963 resultados para Vitamin K


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The vitamin K-dependent γ-glutamyl carboxylase catalyzes the posttranslational conversion of glutamic acid to γ-carboxyglutamic acid in precursor proteins containing the γ-carboxylation recognition site (γ-CRS). During this reaction, glutamic acid is converted to γ-carboxyglutamic acid while vitamin KH2 is converted to vitamin K 2,3-epoxide. Recombinant bovine carboxylase was purified free of γ-CRS-containing propeptide and endogenous substrate in a single-step immunoaffinity procedure. We show that in the absence of γ-CRS-containing propeptide and/or glutamate-containing substrate, carboxylase has little or no epoxidase activity. Epoxidase activity is induced by Phe-Leu-Glu-Glu-Leu (FLEEL) (9.2 pmol per min per pmol of enzyme), propeptide, residues −18 to −1 of proFactor IX (3.4 pmol per min per pmol of enzyme), FLEEL and propeptide (100 pmol per min per pmol of enzyme), and proPT28 (HVFLAPQQARSLLQRVRRANTFLEEVRK, residues −18 to +10 of human acarboxy-proprothrombin), (5.3 pmol per min per pmol of enzyme). These results indicate that in the absence of propeptide or glutamate-containing substrate, oxygenation of vitamin K by the carboxylase does not occur. Upon addition of propeptide or glutamate-containing substrate, the enzyme is converted to an active epoxidase. This regulatory mechanism prevents the generation of a highly reactive vitamin K intermediate in the absence of a substrate for carboxylation.


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The vitamin K-dependent carboxylase modifies and renders active vitamin K-dependent proteins involved in hemostasis, cell growth control, and calcium homeostasis. Using a novel mechanism, the carboxylase transduces the free energy of vitamin K hydroquinone (KH2) oxygenation to convert glutamate into a carbanion intermediate, which subsequently attacks CO2, generating the γ-carboxylated glutamate product. How the carboxylase effects this conversion is poorly understood because the active site has not been identified. Dowd and colleagues [Dowd, P., Hershline, R., Ham, S. W. & Naganathan, S. (1995) Science 269, 1684–1691] have proposed that a weak base (cysteine) produces a strong base (oxygenated KH2) capable of generating the carbanion. To define the active site and test this model, we identified the amino acids that participate in these reactions. N-ethyl maleimide inhibited epoxidation and carboxylation, and both activities were equally protected by KH2 preincubation. Amino acid analysis of 14C- N-ethyl maleimide-modified human carboxylase revealed 1.8–2.3 reactive residues and a specific activity of 7 × 108 cpm/hr per mg. Tryptic digestion and liquid chromatography electrospray mass spectrometry identified Cys-99 and Cys-450 as active site residues. Mutation to serine reduced both epoxidation and carboxylation, to 0.2% (Cys-99) or 1% (Cys-450), and increased the Kms for a glutamyl substrate 6- to 8-fold. Retention of some activity indicates a mechanism for enhancing cysteine/serine nucleophilicity, a property shared by many active site thiol enzymes. These studies, which represent a breakthrough in defining the carboxylase active site, suggest a revised model in which the glutamyl substrate indirectly coordinates at least one thiol, forming a catalytic complex that ionizes a thiol to initiate KH2 oxygenation.


