978 resultados para Virtual space


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Whilst some authors have portrayed the Internet as a powerful tool for business and political institutions, others have highlighted the potential of this technology for those vying to constrain or counter-balance the power of organizations, through e-collectivism and on-line action. What appears to be emerging is a contested space that has the potential to simultaneously enhance the power of organizations, whilst also acting as an enabling technology for the empowerment of grass-root networks. In this struggle, organizations are fighting for the retention of “old economy” positions, as well as the development of “new economy” power-bases. In realizing these positions, organizations and institutions are strategizing and manoeuvering in order to shape on-line networks and communications. For example, the on-line activities of individuals can be contained through various technological means, such as surveillance, and the structuring of the virtual world through the use of portals and “walled gardens”. However, loose groupings of individuals are also strategizing to ensure there is a liberation of their communication paths and practices, and to maintain the potential for mobilization within and across traditional boundaries. In this article, the unique nature and potential of the Internet are evaluated, and the struggle over this contested virtual space is explored.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém para obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação e Comunicação Multimédia


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém para obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação e Comunicação Multimédia


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Technology is continually changing, and evolving, throughout the entire construction industry; and particularly in the design process. One of the principal manifestations of this is a move away from team working in a shared work space to team working in a virtual space, using increasingly sophisticated electronic media. Due to the significant operating differences when working in shared and virtual spaces adjustments to generic skills utilised by members is a necessity when moving between the two conditions. This paper reports an aspect of a CRC-CI research project based on research of ‘generic skills’ used by individuals and teams when engaging with high bandwidth information and communication technologies (ICT). It aligns with the project’s other two aspects of collaboration in virtual environments: ‘processes’ and ‘models’. The entire project focuses on the early stages of a project (i.e. design) in which models for the project are being developed and revised. The paper summarises the first stage of the research project which reviews literature to identify factors of virtual teaming which may affect team member skills. It concludes that design team participants require ‘appropriate skills’ to function efficiently and effectively, and that the introduction of high band-width technologies reinforces the need for skills mapping and measurement.


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Children’s drawings provide rich qualitative data (Walker, 2008) and “valuable information for the assessment of children's environmental perceptions” (Barraza, 1999, p. 49). They are the primary data source being used to re-imagine school from a student perspective (Schratz & Steiner-Löffler, 1998) in a research project being carried out with primary school students in Queensland, Australia. This paper will report on the progress of this project which addresses a mostly unmet need for students’ perspectives to be included in school design (Rudduck & Flutter, 2004). Grade 5/6 students in a number of primary schools have been invited to submit annotated drawings with up to 200 words of text illustrating their ideal educational spaces. Using purpose-designed analytical tools, the submissions will be compared across student backgrounds and school types to obtain a better understanding of the needs and educational desires of young people in relation to changing learning environments. The findings will inform consideration of the design and use of educational spaces with all work exhibited through a dedicated website. The term ‘educational spaces’ avoids restrictive notions of what the concept of ‘school’ means, referring to any real or virtual space in which teaching and learning may occur or, as Ferguson and Seddon (2007) have referred to it, “the shifting imagery of education” that includes red brick schools and dispersed learning networks. The theoretical framework for this study is grounded in the work of Greene (1995) and Wright-Mills (2001) who cited the deployment of critical and empathic imagination in addressing education reform.


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The artwork was created to respond to the exhibition theme, "DIGILOG+IN". It aimed to express the beauty when digital and analogue materials are combined. It visualised an organic harmony between digital and natural objects through digitalisation and builded a fantasy of digital world. However, there was a conceptual dilemma that a “digitalisation” of natural objects into a digital format should merely become a digital work. In other words, a harmony between digital and analogue (natural) can be only achieved through a digitalising process by removing intrinsic nature of analogues. Therefore, the substance of analogues no longer exists in a digitally visualised form, but is virtually represented. The title of art work “digitualisation” is a combined word with “digi-tal” and vir-tualisation”. It refers to a digitally virtualising the substance of natural objects. The artwork visualised the concept of digitualisation by using natural objects (flowers) that are merged within a virtual space (a building entrance foyer).


