996 resultados para Vapor Compression Cycle
Nesta dissertação são comparadas duas tecnologias de refrigeração. Uma tecnolo-gia é um sistema que usa a energia elétrica para fazer funcionar um ciclo de com-pressão de vapor, sistema comum em instalações de refrigeração. A outra solução é um sistema de absorção, em que a energia necessária para o funcionamento do sistema é energia térmica obtida através de coletores solares térmicos. Estas tecnologias são estudadas e comparadas para a refrigeração de um arma-zém de produtos agrícolas à temperatura constante de 5ºC para a região de Alque-va, região onde estão a ser desenvolvidos projetos hortofrutícolas a que estão as-sociadas necessidades de preservação dos produtos que envolvem refrigeração e em que a acessibilidade à rede elétrica é reduzida. É mostrado que a tecnologia do sistema de absorção com os coletores se apresenta a médio prazo mais vantajosa em termos económicos e ambientais; Abstract: Comparative analysis of a solar refrigeration system In this dissertation two refrigeration technologies are compared when used for the same objective. One is a technology using the electric energy to operate a vapour compression cycle, commonly used in refrigerated installations. The alternative technology is an absorption system driven by thermal energy, provided by solar thermal collectors. Both technologies are studied and compared for the refrigeration of an agricultural products warehouse at a constant temperature of 5ºC in the Alqueva region, where horticultural projects are being developed with associated needs of preservation of the products involving refrigeration, and where accessibility to the electrical grid is reduced. In the referred conditions it was shown that the absorption technology with collec-tors in the medium term surpasses the usual compression system, both from eco-nomic and environmental viewpoints.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Tässä työssä tutkittiin lämpöpumppujärjestelmiä, joilla tuotetaan samaan aikaan kylmä- ja lämpötehoa. Höyryn puristus lämpöpumppu on yleisimmin käytetty lämpöpumpputyyppi ja sen pääkomponentit ovat kompressori, lauhdutin, paisuntaventtiili ja höyrystin. Lämpöpumppu tuottaa samaan aikaan kylmätehoa höyrystimellä ja lämpötehoa lauhduttimella. Lämpöpumpun toiminta-arvoihin vaikuttaa valittujen lämpötilatasojen lisäksi voimakkaasti valitun kiertoaineen termodynaamiset ominaisuudet sekä kompressorin painesuhteeseen verrannollinen isentrooppihyötysuhde. Uusissa lämpöpumpuissa käytetään HFC yhdisteitä sekä sekoituksia kiertoaineina, mutta myös luonnolliset aineet, kuten ammoniakki, ovat lupaavia korvikkeita CFC yhdisteille. Sopivia sovelluskohteita kylmä- ja lämpötehon yhteistuotannolle ovat kauppa- ja asuinrakennukset, hotellit, toimistot, elintarviketeollisuus ja -myymälät sekä vierekkäiset jää- ja uimahallit ja hiihtoputket. Kylmä- ja lämpötehon yhteistuotannolla voitaisiin saavuttaa merkittäviä säästöjä ja päästövähennyksiä. Esimerkiksi jäähallien kylmäkoneiden lauhdelämmön hyödyntämisessä olisi Suomessa potentiaalia 6-10 miljoonan euron vuotuisiin säästöihin. Kylmä- ja lämpötehon yhteistuotanto voidaan toteuttaa hyödyntämällä kylmäkoneen lauhdelämpöä toisella lämpöpumpulla. Toinen vaihtoehto on käyttää eri tilojen samanaikaiseen lämmittämiseen ja jäähdyttämiseen HPS lämpöpumppua tai moniyksikköistä lämpöpumppua.
