996 resultados para Visceral leishmaniasis. Vaccine. Serodiagnosis.
Background: Visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil is caused by the protozoan Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi and it is transmitted by sandfly of the genus Lutzomyia. Dogs are an important domestic reservoir, and control of the transmission of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) to humans includes the elimination of infected dogs. However, though dogs are considered to be an important element in the transmission cycle of Leishmania, the identification of infected dogs representing an immediate risk for transmission has not been properly evaluated. Since it is not possible to treat infected dogs, they are sacrificed when a diagnosis of VL is established, a measure that is difficult to accomplish in highly endemic areas. In such areas, parameters that allow for easy identification of reservoirs that represents an immediate risk for transmission is of great importance for the control of VL transmission. In this study we aimed to identify clinical parameters, reinforced by pathological parameters that characterize dogs with potential to transmit the parasite to the vector. Results: The major clinical manifestations of visceral leishmaniasis in dogs from an endemic area were onicogriphosis, skin lesions, conjunctivitis, lymphadenopathy, and weight loss. The transmission potential of these dogs was assessed by xenodiagnosis using Lutzomyia longipalpis. Six of nine symptomatic dogs were infective to Lutzomyia longipalpis while none of the five asymptomatic dogs were infective to the sandfly. Leishmania amastigotes were present in the skin of all clinically symptomatic dogs, but absent in asymptomatic dogs. Higher parasite loads were observed in the ear and ungueal region, and lower in abdomen. The inflammatory infiltrate was more intense in the ears and ungueal regions of both symptomatic and asymptomatic dogs. In clinically affected dogs in which few or none Leishmania amastigotes were observed, the inflammatory infiltrate was constituted mainly of lymphocytes and macrophages. When many parasites were present, the infiltrate was also comprised of lymphocytes and macrophages, as well as a larger quantity of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs). Conclusion: Dogs that represent an immediate risk for transmission of Leishmania in endemic areas present clinical manifestations that include onicogriphosis, skin lesions, conjunctivitis, lymphadenopathy, and weight loss. Lymphadenopathy in particular was a positive clinical hallmark since it was closely related to the positive xenodiagnosis.
T cells, adhesion molecules and modulation of apoptosis in visceral leishmaniasis glomerulonephritis
Background: Immune complex deposition is the accepted mechanism of pathogenesis of VL glomerulopathy however other immune elements may participate. Further in the present study, no difference was seen between immunoglobulin and C3b deposit intensity in glomeruli between infected and non-infected dogs thus T cells, adhesion molecules and parameters of proliferation and apoptosis were analysed in dogs with naturally acquired VL from an endemic area. The dog is the most important domestic reservoir of the protozoa Leishmania (L.) chagasi that causes visceral leishmaniasis (VL). The similarity of VL manifestation in humans and dogs renders the study of canine VL nephropathy of interest with regard to human pathology. Methods: From 55 dogs with VL and 8 control non-infected dogs from an endemic area, kidney samples were analyzed by immunohistochemistry for immunoglobulin and C3b deposits, staining for CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, ICAM-1, P-selectin and quantified using morphometry. Besides proliferation marker Ki-67, apoptosis markers M30 and TUNEL staining, and related cytokines TNF-alpha, IL-1 alpha were searched and quantified. Results: We observed similar IgG, IgM and IgA and C3b deposit intensity in dogs with VL and non-infected control dogs. However we detected the Leishmania antigen in cells in glomeruli in 54, CD4+ T cells in the glomeruli of 44, and CD8+ T cells in 17 of a total of 55 dogs with VL. Leishmania antigen was absent and T cells were absent/scarse in eight non-infected control dogs. CD 4+ T cells predominate in proliferative patterns of glomerulonephritis, however the presence of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were not different in intensity in different patterns of glomerulonephritis. The expression of ICAM-1 and P-selectin was significantly greater in the glomeruli of infected dogs than in control dogs. In all patterns of glomerulonephritis the expression of ICAM-1 ranged from minimum to moderately severe and P-selectin from absent to severe. In the control animals the expression of these molecules ranged from absent to medium intensity. It was not observed any correlation between severity of the disease and these markers. There was a correlation between the number of Leishmania antigen positive cells and CD4+ T cells, and between the number of CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells. In dogs presenting different histopathological patterns of glomerulonephritis, parameters of proliferation and apoptosis were studied. Ki-67, a proliferative marker, was not detected locally, but fewer apoptotic cells and lower TNF-alpha expression were seen in infected animals than in non-infected controls. Conclusion: Immunopathogenic mechanisms of VL glomerulonephritis are complex and data in the present study suggest no clear participation of immunoglobulin and C3b deposits in these dogs but the possible migration of CD4+ T cells into the glomeruli, participation of adhesion molecules, and diminished apoptosis of cells contributing to determine the proliferative pattern of glomerulonephritis in VL.