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Background: In many developing countries vitamin K prophylaxis is not routinely administered at birth. There are insufficient data to assess the cost effectiveness of its implementation in such countries. Objective: To estimate the burden of intracranial haemorrhage caused by late onset vitamin K deficiency bleeding in Hanoi, Vietnam. Methods: Cases of intracranial haemorrhage in infants aged 1 - 13 weeks were identified in Hanoi province for 5 years ( 1995 - 1999), and evidence for vitamin K deficiency was sought. The data were compared with those on vitamin K deficiency bleeding in developed countries and used to obtain an approximation to the incidence of intracranial haemorrhage caused by vitamin K deficiency bleeding in Hanoi. Results: The estimated incidence of late onset vitamin K deficiency bleeding in infants who received no prophylaxis was unexpectedly high ( 116 per 100 000 births) with 142 and 81 per 100 000 births in rural and urban areas respectively. Mortality was 9%. Of the surviving infants, 42% were neurologically abnormal at the time of hospital discharge. Identified associations were rural residence, male sex, and low birth weight. A significant reduction in the incidence was observed in urban Hanoi during 1998 and 1999, after vitamin K prophylaxis was introduced at one urban obstetric hospital. Conclusions: Vitamin K deficiency bleeding is a major public health problem in Hanoi. The results indicate that routine vitamin K prophylaxis would significantly reduce infant morbidity and mortality in Vietnam and, costing an estimated US$87 (pound48, E72) per disability adjusted life year saved, is a highly cost effective intervention.


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This study examined the relationships among ethnicity/race, lifestyle factors, phylloquinone (vitamin K₁) intake, and arterial pulse pressure in a nationally representative sample of older adults from four ethnic/racial groups: non-Hispanic Whites, non-Hispanic Blacks, Mexican Americans, and other Hispanics. This was a cross-sectional study of U.S. representative sample with data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys, 2007-2008 and 2009-2010 of adults aged 50 years and older (N = 5296). Vitamin K intake was determined by 24-hour recall. Pulse pressure was calculated as the difference between the averages of systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. Compared to White non-Hispanics, the other ethnic/racial groups were more likely to have inadequate vitamin K₁ intake. Inadequate vitamin K₁ intake was an independent predictor of high arterial pulse pressure. This was the first study that compared vitamin K₁ inadequacy with arterial pulse pressure across ethnicities/races in U.S. older adults. These findings suggest that vitamin K screening may be a beneficial marker for the health of older adults.


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Objective: Cost-effectiveness analysis of a 6-month treatment of apixaban (10 mg/12h, first 7 days; 5 mg/12h afterwards) for the treatment of the first event of venous thromboembolism (VTE) and prevention of recurrences, versus low-molecular-weight heparins/vitamin K antagonists treatment (LMWH/VKA). Material and methods: A lifetime Markov model with 13 health states was used for describing the course of the disease. Efficacy and safety data were obtained from AMPLIFY and AMPLIFY-EXT clinical trials; health outcomes were measured as life years gained (LYG) and quality-adjusted life years (QALY). The chosen perspective of this analysis has been the Spanish National Health System (NHS). Drugs, management of VTE and complications costs were obtained from several Spanish data sources (€, 2014). A 3% discount rate was applied to health outcomes and costs. Univariate and probabilistic sensitivity analyses (SA) were performed in order to assess the robustness of the results. Results: Apixaban was the most effective therapy with 7.182 LYG and 5.865 QALY, versus 7.160 LYG and 5.838 QALYs with LMWH/VKA. Furthermore, apixaban had a lower total cost (€13,374.70 vs €13,738.30). Probabilistic SA confirmed dominance of apixaban (led to better health outcomes with less associated costs) in 89% of the simulations. Conclusions: Apixaban 5 mg/12h versus LMWH/VKA was an efficient therapeutic strategy for the treatment and prevention of recurrences of VTE from the NHS perspective.


