388 resultados para Vibrio cholerae


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As a first step towards a vaccine against diarrhoeal disease caused by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC), we have studied the expression of several ETEC antigens in the live attenuated Vibrio cholerae vaccine strain CVD 103-HgR. Colonization factors (CF) CFA/I, CS3, and CS6 were expressed at the surface of V. cholerae CVD 103-HgR. Both CFA/I and CS3 required the co-expression of a positive regulator for expression, while CS6 was expressed without regulation. Up-regulation of CF expression in V. cholerae was very efficient, so that high amounts of CFA/I and CS3 similar to those in wild-type ETEC were synthesized from chromosomally integrated CF and positive regulator loci. Increasing either the operon and/or the positive regulator gene dosage resulted in only a small increase in CFA/I and CS3 expression. In contrast, the level of expression of the non-regulated CS6 fimbriae appeared to be more dependent on gene dosage. While CF expression in wild-type ETEC is known to be tightly thermoregulated and medium dependent, it seems to be less stringent in V. cholerae. Finally, co-expression of two or three CFs in the same strain was efficient even under the control of one single regulator gene.


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Adhesion is the first step in the pathogenesis of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infections. The genes encoding the most prevalent adhesion factors CFA/I, CS3 and CS6 were cloned into Vibrio cholerae strain CVD 103-HgR and expression of fimbriae was investigated in wildtype and recombinant strains by transmission electron microscopy in conjunction with immunolabelling and negative staining. Negative staining was effective in revealing CFA/I and CS3, but not CS6. Although morphology of fimbriae differed between wildtype and recombinant strains, corresponding surface antigens were recognized by specific antibodies. The present study provides evidence that ETEC-specific fimbriae can adequately be expressed in an attenuated V. cholerae vaccine strain and that immunoelectron microscopy is a critical tool to validate the surface expression of antigens in view of their possible suitability for recombinant vaccines.


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Diarrhoea caused by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) requires adhesion of microorganisms to enterocytes. Hence, a promising approach to immunoprophylaxis is to elicit antibodies against colonisation factor antigens (CFAs). Genes encoding the most prevalent ETEC-specific surface antigens were cloned into Vibrio cholerae and Salmonella vaccine strains. Expression of surface antigens was assessed by electron-microscopy. Whereas negative staining was effective in revealing CFA/I and CS3, but not CS6, immunolabelling allowed identification of all surface antigens examined. The V. cholerae vaccine strain CVD103 did not express ETEC-specific colonisation factors, whereas CVD103-HgR expressed CS3 only. However, expression of both CFA/I and CS3 was demonstrated in Salmonella Ty21a.


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Chitin, N-acetylglucosamine and crude shrimp shell were found to support growth and survival of non-01 and 01 Vibrio cholerae species in aquatic microcosms. Growth was found to be concentration-dependent when the amount of chitin used was within the range of 0.5 g/L to 5 g/L. Toxigenic strains of V. cholerae retained their ability to produce cholera toxin in bay water with chitin as the sole source of nutrient. The amount of chitin solubilized in bay water was shown to depend on salinity but not pH. The inability of V. cholerae to grow in dilute (10%) sewage is reported, and its bearing on the adequacy of the currently used fecal coliform count as a measure of shellfish and shellfish harvesting water quality is discussed. ^


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The rugose colony variant of Vibrio cholerae O1, biotype El Tor, is shown to produce an exopolysaccharide, EPSETr, that confers chlorine resistance and biofilm-forming capacity. EPSETr production requires a chromosomal locus, vps, that contains sequences homologous to carbohydrate biosynthesis genes of other bacterial species. Mutations within this locus yield chlorine-sensitive, smooth colony variants that are biofilm deficient. The biofilm-forming properties of EPSETr may enable the survival of V. cholerae O1 within environmental aquatic habitats between outbreaks of human disease.