Spending by aid agencies on emergencies has quadrupled over the last decade, to over US$ 6 billion. To date, cost-effectiveness has seldom been considered in the prioritization and evaluation of emergency interventions. The sheer volume of resources spent on humanitarian aid and the chronicity of many humanitarian interventions call for more attention to be paid to the issue of 'value for money'. In this paper we present data from a major humanitarian crisis, an epidemic of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in war-torn Sudan. The special circumstances provided us, in retrospect, with unusually accurate data on excess mortality, costs of the intervention and its effects, thus allowing us to express cost-effectiveness as the cost per Disability Adjusted Life Year (DALY) averted. The cost-effectiveness ratio, of US$ 18.40 per DALY (uncertainty range between US$ 13.53 and US$ 27.63), places the treatment of VL in Sudan among health interventions considered 'very flood value for money' (interventions of less than US$ 25 per DALY). We discuss the usefulness of this analysis to the internal management of the VL programme, the procurement of funds for the programme, and more generally, to priority setting in humanitarian relief interventions. We feel that in evaluations of emergency interventions attempts could be made more often to perform cost-effectiveness analyses, including the use of DALYs, provided that the outcomes of these analyses are seen in the broad context of the emergency situation and its consequences on the affected population. This paper provides a first contribution to what is hoped to become an international database of cost-effectiveness studies of health outcome such as the DALY.
Lung disease during active human visceral leishmaniasis is frequently reported. As such, studies have associated pulmonary symptoms to interstitial pneumonitis with a mononuclear infiltrate. However, the immune response in this condition has never been described before. The aim of this study was to determine the immunophenotypic pattern and cytokine profile of lung involvement (IPL) in human visceral leishmaniasis. Quantitative methods of analysis were performed using immunohistochemistry, and were compared with a control group of normal lung. Interstitial macrophages and cd8 cells were increased in IPL, and IL-4 as well as TNF-alpha displayed increased expression when compared to the control group. This inflammatory process with a Th2 pattern, as suggested by increased IL-4 and low IFN-gamma expression, is consistent with the immune response in other organs of visceral leishmaniasis. The microenvironment of the immune response in this condition is associated with lung disease in patients with interstitial pneumonitis related to visceral leishmaniasis, increasing the chance of bacterial infection.
The liver involvement in the human visceral leishmaniasis (VL) has been related to parasitism and activated Kupffer cells with further occasional fibrotic alterations, especially after long-term disease without treatment. However, fibrotic alterations have been reported after therapy, whose clinical finding is the persistence of hepatomegaly. Fibrotic involvement of the liver after therapy was never well understood, and the aim of this study was to evaluate this finding through ultrastructural and morphometric analysis. A case-control study was performed with 20 patients (15 cases and five controls). Cases included patients with persistent hepatomegaly (residual) after treatment of VL submitted to liver biopsy to exclude other causes of liver enlargement, including serum tests of viral hepatitis. The material was evaluated by electron microcopy allowing ultrastructural with morphometric analysis of medium portion of hepatic lobule. Narrow sinusoidal lumen and prominent Kupffer cells were found with insignificant alterations of hepatocytes, pit, and endothelial cells. On ultrastructural analysis, the enlargement of the space of Disse was due to fibrous collagen, increase of number of Ito cells, and nonfibrous extracellular matrix that were associated with Kupffer cells enlargement. Immunohistochemistry showed an intense expression of TGF-beta in patients with VL. These findings suggest a production of TGF-beta by Kupffer cells that resulted in the characteristic fibrotic involvement of the liver. Residual hepatomegaly in visceral leishmaniasis could result from sustained Kupffer cell activation with perihepatocytic fibrosis.
