971 resultados para Visual Divided Field


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The inferior colliculus is a primary relay for the processing of auditory information in the brainstem. The inferior colliculus is also part of the so-called brain aversion system as animals learn to switch off the electrical stimulation of this structure. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether associative learning occurs between aversion induced by electrical stimulation of the inferior colliculus and visual and auditory warning stimuli. Rats implanted with electrodes into the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus were placed inside an open-field and thresholds for the escape response to electrical stimulation of the inferior colliculus were determined. The rats were then placed inside a shuttle-box and submitted to a two-way avoidance paradigm. Electrical stimulation of the inferior colliculus at the escape threshold (98.12 ± 6.15 (A, peak-to-peak) was used as negative reinforcement and light or tone as the warning stimulus. Each session consisted of 50 trials and was divided into two segments of 25 trials in order to determine the learning rate of the animals during the sessions. The rats learned to avoid the inferior colliculus stimulation when light was used as the warning stimulus (13.25 ± 0.60 s and 8.63 ± 0.93 s for latencies and 12.5 ± 2.04 and 19.62 ± 1.65 for frequencies in the first and second halves of the sessions, respectively, P<0.01 in both cases). No significant changes in latencies (14.75 ± 1.63 and 12.75 ± 1.44 s) or frequencies of responses (8.75 ± 1.20 and 11.25 ± 1.13) were seen when tone was used as the warning stimulus (P>0.05 in both cases). Taken together, the present results suggest that rats learn to avoid the inferior colliculus stimulation when light is used as the warning stimulus. However, this learning process does not occur when the neutral stimulus used is an acoustic one. Electrical stimulation of the inferior colliculus may disturb the signal transmission of the stimulus to be conditioned from the inferior colliculus to higher brain structures such as amygdala


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I den första delen av den här avhandlingen presenteras en bildens genealogi. Den skildrar hur begreppen för bilden, seendet och jaget utvecklades i relation till varandra i en specifik vetenskaplig och filosofisk kontext. Berättelsen sträcker sig från den tidiga renässansen och det perspektivistiska måleriet, till fotografiets födelse och positivismen. Den här utvecklingen medförde en form av reduktionism i vilken jagets roll – betydelsen av den mänskliga psykologin, vårt omdöme, vår uppmärksamhet och vår vilja – blev förbisedd. Inom den här tanketraditionen uppstod en förskjutning, från en förståelse av bilden som en representation av det tredimensionella rummet på en tvådimensionell yta, till en uppfattning om bilden som en genomskinlig ruta, ett fönster ut mot världen. Idén om avbildningen som en neutral ”blick från ingenstans” kom att förstärka en skeptisk hållning till kommunikation, dialog och vittnesmål och därmed även undergräva vår tillit till varandra och följaktligen vår tillit till oss själva. I den andra delen erbjuder författaren ett alternativ till den tanketradition som behandlas i den första delen. Det som blev förbisett i uppfattningen om en blick från ingenstans var att bilden är ett hjälpmedel då vi bearbetar vårt synfält. Bilden hjälper oss att dela vår syn på saker. Genom den här uppgiften av att dela blir bilden riktningsgivande i våra försök att orientera oss i världen. Jag kan stå bredvid en annan människa och se vad hon ser, men jag vet inte nödvändigtvis hur hon uppfattar det vi ser. Bilden lägger till ett led i det här förhållandet eftersom den inte enbart visar vad den andra ser. När bilden fungerar som den skall visar den också hur den andra ser och på det här sättet blir bilden verksam. Den föreliggande avhandlingen kombinerar epistemologi med vetenskapshistoria och visuella kulturstudier, men dess huvudintresse är filosofiskt. Den befattar sig med filosofiska missförstånd angående avbildning som en mimetisk konstform, kunskap som domesticering och varseblivning som mottagning av data. ------------------------------------------------------ Tämän väitöskirjan ensimmäinen osa selvittää kuvakäsitteen genealogiaa. Se havainnollistaa miten kuvan, näkemisen ja minän käsitteet kehittyivät suhteessa toisiinsa. Kertomus ulottuu varhaisesta renessanssista ja perspektivistisestä maalaustaiteesta, positivismin aikakauteen ja valokuvan syntyyn. Tämä kehitys toi mukanaan reduktionismin jossa minän rooli – ihmisen psykologian merkitys, meidän arviointikyky, meidän huomiokyky sekä meidän tahtomme – vaipui unohduksiin. Ajatusmaailmassa tapahtui siirtymä, kuvan merkitys vaihtui käsityksestä jossa se on kolmiulotteisen tilan representaatio kaksiulotteisella pinnalla, käsitykseen jossa kuva on läpinäkyvä ruutu, ikkuna kohti maailmaa. Ajatus kuvasta neutraalin näkökulman kantajana vahvisti skeptistä suhtautumista kommunikaatiota, dialogisuutta ja subjektiivisuutta kohtaan. Tämä skeptisyys ilmentyi myös vahvana epäluottamuksena ihmiskeskeisyyttä ja toiseutta kohtaan. Toisessa osassa tekijä tarjoaa vaihtoehdon tälle skeptiselle ajatusmaailmalle jota tarkastellaan ensimmäisessä osassa. Kuva on myös väline joka auttaa meitä jäsentämään meidän näkökenttäämme. Se auttaa meitä jakamaan meidän käsityksiä toistemme kanssa. Tämä näkemisen jakamisen käytäntö on kuvan keskeinen tehtävä. Voin seistä toisen ihmisen vieressä ja nähdä samat asiat kuin hän, mutta en välttämättä ymmärrä miten hän näkee nämä asiat. Kuva lisää jotain olennaista tähän suhteeseen. Kun kuva toimii niin kun sen kuuluu toimia, se näyttää myös miten toinen näkee, tällä tavalla kuvasta tulee välittäjä. Tämä väitöskirja yhdistää epistemologiaa, tieteen historiaa ja visuaalisen kulttuurin tutkimusta, mutta sen pääasiallinen tavoite on filosofinen. Se käsittelee filosofisia väärinkäsityksiä koskien kuvan eideettisyyttä.


