995 resultados para Varis, Markku


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Vastine Markku Jokisipilän kirja-arvosteluun kirjasta Pettureita ja patriootteja sekä Juha Sihvolan muistokirjoitukseen Tapani Hietaniemestä (HAIK 1/2010).


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Esipuhe Liikenneturvallisuussuunnitelma on laadittu Joensuun kaupungin ja Pohjois-Savon ELY-keskuksen Liikenne- ja Infrastruktuurivastuualueen yhteistyönä. Suunnitelma sisältää liikenneympäristön parantamissuunnitelman sekä liikenneturvallisuustyön toimintasuunnitelman (Kasvatus, Koulutus, Tiedotussuunnitelma). Suunnitelmaa on laadittu Joensuun liikenneturvallisuusryhmässä. Ryhmän lisäksi suunnitelman eri osioita on käsitelty liikenneympäristön osalta pienemmässäympäristöryhmässä sekä toimintasuunnitelmaa hallintokunnittaisissa alatyöryhmissä. Liikenneturvallisuusryhmään kuuluivat: Maija Martikainen Joensuun kaupunginhallitus Martti Varis Joensuun kaupunki Kaisa Kirjavainen Joensuun kaupunki Maikki Rouvinen Joensuun kaupunki Mikko Tiihonen Joensuun kaupunki Markku Aho Joensuun kaupunki Jarmo Tihmala Joensuun kaupunki Kyllikki Komulainen ELY-keskus Sonja Tynkkynen ELY-keskus Petri Inkinen ELY-keskus Mika Ahvanainen Pohjois-Karjalan poliisilaitos Marja Siintomaa Liikenneturva Konsulttina työssä on toiminut Destia Oy Infrasuunnittelu, josta suunnitelmasta vastasivat Jutta-Leea Ylönen ja Katja Seimelä.


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Urkuri Markku Ketolan haastattelu vuodelta 1981, editoimaton, luultavasti radiota varten. Alkaa ja loppuu kesken.


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Luettelo Kansalliskirjastossa olevan Markku Lassanderin arkiston sisällöstä


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Originally for violin and orchestra; acc. arr. for piano.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Background The protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR-1), the main platelet receptor for thrombin, represents a novel target for treatment of arterial thrombosis, and SCH 530348 is an orally active, selective, competitive PAR-1 antagonist. We designed TRA.CER to evaluate the efficacy and safety of SCH 530348 compared with placebo in addition to standard of care in patients with non-ST-segment elevation (NSTE) acute coronary syndromes (ACS) and high-risk features. Trial design TRA.CER is a prospective, randomized, double-blind, multicenter, phase III trial with an original estimated sample size of 10,000 subjects. Our primary objective is to demonstrate that SCH 530348 in addition to standard of care will reduce the incidence of the composite of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, recurrent ischemia with rehospitalization, and urgent coronary revascularization compared with standard of care alone. Our key secondary objective is to determine whether SCH 530348 will reduce the composite of cardiovascular death, MI, or stroke compared with standard of care alone. Secondary objectives related to safety are the composite of moderate and severe GUSTO bleeding and clinically significant TIMI bleeding. The trial will continue until a predetermined minimum number of centrally adjudicated primary and key secondary end point events have occurred and all subjects have participated in the study for at least I year. The TRA.CER trial is part of the large phase III SCH 530348 development program that includes a concomitant evaluation in secondary prevention. Conclusion TRA.CER will define efficacy and safety of the novel platelet PAR-1 inhibitor SCH 530348 in the treatment of high-risk patients with NSTE ACS in the setting of current treatment strategies. (Am Heart J 2009; 158:327-34.)


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Background Patients with early age-related maculopathy ( ARM) do not necessarily show obvious morphological signs or functional impairment. Many have good visual acuity, yet complain of decreased visual performance. The aim of this study was to investigate the aging effects on performance of parafoveal letter recognition at reduced contrast, and defects caused by early ARM and normal fellow eyes of patients with unilateral age-related macular degeneration (nfAMD). Methods Testing of the central visual field (8 radius) was performed by the Macular Mapping Test (MMT) using recognition of letters in 40 parafoveal target locations at four contrast levels (5, 10, 25 and 100%). Effects of aging were investigated in 64 healthy subjects aged 23 to 76 years (CTRL). In addition, 39 eyes (minimum visual acuity of 0.63; 20/30) from 39 patients with either no visible signs of ARM, while the fellow eye had advanced age-related macular degeneration (nfAMD; n=12), or early signs of ARM (eARM; n=27) were examined. Performance was expressed summarily as a ""field score"" (FS). Results Performance in the MMT begins to decline linearly with age in normal subjects from the age of 50 and 54 years on, at 5% and 10% contrast respectively. The differentiation between patients and CTRLs was enhanced if FS at 5% was analyzed along with FS at 10% contrast. In 8/12 patients from group nfAMD and in 18/27 from group eARM, the FS was statistically significantly lower than in the CTRL group in at least one of the lower contrast levels. Conclusion Using parafoveal test locations, a recognition task and diminished contrast increases the chance of early detection of functional defects due to eARM or nfAMD and can differentiate them from those due to aging alone.