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Network has emerged from a contempory worldwide phenomenon, culturally manifested as a consequence of globalization and the knowledge economy. It is in this context that the internet revolution has prompted a radical re-ordering of social and institutional relations and the associated structures, processes and places which support them. Within the duality of virtual space and the augmentation of traditional notions of physical place, the organizational structures pose new challenges for the design professions. Technological developments increasingly permit communication anytime and anywhere, and provide the opportunity for both synchronous and asynchronous collaboration. The resultant ecology formed through the network enterprise has resulted in an often convolted and complex world wherein designers are forced to consider the relevance and meaning of this new context. The role of technology and that of space are thus interwined in the relation between the network and the individual workplace. This paper explores a way to inform the interior desgn process for contemporary workplace environments. It reports on both theoretical and practical outcomes through an Australia-wide case study of three collaborating, yet independent business entities. It further suggests the link between workplace design and successful business innovation being realized between partnering organizations in Great Britain. Evidence presented indicates that, for architects and interior designers, the scope of the problem has widened, the depth of knowledge required to provide solutions has increased, and the rules of engagement are required to change. The ontological and epistemological positions adopted in the study enabled the spatial dimensions to be examined from both within and beyond the confines of a traditional design only viewpoint. Importantly it highlights the significance of a trans-disiplinary collaboration in dealing with the multiple layers and complexity of the contemporary social and business world, from both a research and practice perspective.


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This paper reports on a study that focused on growth of understanding about teaching geometry by a group of prospective teachers engaged in lesson plan study within a computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environment. Participation in the activity was found to facilitate considerable growth in the participants’ pedagogical-content knowledge (PCK). Factors that influenced growth in PCK included the nature of the lesson planning task, the cognitive scaffolds inserted into the CSCL virtual space, the meta-language scaffolds provided to the participants, and the provision of both private and public discourse spaces. The paper concludes with recommendations for enhancing effective knowledge-building discourse about mathematics PCK within prospective teacher education CSCL environments.


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Everything (2008) is a looped 3 channel digital video (extracted from a 3D computer animation) that appropriates a range of media including photography, drawing, painting, and pre-shot video. The work departs from traditional time-based video which is generally based on a recording of an external event. Instead, “Everything” constructs an event and space more like a painting or drawing might. The works combines constructed events (including space, combinations of objects, and aesthetic relationship of forms) with pre-recorded video footage and pre-made paintings and drawings. The result is a montage of objects, images – both still and moving – and abstracted ‘painterly’ gestures. This technique creates a complex temporal displacement. 'Past' refers to pre-recorded media such as painting and photography, and 'future' refers to a possible virtual space not in the present, that these objects may occupy together. Through this simultaneity between the real and the virtual, the work comments on a disembodied sense of space and time, while also puncturing the virtual with a sense of materiality through the tactility of drawing and painting forms and processes. In so doing, te work challenges the perspectival Cartesian space synonymous with the virtual. In this work the disembodied wandering virtual eye is met with an uncanny combination of scenes, where scale and the relationships between objects are disrupted and changed. Everything is one of the first international examples of 3D animation technology being utilised in contemporary art. The work won the inaugural $75,000 Premier of Queensland National New Media Art Award and was subsequently acquired by the Queensland Art Gallery. The work has been exhibited and reviewed nationally and internationally.


