992 resultados para VOCs and SVOCs
Due to their large surface area, complex chemical composition and high alveolar deposition rate, ultrafine particles (UFPs) (< 0.1 ìm) pose a significant risk to human health and their toxicological effects have been acknowledged by the World Health Organisation. Since people spend most of their time indoors, there is a growing concern about the UFPs present in some indoor environments. Recent studies have shown that office machines, in particular laser printers, are a significant indoor source of UFPs. The majority of printer-generated UFPs are organic carbon and it is unlikely that these particles are emitted directly from the printer or its supplies (such as paper and toner powder). Thus, it was hypothesised that these UFPs are secondary organic aerosols (SOA). Considering the widespread use of printers and human exposure to these particles, understanding the processes involved in particle formation is of critical importance. However, few studies have investigated the nature (e.g. volatility, hygroscopicity, composition, size distribution and mixing state) and formation mechanisms of these particles. In order to address this gap in scientific knowledge, a comprehensive study including state-of-art instrumental methods was conducted to characterise the real-time emissions from modern commercial laser printers, including particles, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and ozone (O3). The morphology, elemental composition, volatility and hygroscopicity of generated particles were also examined. The large set of experimental results was analysed and interpreted to provide insight into: (1) Emissions profiles of laser printers: The results showed that UFPs dominated the number concentrations of generated particles, with a quasi unimodal size distribution observed for all tests. These particles were volatile, non-hygroscopic and mixed both externally and internally. Particle microanalysis indicated that semi-volatile organic compounds occupied the dominant fraction of these particles, with only trace quantities of particles containing Ca and Fe. Furthermore, almost all laser printers tested in this study emitted measurable concentrations of VOCs and O3. A positive correlation between submicron particles and O3 concentrations, as well as a contrasting negative correlation between submicron particles and total VOC concentrations were observed during printing for all tests. These results proved that UFPs generated from laser printers are mainly SOAs. (2) Sources and precursors of generated particles: In order to identify the possible particle sources, particle formation potentials of both the printer components (e.g. fuser roller and lubricant oil) and supplies (e.g. paper and toner powder) were investigated using furnace tests. The VOCs emitted during the experiments were sampled and identified to provide information about particle precursors. The results suggested that all of the tested materials had the potential to generate particles upon heating. Nine unsaturated VOCs were identified from the emissions produced by paper and toner, which may contribute to the formation of UFPs through oxidation reactions with ozone. (3) Factors influencing the particle emission: The factors influencing particle emissions were also investigated by comparing two popular laser printers, one showing particle emissions three orders of magnitude higher than the other. The effects of toner coverage, printing history, type of paper and toner, and working temperature of the fuser roller on particle number emissions were examined. The results showed that the temperature of the fuser roller was a key factor driving the emission of particles. Based on the results for 30 different types of laser printers, a systematic positive correlation was observed between temperature and particle number emissions for printers that used the same heating technology and had a similar structure and fuser material. It was also found that temperature fluctuations were associated with intense bursts of particles and therefore, they may have impact on the particle emissions. Furthermore, the results indicated that the type of paper and toner powder contributed to particle emissions, while no apparent relationship was observed between toner coverage and levels of submicron particles. (4) Mechanisms of SOA formation, growth and ageing: The overall hypothesis that UFPs are formed by reactions with the VOCs and O3 emitted from laser printers was examined. The results proved this hypothesis and suggested that O3 may also play a role in particle ageing. In addition, knowledge about the mixing state of generated particles was utilised to explore the detailed processes of particle formation for different printing scenarios, including warm-up, normal printing, and printing without toner. The results indicated that polymerisation may have occurred on the surface of the generated particles to produce thermoplastic polymers, which may account for the expandable characteristics of some particles. Furthermore, toner and other particle residues on the idling belt from previous print jobs were a very clear contributing factor in the formation of laser printer-emitted particles. In summary, this study not only improves scientific understanding of the nature of printer-generated particles, but also provides significant insight into the formation and ageing mechanisms of SOAs in the indoor environment. The outcomes will also be beneficial to governments, industry and individuals.