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Vibrio cholerae, the etiologic agent of the diarrheal disease cholera, is a Gram-negative bacterium that belongs to the γ subdivision of the family Proteobacteriaceae. The physical map of the genome has been reported, and the genome has been described as a single 3.2-Mb chromosome [Majumder, R., et al. (1996) J. Bacteriol. 178, 1105–1112]. By using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of genomic DNA immobilized in agarose plugs and digested with the restriction enzymes I-CeuI, SfiI, and NotI, we have also constructed the physical map of V. cholerae. Our analysis estimates the size of the genome at 4.0 Mb, 25% larger than the physical map reported by others. Our most notable finding is, however, that the V. cholerae chromosome appears to be not the single chromosome reported but two unique and separate circular megareplicons.


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It has long been known that cholera outbreaks can be initiated when Vibrio cholerae, the bacterium that causes cholera, is present in drinking water in sufficient numbers to constitute an infective dose, if ingested by humans. Outbreaks associated with drinking or bathing in unpurified river or brackish water may directly or indirectly depend on such conditions as water temperature, nutrient concentration, and plankton production that may be favorable for growth and reproduction of the bacterium. Although these environmental parameters have routinely been measured by using water samples collected aboard research ships, the available data sets are sparse and infrequent. Furthermore, shipboard data acquisition is both expensive and time-consuming. Interpolation to regional scales can also be problematic. Although the bacterium, V. cholerae, cannot be sensed directly, remotely sensed data can be used to infer its presence. In the study reported here, satellite data were used to monitor the timing and spread of cholera. Public domain remote sensing data for the Bay of Bengal were compared directly with cholera case data collected in Bangladesh from 1992–1995. The remote sensing data included sea surface temperature and sea surface height. It was discovered that sea surface temperature shows an annual cycle similar to the cholera case data. Sea surface height may be an indicator of incursion of plankton-laden water inland, e.g., tidal rivers, because it was also found to be correlated with cholera outbreaks. The extensive studies accomplished during the past 25 years, confirming the hypothesis that V. cholerae is autochthonous to the aquatic environment and is a commensal of zooplankton, i.e., copepods, when combined with the findings of the satellite data analyses, provide strong evidence that cholera epidemics are climate-linked.


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The crystal structure of the murine Fab S-20-4 from a protective anti-cholera Ab specific for the lipopolysaccharide Ag of the Ogawa serotype has been determined in its unliganded form and in complex with synthetic fragments of the Ogawa O-specific polysaccharide (O-SP). The upstream terminal O-SP monosaccharide is shown to be the primary antigenic determinant. Additional perosamine residues protrude outwards from the Ab surface and contribute only marginally to the binding affinity and specificity. A complementary water-excluding hydrophobic interface and five Ab–Ag hydrogen bonds are crucial for carbohydrate recognition. The structure reported here explains the serotype specificity of anti-Ogawa Abs and provides a rational basis toward the development of a synthetic carbohydrate-based anti-cholera vaccine.


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The transmembrane transcriptional activators ToxR and TcpP modulate expression of Vibrio cholerae virulence factors by exerting control over toxT, which encodes the cytoplasmic transcriptional activator of the ctx, tcp, and acf virulence genes. However, ToxR, independently of TcpP and ToxT, activates and represses transcription of the genes encoding two outer-membrane porins, OmpU and OmpT. To determine the role of ToxR-dependent porin regulation in V. cholerae pathogenesis, the ToxR-activated ompU promoter was used to drive ompT transcription in a strain lacking OmpU. Likewise, the ToxR-repressed ompT promoter was used to drive ompU transcription in a strain lacking both ToxR and OmpT. This strategy allowed the generation of a toxR+ strain that expresses OmpT in place of OmpU, and a toxR− strain that expresses OmpU in place of OmpT. Growth rates in the presence of bile salts and other anionic detergents were retarded for the toxR+ V. cholerae expressing OmpT in place of OmpU, but increased in toxR− V. cholerae expressing OmpU in place of OmpT. Additionally, the toxR+ V. cholerae expressing OmpT in place of OmpU expressed less cholera toxin and toxin-coregulated pilus, and this effect was shown to be caused by reduced toxT transcription in this strain. Finally, the toxR+ V. cholerae expressing OmpT in place of OmpU was ≈100-fold reduced in its ability to colonize the infant-mouse intestine. Our results indicate that ToxR-dependent modulation of the outer membrane porins OmpU and OmpT is critical for V. cholerae bile resistance, virulence factor expression, and intestinal colonization.


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The two major disease-causing biotypes of Vibrio cholerae, classical and El Tor, exhibit differences in their epidemic nature. Their behavior in the laboratory also differs in that El Tor strains produce two major virulence factors, cholera toxin (CT) and the toxin coregulated pilus (TCP), only under very restricted growth conditions, whereas classical strains do so in standard laboratory medium. Expression of toxin and TCP is controlled by two activator proteins, ToxR and ToxT, that operate in cascade fashion with ToxR controlling the synthesis of ToxT. Both biotypes express equivalent levels of ToxR, but only classical strains appear to express ToxT when grown in standard medium. In this report we show that restrictive expression of CT and TCP can be overcome in El Tor strains by expressing ToxT independently of ToxR. An El Tor strain lacking functional ToxT does not express CT or TCP, ruling out existence of a cryptic pathway for virulence regulation in this biotype. These results may have implications for understanding the evolution of El Tor strains toward reduced virulence with respect to classical strains.


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The recent emergence of a pathogenic new non-O1 serotype (O139) of Vibrio cholerae has led to numerous studies in an attempt to identify the origins of this new strain. Our studies indicate that O139 strains have clear differences in the surface polysaccharides when compared with O1 strains: the lipopolysaccharide can be described as semi-rough. Southern hybridization with the O1 rfb region demonstrates that O139 strains no longer contain any of the rfb genes required for the synthesis of the O1 O-antigen or its modification and also lack at least 6 kb of additional contiguous DNA. However, O139 strains have retained rfaD and have a single open reading frame closely related to three small open reading frames of the O1 rfb region. This region is closely related to the H-repeat of Escherichia coli and to the transposases of a number of insertion sequence elements and has all the features of an insertion sequence element that has been designated VcIS1. Transposon insertion mutants defective in O139 O-antigen (and capsule) biosynthesis map to the same fragment as VcIS1. Preliminary sequence data of complementing clones indicate that this DNA encodes a galactosyl-transferase and other enzymes for the utilization of galactose in polysaccharide biosynthesis. We propose a mechanism by which both the Ogawa serotype of O1 strains and the O139 serotype strains may have evolved.


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Prepared by the National Center for Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in cooperation with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).


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Vibrio sp. V26 isolated from mangrove sediment showed 98 % similarity to 16S rRNA gene of Vibrio cholerae, V. mimicus, V. albensis and uncultured clones of Vibrio. Phenotypically also it resembled both V. cholerae and V. mimicus.Serogrouping, virulence associated gene profiling, hydrophobicity, and adherence pattern clearly pointed towards the non—toxigenic nature of Vibrio sp. V26. Purification and characterization of the enzyme revealed that it was moderately thermoactive, nonhemagglutinating alkaline metalloprotease with a molecular mass of 32 kDa. The application of alkaline protease from Vibrio sp. V26 (APV26) in sub culturing cell lines (HEp-2, HeLa and RTG-2) and dissociation of animal tissue (chick embryo) for primary cell culture were investigated. The time required for dissociation of cells as well as the viable cell yield obtained by while administeringAPV26 and trypsin were compared. Investigations revealed that the alkaline protease of Vibrio sp. V26 has the potential to be used in animal cell culture for subculturing cell lines and dissociation of animal tissue for the development of primary cell cultures, which has not been reported earlier among metalloproteases of Vibrios.