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Relics is a single-channel video derived from a 3D computer animation that combines a range of media including photography, drawing, painting, and pre-shot video. It is constructed around a series of pictorial stills which become interlinked by the more traditionally filmic processes of panning, zooming and crane shots. In keeping with these ideas, the work revolves around a series of static architectural forms within the strangely menacing enclosure of a geodesic dome. These clinical aspects of the work are complemented by a series of elements that evoke fluidity : fireworks, mirrored biomorphic forms and oscillating projections. The visual dimension of the work is complemented by a soundtrack of rainforest bird calls. Through its ambiguous combination of recorded and virtual imagery, Relics explores the indeterminate boundaries between real and virtual space. On the one hand, it represents actual events and spaces drawn from the artist studio and image archive; on the other it represents the highly idealised spaces of drawing and 3D animation. In this work the disembodied wandering virtual eye is met with an uncanny combination of scenes, where scale and the relationships between objects are disrupted and changed. Through this simultaneity between the real and the virtual, the work conveys a disembodied sense of space and time that carries a powerful sense of affect. Relics was among the first international examples of 3D animation technology in contemporary art. It was originally exhibited in the artist’s solo show, ‘Places That Don’t Exist’ (2007, George Petelin Gallery, Gold Coast) and went on to be included in the group shows ‘d/Art 07/Screen: The Post Cinema Experience’ (2007, Chauvel Cinema, Sydney) , ‘Experimenta Utopia Now: International Biennial of Media Art’ (2010, Arts Centre, Melbourne and national touring venues) and ‘Move on Asia’ (2009, Alternative space Loop, Seoul and Para-site Art Space, Hong Kong) and was broadcast on Souvenirs from Earth (Video Art Cable Channel, Germany and France). The work was analysed in catalogue texts for ‘Places That Don’t Exist’ (2007), ‘d/Art 07’ (2007) and ‘Experimenta Utopia Now’ (2010) and the’ Souvenirs from Earth’ website.


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Mapping the Unmappable? the Choreography Shared Material on Dying through the Lens of the Technogenetic Dancer. If choreographic movement is a trace, which is already behind at the moment of its appearance, the impulses that move the dancer could be understood to reside in the virtual. Whether they are the internalized instructions of the choreographer, the inscriptions of concepts on the dancing body which shape how the dancer moves, or movement material that has been incorporated over time, this gestalt is somewhat mapped before is materialized. Erin Manning describes the moment before it manifests as the preacceleration of the movement, when the potentialities of the gesture collapse and stabilize into form. This form is transient, appearing as a trace that is dissolving as soon as it appears. In her critique of some approaches to collaborations between dance and technology she describes technology as a prosthetic that constrains the dancer's movement by inducing this collapse into stability and thus limiting the potentiality of the technogenetic body of the dancer. Thus the technology becomes the focus rather than the sophisticated sensorial skills of the dancer in movement. Using this challenge as a provocation, I have explored methods for mapping a choreographed phrase of movement from the piece entitled Shared Material on Dying by Irish choreographer, Liz Roche. I will explore the virtual space before this dance is materialized, through the frame of a technogenetic body. I will uncover, through phenomenological enquiry, the constituent elements that are embedded in this virtual map, that is, the associations, sensations and spatio-temporal reference points that have been incorporated over time. The purpose is to point to possible directions in mapping the virtual dance space and to understand choreographed movements not just in terms of their material trace but also in terms of the associations, sensations and perceptions that give a specific choreography its identity. This undertaking has relevance for archiving dance. This presentation will involve danced choreography alongside documented material to explore multiple perspectives on the piece and the experience of dancing it.


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As the Internet becomes deeply embedded into consumers’ daily life, the digital virtual world brings significant influence to consumers’ self and narrative. Prior studies look at consumer self from either from a certain online space or comparing consumers’ physical and digital virtual selves but not the integration of the physical/digital world. This paper aims to explore the meanings of the digital virtual space on consumers’ narrative as a whole (their interests, dreams, or subjectivity). We utilise a postmodern concept of the cyborg to understand the cultural complexity, subjective meanings of, and the extent to which the digital virtual space plays a role in consumers’ self-narrative. We conducted in-depth interviews and gathered three consumer narratives. Our findings indicate that consumers’ narrative contains important fragments from both physical and digital virtual worlds and their physical and digital virtual selves form a feedback loop that strengthen their overall narrative.


