65 resultados para Valsalva


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CONTEXT: Intestinal constipation - a common symptom among the general population - is more frequent in women. It may be secondary to an improper diet or organic or functional disturbances, such as dyskinesia of the pelvic floor. This is basically characterized by the absence of relaxation or paradoxical contraction of the pelvic floor and anal sphincter during evacuation. OBJECTIVE: To analyze, by manometric data, the anal pressure variation at rest, during evacuation effort by using the Valsalva maneuver and forced post-expiratory apnea in subjects with secondary constipation. METHODS: Twenty-one patients (19 females - 90.4%) with a mean age of 47.5 years old (23-72) were studied. The diagnosis was performed using anorectal manometry, with a catheter containing eight channels disposed at the axial axis, measuring the proximal (1) and distal (2) portions of the anal orifice. The elevation of the pressure values in relation to the resting with the evacuation effort was present in all patients. The Agachan score was used for clinical evaluation of constipation. The variables studied were: mean anal pressure of the anal orifice for 20 seconds at rest, the effort of evacuation using Valsalva maneuver and the effort of evacuation during apnea after forced expiration, as well as the area under the curve of the manometric tracing at moments Valsalva and apnea. RESULTS: The analysis of the mean values of the anal pressure variation at rest evidenced difference between proximal and distal channels (P = 0.007), independent of the moment and tendency to differ during moments Valsalva and apnea (P = 0.06). The mean of values of the area under the manometric tracing curve showed differences between moments Valsalva and apnea (P = 0.0008), either at the proximal portion or at the distal portion of the anal orifice. CONCLUSION: The effort of evacuation associated with postexpiratory apnea, when compared with the effort associated with the Valsalva maneuver, provides lower elevation of anal pressure at rest by the parameter area under the curve.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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OBJECTIVES We have evaluated prospectively the long-term efficacy of the artificial urinary sphincter (AUS) AMS 800 for the treatment postradical prostatectomy urinary incontinence (PRPUI) patients. We also evaluated the correlation between preoperative urodynamic findings and surgical outcomes. METHODS From May 1997 to April 2003, 40 consecutive patients with PRPUI caused by intrinsic sphincter deficiency (ISD) were treated with the AMS 800. Mean age was 68.3 +/- 6.3 years. Continence status was evaluated on the basis of pad count, impact of urinary incontinence on the quality of life, complications, and surgical revisions. Preoperative urodynamic findings were correlated with surgical outcomes. RESULTS Follow-up ranged from 27 to 132 months (mean = 53.4 +/- 21.4 months). There was a significant reduction in pad count from 4.0 +/- 0.9 to 0.62 +/- 1.07 diapers per day (P <0.001) leading to continence in 90%. There was a significant reduction on the impact of incontinence decreasing from 5.0 +/- 0.7 to 1.4 +/- 0.93 (P <0.001) in a visual analogue scale (VAS). Surgical revision rate was 20%. Preoperative urodynamics was useful to identify sphincter deficiency. Except by a tendency of worse results in patients with reduced bladder compliance (RBC), other urodynamic parameters did not correlate with a worse surgical outcome. CONCLUSIONS The AMS 800 offers good long-term continence to most PRPUI patients. Preoperative findings like detrusor hyperactivity (DH), impaired detrusor contraction (IDC), low Valsalva leak point pressure, bladder outlet obstruction (BOO), and mild RBC were not associated with worse surgical outcomes.


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Symptoms of bladder irritability are common after incontinence surgery but their cause is unknown. This study tests the hypothesis that irritative symptoms after colposuspension are due to distortion of the trigone. As part of longitudinal follow-up studies, 175 women were examined 6 months to 12 years after either an open or a laparoscopic Burch colposuspension. The main outcome measures were symptoms of bladder irritability (frequency, nocturia and urge incontinence) and ultrasound findings (bladder neck position at rest and on Valsalva, the presence of a colposuspension ridge, ridge depth and ridge distance, and trigonal angle). Two positive associations between ultrasound parameters and symptoms of bladder irritability were observed: urge incontinence was more likely in the presence of bladder neck funneling, and women with nocturia had a higher trigonal angle. Increased distortion of the trigone was associated with a reduced incidence of urge incontinence in the subgroup of patients after laparoscopic colposuspension. The data presented in this study do not support the hypothesis that symptoms of bladder irritability are due to trigonal distortion or overelevation.


