75 resultados para VUV


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采用高温固相反应法以硅酸为原料合成了等离子显示用荧光体Zn2 SiO4 ∶Mn ,研究了Zn2 SiO4 ∶Mn的VUV和UV光谱特性 ,表明波长小于 2 0 0nm的部分的基质吸收带主要是氧的 2 p轨道到锌的 3d轨道跃迁产生的 ,波长大于 2 0 0nm的部分的基质吸收带是氧的 2 p轨道到硅的 3p轨道跃迁吸收。在VUV和UV激发下 ,Mn2 +的浓度与发射强度的相关性研究表明 ,在不同区域激发时荧光体的发射强度随着Mn2 +的浓度的变化存在明显不同


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The infrared spectra of BaLnB(9)O(16):Re, along with the VUV excitation spectra, have been measured. The spectra were tentatively interpreted in terms of the data on absorptions of the borate groups and band structure. It was observed that there are absorption due to BO3 and BO4 groups, indicating that there are BO3 and BO4 groups in BaLnB(9)O(16). It is found that absorption of the borate groups is located in the range from 120 to 170 mn. This result reveals that there is an energy transfer from host to the rare earth ions. It also observed that the energy of charge transfer band, the host absorption, the total crystal field splitting of d-levels of Tb3+ increase with the decrease in the Ln(3+) radius. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The luminescent properties of Gd3PO7:Eu were investigated in W and VUV regions. This phosphor has such strong emissions around 618.5 nn under UV excitation, especially around 209nn, that it has a better colour saturation than that of Y2O3:Eu. It could be a new potential red phosphor for lamp and other applications with W-excitation source or even for displaying devices. In the VUV excitation spectrum of Eu3+ emissions, energy absorptions by Gd3+, Gd-O and PO43- have been observed, on which it can be inferred that there are three kinds of energy transferring processes to Eu-3(+) ions. The energy absorptions of Gd3+, Gd-O and PO43- are induced by 4f --> 4f transitions, a bandgap transition of Gd3PO7 and intramolecular (2t(2) --> 2a, 3t(2)) transition, respectively. The energy transfer efficiency of the PO43- intramolecular transition is lower compared with that of the bandgap transition (Gd-O).


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The results of a study to characterise the polarisation properties of the photon beam emerging from beamline 5D, mounted on a bending magnet source at the Synchrotron Radiation Source, Daresbury Laboratory, are presented. The expectation values for the Stokes parameters corresponding to the light transmitted by the beamline have been calculated by combining ray-tracing and optical methods. The polarisation of the light at the source is modified both by the beamline geometry and by the reflections at the optical components. Although it is often assumed that the polarising properties of grazing incidence optics are negligible, this assumption leads to rather inaccurate results in the VUV region. A study of the reflectivity shows that even at incidence angles (theta(i) = 80-85degrees) which are far from the Brewster angle (theta(B) similar to 45degrees for VUV and soft X-ray radiation) the residual changes in the amplitudes of the reflected light can result in non-negligible polarisation effects. Furthermore, reflection at grazing incidence gives rise to a substantial change in the phase, and this has the effect of rotating the elliptically polarised state. Theoretical Stokes parameters have been compared with full polarisation measurements obtained using a reflection polarimeter in the energy range 20-40 eV. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A description of the radiation emitted by impurities from within a plasma is crucial if spectral line intensities are to be used in detailed studies, such as the analysis of impurity transport. The simplest and most direct check that can be made on measurements of line intensities is to analyse their ratios with other lines from the same ion. This avoids uncertainties in determining the volume of the emitting plasma and the absolute sensitivity calibration of the spectrometer and, in some cases, the need even for accurate measurements of parameters such as electron density. Consistency is required between the measured line intensity ratios and the theoretical values. The expected consistency has not been found for radiation emitted from the JET scrape-off layer (e.g. Lawson et al 2009a JINST 4 P04013), meaning that the description of the spectral line intensities of impurity emission from the plasma edge is incomplete. In order to gain further understanding of the discrepancies, an analysis has been carried out for emission from the JET divertor plasma and this is reported in this paper. Carbon was the main low Z intrinsic impurity in JET and an analysis of spectral line intensity ratios has been made for the C (IV) radiation emitted from the JET divertor. In this case, agreement is found between the measured and theoretical ratios to a very high accuracy, namely to within the experimental uncertainty of similar to +/- 10%. This confirms that the description of the line intensities for the present observations is complete. For some elements and ionization stages, an analysis of line intensity ratios can lead to the determination of parameters such as the electron temperature of the emitting plasma region and estimates of the contribution of recombination to the electron energy level populations. This applies to C (IV) and, to show the value and possibilities of the spectral measurements, these parameters have been calculated for a database of Ohmic and additionally heated phases of a large number of pulses. The importance of dielectronic, radiative and charge-exchange recombination as well as ionization has been investigated. In addition, the development of T-e throughout two example discharges is illustrated. The presented results indicate a number of areas for further investigation.


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Resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization of H2 + exposed to elliptically polarized VUV laser pulses is investigated. Differential cross sections for nuclei and electron are obtained using numerical solutions of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation. In this work in progress, we explore the dependence of the dissociative ionization observables with the polarization of the light.