Exposure assessment studies conducted in developing countries have been based on fixed-site monitoring to date. This is a major deficiency, leading to errors in estimating the actual exposures, which are a function of time spent and pollutant concentrations in different microenvironments. This study quantified school children’s daily personal exposure to ultrafine particles (UFP) using real-time monitoring, as well as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and NO2 using passive sampling in rural Bhutan in order to determine the factors driving the exposures. An activity diary was used to track children’s time activity patterns, and difference in mean exposure levels across sex and indoor/outdoor were investigated with ANOVA. 82 children, attending three primary schools participated in this study; S1 and S2 during the wet season and S3 during the dry season. Mean daily UFP exposure (cm-3) was 1.08 × 104 for children attending S1, 9.81 × 103 for S2, and 4.19 × 104 for S3. The mean daily NO2 exposure (µg m-3) was 4.27 for S1, 3.33 for S2 and 5.38 for S3 children. Likewise, children attending S3 also experienced higher daily exposure to a majority of the VOCs than those attending S1 and S2. Time-series of UFP personal exposures provided detailed information on identifying sources of these particles and quantifying their contributions to the total daily exposures for each microenvironment. The highest UFP exposure resulted from cooking/eating, contributing to 64% of the daily exposure, due to firewood combustion in houses using traditional mud cookstoves. The lowest UFP exposures were during the hours that children spent outdoors at school. The outcomes of this study highlight the significant contributions of lifestyle and socio-economic factors in personal exposures and have applications in environmental risk assessment and household air pollution mitigation in Bhutan.
Neste trabalho foi realizado um estudo sobre o impacto sobre a atmosfera e a biota terrestre devido às emissões antrópicas na Baia do Almirantado/Ilha Rei George Antártica. Foram monitoradas as emissões dos compostos orgânicos voláteis e semi-voláteis, tanto nas fontes emissoras como no entorno da Estação Antártica Comandante Ferraz e estimadas as emissões dos navios, dos geradores a diesel e da incineração de lixo. Na avaliação do entorno, coletaram-se amostras de ar, neve e penas de aves. Com os resultados das emissões, do estudo topográfico e da meteorologia, realizou-se uma modelagem de plumas gaussiana para avaliar os impactos. Quatro cenários foram avaliados: dois com a presença dos navios NApOc Ary Rongel e Maximiano apresentaram concentrações máximas de até 356 g m-3 de COV e 18 g m-3 de material particulado, enquanto os demais, sem a presença dos navios, apenas considerando as estações de pesquisa EACF e Arctowski, apresentaram concentrações máximas de até 2,5 g m-3 de COV e 1,3 g m-3 de material particulado. Amostras de COV coletadas foram compatíveis com o cenário mais crítico. O estudo de correlação para carbonilas e HPA atmosférico e Carbono elementar e HPA, depositados em neve, apontaram a EACF como a principal fonte de emissão. As concentrações de levoglucosano detectadas a aproximadamente 2 km da EACF apontaram para a prática de incineração de lixo da EACF. Todas as áreas de interesse biológicos, anteriormente mapeados, dentro da AAEG, são vulneráveis às emissões antrópicas, como sugeriu o modelo de dispersão e a sobreposição dos resultados encontrados.