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The 'integral theory of pelvic floor dysfunction', first proposed by Petros and Ulmsten in 1990, claims that anterior vaginal wall relaxation is associated with symptoms of urgency, frequency, nocturia and urge incontinence. A retrospective study was designed to test this hypothesis. Imaging data and urodynamic reports from 272 women suffering from symptoms of lower urinary tract dysfunction were evaluated. Opening of the retrovesical angle, bladder neck descent, urethral rotation and descent of a cystocele during Valsalva were used to quantify anterior vaginal wall laxity None of the tested parameters were associated with symptoms and signs of detrusor overactivity. On the contrary, patients with higher grades of urethral and bladder descent were less likely to suffer from nocturia and urge incontinence and were less likely to leave sensory urgency and detrusor instability diagnosed on urodynamic testing. The findings of this study therefore do not support this hypothesis of the 'integral theory'.


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Color Doppler ultrasound is a new method for documenting fluid leakage in the setting of video-urodynamic testing. In order to compare color Doppler ultrasound with traditional fluoroscopic imaging we performed a prospective blinded comparative clinical study. Fifty-two consecutive patients undergoing urodynamic investigations for symptoms of incontinence or prolapse were examined using fluoroscopy and translabial color Doppler ultrasound to document stress leakage. The investigators were blinded to each other's results. Both tests were performed at maximum bladder capacity and with an indwelling 5 Fr microtransducer catheter, in both the supine and the erect positions. Equivalent results for both methods were obtained in 48 out of 52 patients (Cohen's kappa = 0.82). It was therefore concluded that translabial color Doppler ultrasound imaging can reliably demonstrate leakage through the female urethra on Valsalva maneuver or coughing.


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In a prospective study 105 patients with symptoms of stress incontinence underwent video-urodynamic testing, including resting urethral pressure profilometry and translabial ultrasound. The urethral pressure profile (UPP) included maximum urethral closure pressure (MUCP), functional length (FL) and area under the curve (AUC). Ultrasound parameters included urethral thickness, urethral rotation and bladder neck descent, as well as funneling/opening of the internal urethral meatus on Valsalva maneuver. Levator contraction strength was assessed measuring the cranioventral displacement of the internal meatus. Negative correlations between UPP data and age, parity and previous surgery were observed which were consistent with literature data. There was a positive correlation :between the urethral AP diameter on ultrasound and the MUCP, which agrees with reports showing reduced sphincter thickness or volume in stress-incontinent women. Hypermobility on ultrasound did not correlate with UPP data. However, a lower MUCP correlated with extensive opening of the bladder neck. Finally, there was a trend towards poorer pelvic floor function with lower MUCP measurements.


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Translabial ultrasound is increasingly being used for the assessment of women presenting with pelvic floor dysfunction and incontinence (1,2). However, there is little information on normal values for bladder neck descent, with the two available studies disagreeing widely (3,4). No data has so far been published on mobility of the central and posterior compartment which can now also be assessed by ultrasound (5). This study presents normal values for urethral, bladder, cervical and rectal mobility in a cohort of young, stress continent, nulliparous nonpregnant women. Methods 118 nonpregnant nulliparous Caucasian women between 18 and 23 years of age were recruited for an ongoing twin study of pelvic floor function. Translabial ultrasound assessment of pelvic organ mobility was undertaken supine and after bladder emptying (6,7). The best of at least three effective Valsalva manoeuvres was used for evaluation, with no attempts at standardization of Valsalva pressure. Parameters of anterior compartment mobility were obtained by the use of on-screen calipers; cervical and rectal descent were evaluated on printouts. All examinations were carried out under direct supervision of the first author or by personnel trained by him for at least 100 consecutive assessments. Results The median age of participants in this study was 20 (range 18- 23). Mean body mass index was 23 (range 16.9- 36.7). Of 118 women, 2 were completely unable to perform a Valsalva manoeuvre despite repeated efforts at teaching and were excluded from analysis, as were ten women who complained of urinary stress incontinence, leaving 106 datasets. Average measurements for the parameters ‘retrovesical angle at rest’ (RVA-R) and on Valsalva (RVA-S), urethral rotation, bladder neck mobility, cysto-cele descent, cervical descent and descent of the rectal ampulla are given in Table 1.


