980 resultados para Voltage Control
This paper deals with the design and analysis of a Dynamic Voltage Restorer output voltage control. Such control is based on a multiloop strategy, with an inner current PID regulator and an outer P+Resonant voltage controller. The inner regulator is applied on the output inductor current. It will be also demonstrated how the load current behavior may influence in the DVR output voltage, which. justifies the need for the resonant controller. Additionally, it will be discussed the application of a modified algorithm for the identification of the DVR voltage references, which is based on a previously presented positive sequence detector. Since the studied three-phase DVR is assumed to be based on three identical H-bridge converters, all the analysis and design procedures were realized by means of single-phase equivalent circuits. The discussions and conclusions are supported by theoretical calculations, nonlinear simulations and some experimental results.
This work presents a new high power factor three-phase rectifier based on a Y-connected differential autotransformer with reduced kVA and 18-pulse input current followed by three DC-DC boost converters. The topology provides a regulated output voltage and natural three-phase input power factor correction. The lowest input current harmonic components are the 17th and the 19th. Three boost converters, with constant input currents and regulated parallel connected output voltages are used to process 4kW each one. Analytical results from Fourier analyses of winding currents and the vector diagram of winding voltages are presented. Simulation results to verify the proposed concept and experimental results are shown in the paper.
A linearly-tunable ULV transconductor featuring excellent stability of the processed signal common-mode voltage upon tuning, critical for very-low voltage applications, is presented. Its employment to the synthesis of CMOS gm-C high-frequency and voiceband filters is discussed. SPICE data describe the filter characteristics. For a 1.3 V-supply, their nominal passband frequencies are 1.0 MHz and 3.78 KHz, respectively, with tuning rates of 12.52 KHz/mV and 0.16 KHz/m V, input-referred noise spectral density of 1.3 μV/Hz1/2 and 5.0μV/Hz1/2 and standby consumption of 0.87 mW and 11.8 μW. Large-signal distortion given by THD = 1% corresponds to a differential output-swing of 360 mVpp and 480 mVpp, respectively. Common-mode voltage deviation is less than 4 mV over tuning interval.
A simple constant-current electrocutaneous stimulator for high-impedance loads using low-cost, standard high-voltage components is presented. A voltage-regulator powers an oscillator built across the primary of a transformer whose secondary delivers, after rectification, the high-voltage supply to switched current-mirrors in the driving stage. Since the compliance high-voltage is proportional to the stimulation current, overall power consumption is minimized. By adjusting the regulated voltage, control of the pulsed-current amplitude is achieved. A prototype with readily available components features stimulation currents of amplitude and pulsewidth in the range 0≤Iskin≤20mA and 50μs ≤Tpulse≤1ms, respectively. Pulse-repetition spans from 1 Hz to 10Hz. Worst-case ripple is 3.7% @Iskin=1mA. Measured pulse fall-time is shorter than 32μs. Overall consumption is 4.4W @Iskin=20mA. Subject isolation from line is 4KV.
An overview is given on the possibility of controlling the status of circuit breakers (CB) in a substations with the use of a knowledge base that relates some of the operation magnitudes, mixing status variables with time variables and fuzzy sets. It is shown that even when all the magnitudes to be controlled cannot be included in the analysis, it is possible to control the desired status while supervising some important magnitudes as the voltage, power factor, and harmonic distortion, as well as the present status.
In this paper a three-phase power flow for electrical distribution systems considering different models of voltage regulators is presented. A voltage regulator (VR) is an equipment that maintains the voltage level in a predefined value in a distribution line in spite of the load variations within its nominal power. Three different types of connections are analyzed: 1) wye-connected regulators, 2) open delta-connected regulators and 3) closed delta-connected regulators. To calculate the power flow, the three-phase backward/forward sweep algorithm is used. The methodology is tested on the IEEE 34 bus distribution system. ©2008 IEEE.
This paper deals with the design and analysis of a Dynamic Voltage Restorer output voltage control. Such control is based on a multiloop strategy, with an inner current PID regulator and an outer P+Resonant voltage controller. The inner regulator is applied on the output inductor current. It will be also demonstrated how the load current behavior may influence in the DVR output voltage, which justifies the need for the resonant controller. Additionally, it will be discussed the application of a modified algorithm for the identification of the DVR voltage references, which is based on a previously presented positive sequence detector. Since the studied three-phase DVR is assumed to be based on three identical H-bridge converters, all the analysis and design procedures were realized by means of single-phase equivalent circuits. The discussions and conclusions are supported by theoretical calculations, nonlinear simulations and some experimental results. ©2008 IEEE.
Maximum Power Point tracking (MPPT) in photovoltaic (PV) systems may be achieved by controlling either the voltage or current of the PV device. There is no consensus in the technical literature about how is the best choice. This paper provides a comparative analysis performance among current and voltage control using two different MPPT strategies: the perturb and observe (P&O) and the incremental conductance techniques. © 2011 IEEE.
This paper proposes a new methodology to control the power flow between a distributed generator (DG) and the electrical power distribution grid. It is used the droop voltage control to manage the active and reactive power. Through this control a sinusoidal voltage reference is generated to be tracked by voltage loop and this loop generates the current reference for the current loop. The proposed control introduces feed-forward states improving the control performance in order to obtain high quality for the current injected to the grid. The controllers were obtained through the linear matrix inequalities (LMI) using the D-stability analysis to allocate the closed-loop controller poles. Therefore, the results show quick transient response with low oscillations. Thus, this paper presents the proposed control technique, the main simulation results and a prototype with 1000VA was developed in the laboratory in order to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed control. © 2012 IEEE.