Metal-polymer composite sensors for volatile organic compounds: Part 1. Flow-through chemi-resistors
A new type of chemi-resistor based on a novel metal-polymer composite is described. The composite contains nickel particles with sharp nano-scale surface features, which are intimately coated by the polymer matrix so that they do not come into direct physical contact. No conductive chains of filler particles are formed even at loadings above the percolation threshold and the composite is intrinsically insulating. However, when subjected to compression the composite becomes conductive, with sample resistance falling from ≥ 1012 Ω to < 0.01 Ω. The composite can be formed into insulating granules, which display similar properties to the bulk form. A bed of granules compressed between permeable frits provides a porous structure with a start resistance set by the degree of compression while the granules are free to swell when exposed to volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The granular bed presents a large surface area for the adsorption of VOCs from the gas stream flowing through it. The response of this system to a variety of vapours has been studied for two different sizes of the granular bed and for different matrix polymers. Large responses, ΔR/R0 ≥ 10^7, are observed when saturated vapours are passed through the chemi-resistor. Rapid response allows real time sensing of VOCs and the initial state is recovered in a few seconds by purging with an inert gas stream. The variation in response as a function of VOC concentration is determined.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a realização de um plano de gestão de solventes e sua análise para propor melhorias no cumprimento dos valores legalmente impostos. Foram realizados dois planos distintos, um referente à indústria de revestimento e outro à indústria de formulação de tintas. As abordagens na realização e análise de resolução de problemas são distintas, uma vez que os limites legais são diferentes em ambos os casos. Os componentes que apresentam uma maior expressão face ao plano de gestão de solventes são os compostos orgânicos voláteis (COVs), e é a partir destes componentes que se efetuou toda a análise. Inicialmente foi necessário conhecer todo o funcionamento de cada empresa, os procedimentos adotados, a utilização dos produtos e as técnicas operacionais. Determinaram-se os pontos críticos na avaliação dos problemas que se verificaram nos planos de gestão de solventes e analisaram-se as possibilidades técnicas e tecnológicas passiveis de utilização para a resolução ou minimização desses problemas principalmente na empresa A que excede o limite legalmente imposto. As possibilidades centram-se a nível tecnológico de equipamentos e em produtos utilizados em ambos os casos.
Urban air pollution and climate are closely connected due to shared generating processes (e.g., combustion) for emissions of the driving gases and aerosols. They are also connected because the atmospheric lifecycles of common air pollutants such as CO, NOx and VOCs, and of the climatically important methane gas (CH4) and sulfate aerosols, both involve the fast photochemistry of the hydroxyl free radical (OH). Thus policies designed to address air pollution may impact climate and vice versa. We present calculations using a model coupling economics, atmospheric chemistry, climate and ecosystems to illustrate some effects of air pollution policy alone on global warming. We consider caps on emissions of NOx, CO, volatile organic carbon, and SOx both individually and combined in two ways. These caps can lower ozone causing less warming, lower sulfate aerosols yielding more warming, lower OH and thus increase CH4 giving more warming, and finally, allow more carbon uptake by ecosystems leading to less warming. Overall, these effects significantly offset each other suggesting that air pollution policy has a relatively small net effect on the global mean surface temperature and sea level rise. However, our study does not account for the effects of air pollution policies on overall demand for fossil fuels and on the choice of fuels (coal, oil, gas), nor have we considered the effects of caps on black carbon or organic carbon aerosols on climate. These effects, if included, could lead to more substantial impacts of capping pollutant emissions on global temperature and sea level than concluded here. Caps on aerosols in general could also yield impacts on other important aspects of climate beyond those addressed here, such as the regional patterns of cloudiness and precipitation.
A case of long-range transport of a biomass burning plume from Alaska to Europe is analyzed using a Lagrangian approach. This plume was sampled several times in the free troposphere over North America, the North Atlantic and Europe by three different aircraft during the IGAC Lagrangian 2K4 experiment which was part of the ICARTT/ITOP measurement intensive in summer 2004. Measurements in the plume showed enhanced values of CO, VOCs and NOy, mainly in form of PAN. Observed O3 levels increased by 17 ppbv over 5 days. A photochemical trajectory model, CiTTyCAT, was used to examine processes responsible for the chemical evolution of the plume. The model was initialized with upwind data and compared with downwind measurements. The influence of high aerosol loading on photolysis rates in the plume was investigated using in situ aerosol measurements in the plume and lidar retrievals of optical depth as input into a photolysis code (Fast-J), run in the model. Significant impacts on photochemistry are found with a decrease of 18% in O3 production and 24% in O3 destruction over 5 days when including aerosols. The plume is found to be chemically active with large O3 increases attributed primarily to PAN decomposition during descent of the plume toward Europe. The predicted O3 changes are very dependent on temperature changes during transport and also on water vapor levels in the lower troposphere which can lead to O3 destruction. Simulation of mixing/dilution was necessary to reproduce observed pollutant levels in the plume. Mixing was simulated using background concentrations from measurements in air masses in close proximity to the plume, and mixing timescales (averaging 6.25 days) were derived from CO changes. Observed and simulated O3/CO correlations in the plume were also compared in order to evaluate the photochemistry in the model. Observed slopes change from negative to positive over 5 days. This change, which can be attributed largely to photochemistry, is well reproduced by multiple model runs even if slope values are slightly underestimated suggesting a small underestimation in modeled photochemical O3 production. The possible impact of this biomass burning plume on O3 levels in the European boundary layer was also examined by running the model for a further 5 days and comparing with data collected at surface sites, such as Jungfraujoch, which showed small O3 increases and elevated CO levels. The model predicts significant changes in O3 over the entire 10 day period due to photochemistry but the signal is largely lost because of the effects of dilution. However, measurements in several other BB plumes over Europe show that O3 impact of Alaskan fires can be potentially significant over Europe.
The Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) is a long-term (20 years) research effort aimed at the understanding of the functioning of the Amazonian ecosystem. The strong biosphere-atmosphere interaction is a key component of the ecosystem functioning. Two aerosol components are the most visible: The natural biogenic emissions of particles and VOCs, and the biomass burning emissions. Two aerosol and trace gases monitoring stations were operated for 4 years in Manaus and Porto Velho, two very distinct sites, with different land use change. Manaus is a very clean and pristine site and Porto Velho is representative of heavy land use change in Amazonia. Aerosol composition, optical properties, size distribution, vertical profiling and optical depth were measured from 2008 to 2012. Aerosol radiative forcing was calculated over large areas. It was observed that the natural biogenic aerosol has significant absorption properties. Organic aerosol dominates the aerosol mass with 80 to 95%. Light scattering and light absorption shows an increase by factor of 10 from Manaus to Porto Velho. Very few new particle formation events were observed. Strong links between aerosols and VOC emissions were observed. Aerosol radiative forcing in Rondonia shows a high -15 watts/m² during the dry season of 2010, showing the large impacts of aerosol loading in the Amazonian ecosystem. The increase in diffuse radiation changes the forest carbon uptake by 20 to 35%, a large increase in this important ecosystem.
In dieser Arbeit wurden die OH-Radikalausbeuten beider Doppelbindungen von alpha-Phellandren, alpha-Terpinen, Limonen und Terpinolen bei der Ozonolyse getrennt voneinander bestimmt. Dabei wurde sich die hohe zeitliche Auflösung des PTR-MS zunutze gemacht. Es wurden die OH-Radikale mittels Cyclohexan abgefangen und aus dem daraus gebildeten Cyclohexanon die OH-Radikalausbeute berechnet. Dadurch konnten zum ersten Mal die OH-Radikalausbeuten der langsamer reagierenden Doppelbindung bestimmt werden. Es ergaben sich für alpha-Phellandren 8%11% (±3%), alpha-Terpinen 12%14% (±4%), Limonen 7%10% (±3%) und für Terpinolen 39%48% (±14%). Desweiteren wurde eine theoretische Diskussion über den Reaktionsmechanismus der Ozonolyse und dem daraus gebildetem Criegee-Intermediat durchgeführt. Dadurch konnten die OH-Radikalausbeuten erklärt werden und eine Voraussage über die OH-Radikalausbeute bei anderen Verbindungen ist mit diesen Überlegungen möglich. In einer Messkampagne in Paris konnten verschiedene VOCs und andere atmosphärisch relevante Komponenten wie Ozon, CO, NO2 und NO gemessen werden. Aus diesen Daten wurde zum einen ein Datenpaket in Igor gefertigt, welches die Interpretation der Daten erleichtern sollte. Zum anderen wurden die Daten mit einem PMF-Model analysiert.Durch die Analyse verschiedener Komponenten konnte die Frage beantwortet werden, ob die Lösungsmittelindustrie in und um Paris einen großen Einfluss auf die Konzentrationen gewisser Komponenten in der Luft hat. Über die Korrelation von Benzol und Toluol mit schwarzem Kohlenstoff und den typischen Tagesverlauf mit zwei Konzentrationsmaxima dieser Komponenten konnte gezeigt werden, dass als Hauptquelle diese beiden Stoffe nur der Straßenverkehr infrage