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A 66-year-old female with Streptococcus viridans aortic and tricuspid infective endocarditis develops, during the course of antibiotic therapy, rupture of a right coronary sinus of Valsalva aneurysm to the right ventricle. An urgent cardiac surgery is preformed with implantation of a mechanical aortic prosthesis and a right coronary sinus plasty. Six months later a huge aortic pseudoaneurysm is diagnosed and she is submitted to a second uneventful surgery. A review is done for the significant features with discussion of diagnosis and therapy.


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Os autores apresentam o caso clínico de um indivíduo do sexo masculino, de 29 anos de idade, saudável, vítima de acidente de viação com traumatismo craniano e torácico, de que resultou um período de internamento em unidade de cuidados intensivos durante cerca de 60 dias. Após a alta hospitalar, referiu o aparecimento de massa pulsátil na região supraclavicular esquerda, associada a crescimento lento e ao aparecimento de dor local e irradiada ao membro superior esquerdo. A investigação realizada demonstrou a existência de um falso aneurisma complexo, com fístulas arterio-venosas associadas, dissecando planos musculares cervicais e envolvendo o plexo braquial. Foi submetido a intervenção cirúrgica que consistiu na laqueação da artéria escapular aferente e da comunicação para a veia jugular interna, com redução franca do fluxo luminal. Foi posteriormente realizada injecção eco-guiada de trombina sob manobra de Valsalva, com trombose subsequente do falso aneurisma. Verificou-se desaparecimento rápido das queixas e redução progressiva do volume de massa (follow-up de 6 meses). Os autores discutem a etiopatogenia, a abordagem cirúrgica e a técnica de exclusão do falso aneurisma por meio de injecção eco-guiada de trombina.


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A flebectasia da jugular externa é uma entidade nosológica rara, sendo escassas as descrições na literatura mundial. Clinicamente apresenta-se como uma massa cervical de aparecimento ou alargamento durante a manobra de Valsalva. Os autores descrevem um caso clínico, salientando as possibilidades da TC (Tomografia Computorizada) num diagnóstico etiológico e topográfico preciso, sem o recurso a outros meios invasivos.


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Introduction The association between cardiac autonomic and left ventricular (LV) dysfunction in Chagas disease (ChD) is controversial. Methods A standardized protocol that includes the Valsalva maneuver, a respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) test, and an echocardiographic examination was used. Spearman correlation coefficients (rho) were used to investigate associations. Results The study population consisted of 118 ChD patients undergoing current medical treatment, with an average LV ejection fraction of 51.4±2.6%. The LV ejection fraction and diastolic dimension were correlated with the Valsalva index (rho=0.358, p<0.001 and rho=-0.266, p=0.004, respectively) and the RSA (rho=0.391, p<0.001 and rho=-0.311, p<0.001, respectively). Conclusions The impairment of LV function is directly associated with a reduction of cardiac autonomic modulation in ChD.