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La vitamine K fait l’objet d’un intérêt croissant en regard du rôle qu’elle peut jouer dans la santé humaine hormis celui bien établi dans la coagulation sanguine. De plus en plus d’études expérimentales lui confèrent des fonctions dans le système nerveux central, particulièrement dans la synthèse des sphingolipides, l’activation de la protéine vitamine K-dépendante Gas6 et la protection contre les dommages oxydatifs. Toutefois, il demeure beaucoup moins bien établi si la perturbation de ces fonctions peut conduire à des déficits cognitifs. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de vérifier l’hypothèse selon laquelle le statut vitaminique K des personnes âgées en santé est un déterminant de la performance cognitive. En vue de la réalisation de cet objectif, une meilleure compréhension des indicateurs du statut vitaminique K s’avérait nécessaire. Chacune des études présentées vise donc un objectif spécifique : 1) évaluer le nombre de rappels alimentaires de 24 heures non consécutifs nécessaire pour mesurer l’apport habituel de vitamine K des personnes âgées; 2) évaluer la valeur d’une seule mesure de la concentration sérique de vitamine K comme marqueur de l’exposition à long terme; et 3) examiner l’association entre le statut vitaminique K et la performance cognitive des personnes âgées en santé de la cohorte québécoise NuAge. Trois dimensions cognitives ont été évaluées soient la mémoire épisodique verbale et non-verbale, les fonctions exécutives et la vitesse de traitement de l’information. Cette thèse présente la première étude appuyant l’hypothèse d’un rôle de la vitamine K dans la cognition chez les personnes âgées. Spécifiquement, la concentration sérique de vitamine K a été associée positivement à la performance en mémoire épisodique verbale, et plus particulièrement au processus de consolidation de la trace mnésique. En accord avec les travaux chez l’animal et l’action de la protéine Gas6 dans l’hippocampe, un rôle spécifique de la vitamine K à l’étape de consolidation est biologiquement plausible. Aucune association significative n’a été observée avec les fonctions exécutives et la vitesse de traitement de l’information. Parallèlement, il a été démontré qu’une mesure unique de la concentration sérique de vitamine K constitue une mesure adéquate de l’exposition à long terme à la vitamine K. De même, il a été établi que six à 13 rappels alimentaires de 24 heures sont nécessaires pour estimer précisément l’apport de vitamine K des personnes âgées en santé. Collectivement, les résultats de ces deux études fournissent des informations précieuses aux chercheurs permettant une meilleure interprétation des études existantes et une meilleure planification des études futures. Les résultats de cette thèse constituent une avancée importante dans la compréhension du rôle potentiel de la vitamine K dans le système nerveux central et renforce la nécessité qu’elle soit considérée en tant que facteur nutritionnel du vieillissement cognitif, en particulier chez les personnes traitées par un antagoniste de la vitamine K.


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Un apport élevé de vitamine K a été associé à une meilleure stabilité du traitement à la warfarine. Toutefois, l’effet du gène VKORC1, codant pour une enzyme impliquée dans le métabolisme de la vitamine K et inhibée par la warfarine, sur cette association a été très peu étudié. De plus, il a été suggéré que les patients anticoagulés sont fréquemment conseillés de restreindre leur consommation d’aliments riches en vitamine K dans le contexte clinique. Néanmoins, l’effet de cette recommandation sur l’apport de vitamine K n’est pas établi. Afin d’examiner ces questions, 317 Québécois anticoagulés à la warfarine provenant de 17 sites hospitaliers ont été sondés sur les recommandations alimentaires reçues en début de traitement. L’apport alimentaire habituel de vitamine K a été évalué rétrospectivement sur une période de 12 mois. La stabilité du traitement a été mesurée par le pourcentage de temps passé dans l’intervalle thérapeutique (n=246) du 3e au 12e mois suivant l’initiation du traitement. La majorité des patients (68%) ont rapporté avoir été conseillés de restreindre leur consommation d’aliments riches en vitamine K. L’adhérence à cette recommandation était associée à de plus faibles apports alimentaires de vitamine K. De plus, l’apport alimentaire de vitamine K était positivement associé à la stabilité du traitement, et cette relation n’était pas modulée par le génotype de VKORC1. Ces données ont permis d’illustrer des lacunes dans l’éducation nutritionnelle prodiguée aux patients anticoagulés à la warfarine, et ont contribué à la recherche portant sur l’interaction entre l’apport de vitamine K et la warfarine.