Unsteady flow of oil and refrigerant gas through radial clearance in rolling piston compressors has been modeled as a heterogeneous mixture, where the properties are determined from the species conservation transport equation coupled with momentum and energy equations. Time variations of pressure, tangential velocity of the rolling piston and radial clearance due to pump setting have been included in the mixture flow model. Those variables have been obtained by modeling the compression process, rolling piston dynamics and by using geometric characteristics of the pump, respectively. An important conclusion concerning this work is the large variation of refrigerant concentration in the oil-filled radial clearance during the compression cycle. That is particularly true for large values of mass flow rates, and for those cases the flow mixture cannot be considered as having uniform concentration. In presence of low mass flow rates homogeneous flow prevail and the mixture tend to have a uniform concentration. In general, it was observed that for calculating the refrigerant mass flow rate using the difference in refrigerant concentration between compression and suction chambers, a time average value for the gas concentration should be used at the clearance inlet.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Zusammenfassung: Michael EbertEntwicklung eines leistungsstarken Polarisators und Kompressorsfür 3-He für medizinische MR Tomographie Durch Optisches Pumpen von metastabilem3-He*--Gas bei einem Druck von 1 mb und Spinübertrag mittels Metastabileraustauschstöße aufden Grundzustand, wird 3-He auf 53 % bei einemmittleren Fluß von f = 58 bar*liter/Tag aufpolarisiert. Bei einem Fluß von f = 122bar*l/Tag wird immer noch eine Polarisation von 30 % erzielt. DurchSteigerung der Laserleistung von derzeit 12 Watt aufwünschenswerte 30 Watt, könnten beigleichem Fluß Kernspinpolarisationen des Heliums von 70 % erreicht werden. Mittels einer eigens entwickelten Ganzmetall--Titan--Kolbenpumpeerfolgt die Kompression in zwei Stufen. Zuerst wird einZwischenvolumen auf Drücke 200 bis 800 mb,je nach Anwendung gefüllt. Mit dem selben Kompressor könnenanschließend abnehmbare, verschließbare Experimentierzellen ausdiesem Zwischenvolumen auf Drücke 1 bis 6 bar gefüllt werden. Auf Grund des großen Hubvolumens von 15,4 Liter können große Gasmengen proKompressionszyklus verdichtet werden. Wegen des großen Verhältnisaus Kompressionshub h = 100 cm undKompressordurchmesser 14 cm kommt es imKompressionsraum zu keinen meßbaren Polarisationsverlusten.Zusammen mit dem großen Kompressionsfaktor von K = 10000sind diese konstruktiven Maßnahmen für den vollständigen Erhaltder Polarisation bei der Kompression des polarizierten 3-He--Gasesverantwortlich. Diese großen Gasmengen an hyperpolarisiertem 3-He haben ersteklinische Studien funktioneller Lungen--MRT ermöglicht. DurchMessung des Sauerstoffpartialdrucks und dessen Abnahmerate, derBestimmung der Ventillation und Messung der DiffusionskonstantenADC in der Lunge, können die Funktionen dieses Organs lokalquantitativ beurteilt werden.
This thesis records the design and development of an electrically driven, air to water, vapour compression heat pump of nominally 6kW heat output, for residential space heating. The study was carried out on behalf of GEC Research Ltd through the Interdisciplinary Higher Degrees Scheme at Aston University. A computer based mathematical model of the vapour compression cycle was produced as a design aid, to enable the effects of component design changes or variations in operating conditions to be predicted. This model is supported by performance testing of the major components, which revealed that improvements in the compressor isentropic efficiency offer the greatest potential for further increases in cycle COPh. The evaporator was designed from first principles, and is based on wire-wound heat transfer tubing. Two evaporators, of air side area 10.27 and 16.24m2, were tested in a temperature and humidity controlled environment, demonstrating that the benefits of the large coil are greater heat pump heat output and lower noise levels. A systematic study of frost growth rates suggested that this problem is most severe at the conditions of saturated air at 0oC combined with low condenser water temperature. A dynamic simulation model was developed to predict the in-service performance of the heat pump. This study confirmed the importance of an adequate radiator area for heat pump installations. A prototype heat pump was designed and manufactured, consisting of a hermetic reciprocating compressor, a coaxial tube condenser and a helically coiled evaporator, using Refrigerant 22. The prototype was field tested in a domestic environment for one and a half years. The installation included a comprehensive monitoring system. Initial problems were encountered with defrosting and compressor noise, both of which were solved. The unit then operated throughout the 1985/86 heating season without further attention, producing a COPh of 2.34.
Steam injection is the most used thermal recovery method of oil nowadays because of the high degree of development of the technique that allows high recovery factors. However, injection of superheated steam into the reservoir affects the entire structure of the well, including the cemented layer that presents a retrogression of compressive strength and increases the permeability due to formation of more crystalline and denser phases at temperatures above 110 °C. These changes result in failures in the cement that favor the entrance of formation fluids into the annulus space resulting in unsafe operations and restrictions in the economic life of the well. But the strength retrogression can be prevented by partial replacement of cement by silica-based materials that reduce the CaO/SiO2 ratio of cement slurries changing the trajectory of the reactions, converting those deleterious phases in phases with satisfactory mechanical strength and permeability. The aim of this study was to evaluate the behavior of a ceramic waste material rich in silica in partial and total substitution of a mineral additive used to fight the strength retrogression of cement slurries subjected to high temperatures. The evaluation was made by compression, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and thermogravimetry (TG/DTG). The samples were submitted to a cycle of low temperature (38 °C) for 28 days and a cycle of low temperature followed by exposure to 280 ºC and 1000 psi by 3 days. The results showed that slurries with additions of up to 30% of the waste material are not enough to prevent the strength retrogression, while slurries with additions of the waste material combined with silica flour in various proportions produced hydrated products of low Ca/Si ratios that maintained the compressive strength at satisfactory levels
Many studies investigated solar–terrestrial responses (thermal state, O₃ , OH, H₂O) with emphasis on the tropical upper atmosphere. In this paper the Focus is switched to water vapor in the mesosphere at a mid-latitudinal location. Eight years of water vapor profile measurements above Bern (46.88°N/7.46°E) are investigated to study oscillations with the Focus on periods between 10 and 50 days. Different spectral analyses revealed prominent features in the 27-day oscillation band, which are enhanced in the upper mesosphere (above 0.1 hPa, ∼64 km) during the rising sun spot activity of solar cycle 24. Local as well as zonal mean Aura MLS observations Support these results by showing a similar behavior. The relationship between mesospheric water and the solar Lyman-α flux is studied by comparing thesi-milarity of their temporal oscillations. The H₂O oscillation is negatively correlated to solar Lyman-α oscillation with a correlation coefficient of up to −0.3 to −0.4, and the Phase lag is 6–10 days at 0.04 hPa. The confidence level of the correlation is ≥99%. This finding supports the assumption that the 27-day oscillation in Lyman-α causes a periodical photo dissociation loss in mesospheric water. Wavelet power spectra, cross-wavelet transform and wavelet coherence analysis (WTC)complete our study. More periods of high common wavelet power of H₂O and solar Lyman-α are present when amplitudes of the Lyman-α flux increase. Since this is not a measure of physical correlation a more detailed view on WTC is necessary, where significant (two sigma level)correlations occur intermittently in the 27 and 13-day band with variable Phase lock behavior. Large Lyman-α oscillations appeared after the solar super storm in July 2012 and the H₂O oscillations show a well pronounced anticorrelation. The competition between advective transport and photo dissociation loss of mesospheric water vapor may explain the sometimes variable Phase relationship of mesospheric H₂O and solar Lyman-α oscillations. Generally, the WTC analysis indicates that solar variability causes observable photochemical and dynamical processes in the mid-latitude mesosphere.
