18 resultados para Veillonella
Dental caries is the most common chronic disease worldwide. It is characterized by the demineralization of tooth enamel caused by acid produced by cariogenic dental bacteria growing on tooth surfaces, termed bacterial biofilms. Cariogenesis is a complex biological process that is influence by multiple factors and is not attributed to a sole causative agent. Instead, caries is associated with multispecies microbial biofilm communities composed of some bacterial species that directly influence the development of a caries lesion and other species that are seemingly benign but must contribute to the community in an uncharacterized way. Clinical analysis of dental caries and its microbial populations is challenging due to many factors including low sensitivity of clinical measurement tools, variability in saliva chemistry, and variation in the microbiota. Our laboratory has developed an in vitro anaerobic biofilm model for dental carries to facilitate both clinical and basic research-based analyses of the multispecies dynamics and individual factors that contribute to cariogenicity. The rational for development of this system was to improve upon the current models that lack key elements. This model places an emphasis on physiological relevance and ease of maintenance and reproducibility. The uniqueness of the model is based on integrating four critical elements: 1) a biofilm community composed of four distinct and representative species typically associated with dental caries, 2) a semi-defined synthetic growth medium designed to mimic saliva, 3) physiologically relevant biofilm growth substrates, and 4) a novel biofilm reactor device designed to facilitate the maintenance and analysis. Specifically, human tooth sections or hydroxyapatite discs embedded into poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) discs are incubated for an initial 24 hr in a static inverted removable substrate (SIRS) biofilm reactor at 37°C under anaerobic conditions in artificial saliva (CAMM) without sucrose in the presence of 1 X 106 cells/ml of each Actinomyces odontolyticus, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Streptococcus mutans, and Veillonella dispar. During days 2 and 3 the samples are maintained continually in CAMM with various exposures to 0.2% sucrose; all of the discs are transferred into fresh medium every 24 hr. To validate that this model is an appropriate in vitro representation of a caries-associated multispecies biofilm, research aims were designed to test the following overarching hypothesis: an in vitro anaerobic biofilm composed of four species (S. mutans, V. dispar, A. odontolyticus, and F. nucleatum) will form a stable biofilm with a community profile that changes in response to environmental conditions and exhibits a cariogenic potential. For these experiments the biofilms as described above were exposed on days 2 and 3 to either CAMM lacking sucrose (no sucrose), CAMM with 0.2% sucrose (constant sucrose), or were transferred twice a day for 1 hr each time into 0.2% sucrose (intermittent sucrose). Four types of analysis were performed: 1) fluorescence microscopy of biofilms stained with Syto 9 and hexidium idodine to determine the biofilm architecture, 2) quantitative PCR (qPCR) to determine the cell number of each species per cm2, 3) vertical scanning interferometry (VSI) to determine the cariogenic potential of the biofilms, and 4) tomographic pH imaging using radiometric fluorescence microscopy after exposure to pH sensitive nanoparticles to measure the micro-environmental pH. The qualitative and quantitative results reveal the expected dynamics of the community profile when exposed to different sucrose conditions and the cariogenic potential of this in vitro four-species anaerobic biofilm model, thus confirming its usefulness for future analysis of primary and secondary dental caries.
Background: Studies of oyster microbiomes have revealed that a limited number of microbes, including pathogens, can dominate microbial communities in host tissues such as gills and gut. Much of the bacterial diversity however remains underexplored and unexplained, although environmental conditions and host genetics have been implicated. We used 454 next generation 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing of individually tagged PCR reactions to explore the diversity of bacterial communities in gill tissue of the invasive Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas stemming from genetically differentiated beds under ambient outdoor conditions and after a multifaceted disturbance treatment imposing stress on the host. Results: While the gill associated microbial communities in oysters were dominated by few abundant taxa (i.e. Sphingomonas, Mycoplasma) the distribution of rare bacterial groups correlated to relatedness between the hosts under ambient conditions. Exposing the host to disturbance broke apart this relationship by removing rare phylotypes thereby reducing overall microbial diversity. Shifts in the microbiome composition in response to stress did not result in a net increase in genera known to contain potentially pathogenic strains. Conclusion: The decrease in microbial diversity and the disassociation between population genetic structure of the hosts and their associated microbiome suggest that disturbance (i.e. stress) may play a significant role for the assembly of the natural microbiome. Such community shifts may in turn also feed back on the course of disease and the occurrence of mass mortality events in oyster populations.
El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la eficacia de los tratamientos más utilizados en infecciones odontogénicas en niños y adolescentes aplicando criterios farmacocinéticos/farmacodinámicos (PK/PD). Se han simulado las curvas de concentración plasmática libre-tiempo a partir de parámetros farmacocinéticos medios de amoxicilina, amoxicilina-ácido clavulánico, cefuroxima axetilo, espiramicina, clindamicina, azitromicina y metronidazol. Para los antibióticos con actividad dependiente del tiempo, se ha calculado el tiempo durante el cual las concentraciones permanecen por encima de la concentración inhibitoria mínima (CIM90) de los microorganismos (T>CIM). Para los antimicrobianos con actividad dependiente de la concentración, se ha calculado el cociente entre el área bajo la curva y la CIM90 (ABC/CIM90). Con amoxicilina-ácido clavulánico (80 mg/kg/día) se han obtenido índices de eficacia adecuados frente a los microorganismos estudiados (T > CIM > 40%), excepto paraVeillonella spp. Clindamicina (40 mg/kg/día) también ha presentado índices PK/PD adecuados frente a la mayoría de los patógenos, excepto Lactobacillus, Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Peptostreptococcus resistente a penicilina y Eikenella corrodens. Con dosis altas de amoxicilina los resultados no han sido satisfactorios frente a varias especies bacterianas. Con azitromicina y metronidazol no se han alcanzado valores adecuados frente a la mayoría de patógenos (ABC/CIM90 < 25). En conclusión, el tratamiento empírico más adecuado en infecciones odontogénicas en niños y adolescentes es amoxicilina-ácido clavulánico en altas dosis de amoxicilina, aunque se puede utilizar como alternativa clindamicina. Sería conveniente confirmar estos resultados mediante ensayos clínicos, para cuyo diseño y evaluación podría ser de gran utilidad la aplicación de estudios PK/PD.