59 resultados para Victorians


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Includes bibliography.


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Bibliography at end of each biography.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Victorians feel a strong connection to their local waterways and most have a good grasp of river health issues. The My Victorian Waterway report analyses how Victorians interact with their local waterways including rivers, lakes and estuaries. The report is based on the results of a survey completed by more than 7,000 Victorians who answered questions about how they use and care for their local waterways as well as their knowledge of river health issues and aspirations for the future of our waterways.


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This paper discusses human and post-human relationships with nature and animals, using the work e. Menura Superba1 as a focal point. This interactive artwork takes the form of a Lyre bird in a cage, that mimics it’s audience in evocative ways. It is inspired by the historical practice of displaying taxidermy specimens and live species as trophies of travels to distant lands, and as symbols of wealth and status. In both form and intent the work hybridises elements from Enlightenment culture, with materials that conjure associations with dystopic post human futures (wire, post consumer electronic & other waste, as well working parts such as mobile phone screens, LED’s, camera, and cabling etc). Speculative science fiction, such as Phillip K Dick in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (Blade Runner), provides prescient stories about future (post) human worlds. This novel remains thought provoking as it describes a world that is all to rapidly approaching: where human activity has caused the destruction of most large animal species. In this fictional world, care for animals is not only a civic duty, it is one of the ways humans distinguish themselves from androids. As in Enlightenment times, ownership of animals (real, taxidermies, ersatz) is a form of commodity fetishism indicative of social status. Though whilst well heeled Victorians may have owned an elephant or have been proud of a trophy specimen, the wealthy in Dick’s future must be content with once common, even ersatz, animals such as sheep and owls, and would be repulsed to the core by the notion of killing an animal, even an ersatz animal, for sport. In becoming post human, humans have sought to separate themselves from the natural world, destroying much of it in the process. No technical prothesis will bring back to life the species we have rendered extinct. This (evolving) relationship between humanity and other species, therefore forms a central question in this work, providing a way of approaching the post human, and problematising anthropocentric perspectives. The world promised by post-human technology is indeed rich with possibility, but without corresponding steps to ensure the sustainability of technology (human society), this paper asks whether the richness of that experience will continue to be mirrored by the richness of the environments within which we exist?


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Catch data were collected from three beaches in the Mwanza area of lake Victoria, Tanzania for Oreochromis niloticus (L.), Rastrineobola argentea (Pellegrin) and Lates niloticus (L.). Sampling took place in October 1997 and February, June and September 1998. The CPUE for O. niloticus was 3.9 to 6kg boat super(-1) and for R. argentea from 98 to 282 kg boat super(-1). There was no obvious trend in catch rates for L. niloticus. The modal length for O. niloticus recorded at Chole beach was 34cm TL. In February, fish were larger (41-45 cm) than in the other surveys. Rastrineobola argentea caught in October 1997 had modal length at 65 mm TL with some smaller fish. In February and June prominent length modes occurred at 45 and 58 mm respectively, which may represent the same cohort as the small fish caught in October 1997. In September 1998, there were two length modes at 46 and 60 mm. The 60 mm fish may represent the same cohort seen in previous surveys, suggesting growth from approximately 30 mm to 60 mm in an eleven-month period. Lates niloticus landed at Kayenze beach over the four surveys had a modal length of 46 cm TL. Fish species encountered on the three beaches during the surveys were O. niloticus, R. argentea, Bagrus docmak Forsskall, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell), Protopterus aethiopicus Heckel, Labeo victorians Boulenger, Synodontis afrofischeri Hilgendorf, Synodontis victoriae Boulanger, Schilbe intermedius (L.), Brycinus jacksonii (Boulanger), Mormyrus kannume Forsskall and Haplochromine cichlids


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Esta dissertação é um estudo comparativo do legado vitoriano deixado para as escritoras do século XX, Virginia Woolf e Sylvia Plath. Primeiro discutem-se as agências controladoras do corpo feminino na era vitoriana e a formação de um ideal de feminilidade que chamamos de Anjo do Lar. Em seguida, discute-se como Virginia Woolf apreende essa imagem e a subverte, criando seu duplo, que chamamos de Demônio do Lar. Por fim, promovemos o diálogo entre Sylvia Plath e Virginia Woolf. Plath parece escrever aos moldes de Woolf, criando uma literatura de morte, feita para assassinar o Anjo do Lar. Usamos para tal estudo o conceito de écriture féminine, criado pelas francófonas Hélène Cixous, Luce Irigaray, e Julia Kristeva, entre outras, para traçar os paralelos entre um lugar para o feminino na escrita e a busca de uma tradição por Woolf. A abjeção de Kristeva, a dinâmica de poder entre alma e corpo de Foucault e o conceito de duplo de Otto Rank nos ajudarão, por fim, a entender como se dá a morte do Anjo na literatura, especificamente no romance A redoma de vidro (1963) de Sylvia Plath


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A prevalence study of primary biliary cirrhosis was carried out in the state of Victoria, Australia, by means of a mail survey of specialist physicians and a review of hospital records. Eighty four cases were identified, giving a prevalence of 19.1 per million population (95% confidence limits (CI) 15.3, 23.7), which is among the lowest in published reports. The prevalence in the Australian born, at risk population (women over the age of 24) was 51 per million (95% CI 37.5, 67.9). Both these figures are considerably lower than those in populations of similar age distribution in the UK and northern Europe. Since most Victorians are descended from British or European settlers, the low prevalence of primary biliary cirrhosis in this study supports the hypothesis that local environmental factors may be important in the pathogenesis of this disease.


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That study attempted to elaborate the problematic of [Leigh Hunt's] position within the London literary and political scene between the years 1805 and1828, the contributions he made to British literature and journalism, and his public standing at the end of the romantic period. Since Hunt's life is obviously too complex to be rendered fully in any single study, the idea was not to attempt an exhaustive history, but rather to present a starting point for further inquiry into Hunt's career as a writer and public figure under the reign of Queen Victoria. [...]


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Esta investigación se centra en la Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) como organización política. Intenta responder dos interrogantes primordiales: 1) ¿cómo la FIFA ha constituido el poder que tiene actualmente y, así, hacerse del monopolio indiscutido del fútbol? Y 2) ¿cómo ha cambiado en el tiempo la política interna de FIFA y su vínculo con la política internacional? Para lograr esto, se realiza un estudio histórico, basado principalmente en documentos, que intenta caracterizar y analizar los cambios de la organización en el tiempo. Se enfatizan las últimas dos presidencias de FIFA, de João Havelange y Joseph Blatter, como casos de estudio.