessidades sociais. Nessa conformidade, o objetivo geral da presente investigao consiste na caraterizao e na realizao de uma anlise sobre o voluntariado em Portugal, permitindo realar a relevncia da sua contabilizao. Nesse sentido, a metodologia de pesquisa assumiu um carter quantitativo. As principais concluses a reter deste estudo assentam na ideia que em 2012, 11,5% da populao residente em Portugal e 24% na Unio Europeia, com idade igual ou superior a 15 anos participou numa atividade voluntria. Sendo assim, a pesquisa evidencia que a contabilizao do voluntariado essencial e significativa devido sua preponderncia. Palavras-chave: Economia Social, voluntariado, determinantes do voluntariado, contabilizao do voluntariado, Portugal.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of corporate volunteering on employee bonding and to understand the barriers and motivation to participation in these events. In contrast to other studies the participants volunteer in their spare time without expecting any financial reward. Design/methodology/approach Employees (n 3951) of a logistic company participated in the study based on an online questionnaire with 6 items and open questions. The employee sample was divided into 3 groups depending on the frequency of participation in volunteering events. Findings Significant differences were found on bonding between the three groups. In addition, the relevance of control variables like gender, age and job level were obtained. Furthermore a moderation effect of motivation was found. The results were interpreted within the broader context that ties motivation theory, organizational identification and social exchange theory.