996 resultados para Volume visualization
Tese de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica e Biofísica, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2014
In order to quantify the population of Acromyrmex balzani Emery, 1890 nests and to verify whether the population dynamic of the colony is correlated with the symbiont fungus volume, the principal energy source of the colony, five nests located in grassland areas were evaluated. The nests were sprayed with neutral talcum powder to improve visualization and digging. The symbiont fungus and the entire population existent in the chambers were collected. The mean fungus volume and total nest population in excavated nests were, respectively, 74.76 ml and 1,095 individuals. Simple linear correlation analysis verified that the fungus volume grew proportionally to the number of individuals. Despite the correlation between fungus volume and population dynamic of colonies, the factors that determine this relationship are little known since other microorganisms live in association with the colony.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper describes a method for DRR generation as well as for volume gradients projection using hardware accelerated 2D texture mapping and accumulation buffering and demonstrates its application in 2D-3D registration of X-ray fluoroscopy to CT images. The robustness of the present registration scheme are guaranteed by taking advantage of a coarse-to-fine processing of the volume/image pyramids based on cubic B-splines. A human cadaveric spine specimen together with its ground truth was used to compare the present scheme with a purely software-based scheme in three aspects: accuracy, speed, and capture ranges. Our experiments revealed an equivalent accuracy and capture ranges but with much shorter registration time with the present scheme. More specifically, the results showed 0.8 mm average target registration error, 55 second average execution time per registration, and 10 mm and 10° capture ranges for the present scheme when tested on a 3.0 GHz Pentium 4 computer.
Dental identification is the most valuable method to identify human remains in single cases with major postmortem alterations as well as in mass casualties because of its practicability and demanding reliability. Computed tomography (CT) has been investigated as a supportive tool for forensic identification and has proven to be valuable. It can also scan the dentition of a deceased within minutes. In the present study, we investigated currently used restorative materials using ultra-high-resolution dual-source CT and the extended CT scale for the purpose of a color-encoded, in scale, and artifact-free visualization in 3D volume rendering. In 122 human molars, 220 cavities with 2-, 3-, 4- and 5-mm diameter were prepared. With presently used filling materials (different composites, temporary filling materials, ceramic, and liner), these cavities were restored in six teeth for each material and cavity size (exception amalgam n = 1). The teeth were CT scanned and images reconstructed using an extended CT scale. Filling materials were analyzed in terms of resulting Hounsfield units (HU) and filling size representation within the images. Varying restorative materials showed distinctively differing radiopacities allowing for CT-data-based discrimination. Particularly, ceramic and composite fillings could be differentiated. The HU values were used to generate an updated volume-rendering preset for postmortem extended CT scale data of the dentition to easily visualize the position of restorations, the shape (in scale), and the material used which is color encoded in 3D. The results provide the scientific background for the application of 3D volume rendering to visualize the human dentition for forensic identification purposes.
Three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound volume acquisition, analysis and display of fetal structures have enhanced their visualization and greatly improved the general understanding of their anatomy and pathology. The dynamic display of volume data generally depends on proprietary software, usually supplied with the ultrasound system, and on the operator's ability to maneuver the dataset digitally. We have used relatively simple tools and an established storage, display and manipulation format to generate non-linear virtual reality object movies of prenatal images (including moving sequences and 3D-rendered views) that can be navigated easily and interactively on any current computer. This approach permits a viewing or learning experience that is superior to watching a linear movie passively.
BACKGROUND: In the acute respiratory distress syndrome potentially recruitable lung volume is currently discussed. (3)He-magnetic resonance imaging ((3)He-MRI) offers the possibility to visualize alveolar recruitment directly. METHODS: With the approval of the state animal care committee, unilateral lung damage was induced in seven anesthetized pigs by saline lavage of the right lungs. The left lung served as an intraindividual control (healthy lung). Unilateral lung damage was confirmed by conventional proton MRI and spiral-CT scanning. The total aerated lung volume was determined both at a positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) of 0 and 10 mbar from three-dimensionally reconstructed (3)He images, both for healthy and damaged lungs. The fractional increase of aerated volume in damaged and healthy lungs, followed by a PEEP increase from 0 to 10 mbar, was compared. RESULTS: Aerated gas space was visualized with a high spatial resolution in the three-dimensionally reconstructed (3)He-MR images, and aeration defects in the lavaged lung matched the regional distribution of atelectasis in proton MRI. After recruitment and PEEP increase, the aerated volume increased significantly both in healthy lungs from 415 ml [270-445] (median [min-max]) to 481 ml [347-523] and in lavaged lungs from 264 ml [71-424] to 424 ml [129-520]. The fractional increase in lavaged lungs was significantly larger than that in healthy lungs (healthy: 17% [11-38] vs. lavage: 42% [14-90] (P=0.031). CONCLUSION: The (3)He-MRI signal might offer an experimental approach to discriminate atelectatic vs. poor aerated lung areas in a lung damage animal model. Our results confirm the presence of potential recruitable lung volume by either alveolar collapse or alveolar flooding, in accordance with previous reports by computed tomography.
