998 resultados para Van Allen radiation belts.
This paper reports on an unmodeled, all-sky search for gravitational waves from merging intermediate mass black hole binaries (IMBHB). The search was performed on data from the second joint science run of the LIGO and Virgo detectors (July 2009-October 2010) and was sensitive to IMBHBs with a range up to similar to 200 Mpc, averaged over the possible sky positions and inclinations of the binaries with respect to the line of sight. No significant candidate was found. Upper limits on the coalescence-rate density of nonspinning IMBHBs with total masses between 100 and 450 M-circle dot and mass ratios between 0.25 and 1 were placed by combining this analysis with an analogous search performed on data from the first LIGO-Virgo joint science run (November 2005-October 2007). The most stringent limit was set for systems consisting of two 88 M-circle dot black holes and is equal to 0.12 Mpc(-3) Myr(-1) at the 90% confidence level. This paper also presents the first estimate, for the case of an unmodeled analysis, of the impact on the search range of IMBHB spin configurations: the visible volume for IMBHBs with nonspinning components is roughly doubled for a population of IMBHBs with spins aligned with the binary's orbital angular momentum and uniformly distributed in the dimensionless spin parameter up to 0.8, whereas an analogous population with antialigned spins decreases the visible volume by similar to 20%.
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"Lijste der welgeboren mannen, sedert den tijd dat Willem van Boshuysen baljuw van Rijnland was, die in den iare 1489. Baljuw wierd": p. 74-101.
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Data collected at the Pierre Auger Observatory are used to establish an upper limit on the diffuse flux of tau neutrinos in the cosmic radiation. Earth-skimming nu(tau) may interact in the Earth's crust and produce a tau lepton by means of charged-current interactions. The tau lepton may emerge from the Earth and decay in the atmosphere to produce a nearly horizontal shower with a typical signature, a persistent electromagnetic component even at very large atmospheric depths. The search procedure to select events induced by tau decays against the background of normal showers induced by cosmic rays is described. The method used to compute the exposure for a detector continuously growing with time is detailed. Systematic uncertainties in the exposure from the detector, the analysis, and the involved physics are discussed. No tau neutrino candidates have been found. For neutrinos in the energy range 2x10(17) eV < E(nu)< 2x10(19) eV, assuming a diffuse spectrum of the form E(nu)(-2), data collected between 1 January 2004 and 30 April 2008 yield a 90% confidence-level upper limit of E(nu)(2)dN(nu tau)/dE(nu)< 9x10(-8) GeV cm(-2) s(-1) sr(-1).
Background: Oncologic outcomes in men with radiation-recurrent prostate cancer (PCa) treated with salvage radical prostatectomy (SRP) are poorly defined. Objective: To identify predictors of biochemical recurrence (BCR), metastasis, and death following SRP to help select patients who may benefit from SRP. Design, setting, and participants: This is a retrospective, international, multi-institutional cohort analysis. There was amedian follow-up of 4.4 yr following SRP performed on 404 men with radiation-recurrent PCa from 1985 to 2009 in tertiary centers. Intervention: Open SRP. Measurements: BCR after SRP was defined as a serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) >= 0.1 or >= 0.2 ng/ml (depending on the institution). Secondary end points included progression to metastasis and cancerspecific death. Results and limitations: Median age at SRP was 65 yr of age, and median pre-SRP PSA was 4.5 ng/ml. Following SRP, 195 patients experienced BCR, 64 developed metastases, and 40 died from PCa. At 10 yr after SRP, BCR-free survival, metastasis-free survival, and cancer-specific survival (CSS) probabilities were 37% (95% confidence interval [CI], 31-43), 77% (95% CI, 71-82), and 83% (95% CI, 76-88), respectively. On preoperative multivariable analysis, pre-SRP PSA and Gleason score at postradiation prostate biopsy predicted BCR (p = 0.022; global p < 0.001) and metastasis (p = 0.022; global p < 0.001). On postoperative multivariable analysis, pre-SRP PSA and pathologic Gleason score at SRP predicted BCR (p = 0.014; global p < 0.001) and metastasis (p < 0.001; global p < 0.001). Lymph node involvement (LNI) also predicted metastasis (p = 0.017). The main limitations of this study are its retrospective design and the follow-up period. Conclusions: In a select group of patients who underwent SRP for radiation-recurrent PCa, freedom from clinical metastasis was observed in > 75% of patients 10 yr after surgery. Patients with lower pre-SRP PSA levels and lower postradiation prostate biopsy Gleason score have the highest probability of cure from SRP. (C) 2011 European Association of Urology. Published by Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
Ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease, is believed to result from a breakdown of dominant tolerance mechanisms that normally control intestinal immunity. Although CD4+ T lymphocyte subpopulations and expression of MHC class II molecules have been shown to play a role in the pathogenesis of the disease, the nature of the responsible mechanisms remains unclear. In this paper we describe a novel mouse model for inflammatory bowel disease, radiation-induced colitis, that occurs with complete penetrance 6-8 wk postinduction. A combination of high dose gamma-irradiation and lack of MHC class II expression on cells of hemopoietic origin results in development of colitis in C57BL/6 mice. Because of its versatility (due to susceptibility of mice of the widely genetically manipulated C57BL/6 background), high reproducibility, and 100% penetrance, radiation-induced colitis will be a useful mouse model for colitis and a significant tool to study dominant immunological tolerance mechanisms. Moreover, our data imply that tolerization to enteric Ags requires MHC class II mediated presentation by APC of hemopoietic origin.
This is one of the few studies that have explored the value of baseline symptoms and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in predicting survival in brain cancer patients. Baseline HRQOL scores (from the EORTC QLQ-C30 and the Brain Cancer Module (BN 20)) were examined in 490 newly diagnosed glioblastoma cancer patients for the relationship with overall survival by using Cox proportional hazards regression models. Refined techniques as the bootstrap re-sampling procedure and the computation of C-indexes and R(2)-coefficients were used to try and validate the model. Classical analysis controlled for major clinical prognostic factors selected cognitive functioning (P=0.0001), global health status (P=0.0055) and social functioning (P<0.0001) as statistically significant prognostic factors of survival. However, several issues question the validity of these findings. C-indexes and R(2)-coefficients, which are measures of the predictive ability of the models, did not exhibit major improvements when adding selected or all HRQOL scores to clinical factors. While classical techniques lead to positive results, more refined analyses suggest that baseline HRQOL scores add relatively little to clinical factors to predict survival. These results may have implications for future use of HRQOL as a prognostic factor in cancer patients.
Background: Preclinical data indicate activity of mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors and synergistic activity together with radiotherapy in glioblastoma. The aim of this trial is to assess the therapeutic activity of temsirolimus (CCI-779), an intravenous mTOR inhibitor, in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma with unmethylated O6 methlyguanine-DNA-methlytransferase (MGMT)promoter. Methods: Patients (n=257) with newly diagnosed glioblastoma after open surgical biopsy or resection fulfilling basic eligibility criteria underwent a central MGMT promoter analysis using quantitative methylation specific PCR. Patients with glioblastoma harboring an unmethylated MGMT promoter (n=111) were randomized 1:1 between radiotherapy (60 Gy; 5 times 2 Gy per week) plus concomitant and six cycles of maintenance temozolomide or radiotherapy plus weekly temsirolimus at 25 mg flat dose to be continued until progression or undue toxicity. Primary endpoint was overall survival at 12 months (OS12). Sample size of the investigational treatment arm required 54 patients to assess adequacy of temsirolimus activity set at 80%. More than 38 patients alive at 12 months in the per protocol population was considered a positive signal. A control arm of 54 patients treated with the standard of care was implemented to evaluate the assumptions on OS12. Results: Between December 2009 and October 2012, 111 pts in 14 centers were randomized and treated. Median age was 55 and 58 years in the temsirolimus and standard arm, respectively. Most patients (95.5%) had a WHO performance status of 0 or 1. Both therapies were properly administered with a median of 13 cycles of maintenance temsirolimus. In the per protocolpopulation, exactly 38 patients treated with temsirolimus (out of 54 eligible) reached OS12. In the intention to treat population OS12 was 72.2% [95% CI (58.2, 82.2)] in the temozolomide arm and 69.6% [95% CI (55.8, 79.9) in the temsirolimus arm [HR=1.16 95% CI (0.77, 1.76), p=0.47]. Conclusions: The therapeutic activity of temsirolimus in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma with an unmethylated MGMT promoter is too low.