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Previous assessment of verticality by means of rod and rod and frame tests indicated that human subjects can be more (field dependent) or less (field independent) influenced by a frame placed around a tilted rod. In the present study we propose a new approach to these tests. The judgment of visual verticality (rod test) was evaluated in 50 young subjects (28 males, ranging in age from 20 to 27 years) by randomly projecting a luminous rod tilted between -18 and +18° (negative values indicating left tilts) onto a tangent screen. In the rod and frame test the rod was displayed within a luminous fixed frame tilted at +18 or -18°. Subjects were instructed to verbally indicate the rod’s inclination direction (forced choice). Visual dependency was estimated by means of a Visual Index calculated from rod and rod and frame test values. Based on this index, volunteers were classified as field dependent, intermediate and field independent. A fourth category was created within the field-independent subjects for whom the amount of correct guesses in the rod and frame test exceeded that of the rod test, thus indicating improved performance when a surrounding frame was present. In conclusion, the combined use of subjective visual vertical and the rod and frame test provides a specific and reliable form of evaluation of verticality in healthy subjects and might be of use to probe changes in brain function after central or peripheral lesions.


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Visual field losses associated with mercury (Hg) exposure have only been assessed in patients exposed to methylmercury. Here we evaluate the automated visual field in 35 ex-workers (30 males; 44.20+/-5.92 years) occupationaly exposed to mercury vapor and 34 controls (21 males; 43.29+/-8.33 years). Visual fields were analyzed with the Humphrey Field Analyzer II (model 750i) using two tests: the standard automated perimetry (SAP, white-on-white) and the short wavelength automated perimetry (SWAP, blue-on-yellow) at 76 locations within a 27 degrees central visual field. Results were analyzed as the mean of the sensitivities measured at the fovea, and at five successive concentric rings, of increasing eccentricity, within the central field. Compared to controls, visual field sensitivities of the experimental group measured using SAP were lower for the fovea as well as for all five eccentricity rings (p<0.05). Sensitivities were significantly lower in the SWAP test (p<0.05) for four of the five extra-foveal eccentricity rings; they were not significant for the fovea (p = 0.584) or for the 15 degrees eccentricity ring (p = 0.965). These results suggest a widespread reduction of sensitivity in both visual field tests. Previous reports in the literature describe moderate to severe concentric constriction of the visual field in subjects with methylmercury intoxication measured manually with the Goldman perimeter. The present results amplify concerns regarding potential medical risks of exposure to environmental mercury sources by demonstrating significant and widespread reductions of visual sensitivity using the more reliable automated perimetry. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background: We aimed to investigate the performance of five different trend analysis criteria for the detection of glaucomatous progression and to determine the most frequently and rapidly progressing locations of the visual field. Design: Retrospective cohort. Participants or Samples: Treated glaucoma patients with =8 Swedish Interactive Thresholding Algorithm (SITA)-standard 24-2 visual field tests. Methods: Progression was determined using trend analysis. Five different criteria were used: (A) =1 significantly progressing point; (B) =2 significantly progressing points; (C) =2 progressing points located in the same hemifield; (D) at least two adjacent progressing points located in the same hemifield; (E) =2 progressing points in the same Garway-Heath map sector. Main Outcome Measures: Number of progressing eyes and false-positive results. Results: We included 587 patients. The number of eyes reaching a progression endpoint using each criterion was: A = 300 (51%); B = 212 (36%); C = 194 (33%); D = 170 (29%); and E = 186 (31%) (P = 0.03). The numbers of eyes with positive slopes were: A = 13 (4.3%); B = 3 (1.4%); C = 3 (1.5%); D = 2 (1.1%); and E = 3 (1.6%) (P = 0.06). The global slopes for progressing eyes were more negative in Groups B, C and D than in Group A (P = 0.004). The visual field locations that progressed more often were those in the nasal field adjacent to the horizontal midline. Conclusions: Pointwise linear regression criteria that take into account the retinal nerve fibre layer anatomy enhances the specificity of trend analysis for the detection glaucomatous visual field progression.


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Purpose: To investigate the rate of visual field and optic disc change in patients with distinct patterns of glaucomatous optic disc damage. Design: Prospective longitudinal study. Participants: A total of 131 patients with open-angle glaucoma with focal (n = 45), diffuse (n = 42), and sclerotic (n = 44) optic disc damage. Methods: Patients were examined every 4 months with standard automated perimetry (SAP, SITA Standard, 24-2 test, Humphrey Field Analyzer, Carl Zeiss Meditec, Dublin, CA) and confocal scanning laser tomography (CSLT, Heidelberg Retina Tomograph, Heidelberg Engineering GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany) for a period of 4 years. During this time, patients were treated according to a predefined protocol to achieve a target intraocular pressure (IOP). Rates of change were estimated by robust linear regression of visual field mean deviation (MD) and global optic disc neuroretinal rim area with follow-up time. Main Outcome Measures: Rates of change in MD and rim area. Results: Rates of visual field change in patients with focal optic disc damage (mean -0.34, standard deviation [SD] 0.69 dB/year) were faster than in patients with sclerotic (mean - 0.14, SD 0.77 dB/year) and diffuse (mean + 0.01, SD 0.37 dB/year) optic disc damage (P = 0.003, Kruskal-Wallis). Rates of optic disc change in patients with focal optic disc damage (mean - 11.70, SD 25.5 x 10(-3) mm(2)/year) were faster than in patients with diffuse (mean -9.16, SD 14.9 x 10(-3) mm(2)/year) and sclerotic (mean -0.45, SD 20.6 x 10(-3) mm(2)/year) optic disc damage, although the differences were not statistically significant (P = 0.11). Absolute IOP reduction from untreated levels was similar among the groups (P = 0.59). Conclusions: Patients with focal optic disc damage had faster rates of visual field change and a tendency toward faster rates of optic disc deterioration when compared with patients with diffuse and sclerotic optic disc damage, despite similar IOP reductions during follow-up. Financial Disclosure(s): Proprietary or commercial disclosure may be found after the references. Ophthalmology 2012; 119: 294-303 (C) 2012 by the American Academy of Ophthalmology.