The small trees of gas-exchanging pulmonary airways which are fed by the most distal purely conducting airways are called acini and represent the functional gas-exchanging units. The three-dimensional architecture of the acini has a strong influence on ventilation and particle deposition. Due to the difficulty to identify individual acini on microscopic lung sections the knowledge about the number of acini and their biological parameters like volume, surface area, and number of alveoli per acinus are limited. We developed a method to extract individual acini from lungs imaged by high-resolution synchrotron radiation based X-ray tomographic microscopy and estimated their volume, surface area and number of alveoli. Rat acini were isolated by semiautomatically closing the airways at the transition from conducting to gas-exchanging airways. We estimated a mean internal acinar volume of 1.148mm(3), a mean acinar surface area of 73.9mm(2), and a mean of 8470 alveoli per acinus. Assuming that the acini are similarly sized throughout different regions of the lung, we calculated that a rat lung contains 5470±833 acini. We conclude that our novel approach is well suited for the fast and reliable characterization of a large number of individual acini in healthy, diseased, or transgenic lungs of different species including humans.
Venous air embolism (VAE) is an often occurring forensic finding in cases of injury to the head and neck. Whenever found, it has to be appraised in its relation to the cause of death. While visualization and quantification is difficult at traditional autopsy, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computed Tomography (CT) offer a new potential in the diagnosis of VAE. This paper reports the findings of VAE in four cases of massive head injury examined postmortem by Multislice Computed Tomography (MSCT) prior to autopsy. MSCT data of the thorax were processed using 3D air structure reconstruction software to visualize air embolism within the vascular system. Quantification of VAE was done by multiplying air containing areas on axial 2D images by their reconstruction intervals and then by summarizing the air volumes. Excellent 3D visualization of the air within the vascular system was obtained in all cases, and the intravascular gas volume was quantified.
PURPOSE To investigate interobserver variations of target volume delineations in accelerated partial breast irradiation with multicatheter brachytherapy (BT) and to assess the impact of guidelines on consistency of contouring. METHODS AND MATERIALS A contouring study with two phases in interstitial accelerated partial breast irradiation after open cavity surgery was conducted by the Groupe Européen de Curiethérapie-European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology Breast Cancer Working Group. Contours of cavity and planning target volume (PTV) on preimplant and postimplant CT images were delineated. In Phase 1, nine radiation oncologists defined the target volumes of 5 patients, whereas in Phase 2, four observers draw the contours of 4 patients applying guidelines. In Phase 1, experience in breast BT after open cavity surgery was assessed. The delineations were compared between Phase 1 and Phase 2, the impact of guidelines was assessed, and cavity visualization score was related to consistency of delineations. RESULTS Significant interobserver variability in delineations of lumpectomy cavity and PTV was observed among the participants. Observers with BT experience after open cavity surgery outlined the cavity and PTV more consistently (conformity indexgen: 0.52 vs. 0.48 and 0.59 vs. 0.55 for preimplant and postimplant cavities). For all volumes, the mean Vmax/Vmin was 2.2 vs. 2.8. Having used guidelines all conformity indices increased significantly. For cavity, the increase was 14% and 11%, whereas for the PTV, 28% and 17% on the preimplant and postimplant CT images, respectively. A strong correlation was found between consistency of contours and cavity visualization score. CONCLUSIONS Simple guidelines on defining the lumpectomy cavity significantly increased the consistency of contouring. Reliable consistency of target volume definition can be expected only for good cavity visibility.