Wind generation in highly interconnected power networks creates local and centralised stability issues based on their proximity to conventional synchronous generators and load centres. This paper examines the large disturbance stability issues (i.e. rotor angle and voltage stability) in power networks with geographically distributed wind resources in the context of a number of dispatch scenarios based on profiles of historical wind generation for a real power network. Stability issues have been analysed using novel stability indices developed from dynamic characteristics of wind generation. The results of this study show that localised stability issues worsen when significant penetration of both conventional and wind generation is present due to their non-complementary characteristics. In contrast, network stability improves when either high penetration of wind and synchronous generation is present in the network. Therefore, network regions can be clustered into two distinct stability groups (i.e. superior stability and inferior stability regions). Network stability improves when a voltage control strategy is implemented at wind farms, however both stability clusters remain unchanged irrespective of change in the control strategy. Moreover, this study has shown that the enhanced fault ride-through (FRT) strategy for wind farms can improve both voltage and rotor angle stability locally, but only a marginal improvement is evident in neighbouring regions.
Two trends are emerging from modern electric power systems: the growth of renewable (e.g., solar and wind) generation, and the integration of information technologies and advanced power electronics. The former introduces large, rapid, and random fluctuations in power supply, demand, frequency, and voltage, which become a major challenge for real-time operation of power systems. The latter creates a tremendous number of controllable intelligent endpoints such as smart buildings and appliances, electric vehicles, energy storage devices, and power electronic devices that can sense, compute, communicate, and actuate. Most of these endpoints are distributed on the load side of power systems, in contrast to traditional control resources such as centralized bulk generators. This thesis focuses on controlling power systems in real time, using these load side resources. Specifically, it studies two problems.
(1) Distributed load-side frequency control: We establish a mathematical framework to design distributed frequency control algorithms for flexible electric loads. In this framework, we formulate a category of optimization problems, called optimal load control (OLC), to incorporate the goals of frequency control, such as balancing power supply and demand, restoring frequency to its nominal value, restoring inter-area power flows, etc., in a way that minimizes total disutility for the loads to participate in frequency control by deviating from their nominal power usage. By exploiting distributed algorithms to solve OLC and analyzing convergence of these algorithms, we design distributed load-side controllers and prove stability of closed-loop power systems governed by these controllers. This general framework is adapted and applied to different types of power systems described by different models, or to achieve different levels of control goals under different operation scenarios. We first consider a dynamically coherent power system which can be equivalently modeled with a single synchronous machine. We then extend our framework to a multi-machine power network, where we consider primary and secondary frequency controls, linear and nonlinear power flow models, and the interactions between generator dynamics and load control.
(2) Two-timescale voltage control: The voltage of a power distribution system must be maintained closely around its nominal value in real time, even in the presence of highly volatile power supply or demand. For this purpose, we jointly control two types of reactive power sources: a capacitor operating at a slow timescale, and a power electronic device, such as a smart inverter or a D-STATCOM, operating at a fast timescale. Their control actions are solved from optimal power flow problems at two timescales. Specifically, the slow-timescale problem is a chance-constrained optimization, which minimizes power loss and regulates the voltage at the current time instant while limiting the probability of future voltage violations due to stochastic changes in power supply or demand. This control framework forms the basis of an optimal sizing problem, which determines the installation capacities of the control devices by minimizing the sum of power loss and capital cost. We develop computationally efficient heuristics to solve the optimal sizing problem and implement real-time control. Numerical experiments show that the proposed sizing and control schemes significantly improve the reliability of voltage control with a moderate increase in cost.
In the last 15 years, the use of doubly fed induction machines in modern variable-speed wind turbines has increased rapidly. This development has been driven by the cost reduction as well as the low-loss generation of Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBT). According to new grid code requirements, wind turbines must remain connected to the grid during grid disturbances. Moreover, they must also contribute to voltage support during and after grid faults. The crowbar system is essential to avoid the disconnection of the doubly fed induction wind generators from the network during faults. The insertion of the crowbar in the rotor circuits for a short period of time enables a more efficient terminal voltage control. As a general rule, the activation and the deactivation of the crowbar system is based only on the DC-link voltage level of the back-to-back converters. In this context, the authors discuss the critical rotor speed to analyze the instability of doubly fed induction generators during grid faults.
This paper presents results of research into the use of the Bellman-Zadeh approach to decision making in a fuzzy environment for solving multicriteria power engineering problems. The application of the approach conforms to the principle of guaranteed result and provides constructive lines in computationally effective obtaining harmonious solutions on the basis of solving associated maxmin problems. The presented results are universally applicable and are already being used to solve diverse classes of power engineering problems. It is illustrated by considering problems of power and energy shortage allocation, power system operation, optimization of network configuration in distribution systems, and energetically effective voltage control in distribution systems. (c) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In order to model the synchronization of brain signals, a three-node fully-connected network is presented. The nodes are considered to be voltage control oscillator neurons (VCON) allowing to conjecture about how the whole process depends on synaptic gains, free-running frequencies and delays. The VCON, represented by phase-locked loops (PLL), are fully-connected and, as a consequence, an asymptotically stable synchronous state appears. Here, an expression for the synchronous state frequency is derived and the parameter dependence of its stability is discussed. Numerical simulations are performed providing conditions for the use of the derived formulae. Model differential equations are hard to be analytically treated, but some simplifying assumptions combined with simulations provide an alternative formulation for the long-term behavior of the fully-connected VCON network. Regarding this kind of network as models for brain frequency signal processing, with each PLL representing a neuron (VCON), conditions for their synchronization are proposed, considering the different bands of brain activity signals and relating them to synaptic gains, delays and free-running frequencies. For the delta waves, the synchronous state depends strongly on the delays. However, for alpha, beta and theta waves, the free-running individual frequencies determine the synchronous state. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores