989 resultados para Visual image


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O que significa hoje um pensamento do figural? Qual a sua importância no quadro hegemónico do Arquivo Audiovisual e Multimédia Contemporâneo? Qual a relação que o cinema, enquanto assimilável ao pensamento do figural, tem com o Arquivo, tendo em conta a recente apropriação, interpretação, reconfiguração e interrogação das estruturas arquivísticas e materiais de arquivo, por parte de cineastas que usam o cinema, ele próprio, uma forma de arquivagem e material de arquivo, como ferramenta privilegiada de interpelação do Arquivo? Qual a potencial relevância do cinema, encarado nesta perspectiva, face à necessidade política de conceber um exterior do Arquivo? Estas são algumas das perguntas que estão na origem desta tese e a que ela procura responder, através da proposta de (re)corte de um arquivo de filmes e enunciados teóricos e da sua interpelação mútua. Com efeito, a imagem ou ideia de figural supõe uma reconfiguração das relações entre visível e dizível que não só nos serve de topos inspirador da metodologia da tese, num esforço de procurar inscrever a espacialização exigida pelo pensamento do figural na sua própria estrutura, como, sobretudo, nos fornece o quadro teórico de partida para pensar hoje, na senda de autores como Jean- François Lyotard, Michel Foucault e Gilles Deleuze, a relevância simultaneamente epistemológica e política da assimilação de certos gestos cinematográficos contemporâneos a uma imagem do pensamento com estes contornos. Assim, o cinema, sobretudo na sua forma ensaística, é identificado com a possibilidade de pôr em prática, um pensamento do interstício figural, que contraria a identidade dominante do ver e do falar, que rege o paradigma contemporâneo da comunicação, assente na respectiva conversão mútua - as imagens reduzem-se à sua significação ou conteúdo e as palavras convertem-se em imagens legíveis. Através das possibilidades oferecidas pela montagem cinematográfica, trata-se, então, de reenviar as imagens a uma leitura que só elas podem dar, e as palavras a um novo tipo de escuta e entendimento, o que se traduz, em termos da relação do cinema ao Arquivo contemporâneo, na sugestão de que o cinema é uma ferramenta de requalificação do saber que aquele supõe. A nossa hipótese é, pois, a de que o cinema em geral, e certos filmes em particular, ao permitirem a perscrutação arqueológica do Arquivo, introduzem delay na nossa relação aos “documentos”, sendo que é aí, nesse intervalo entre o registo e a sua retoma, que se joga a possibilidade de resistência face ao poder difuso do Arquivo, tal como se manifesta na internet, na televisão, nas redes que hoje geram a regulação, tratamento e transmissão da informação; porque possui uma dimensão audiovisual que lhe permite articular e desarticular arquivos e corpos, e dado que as relações entre dizível e visível não estão estabilizadas, o cinema torna possível a reescrita das figuras, ou seja, um pensamento que não dispõe de uma forma já feita de verdade para o encontro das frases e das experiências, mas que extrai relações essenciais e verdadeiras dos acontecimentos do nosso presente e da nossa história, precisamente a partir da exploração do intervalo instável entre discurso e figura, e da experimentação ao nível da recolagem entre enunciados e visibilidades.