Esta tesis se ha desarrollado en el contexto del proyecto Cajal Blue Brain, una iniciativa europea dedicada al estudio del cerebro. Uno de los objetivos de esta iniciativa es desarrollar nuevos métodos y nuevas tecnologías que simplifiquen el análisis de datos en el campo neurocientífico. El presente trabajo se ha centrado en diseñar herramientas que combinen información proveniente de distintos canales sensoriales con el fin de acelerar la interacción y análisis de imágenes neurocientíficas. En concreto se estudiará la posibilidad de combinar información visual con información háptica. Las espinas dendríticas son pequeñas protuberancias que recubren la superficie dendrítica de muchas neuronas del cerebro. A día de hoy, se cree que tienen un papel clave en la transmisión de señales neuronales. Motivo por el cual, el interés por parte de la comunidad científica por estas estructuras ha ido en aumento a medida que las técnicas de adquisición de imágenes mejoraban hasta alcanzar una calidad suficiente para analizar dichas estructuras. A menudo, los neurocientíficos utilizan técnicas de microscopía con luz para obtener los datos que les permitan analizar estructuras neuronales tales como neuronas, dendritas y espinas dendríticas. A pesar de que estas técnicas ofrezcan ciertas ventajas frente a su equivalente electrónico, las técnicas basadas en luz permiten una menor resolución. En particular, estructuras pequeñas como las espinas dendríticas pueden capturarse de forma incorrecta en las imágenes obtenidas, impidiendo su análisis. En este trabajo, se presenta una nueva técnica, que permite editar imágenes volumétricas, mediante un dispositivo háptico, con el fin de reconstruir de los cuellos de las espinas dendríticas. Con este objetivo, en un primer momento se desarrolló un algoritmo que proporciona retroalimentación háptica en datos volumétricos, completando la información que provine del canal visual. Dicho algoritmo de renderizado háptico permite a los usuarios tocar y percibir una isosuperficie en el volumen de datos. El algoritmo asegura un renderizado robusto y eficiente. Se utiliza un método basado en las técnicas de “marching tetrahedra” para la extracción local de una isosuperficie continua, lineal y definida por intervalos. La robustez deriva tanto de una etapa de detección de colisiones continua de la isosuperficie extraída, como del uso de técnicas eficientes de renderizado basadas en un proxy puntual. El método de “marching tetrahedra” propuesto garantiza que la topología de la isosuperficie extraída coincida con la topología de una isosuperficie equivalente determinada utilizando una interpolación trilineal. Además, con el objetivo de mejorar la coherencia entre la información háptica y la información visual, el algoritmo de renderizado háptico calcula un segundo proxy en la isosuperficie pintada en la pantalla. En este trabajo se demuestra experimentalmente las mejoras en, primero, la etapa de extracción de isosuperficie, segundo, la robustez a la hora de mantener el proxy en la isosuperficie deseada y finalmente la eficiencia del algoritmo. En segundo lugar, a partir del algoritmo de renderizado háptico propuesto, se desarrolló un procedimiento, en cuatro etapas, para la reconstrucción de espinas dendríticas. Este procedimiento, se puede integrar en los cauces de segmentación automática y semiautomática existentes como una etapa de pre-proceso previa. El procedimiento está diseñando para que tanto la navegación como el proceso de edición en sí mismo estén controlados utilizando un dispositivo háptico. Se han diseñado dos experimentos para evaluar esta técnica. El primero evalúa la aportación de la retroalimentación háptica y el segundo se centra en evaluar la idoneidad del uso de un háptico como dispositivo de entrada. En ambos casos, los resultados demuestran que nuestro procedimiento mejora la precisión de la reconstrucción. En este trabajo se describen también dos casos de uso de nuestro procedimiento en el ámbito de la neurociencia: el primero aplicado a neuronas situadas en la corteza cerebral humana y el segundo aplicado a espinas dendríticas situadas a lo largo de neuronas piramidales de la corteza del cerebro de una rata. Por último, presentamos el programa, Neuro Haptic Editor, desarrollado a lo largo de esta tesis junto con los diferentes algoritmos ya mencionados. ABSTRACT This thesis took place within the Cajal Blue Brain project, a European initiative dedicated to the study of the brain. One of the main goals of this project is the development of new methods and technologies simplifying data analysis in neuroscience. This thesis focused on the development of tools combining information originating from distinct sensory channels with the aim of accelerating both the interaction with neuroscience images and their analysis. In concrete terms, the objective is to study the possibility of combining visual information with haptic information. Dendritic spines are thin protrusions that cover the dendritic surface of numerous neurons in the brain and whose function seems to play a key role in neural circuits. The interest of the neuroscience community toward