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A partir do entendimento das novas possibilidades sociais permitidas pela Internet, este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar a sociabilidade em redes sociais virtuais a partir do desenvolvimento do capital social entre os membros integrantes destas redes. Buscamos compreender as motivações que possibilitam que as relações sociais sejam construídas e mantidas no e a partir do espaço virtual determinando os fatores que tornam tais relações materializadas no espaço offline. Para tal, realizamos um estudo de caso de uma rede social constituída por motociclistas, o site Tornadeiros. Logramos apreender, o contexto de interação entre os membros desta rede e de que modo o fortalecimento do capital social é propulsor do deslocamento das relações no ambiente virtual para o espaço urbano, determinando a sedimentação de vínculos afetivos entre os indivíduos, inicialmente previstos como banais e efêmeros, dado a lacuna espaço-temporal existente entre estes atores. Para explorar estas dimensões iniciamos o trabalho etnográfico no ciberespaço e posteriormente no espaço urbano. A etnografia no ciberespaço consistiu na aplicação de um questionário online para determinar o perfil dos membros da rede social e na compilação de todo conteúdo de postagens disponível na memória coletiva do site. Os dados compilados foram tratados posteriormente para determinar a topologia da rede de interações entre os membros. Deste material, selecionamos 17 discursos para estudo, articulando a análise dos discursos com as observações produzidas pelo grafo da rede de interações do site. Finalmente, no segundo momento etnográfico, nós confrontamos os resultados com as entrevistas presenciais, tornando possível perceber o estabelecimento e manutenção das relações sociais a partir do capital social desenvolvido nesta rede.


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A educação a distância (EAD) é uma importante estratégia na realização de atividades de educação permanente em saúde. Contudo, as raízes pedagógicas de muitas destas práticas convergem para a reapresentação de uma educação tradicional e transmissora, sobretudo pela inexistência de momentos de interação social que possibilitem a troca e o compartilhamento de saberes. Neste sentido, os fóruns on line são considerados um importante recurso para promover um cenário interativo e estimular processos de construção compartilhada do conhecimento (CCC). Nesta pesquisa, defende-se a tese de que dentro da lógica dos processos de educação permanente em saúde, o fórum representa uma ferramenta interativa e possibilita a construção de saberes compartilhados. Assim, o objetivo geral é analisar os fóruns interativos como espaço de processos de ensino-aprendizagem entre enfermeiros da Estratégia de Saúde da Família em um curso de especialização em saúde da família a distância. Além disso, são objetivos específicos desta pesquisa: compreender a política e os projetos de educação permanente em saúde no Brasil; observar as interações sugestivas de processos de construção compartilhada do conhecimento entre alunos e tutores; analisar a percepção dos discentes do curso sobre o fórum interativo e as possíveis repercussões deste em sua prática profissional. A metodologia escolhidabaseia-se no estudo de caso. Na coleta de dados, foram utilizados questionários on line e análise dos fóruns temáticos das disciplinas do curso, segundo análise de suas redes sociais. Tal análise desdobrou-se na construção de três categorias: as relações comunicacionais e os processos interativos como essencialidades da CCC; a formação de grupos as redes sociais na EAD; o tutor como mediador do espaço virtual. Observou-se, neste estudo, que a construção das redes sociais dentro de uma turma de EAD obedece à mesma lógica daquelas construídas presencialmente, ou seja, é baseada na identificação com o grupo e na aceitação de ideias expostas por um determinado coletivo. Os tutores possuem papel essencial na formação das redes sociais e, também, no surgimento das relações dialógicas. As relações de cooperação dentro dos fóruns interativos indicam a existência de processos de CCC; contudo, assim como nas relações presenciais, é impossível dimensionar a influência e as consequências sociais destas construções na vida dos sujeitos. Conclui-se que o fórum possibilita a existência de relações comunicacionais, porém os desdobramentos interativos, bem como os processos de CCC, dependem, não só do instrumento utilizado, mas de outros fatores, como o estímulo do professor-tutor, a participação dos alunos e a criação de redes sociais cooperativas.


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机会移动传感器网络可应用在野生动物监控,或利用手持设备嵌入的传感器收集城市信息等场景,往往需要将数据从源节点传输到多个基站中的任一个.提出了一个基于虚拟空间的路由机制VSR(virtual space-based routing),采用"存储-携带-转发"的传输模式实现数据收集.每个传感器节点根据与多个sink节点的期望传输延迟映射成高维空间中的一个坐标点,消息传输对应于从源节点移动到空间原点的过程.细粒度的转发决策特性,使VSR自适应于网络的动态变化,具有很好的鲁棒性.此外,VSR机制具有很低的计算和存储开销,非常适合资源受限的传感器节点.两种不同随机特性场景下的模拟实验验证了VSR机制比ZebraNet的基于历史的转发机制和随机转发机制的性能更好.