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La prise de décision est un mécanisme qui fait intervenir les structures neuronales supérieures afin d’effectuer un lien entre la perception du signal et l’action. Plusieurs travaux qui cherchent à comprendre les mécanismes de la prise de décision sont menés à divers ni- veaux allant de l’analyse comportementale cognitive jusqu'à la modélisation computationnelle. Le but de ce projet a été d’évaluer d’un instant à l’autre comment la variabilité du signal observé («bruit»), influence la capacité des sujets humains à détecter la direction du mouvement dans un stimulus visuel. Dans ces travaux, nous avons éliminé l’une des sources potentielles de variabilité, la variabilité d’une image à l’autre, dans le nombre de points qui portaient les trois signaux de mouvements cohérents (gauche, droite, et aléatoire) dans les stimuli de Kinématogramme de points aléatoires (KPA), c’est-à-dire la variabilité d’origine périphérique. Les stimuli KPA de type « V6 » étaient des stimuli KPA standard avec une variabilité instantanée du signal, et par contre les stimuli KPA de type « V8 », étaient modifiés pour éliminer la variabilité stochastique due à la variabilité du nombre de pixels d’un instant à l’autre qui portent le signal cohérent. Si la performance des sujets, qui correspond à leur temps de réaction et au nombre de bonnes réponses, diffère en réponse aux stimuli dont le nombre de points en mouvement cohérent varie (V6) ou ne varie pas (V8), ceci serait une preuve que la variabilité d’origine périphérique modulerait le processus décisionnel. Par contre, si la performance des sujets ne diffère pas entre ces deux types de stimuli, ceci serait une preuve que la source majeure de variabilité de performance est d’origine centrale. Dans nos résultats nous avons constaté que le temps de réaction et le nombre de bonnes réponses sont modulés par la preuve nette du mouvement cohérent. De plus on a pu établir qu’en éliminant la variabilité d’origine périphérique définit ci-dessus, on n’observe pas réellement de modification dans les enregistrements. Ce qui nous à amené à penser qu’il n y a pas de distinction claire entre la distribution des erreurs et les bonnes réponses effectuées pour chacun des essais entre les deux stimuli que nous avons utilisé : V6 et V8. C’est donc après avoir mesuré la « quantité d’énergie » que nous avons proposé que la variabilité observée dans les résultats serait probablement d’origine centrale.


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El presente estudio de caso analiza y compara la manera en que los editoriales El Tiempo y El Colombiano reflejaron la personalización de la figura presidencial durante el primer gobierno de Álvaro Uribe (2002-2004). El fenómeno de la personalización en política ha motivado a diferentes estudios y análisis, observándose la personalización como un fenómeno de largo alcance y de gran repercusión. En este sentido la personalización de la figura presidencial de Álvaro Uribe Vélez, es un factor predominante en el periodo 2002- 2004, enmarcado bajo la gobernabilidad mediática; evidenciado en la manera como las editoriales El Tiempo y El Colombiano mostraban al hombre que gobernaba a Colombia, provocando una centralización de la figura presidencial y no de la gestión de gobierno logrando encubrir los episodios de corrupción y clientelismo. Evidenciándose un traspaso de la política de ideas a una política de personas.


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El processament d'imatges mèdiques és una important àrea de recerca. El desenvolupament de noves tècniques que assisteixin i millorin la interpretació visual de les imatges de manera ràpida i precisa és fonamental en entorns clínics reals. La majoria de contribucions d'aquesta tesi són basades en Teoria de la Informació. Aquesta teoria tracta de la transmissió, l'emmagatzemament i el processament d'informació i és usada en camps tals com física, informàtica, matemàtica, estadística, biologia, gràfics per computador, etc. En aquesta tesi, es presenten nombroses eines basades en la Teoria de la Informació que milloren els mètodes existents en l'àrea del processament d'imatges, en particular en els camps del registre i la segmentació d'imatges. Finalment es presenten dues aplicacions especialitzades per l'assessorament mèdic que han estat desenvolupades en el marc d'aquesta tesi.


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The purpose is to write a reflection on the audiovisual production by the visually impaired. The starting point for this research was a documentary video production workshop offered by the Instituto de Educação e Reabilitação de Cegos do Rio Grande do Norte - IERC / RN, with the participation of blind people with low vision and sighted employees of the institution. The research approach follows the precepts of complex thinking, where work is woven into the network, along with the researched. The theoretical framework is based on the theory of French sociologist Edgar Morin, and other important thinkers for this work, namely: Erving Goffman, Paulo Freire, Michel Foucault, Edward Said, Jacques Aumont, Phillpe Dubois, as well as scholars who think and theorize about his own condition and conduct discussions on the issue of blindness: Francisco Jose de Lima, Evgen Bavcar Jacques Lusseyran and Joana Belarmino. The research was formulated based on the statement in the interest of respondents to understand and produce visual images using video as a tool. In this sense, the methodology adopted approaches of action research in constructing the text and dialogue with the participation of those involved in the project. The technique of gathering the information was based on ethnographic description describing the dynamics of the workshop, the relationships between participants, relationship to the other that sees and the manner of operation of equipment. The main focus is the relationship based on dialogue of information, attitudes and ways of knowing from experience and capacity developed and obstacles for blind people to produce visual images using other benchmarks, such as touch, smell and time dimension and space, and add references that give new meaning to the guidelines based on visuality of ministering to the workshop. It is also held to discuss aspects related to the concept of image with sociological reflection about the audiovisual production made by blind people socially constructed and perpetuated by what Edgar Morin called cultural imprinting. Thus we attempted to walk the route with its obstacles and achievements in the production of new images that were seen