those structures kept increasing as and when acquisition methods improved, eventually to the point that the produced datasets enabled their analysis. Quite often, neuroscientists use light microscopy techniques to produce the dataset that will allow them to analyse neuronal structures such as neurons, dendrites and dendritic spines. While offering some advantages compared to their electronic counterpart, light microscopy techniques achieve lower resolutions. Particularly, small structures such as dendritic spines might suffer from a very low level of fluorescence in the final dataset, preventing further analysis. This thesis introduces a new technique enabling the edition of volumetric datasets in order to recreate dendritic spine necks using a haptic device. In order to fulfil this objective, we first presented an algorithm to provide haptic feedback directly from volumetric datasets, as an aid to regular visualization. The haptic rendering algorithm lets users perceive isosurfaces in volumetric datasets, and it relies on several design features that ensure a robust and efficient rendering. A marching tetrahedra approach enables the dynamic extraction of a piecewise linear continuous isosurface. Robustness is derived using a Continuous Collision Detection step coupled with acknowledged proxy-based rendering methods over the extracted isosurface. The introduced marching tetrahedra approach guarantees that the extracted isosurface will match the topology of an equivalent isosurface computed using trilinear interpolation. The proposed haptic rendering algorithm improves the coherence between haptic and visual cues computing a second proxy on the isosurface displayed on screen. Three experiments demonstrate the improvements on the isosurface extraction stage as well as the robustness and the efficiency of the complete algorithm. We then introduce our four-steps procedure for the complete reconstruction of dendritic spines. Based on our haptic rendering algorithm, this procedure is intended to work as an image processing stage before the automatic segmentation step giving the final representation of the dendritic spines. The procedure is designed to allow both the navigation and the volume image editing to be carried out using a haptic device. We evaluated our procedure through two experiments. The first experiment concerns the benefits of the force feedback and the second checks the suitability of the use of a haptic device as input. In both cases, the results shows that the procedure improves the editing accuracy. We also report two concrete cases where our procedure was employed in the neuroscience field, the first one concerning dendritic spines in the human cortex, the second one referring to an ongoing experiment studying dendritic spines along dendrites of mouse cortical pyramidal neurons. Finally, we present the software program, Neuro Haptic Editor, that was built along the development of the different algorithms implemented during this thesis, and used by neuroscientists to use our procedure.
Visualization of vector fields plays an important role in research activities nowadays -- Web applications allow a fast, multi-platform and multi-device access to data, which results in the need of optimized applications to be implemented in both high-performance and low-performance devices -- Point trajectory calculation procedures usually perform repeated calculations due to the fact that several points might lie over the same trajectory -- This paper presents a new methodology to calculate point trajectories over highly-dense and uniformly-distributed grid of points in which the trajectories are forced to lie over the points in the grid -- Its advantages rely on a highly parallel computing architecture implementation and in the reduction of the computational effort to calculate the stream paths since unnecessary calculations are avoided, reusing data through iterations -- As case study, the visualization of oceanic currents through in the web platform is presented and analyzed, using WebGL as the parallel computing architecture and the rendering Application Programming Interface
An unstructured mesh �nite volume discretisation method for simulating di�usion in anisotropic media in two-dimensional space is discussed. This technique is considered as an extension of the fully implicit hybrid control-volume �nite-element method and it retains the local continuity of the ux at the control volume faces. A least squares function recon- struction technique together with a new ux decomposition strategy is used to obtain an accurate ux approximation at the control volume face, ensuring that the overall accuracy of the spatial discretisation maintains second order. This paper highlights that the new technique coincides with the traditional shape function technique when the correction term is neglected and that it signi�cantly increases the accuracy of the previous linear scheme on coarse meshes when applied to media that exhibit very strong to extreme anisotropy ratios. It is concluded that the method can be used on both regular and irregular meshes, and appears independent of the mesh quality.