Les collisions proton-proton produites par le LHC imposent un environnement radiatif hostile au détecteur ATLAS. Afin de quantifier les effets de cet environnement sur la performance du détecteur et la sécurité du personnel, plusieurs simulations Monte Carlo ont été réalisées. Toutefois, la mesure directe est indispensable pour suivre les taux de radiation dans ATLAS et aussi pour vérifier les prédictions des simulations. À cette fin, seize détecteurs ATLAS-MPX ont été installés à différents endroits dans les zones expérimentale et technique d'ATLAS. Ils sont composés d'un détecteur au silicium à pixels appelé MPX dont la surface active est partiellement recouverte de convertisseurs de neutrons thermiques, lents et rapides. Les détecteurs ATLAS-MPX mesurent en temps réel les champs de radiation en enregistrant les traces des particules détectées sous forme d'images matricielles. L'analyse des images acquises permet d'identifier les types des particules détectées à partir des formes de leurs traces. Dans ce but, un logiciel de reconnaissance de formes appelé MAFalda a été conçu. Étant donné que les traces des particules fortement ionisantes sont influencées par le partage de charge entre pixels adjacents, un modèle semi-empirique décrivant cet effet a été développé. Grâce à ce modèle, l'énergie des particules fortement ionisantes peut être estimée à partir de la taille de leurs traces. Les convertisseurs de neutrons qui couvrent chaque détecteur ATLAS-MPX forment six régions différentes. L'efficacité de chaque région à détecter les neutrons thermiques, lents et rapides a été déterminée par des mesures d'étalonnage avec des sources connues. L'étude de la réponse des détecteurs ATLAS-MPX à la radiation produite par les collisions frontales de protons à 7TeV dans le centre de masse a montré que le nombre de traces enregistrées est proportionnel à la luminosité du LHC. Ce résultat permet d'utiliser les détecteurs ATLAS-MPX comme moniteurs de luminosité. La méthode proposée pour mesurer et étalonner la luminosité absolue avec ces détecteurs est celle de van der Meer qui est basée sur les paramètres des faisceaux du LHC. Vu la corrélation entre la réponse des détecteurs ATLAS-MPX et la luminosité, les taux de radiation mesurés sont exprimés en termes de fluences de différents types de particules par unité de luminosité intégrée. Un écart significatif a été obtenu en comparant ces fluences avec celles prédites par GCALOR qui est l'une des simulations Monte Carlo du détecteur ATLAS. Par ailleurs, les mesures effectuées après l'arrêt des collisions proton-proton ont montré que les détecteurs ATLAS-MPX permettent d'observer la désintégration des isotopes radioactifs générés au cours des collisions. L'activation résiduelle des matériaux d'ATLAS peut être mesurée avec ces détecteurs grâce à un étalonnage en équivalent de dose ambiant.
The quasimolecular M radiation emitted in collisions between Xe ions of up to 6 MeV energy and solid targets of Ta, Au, Pb and Bi, as well as a gaseous target of Pb(CH_3)_4, has been studied. Using a realistic theoretical correlation diagram, a semiquantitative explanation of the observed peak structure is given.
La captación de glucosa y su conversión en lactato juega un papel fundamental en el metabolismo tumoral, independientemente de la concentración de oxígeno presente en el tejido (efecto Warburg). Sin embrago, dicha captación varía de un tipo tumoral a otro, y dentro del mismo tumor, situación que podría depender de las características microambientales tumorales (fluctuaciones de oxígeno, presencia de otros tipos celulares) y de factores estresores asociados a los tratamientos. Se estudió el efecto de la hipoxia-reoxigenación (HR) y las radiaciones ionizantes (RI) sobre la captación de glucosa, en cultivos de líneas tumorales MCF-7 y HT-29, cultivadas de forma aislada o en cocultivo con la línea celular EAhy296. Se encontró que la captación de glucosa en HR es diferente para lo descrito en condiciones de hipoxia permanente y que es modificada en el cocultivo. Se identificaron poblaciones celulares dentro de la misma línea celular, de alta y baja captación de glucosa, lo que implicaría una simbiosis metabólica de la célula como respuesta adaptativa a las condiciones tumorales. Se evaluó la expresión de NRF2 y la translocación nuclear de NRF2 y HIF1a, como vías de respuesta a estrés celular e hipoxia. La translocación nuclear de las proteínas evaluadas explicaría el comportamiento metabólico de las células tumorales de seno, pero no de colon, por lo cual deben existir otras vías metabólicas implicadas. Las diferencias en el comportamiento de las células tumorales en HR en relación con hipoxia permitirá realizar planeaciones dosimétricas más dinámicas, que reevalúen las condiciones de oxigenación tumoral constantemente.