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Spinnenseide gehört zu den stabilsten bekannten Polymerverbindungen. Spinnfäden können bis auf das Dreifache ihrer ursprünglichen Länge gedehnt werden, bevor sie reißen, und dabei mit rund 160 MJ/m³ mehr als dreimal soviel Energie absorbieren wie die stärkste synthetisch hergestellte Faser Kevlar (50 MJ/m³). Dabei weisen Spinnfäden mit 2 bis 5 Mikrometer nur ein Zehntel des Durchmessers eines menschlichen Haares auf. Das präzise, berührungslose Bearbeiten von Spinnenseide ist für verschiedene technische Anwendungen interessant, insbesondere wenn dabei ihre außergewöhnlichen Eigenschaften erhalten bleiben. Könnten die von Natur aus dünnen Seidenfäden gezielt in ihrem Durchmesser verringert werden, so wären sie unter anderem in der Mikroelektronik einzusetzen. Hier könnten sie als Trägermaterial für eine dünne, elektrisch leitfähige Schicht fungieren. Man erhielte Nanodrähte, die auch in mechanisch besonders belasteten Mikroelektronikbauteilen (MEMS) Verwendung finden könnten. In dieser Arbeit wird die Verwendung der laserinduzierten Ablation zur gezielten Bearbeitung von Haltefäden der Schwarzen Witwe (Latrodectus hesperus) beschrieben. Eingesetzt wurde ein VUV-Excimerlaser vom Typ LPF 205 (Lambda-Physik, Göttingen) mit einer Wellenlänge von 157 nm und einer Pulsdauer von 18 ns. Eine berührungslose Laserbearbeitung bei 157 nm erlaubt einen effizienten und präzisen Abtrag von Material durch Ablation aufgrund der geringen optischen Eindringtiefe von unter 100 nm oberhalb einer Schwellenfluenz (Energie/Fläche) von Φth=29 mJ/cm², ohne dabei das umgebende Material thermisch zu beeinträchtigen. Parallel zur Ablation setzt allerdings eine wellenförmige Oberflächenstrukturierung auf der Faseroberfläche ein, wodurch die mechanische Belastbarkeit der Faser entscheidend geschwächt wird. Die Ursache hierfür liegt im Abbau materialbedingter Spannungsfelder („stress release“) innerhalb einer durch das Laserlicht induzierten dünnen Schmelzschicht. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ist es nun gelungen, diese Strukturen durch einen anschließenden Glättungsprozeß zu entfernen. Dabei wird auf der bestrahlten Oberfläche mittels Laserlichts eine glatte Ablation erzielt. Mit feinerer Abstufung dieser Prozeßschritte konnte der Durchmesser des verwendeten Spinnenseidefadens zum Teil um 70 Prozent bis auf ca. 750 nm verringert werden. Durch Zugfestigkeitsexperimente wurde belegt, daß die mechanischen Eigenschaften der so bearbeiteten Spinnenseide weitgehend erhalten bleiben. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit angewandte Methode erlaubt somit eine präzise Laserablation von Spinnenseide und ähnlichen hochabsorbierenden Materialien, ohne deren Kernsubstanz in ihrer Beschaffenheit zu verändern.


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Films of piezoelectric PVDF and P(VDF-TrFE) were exposed to vacuum UV (115-300 nm VUV) and -radiation to investigate how these two forms of radiation affect the chemical, morphological, and piezoelectric properties of the polymers. The extent of crosslinking was almost identical in both polymers after -irradiation, but surprisingly, was significantly higher for the TrFE copolymer after VUV-irradiation. Changes in the melting behavior were also more significant in the TrFE copolymer after VUV-irradiation due to both surface and bulk crosslinking, compared with only surface crosslinking for the PVDF films. The piezoelectric properties (measured using d33 piezoelectric coefficients and D-E hysteresis loops) were unchanged in the PVDF homopolymer, while the TrFE copolymer exhibited more narrow D-E loops after exposure to either - or VUV-radiation. The more severe damage to the TrFE copolymer in comparison with the PVDF homopolymer after VUV-irradiation is explained by different energy deposition characteristics. The short wavelength, highly energetic photons are undoubtedly absorbed in the surface layers of both polymers, and we propose that while the longer wavelength components of the VUV-radiation are absorbed by the bulk of the TrFE copolymer causing crosslinking, they are transmitted harmlessly in the PVDF homopolymer.


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The effects of atomic oxygen (AO) and vacuum UV radiation simulating low Earth orbit conditions on two commercially available piezoelectric polymer films, poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) and poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) P(VDF-TrFE), have been studied. Surface erosion and pattern development are significant for both polymers. Erosion yields were determined as 2.8 � 10�24 cm3/atom for PVDF and 2.5 � 10�24 cm3/atom for P(VDF-TrFE). The piezoelectric properties of the residual material of both polymers were largely unchanged after exposure, although a slight shift in the Curie transition of the P(VDF-TrFE) was observed. A lightly cross-linked network was formed in the copolymer presumably because of penetrating vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) radiation, while the homopolymer remained uncross-linked. These differences were attributed to varying degrees of crystallinity and potentially greater absorption, and hence damage, of VUV radiation in P(VDFTrFE) compared with PVDF.