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The scope of this study directs an investigation in search of how the blind person learns knowledge at school mediated by the image in context of an inclusive education and how it can be (or is) triggered by the adaptation of images to the tactile seizure of the blind person and his correlative process of reading. To achieve this intent we choose a qualitative approach of research and opted for the modality of case study, based on the empirical field of a public school in the city of Cruzeta, RN and as a the main subject a congenitally blind female student enrolled in high school there, focusing, often, on the discipline of geography in its words mapping. Our procedures for construction of data are directly involved to the documentary analysis of open reflective interview and observation. The base guiding theory of our assessments is located in the current understanding about the human psychological development of its educational process inside an inclusive perspective, of contemporary conceptions about the visual disability as well of image as a cultural product. Accordingly, the human person is a concrete subject, whose development is deeply marked by the culture, historically built by human society. This subject regardless of his specific features, grasping the world in an interactive and immediate way, internalising and producing culture. In this thinking, we believe that the blind person perceives in multiple senses the stimuli of his environment and acts in the world toward his integration into the social environment. The image as a product of culture, historically and socially determined, appears as a sign conventionally used as an icon that in itself concentrates knowledge of which the student who does not realize visually himself and his surroundings cannot be excluded. In this direction, the inclusive educational process must build conditions of access to knowledge for all students without distinction, including access to the interpretation of the images originally intended for the seizure strictly visual to other perceptive models. Based in this theory and adopting principles of content analysis, we circulated inside the interpretation of the data constructed from the analysis of documents, from the subject speeches, from records of the observation made in the classroom and other notes of the field daily. In the search for pictures on the school contents, adapted to the tactile seizure of blind student, was seen little and not systematic in practice and teaching at the school. It showed us the itinerary of the student life marked by a succession of supports, most of the time inappropriate and pioneers in cooling the construction of her autonomy. It also showed us the tensions and contradictions of a school environment, supposedly inclusive, that stumbles in search of its intent, in the attitudinal and cumulative barriers brought, because of its aggravating maintenance. These findings arose of crossing data around of a categorization that gives importance to 1) Concepts regarding the school inclusion, 2) Elements of the school organization, educational proposal and teaching practice, 3) Meaning of the visual image as the object of knowledge, 4) Perception in multiple senses and 5) Development and learning of the blind person before impositions of the social environment. In light of these findings we infer that it must be guaranteed to the disabled person removal of the attitudinal barriers that are against his full development and the construction of his autonomy. In that sense, should be given opportunity to the student with visual disability, similarly to all students, not only access to school, but also the dynamics of a school life efficient, that means the seizure of knowledge in all its modalities, including the imagery. To that end, there is a need of the continued training of teachers, construction of a support network in response to all needs of students, and the opportunity to development of reading skills beyond a perspective eminently focused in the sight


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In Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM - Simultaneous Localization and Mapping), a robot placed in an unknown location in any environment must be able to create a perspective of this environment (a map) and is situated in the same simultaneously, using only information captured by the robot s sensors and control signals known. Recently, driven by the advance of computing power, work in this area have proposed to use video camera as a sensor and it came so Visual SLAM. This has several approaches and the vast majority of them work basically extracting features of the environment, calculating the necessary correspondence and through these estimate the required parameters. This work presented a monocular visual SLAM system that uses direct image registration to calculate the image reprojection error and optimization methods that minimize this error and thus obtain the parameters for the robot pose and map of the environment directly from the pixels of the images. Thus the steps of extracting and matching features are not needed, enabling our system works well in environments where traditional approaches have difficulty. Moreover, when addressing the problem of SLAM as proposed in this work we avoid a very common problem in traditional approaches, known as error propagation. Worrying about the high computational cost of this approach have been tested several types of optimization methods in order to find a good balance between good estimates and processing time. The results presented in this work show the success of this system in different environments