Measures employed to control visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil have focused on vector control by residual insecticide spraying and diagnosis of infection with elimination of positive dogs. We describe dog culling and replacement in a Brazilian endemic area (the Alvorada District, Aracatuba, SP) in order to better understand dog population dynamics when elimination of the dog reservoir is adopted as the main control measure. From August 2002 to July 2004, 60.9% of the estimated dog population for the area was culled with a mean age of 34 months old. The presence of anti-Leishmania sp. antibodies was recorded for only 26.7% of the euthanized canines. Replacement was observed in 38.8% of the cases, some of them by 2 or more dogs and in a mean time of 4 months. Dogs were replaced mostly by puppies of both sexes with a mean age of 6.8 months. From August 2002 to April 2005 we were able to follow-up 116 of these dogs, during a mean time of 8.7 months. Canine visceral leishmaniasis seropositivity by ELISA was observed in 42.2% of the followed dogs, 30.6% of which were already positive at the first evaluation. By the end of the follow-up period 37% of the dogs were submitted to euthanasia, with a mean age of 18.3 months. In the studied CVL endemic area of Brazil, euthanasia and the subsequent replacement ratio were high, increasing the dog population turnover and leading to a younger population that might be more susceptible to a variety of other infectious diseases in addition to CVL. Dog culling as a control strategy for VL should be reassessed. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Drug delivery systems are promising pharmaceutical formulations used to improve the therapeutic index of drugs. In this study, we developed a liposomal formulation of furazolidone that targets Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi amastigotes in a hamster model. Using laser scanning confocal microscopy, it was demonstrated that the liposomal drug co-localised with L. (L.) chagasi amastigotes within macrophages. Liposomal furazolidone administered intraperitoneally at 0.5 mg/kg for 12 consecutive days reduced spleen (74%) and liver (32%) parasite burden at a 100-fold lower dose than the free drug. Free furazolidone (50 mg/kg) also effectively reduced spleen (82.5%) and liver (85%) parasites; its in vitro activity against promastigotes and intracellular amastigotes demonstrated a high degree of parasite selectivity. Thus, furazolidone, both in the free and liposome-loaded formulation, is an effective inhibitor of L. (L.) chagasi, representing a possible cost-effective drug candidate for the treatment of visceral leishmaniasis. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. and the International Society of Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.
Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) or Kala-azar is a serious protozoan infectious disease caused by an obligate intracellular parasite. Cytokines have a major role in determining progression and severity of clinical manifestations in VL. We investigated polymorphisms in the TGFB1 and IL8 genes, which are cytokines known to have a role in onset and severity of the disease. Polymorphisms at TGFB1 -509 C/T and +869 T/C, and IL8 -251 A/T were analyzed by a PCR-RFLP technique, in 198 patients with VL, 98 individuals with asymptomatic infection positive for a delayed-type hypersensitivity test (DTH+) and in 101 individuals with no evidence of infection (DTH-). The presence of the T allele in position -509 of the TGFB1 gene conferred a two-fold risk to develop infection both when including those with clinical symptoms (DTH+ and VL, grouped) or when considering DTH+ only, respectively p = 0.007, OR = 1.9 [1.19-3.02] and p = 0.012, OR = 2.01 [1.17-3.79], when compared with DTH- individuals. In addition, occurrence of hemorrhage was associated with TGFB1 -509 T allele. We suggest that the -509 T allele of the TGFB1 gene, a cytokine with a biologically relevant role in the natural history of the disease, may contribute to overall susceptibility to infection by Leishmania and to severity of the clinical disease. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The architectural and infiltrate pattern of liver human visceral leishmaniasis (HVL) have been systematically classified as typical, fibrogenic or nodular. Despite this histopathological classification, the immune response based on cytokines and cellular phenotypes have never been performed. The aim of this study was to determine the immunophenotypic pattern and cytokine profile of the nodular involvement of the Liver in HVL. We evaluated nine cases of the nodular form of HVL. In situ immune response was studied through cytokine analysis and immunohistochemical study for phenotype markers: IL-1, IL-4, IL-1 0, TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells, CD20, CD68, CD57 and macrophage activation was determined by evaluation of iNOS activity. HVL seems to be related to a better immune response. Amastigotes were rarely found on liver sections. Leishmania antigen expression was also rare and located in the inflammatory nodules. The lower expression of IL-4 and IL-10, moderate expression of TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma demonstrate a panorama of Th1 phenotype. The increased expression of NK cells could help in sustaining this model of response. This pattern of immune response is probably responsible for improvement in the parasite`s clearance from liver tissue and it is a prognostic marker of human visceral leishmaniasis. (C) 2008 The British Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objectives Because of the large number of cases of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) recorded in Brazil over the last few years, this disease has been showing characteristics different from previously known ones. We report cases of pregnant women treated for VL, describing their course and outcome and the chemotherapeutic medication used according to the clinical signs and symptoms of each patient. Study design We report five cases of pregnant women treated for VL in a central-western region of Brazil. Results No case of vertical transmission was observed, even in patients who were treated after delivery. One of the patients with a late diagnosis made after the onset of symptoms died. Thus, the treatment of VL during pregnancy reduces maternal mortality and the rate of vertical transmission of the disease, being safe and effective as long as the disease is diagnosed early. Conclusion At present, amphotericin B and its derivatives appear to be the best therapeutic option for the mother-child binomial.