As an alternative fuel for compression ignition engines, plant oils are in principle renewable and carbon-neutral. However, their use raises technical, economic and environmental issues. A comprehensive and up-to-date technical review of using both edible and non-edible plant oils (either pure or as blends with fossil diesel) in CI engines, based on comparisons with standard diesel fuel, has been carried out. The properties of several plant oils, and the results of engine tests using them, are reviewed based on the literature. Findings regarding engine performance, exhaust emissions and engine durability are collated. The causes of technical problems arising from the use of various oils are discussed, as are the modifications to oil and engine employed to alleviate these problems. The review shows that a number of plant oils can be used satisfactorily in CI engines, without transesterification, by preheating the oil and/or modifying the engine parameters and the maintenance schedule. As regards life-cycle energy and greenhouse gas emission analyses, these reveal considerable advantages of raw plant oils over fossil diesel and biodiesel. Typical results show that the life-cycle output-to-input energy ratio of raw plant oil is around 6 times higher than fossil diesel. Depending on either primary energy or fossil energy requirements, the life-cycle energy ratio of raw plant oil is in the range of 2–6 times higher than corresponding biodiesel. Moreover, raw plant oil has the highest potential of reducing life-cycle GHG emissions as compared to biodiesel and fossil diesel.
Steam injection is the most used thermal recovery method of oil nowadays because of the high degree of development of the technique that allows high recovery factors. However, injection of superheated steam into the reservoir affects the entire structure of the well, including the cemented layer that presents a retrogression of compressive strength and increases the permeability due to formation of more crystalline and denser phases at temperatures above 110 °C. These changes result in failures in the cement that favor the entrance of formation fluids into the annulus space resulting in unsafe operations and restrictions in the economic life of the well. But the strength retrogression can be prevented by partial replacement of cement by silica-based materials that reduce the CaO/SiO2 ratio of cement slurries changing the trajectory of the reactions, converting those deleterious phases in phases with satisfactory mechanical strength and permeability. The aim of this study was to evaluate the behavior of a ceramic waste material rich in silica in partial and total substitution of a mineral additive used to fight the strength retrogression of cement slurries subjected to high temperatures. The evaluation was made by compression, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and thermogravimetry (TG/DTG). The samples were submitted to a cycle of low temperature (38 °C) for 28 days and a cycle of low temperature followed by exposure to 280 ºC and 1000 psi by 3 days. The results showed that slurries with additions of up to 30% of the waste material are not enough to prevent the strength retrogression, while slurries with additions of the waste material combined with silica flour in various proportions produced hydrated products of low Ca/Si ratios that maintained the compressive strength at satisfactory levels
Objectives To compare the biomechanical characteristics of 2 arthrodesis techniques for the equine proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP) using either a 3-hole 4.5 mm locking compression plate (LCP) or 3-hole 4.5 mm narrow dynamic compression plate (DCP), both with 2 transarticular 5.5 mm cortex screws. Study Design Experimental. Sample Population Cadaveric adult equine forelimbs (*n=6 pairs). Methods For each forelimb pair, 1 limb was randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatment groups and the contralateral limb by default to the other treatment group. Construct stiffness, gap formation across the PIP joint, and rotation about the PIP joint were determined for each construct before cyclic axial loading and after each of four, 5000 cycle loading regimens. After the 20,000 cycle axial loading regimen, each construct was loaded to failure. Results There were no significant differences in construct stiffness, gap formation, or sagittal plane rotation between the LCP and DCP treatment groups at any of the measured time points. Conclusion Biomechanically, fixation of the equine PIP joint with a 3-hole 4.5 mm LCP is equivalent to fixation with a 3-hole 4.5 mm narrow DCP under the test conditions used.
Mestrado em Engenharia Química. Ramo optimização energética na indústria química.