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Base Teórica. Embora vários relatos de casos tenham sugerido uma associação entre a ingesta de vitamina K e a instabilidade da anticoagulação oral, o impacto clínico de diferentes quantidades de vitamina K dietética na anticoagulação oral crônica nunca foi prospectivamente estabelecido. Métodos. Características clínicas e estimativas semi-quantitativas sobre a ingesta de vitamina K foram avaliadas, prospectivamente, em 230 visitas ambulatoriais de pacientes anticoagulados em um hospital público universitário (protocolo observacional). Treze pacientes ambulatoriais anticoagulados cronicamente e estáveis foram arrolados em um ensaio clínico randomizado cruzado de intervenção dietética de 4 dias com aumento e diminuição de 5 vezes da sua ingesta habitual de vitamina K (protocolo experimental randomizado). Resultados. Protocolo observacional: Na análise univariada, identificamos uma associação estatisticamente significativa, progressiva e inversa entre um escore global de ingesta de vitamina K e diferentes níveis de anticoagulação. Na análise multivariada, a ingesta de vitamina K dietética foi independentemente associada com níveis subterapêuticos e anticoagulação excessiva (ambos valores de p =0,04), após ajuste para escolaridade, renda, uso de novos fármacos, aderência à anticoagulação oral e intercorrências clínicas. Protocolo randomizado: Após a dieta restrita em vitamina K, observamos um aumento significativo nos valores do INR (de 2,6 ± 0,5 para 3,3 ± 1,0, p=0,03; do início para o dia 7) enquanto, após a dieta enriquecida, identificamos uma diminuição significativa e mais precoce no INR (de 3,2 ± 0,9 para 2,8 ± 0,7, p=0,005; do início para o dia 4). O efeito da ingesta de vitamina K sobre a variação do INR foi particularmente influenciada pela ingesta média habitual da vitamina. Conclusões. Nossos dados prospectivos reforçam o conceito de que a interação vitamina K e fármacos cumarínicos é de fato real e clinicamente relevante, devendo ser reconhecida como um fator importante e independente que interfere com a estabilidade da anticoagulação oral crônica.


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O objetivo desta revisão foi discutir aspectos que envolvem a compreensão do metabolismo da vitamina K e os recentes avanços quanto ao papel da vitamina na nutrição humana. São abordadas questões sobre as fontes da vitamina, sua absorção, distribuição e metabolismo, recomendações dietéticas, avaliação do estado nutricional relacionado à vitamina K e ainda fatores que afetam sua concentração plasmática. Diante das novas evidências sobre a participação da vitamina K no metabolismo ósseo, pesquisas adicionais são necessárias a fim de identificar as possíveis conseqüências à saúde, a longo prazo, de deficiência subclínica desta vitamina. Pesquisadores e comitês futuros encontram um desafio no que se refere a investigar novos requerimentos nutricionais da vitamina.


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OBJETIVO: O principal objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a ingestão habitual de vitamina K em adultos e idosos. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo transversal com a participação de 173 indivíduos de ambos os sexos. A ingestão habitual de cada participante foi avaliada pela aplicação de três recordatórios 24h não consecutivos. As variabilidades intra e interpessoal foram avaliadas por meio do software PC-SIDE. RESULTADOS: A média de ingestão de vitamina K na amostra foi de 110,7µg/dia, com uma mediana de 99µg/dia; os idosos foram os que apresentaram maiores valores de ingestão, com uma mediana de 104µg/dia. O consumo de vitamina K entre adultos e idosos foi estatisticamente diferente (p=0,00), e o consumo de hortaliças apresentou forte correlação com o consumo de vitamina K total. CONCLUSÃO: Independentemente da faixa etária e do sexo, a ingestão de vitamina K foi insuficiente em quase metade da amostra, o que pode ocasionar um maior risco de inadequação dietética e acarretar problemas ósseos no futuro e/ou agravar os já presentes quando se trata da população idosa.