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This research proposes to apply techniques of Mathematics Morphology to extract highways in digital images of high resolution, targeting the upgrade of cartographic products. Remote Sensing data and Mathematical Morphological techniques were integrated in the process of extraction. Mathematical Morphology's objective is to improve and extract the relevant information of the visual image. In order to test the proposed approach some morphological operators related to preprocess, were applied to the original images. Routines were implemented in the MATLAB environment. Results indicated good performances by the implemented operators. The integration of the technologies aimed to implement the semiautomatic extraction of highways with the purpose to use them in processes of cartographic updating.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The present thesis can be divided in three main parts. In all parts new polymer architecturesrnwere synthesized and characterized concerning their special features.rnThe first part will emphasize the advantage of a polystyrene-block-(hyperbranchedrnpolyglycerol) copolymer in comparison to an analogue polystyrene-block-(linear polyglycerol)rncopolymer. Therefore a synthethic route to prepare linear block copolymersrnhas been developed. Two strategies were examined. One strategy was based on thernclassic, sequential anionic polymerization; the second strategy was based on arn“Click-Chemistry” coupling reaction. In a following step glycidol was hypergraftedrnfrom these block copolymers by applying a hypergrafting reaction with glycidol. Thernbehavior of the amphiphilic block copolymers synthesized was studied in differentrnsolvents. Furthermore the polarity of the solvent was changed to form the correspondingrninverse micelles. DLS, SLS, SEC-MALLS-VISCO, AFM and Cyro TEMrnmeasurements were performed to obtain a visual image from the appearance of thernaggregates. It was found that a linear-hyperbranched architecture is necessary, ifrnwell defined, monodisperse aggregates are required, e.g. for the preparation of orderedrnnanoarrays. Linear-linear block copolymers formed only polydisperse aggregates.rnAdditionally it was found that size distribution could be improved dramaticallyrnby passing the aggregates through a SEC column with large pores. The SEC columnsrnacted like a template in which the aggregates adopt a more stable conformation.rnIn the second part anionic polymerization was employed to synthesize silaneendfunctionalizedrnmacromonomers with different molecular weights based on polybutadienernand polyisoprene. These were polymerized by a hydrosilylation reaction inrnbulk to obtain branched polymers, using Karstedt’s catalyst. Surprisingly the additionrnof monofunctional silanes during the polymerization had only a minimal effect concerningrnthe degree of polymerization. It was possible to introduce silanes without increasingrnthe overall number of reaction steps by a very convenient “pseudo-copolymerization”rnmethod. All branched polymers were analyzed by SEC, SEC-MALLS,rnSEC-viscometry, 1H-NMR-spectroscopy and DSC concerning their branching ratio.rnThe branching parameters for the branched polymers exhibited similar characteristicsrnas hyperbranched polymers based on AB2 monomers. Detailed kinetic study showedrnthat the polymerization occurred very rapidly in comparison to the hydrosilylation polymerizationrnof classical AB2 type carbosilanes monomers.rnThe last part will deal with ferrocenyl-functionalized polymers. On the one hand,rnferrocenyl-functionalized polyglycerols (PG) were studied. Esterification of PGs withrndifferent molecular weight using ferrocenemonocarboxylic acid gave the ferrocenylrnfuntionalized polymers in high yields. On the other hand three different block copolymersrnwere prepared with different ratios of styrene to butadiene units (10:1, 4:1, 2:1).rnThe double bonds of the 1,2-PB block were hydrosilylated using silanes bearing onern(HSiMe2Fc) or two (HSiMeFc2) ferrocene units. High degrees of functionalizationrnwere obtained (up to 83 %). In this manner, six different ferrocenyl-rich block copolymersrnwith different fractions of ferrocene were prepared and analyzed, employingrnNMR-spectroscopy, SEC, SEC/MALLS/viscometry, DLS and cyclic voltammetry. Thernredox properties of the studied polymers varied primarily with the nature of the silanernunit attached. Additionally, the redox properties in solution of the studied polymersrnwere influenced by the block length ratio of the block copolymers. Unexpectedly, withrnincreasing block length of the ferrocenyl block the fraction of active ferrocenes decreased.rnNevertheless, in case of thin monolayer films this behaviour was not observed.rnAll polymers (PG and PS-b-PB based) exhibited good electrochemical propertiesrnin a wide range of solvents, which rendered them very interesting for biosensoricrnapplications.