El diagnóstico de cáncer de tiroides se ha incrementado y las posibilidades de detección de una enfermedad subclínica son altas, toda vez que disponemos de herramientas de detección más sensibles y de fácil acceso. Por ende, el clínico requiere conocer la historia natural del nódulo tiroideo y del carcinoma papilar de tiroides de bajo riesgo para brindar a su paciente el mejor tratamiento basado en la evidencia clínica. El objetivo de esta revision es reconocer los elementos clínicos que han condicionado el aumento inusitado de casos de cáncer de tiroides. Conclusión: El sobrediagnóstico del cáncer de tiroides es una realidad, que se posibilita por el uso extendido de biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina ((BACAF)) después de la detección de un nódulo tiroideo, en gran parte de manera incidental, sin acarrear la mayoría de las veces un mejor pronóstico después de su tratamiento.
The collective representation within global models of aerosol, cloud, precipitation, and their radiative properties remains unsatisfactory. They constitute the largest source of uncertainty in predictions of climatic change and hamper the ability of numerical weather prediction models to forecast high-impact weather events. The joint European Space Agency (ESA)–Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Earth Clouds, Aerosol and Radiation Explorer (EarthCARE) satellite mission, scheduled for launch in 2018, will help to resolve these weaknesses by providing global profiles of cloud, aerosol, precipitation, and associated radiative properties inferred from a combination of measurements made by its collocated active and passive sensors. EarthCARE will improve our understanding of cloud and aerosol processes by extending the invaluable dataset acquired by the A-Train satellites CloudSat, Cloud–Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO), and Aqua. Specifically, EarthCARE’s cloud profiling radar, with 7 dB more sensitivity than CloudSat, will detect more thin clouds and its Doppler capability will provide novel information on convection, precipitating ice particle, and raindrop fall speeds. EarthCARE’s 355-nm high-spectral-resolution lidar will measure directly and accurately cloud and aerosol extinction and optical depth. Combining this with backscatter and polarization information should lead to an unprecedented ability to identify aerosol type. The multispectral imager will provide a context for, and the ability to construct, the cloud and aerosol distribution in 3D domains around the narrow 2D retrieved cross section. The consistency of the retrievals will be assessed to within a target of ±10 W m–2 on the (10 km)2 scale by comparing the multiview broadband radiometer observations to the top-of-atmosphere fluxes estimated by 3D radiative transfer models acting on retrieved 3D domains.
Data collected by the Pierre Auger Observatory provide evidence for anisotropy in the arrival directions of the cosmic rays with the highest-energies, which are correlated with the positions of relatively nearby active galactic nuclei (AGN) [Pierre Auger Collaboration, Science 318 (2007) 938]. The correlation has maximum significance for cosmic rays with energy greater than similar to 6 x 10(19) eV and AGN at a distance less than similar to 75 Mpc. We have confirmed the anisotropy at a confidence level of more than 99% through a test with parameters specified a priori, using an independent data set. The observed correlation is compatible with the hypothesis that cosmic rays with the highest-energies originate from extra-galactic sources close enough so that their flux is not significantly attenuated by interaction with the cosmic background radiation (the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuz`min effect). The angular scale of the correlation observed is a few degrees, which suggests a predominantly light composition unless the magnetic fields are very weak outside the thin disk of our galaxy. Our present data do not identify AGN as the sources of cosmic rays unambiguously, and other candidate sources which are distributed as nearby AGN are not ruled out. We discuss the prospect of unequivocal identification of individual sources of the highest-energy cosmic rays within a few years of continued operation of the Pierre Auger Observatory. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.