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Fundamentos: O implante por cateter de bioprótese valvar aórtica (TAVI) consolidou-se como alternativa para o tratamento de pacientes com estenose aórtica importante de alto risco cirúrgico. Contudo, há poucos dados na literatura com respeito à obstrução coronária que, apesar de rara, trata-se de grave complicação do TAVI. Objetivo: Avaliar, no contexto brasileiro, a presença dessa importante complicação. Métodos: Foram avaliados todos os casos de obstrução coronária incluídos no Registro Brasileiro de TAVI. Foram coletados dados clínicos, do procedimento, do manejo e de evolução intra-hospitalar. Resultados: Entre 418 pacientes consecutivos do registro, ocorreram três casos de obstrução coronária (incidência de 0,72%). Em sua totalidade, os pacientes eram do sexo feminino, sem cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica (CRM) prévia, com idade média de 85 ± 3 anos, EuroSCORE logístico de 15 ± 6% e STS de 9 ± 4%. Todos os casos foram realizados com a válvula balão-expansível Sapien XT. Em um dos pacientes, com dados de tomografia computadorizada pré-procedimento, verificaram-se origem das artérias coronárias baixa e seio de Valsalva estreito. Todos os pacientes apresentaram-se clinicamente com hipotensão importante e mantida, imediatamente após o implante da válvula, e, apesar de angioplastia com implante de stent, todos os pacientes foram a óbito, sendo dois periprocedimento e um durante hospitalização. Conclusão: A obstrução coronária como complicação do TAVI, apesar de rara, é potencialmente fatal, podendo ocorrer mais frequentemente em mulheres e com as próteses expansíveis por balão. Fatores anatômicos podem estar relacionados com sua ocorrência, ressaltando-se a importância de boa avaliação pré-procedimento no sentido de evitar essa grave complicação.


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Introduction: Les complications dues à la cocaïne inhalée se¦rencontrent de plus en plus fréquemment dans les services d'urgence¦et dans la pratique des médecins de premier recours. La survenue de¦complications pulmonaires aiguës de type pneumothorax est¦méconnue.¦Vignette clinique: Un patient de 25 ans consulte aux urgences en¦raison d'une gêne pharyngée, une odynodysphagie et une dysphonie¦en progression depuis 12 h. Il avoue une prise de cocaïne sniffée à 5¦reprises dans les 6 heures précédant l'apparition des symptômes. Des¦crépitations sous-cutanées sont mise en évidence à la palpation du¦creux sus-claviculaire droit, remontant jusqu'à la base du cou. La¦radiographie thoracique confirme un emphysème sous-cutané des¦creux sus-claviculaires (fig. 1). Le patient bénéficie d'une¦oxygénothérapie et d'une observation, avec une évolution¦spontanément favorable.¦Discussion: Après une prise de cocaïne par inhalation profonde, des¦manoeuvres de Valsalva intenses répétées contre glotte fermée sont¦pratiquées, afin d'augmenter la quantité de substance absorbée et donc¦ses effets. Ceci engendre un gradient de pression entre les alvéoles et¦l'interstitium pulmonaire, entraînant une augmentation de la pression¦intra-alvéolaire, puis une rupture des alvéoles avec libération d'air à¦travers les tissus péri-bronchiques dans le médiastin et les tissus¦sous cutanés. En cas de rupture dans la cavité pleurale, il en résulte¦un pneumothorax. Un tabagisme actif est souvent associé, laissant¦suspecter un effet favorisant du tabac sur la survenue des lésions¦pulmonaires. Un traitement conservateur associant antalgie et¦oxygénothérapie s'avère en général suffisant. En présence d'une¦augmentation de la taille du pneumothorax ou de signes de mise¦sous tension, la pose d'un drain thoracique est indiquée. L'arrêt de la¦consommation de cocaïne et du tabac doit être encouragé.¦Conclusion: Un emphysème sous-cutané ou un pneumothorax¦spontané chez un jeune patient doivent faire suspecter une éventuelle¦consommation de cocaïne. Les questions concernant la prise de¦cocaïne ou d'autres substances (alcool, amphétamines, etc.), ainsi¦que son mode d'utilisation et sa fréquence, doivent être formulées¦clairement et réitérées à plusieurs reprises. Le risque de pneumothorax¦existe également lors de consommation occasionnelle et peut entraîner¦des complications pulmonaires importantes.