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In two cases recently decided by two different senates of the German Federal Supreme Court (Bundesgerichtshof, BGH), the following issue was raised: To what extent can the filming of sports events organized by someone else, on the one hand, and the photographing of someone else’s physical property, on the other hand, be legally controlled by the organizer of the sports event and the owner of the property respectively? In its “Hartplatzhelden.de” decision, the first senate of the Federal Supreme Court concluded that the act of filming sports events does not constitute an act of unfair competition as such, and hence is allowed even without the consent of the organizer of the sports event in question. However, the fifth senate, in its “Prussian gardens and parks” decision, held that photographing someone else’s property is subject to the consent of the owner of the grounds, provided the photographs are taken from a spot situated on the owner’s property. In spite of their different outcomes, the two cases do not necessarily contradict each other. Rather, read together, they may well lead to an unwanted – and unjustified – extension of exclusive protection, thus creating a new “organizer’s” IP right.


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The Objective was to describe the contributions of Joseph Jules Dejerine and his wife Augusta Dejerine-Klumpke to our understanding of cerebral association fiber tracts and language processing. The Dejerines (and not Constantin von Monakow) were the first to describe the superior longitudinal fasciculus/arcuate fasciculus (SLF/AF) as an association fiber tract uniting Broca's area, Wernicke's area, and a visual image center in the angular gyrus of a left hemispheric language zone. They were also the first to attribute language-related functions to the fasciculi occipito-frontalis (FOF) and the inferior longitudinal fasciculus (ILF) after describing aphasia patients with degeneration of the SLF/AF, ILF, uncinate fasciculus (UF), and FOF. These fasciculi belong to a functional network known as the Dejerines' language zone, which exceeds the borders of the classically defined cortical language centers. The Dejerines provided the first descriptions of the anatomical pillars of present-day language models (such as the SLF/AF). Their anatomical descriptions of fasciculi in aphasia patients provided a foundation for our modern concept of the dorsal and ventral streams in language processing.


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Studying individual differences in conscious awareness can potentially lend fundamental insights into the neural bases of binding mechanisms and consciousness (Cohen Kadosh and Henik, 2007). Partly for this reason, considerable attention has been devoted to the neural mechanisms underlying grapheme–color synesthesia, a healthy condition involving atypical brain activation and the concurrent experience of color photisms in response to letters, numbers, and words. For instance, the letter C printed in black on a white background may elicit a yellow color photism that is perceived to be spatially colocalized with the inducing stimulus or internally in the “mind's eye” as, for instance, a visual image. Synesthetic experiences are involuntary, idiosyncratic, and consistent over time (Rouw et al., 2011). To date, neuroimaging research on synesthesia has focused on brain areas activated during the experience of synesthesia and associated structural brain differences. However, activity patterns of the synesthetic brain at rest remain largely unexplored. Moreover, the neural correlates of synesthetic consistency, the hallmark characteristic of synesthesia, remain elusive.


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En este trabajo se intenta un abordaje histórico-geográfico de un caso relacionado con los estudios de la historia reciente y de la geografía cultural. Se pretende una aproximación a cuestiones relativas a la construcción de los territorios, particularmente el fenómeno de suburbanización, que en el caso santafesino comenzó a evidenciarse en la década del 90, con una intensidad creciente hacia la primera década del siglo XXI. Considerando que en los últimos años la imagen visual, ya sea desde los ámbitos publicitarios, la prensa u otros campos, se ha convertido en un poderoso instrumento de construcción de realidad, es objetivo, por tanto, indagar a partir de un enfoque cultural, en los procesos que han construido la imagen del lugar y los imaginarios sobre éste, y cómo dichas imágenes son parte activa en la construcción de ese territorio. ¿Qué muestran? ¿Qué ocultan? Más aún, ¿cómo operan las imágenes que construyen el lugar?


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The concept and logic of the "smile curve" in the context of global value chains has been widely used and discussed at the individual firm level, but rarely identified and investigated at the country and industry levels by using real data. This paper proposes an idea, based on an inter-country input-output model, to consistently measure both the strength and length of linkages between producers and consumers along global value chains. This idea allows for better identification and mapping of smile curves for countries and industries according to their positions and degrees of participation in a given conceptual value chain. Using the 1995-2011 World Input-Output Tables, several conceptual value chains are investigated, including exports of electrical and optical equipment from China and Mexico and exports of automobiles from Japan and Germany. The identified smile curves provide a very intuitive and visual image, which can significantly improve our understanding of the roles played by different countries and industries in global value chains. Further, the smile curves help identify the benefits gained by these countries and industries through their participation in global trade.