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This thesis will focus on the residual function and visual and attentional deficits in human patients, which accompany damage to the visual cortex or its thalamic afferents, and plastic changes, which follow it. In particular, I will focus on homonymous visual field defects, which comprise a broad set of central disorders of vision. I will present experimental evidence that when the primary visual pathway is completely damaged, the only signal that can be implicitly processed via subcortical visual networks is fear. I will also present data showing that in a patient with relative deafferentation of visual cortex, changes in the spatial tuning and response gain of the contralesional and ipsilesional cortex are observed, which are accompanied by changes in functional connectivity with regions belonging to the dorsal attentional network and the default mode network. I will also discuss how cortical plasticity might be harnessed to improve recovery through novel treatments. Moreover, I will show how treatment interventions aimed at recruiting spared subcortical pathway supporting multisensory orienting can drive network level change.


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PURPOSE: To correlate the dimension of the visual field (VF) tested by Goldman kinetic perimetry with the extent of visibility of the highly reflective layer between inner and outer segments of photoreceptors (IOS) seen in optical coherence tomography (OCT) images in patients with retinitis pigmentosa (RP). METHODS: In a retrospectively designed cross-sectional study, 18 eyes of 18 patients with RP were examined with OCT and Goldmann perimetry using test target I4e and compared with 18 eyes of 18 control subjects. A-scans of raw scan data of Stratus OCT images (Carl Zeiss Meditec, AG, Oberkochen, Germany) were quantitatively analyzed for the presence of the signal generated by the highly reflective layer between the IOS in OCT images. Starting in the fovea, the distance to which this signal was detectable was measured. Visual fields were analyzed by measuring the distance from the center point to isopter I4e. OCT and visual field data were analyzed in a clockwise fashion every 30 degrees , and corresponding measures were correlated. RESULTS: In corresponding alignments, the distance from the center point to isopter I4e and the distance to which the highly reflective signal from the IOS can be detected correlate significantly (r = 0.75, P < 0.0001). The greater the distance in VF, the greater the distance measured in OCT. CONCLUSIONS: The authors hypothesize that the retinal structure from which the highly reflective layer between the IOS emanates is of critical importance for visual and photoreceptor function. Further research is warranted to determine whether this may be useful as an objective marker of progression of retinal degeneration in patients with RP.


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BACKGROUND: Visual acuity serves as only a rough gauge of macular function. The aim therefore was to ascertain whether central an assessment of the central visual field afforded a closer insight into visual function after removal of epiretinal membranes and Infracyanine-Green- or Trypan-Blue-assisted peeling of the inner limiting membrane. Patients and methods: Fourty-three patients undergoing pars-plana vitrectomy for the removal of epimacular membranes and dye-assisted peeling of the inner limiting membrane using either Infracyanine Green (n = 29; group 1) or Trypan Blue (n = 14; group 2) were monitored prospectively for 12 months. Preoperatively, and 1, 6 and 12 months postoperatively, distance and reading visual acuities were evaluated; the central visual field was assessed by automated static perimetry. RESULTS: Twelve months after surgery, distance and reading visual acuities had improved in both groups, but to a significant degree only in Trypan-Blue-treated eyes. The difference between the two groups was not significant. Likewise at this juncture, the mean size of the visual-field defect remained unchanged in Trypan-Blue-treated eyes (preoperative: 4.3 (SD 2.1) dB; 12 months: 4.0 (2.1) dB (p = 0.15)), but had increased in Infracyanine-Green-treated ones (from 5.3 (3.7) dB to 8.0 (5.2) dB (p = 0.027)). CONCLUSION: Unlike visual acuity, the central visual field had deteriorated in Infracyanine-Green-treated eyes but not in Trypan-Blue-treated eyes 12 months after surgery. Hence, as a predictor of functional outcome, testing of the central visual field may be a more sensitive gauge than visual acuity. Furthermore, Infracyanine Green may have a chronic and potentially clinically relevant effect on the macula which is not reflected in the visual acuity.