kommt. Desweiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Luftmassen die Paris erreichen einen großen Einfluss auf die Konzentration gewisser Komponenten in der Luft haben. Dadurch konnte gut zwischen lokalen Quellen und weit transportierten VOCs unterschieden werden. Schließlich konnten über das PFM-Model ein Großteil der in Paris gemessenen Substanzen in sieben unterschiedliche Quellen eingeteilt werden und deren prozentualer Einfluss während ozeanischer Luftmassen und kontinentalen Luftmassen bestimmt werden. Um Bestandteile von organischem Aerosol mithilfe eines PTR-MS und dessen schonender Ionisationstechnik detektieren zu können, wurde erfolgreich ein Einlass für das PTR-MS entwickelt der es ermöglicht neben den Messungen von VOCs in der Gasphase auch organisches Aerosol zu sammeln, desorbieren und zu detektieren. Zu Testen des neuen Einlasses wurden verschiedene Laborexperimente durchgeführt und es wurde eine Messkampagne in Cabauw (nahe Utrecht, NL) durchgeführt. Die Labortests des neuen Einlasses zeigen, dass es möglich ist organisches Aerosol und VOCs (Aerosol Precurser) in der Gasphase mit einem einzelnen Instrument zu messen. Dazu wurden in einer Smog Chamber Isopren, alpha-Pinen, Limonen und beta-Caryophyllen jeweils mit Ozon zur Reaktion gebracht. Die Messungen in der Gasphase zeigten, dass verschiedene Komponenten wie gewohnt mit hoher Zeitauflösung durch das PTR-MS detektiert werden konnten. Die Messungen des Aerosols zeigten, dass es möglich ist, viele der aus den Reaktionen bekannten Produkte direkt oder mit geringer Fragmentation zu detektieren. Die Messkampagne in Cabauw zeigte, dass es mit diesem Einlass möglich ist über einen langen Zeitraum Aerosol und VOCs mit nur einem Instrument zu messen. Die Gasphasenmessungen sind unbeeinflusst von den Modifikationen, die an dem PTR-MS und der Driftröhre vorgenommen werden mussten um Aerosol detektieren zu können. Desweiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich natürliches organisches Aerosol von Aerosol aus einer Smog Chamber im Dampfdruck unterscheidet. Deswegen muss man vorsichtig sein, falls man diese zwei Aerosolarten miteinander vergleichen will.
Die Erdatmosphäre besteht hauptsächlich aus Stickstoff (78%), Sauerstoff (21%) und Edelga¬sen. Obwohl Partikel weniger als 0,1% ausmachen, spielen sie eine entscheidende Rolle in der Chemie und Physik der Atmosphäre, da sie das Klima der Erde sowohl direkt als auch indirekt beeinflussen. Je nach Art der Bildung unterscheidet man zwischen primären und sekundären Partikeln, wobei primäre Partikel direkt in die Atmosphäre eingetragen werden. Sekundäre Partikel hingegen entstehen durch Kondensation von schwerflüchtigen Verbindungen aus der Gasphase, welche durch Reaktionen von gasförmigen Vorläufersubstanzen (volatile organic compounds, VOCs) mit atmosphärischen Oxidantien wie Ozon oder OH-Radikalen gebildet werden. Da die meisten Vorläufersubstanzen organischer Natur sind, wird das daraus gebil¬dete Aerosol als sekundäres organisches Aerosol (SOA) bezeichnet. Anders als die meisten primären Partikel stammen die VOCs überwiegend aus biogenen Quellen. Es handelt sich da¬bei um ungesättigte Kohlenwasserstoffe, die bei intensiver Sonneneinstrahlung und hohen Temperaturen von Pflanzen emittiert werden. Viele der leichtflüchtigen