Current visceral leishmaniasis (VL) control programs in Brazil include the infected dog elimination but, despite this strategy, the incidence of human VL is still increasing. One of the reasons is the long delay between sample collection, analysis, control implementation and the low sensitivity of diagnostic tests. Due to the high prevalence of asymptomatic dogs, the diagnosis of these animals is important considering their vector infection capacity. Hence, a rapid and accurate diagnosis of canine visceral leishmaniasis is essential for an efficient surveillance program. In this study we evaluated the performance of rK39 antigen in an immunochromatographic format to detect symptomatic and asymptomatic Leishmania chagasi infection in dogs and compared the results with those using a crude antigen ELISA. The sensitivity of rK39 dipstick and ELISA were 83% vs. 95%, respectively, while the specificity was both 100%. Our results also demonstrated that the dipstick test was able to detect infected dogs presenting different clinical forms. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis (ZVL) is a serious public health problem in several Brazilian cities. Although the proximity of chicken houses is often cited as a risk factor in studies of urban ZVL, the role chickens play in the epidemiology of the disease has not been defined. Chickens attract both male and female sand flies (Lutzomyia longripalpis) but are unable to sustain Leishmania infections, and their presence may exert a zooprophylactic effect. We discuss environmental, physiologic, socioeconomic, and cultural factors related to chicken raising that could influence Le. infantum transmission in Brazilian cities and evaluate whether this practice significantly affects the risk of acquiring ZVL.
OBJECTIVE This study investigated the serological status of dogs living in a visceral leishmaniasis-endemic area and its correlation with the parasitological condition of the animals.METHODS Canine humoral response was evaluated using the sera of 134 dogs by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunohistochemistry to detect parasites in the skin, lymph node, and spleen of the animals. The specific antibodies investigated were IgG, IgG1, IgG2, and IgE.RESULTS According to the parasitological, laboratory, and clinical findings, the dogs were placed into one of four groups: asymptomatic with (AP+, n = 21) or without (AP-, n = 36) Leishmania tissue parasitism and symptomatic with (SP+, n = 52) or without (SP-, n = 25) parasitism. Higher IgG and IgE levels were positively correlated with the infection condition and parasite load, but not with the clinical status. In all groups, total IgG was the predominant antibody, which occurred at the expense of IgG2 instead of IgG1. Most of the infected dogs tested positive for IgG (SP+, 98.1%; AP+, 95.2%), whereas this was not observed with IgE (SP+, 80.8%; AP+, 71.2%). The most relevant finding was the high positivity of the uninfected dogs for Leishmania-specific IgG (SP-, 60.0%; AP-, 44.4%), IgE (SP-, 44.0%; AP-, 27.8%), IgG1 (SP-, 28.0%; AP-, 22.2%), and IgG2 antibodies (SP-, 56.0%; AP-, 41.7%).CONCLUSIONS The serological status of dogs, as determined by any class or subclass of antibodies, did not accurately distinguish dogs infected with L. (L.) infantum chagasifrom uninfected animals. The inaccuracy of the serological result may impair not only the diagnosis, but also epidemiological investigations and strategies for visceral leishmaniasis control. This complex serological scenario occurring in a visceral leishmaniasis-endemic area highlights the challenges associated with canine diagnosis and points out the difficulties experienced by veterinary clinicians and coordinators of control programs.
The control of zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis is a challenge, particularly in Brazil, where the disease has been gradually spreading across the country over the past 30 years. Strategies employed for decreasing the transmission risk are based on the control of vector populations and reservoirs; since humans are considered unnecessary for the maintenance of transmission. Among the adopted strategies in Brazil, the sacrifice of infected dogs is commonly performed and has been the most controversial measure. In the present study, we provide the rationale for the implementation of different control strategies targeted at reservoir populations and highlight the limitations and concerns associated with each of these strategies.
Forty-one naturally infected dogs with visceral leishmaniasis from an urban area of Corumbá (Mato Grosso do Sul-BRAZIL) were studied and three types of lung involvement due to visceral leishmaniasis were characterized; a cellular, a cellular-fibrotic and a fibrotic type. These types seem to represent a sequential evolutive proce'as. Visceral leishmaniasis frequently causes an interstitial pneu monitis in naturally infected dogs (80.5%) as well as in man and experimentally infected hamsters.