Vorläufersubstanzen sind chiral, sowohl die Vorläufer als auch die daraus gebildeten Partikel werden aber in den meisten Studien als eine Verbindung betrachtet und gemeinsam analysiert. Die mit Modellen berechneten SOA-Konzentrationen, welche auf dieser traditionellen Vorstellung der SOA-Bil¬dung beruhen, liegen deutlich unterhalb der in der Atmosphäre gefundenen, so dass neben diesem Bildungsweg auch noch andere SOA-Bildungsarten existieren müssen. Aus diesem Grund wird der Fokus der heutigen Forschung vermehrt auf die heterogene Chemie in der Partikelphase gerichtet. Glyoxal als Modellsubstanz kommt hierbei eine wichtige Rolle zu. Es handelt sich bei dieser Verbindung um ein Molekül mit einem hohen Dampfdruck, das auf Grund dieser Eigenschaft nur in der Gasphase zu finden sein sollte. Da es aber über zwei Alde¬hydgruppen verfügt, ist es sehr gut wasserlöslich und kann dadurch in die Partikelphase über¬gehen, wo es heterogenen chemischen Prozessen unterliegt. Unter anderem werden in An¬wesenheit von Ammoniumionen Imidazole gebildet, welche wegen der beiden Stickstoff-He¬teroatome lichtabsorbierende Eigenschaften besitzen. Die Verteilung von Glyoxal zwischen der Gas- und der Partikelphase wird durch das Henrysche Gesetz beschrieben, wobei die Gleichgewichtskonstante die sogenannte Henry-Konstante ist. Diese ist abhängig von der un¬tersuchten organischen Verbindung und den im Partikel vorhandenen anorganischen Salzen. Für die Untersuchung chiraler Verbindungen im SOA wurde zunächst eine Filterextraktions¬methode entwickelt und die erhaltenen Proben anschließend mittels chiraler Hochleistungs-Flüssigchromatographie, welche an ein Elektrospray-Massenspektrometer gekoppelt war, analysiert. Der Fokus lag hierbei auf dem am häufigsten emittierten Monoterpen α-Pinen und seinem Hauptprodukt, der Pinsäure. Da bei der Ozonolyse des α-Pinens das cyclische Grund¬gerüst erhalten bleibt, können trotz der beiden im Molekül vorhanden chiralen Zentren nur zwei Pinsäure Enantiomere gebildet werden. Als Extraktionsmittel wurde eine Mischung aus Methanol/Wasser 9/1 gewählt, mit welcher Extraktionseffizienzen von 65% für Pinsäure Enan¬tiomer 1 und 68% für Pinsäure Enantiomer 2 erreicht werden konnten. Des Weiteren wurden Experimente in einer Atmosphärensimulationskammer durchgeführt, um die Produkte der α-Pinen Ozonolyse eindeutig zu charakterisieren. Enantiomer 1 wurde demnach aus (+)-α-Pinen gebildet und Enantiomer 2 entstand aus (-)-α-Pinen. Auf Filterproben aus dem brasilianischen Regenwald konnte ausschließlich Pinsäure Enantiomer 2 gefunden werden. Enantiomer 1 lag dauerhaft unterhalb der Nachweisgrenze von 18,27 ng/mL. Im borealen Nadelwald war das Verhältnis umgekehrt und Pinsäure Enantiomer 1 überwog vor Pinsäure Enantiomer 2. Das Verhältnis betrug 56% Enantiomer 1 zu 44% Enantiomer 2. Saisonale Verläufe im tropischen Regenwald zeigten, dass die Konzentrationen zur Trockenzeit im August höher waren als wäh¬rend der Regenzeit im Februar. Auch im borealen Nadelwald wurden im Sommer höhere Kon¬zentrationen gemessen als im Winter. Die Verhältnisse der Enantiomere änderten sich nicht im jahreszeitlichen Verlauf. Die Bestimmung der Henry-Konstanten von Glyoxal bei verschiedenen Saataerosolen, nämlich Ammoniumsulfat, Natriumnitrat, Kaliumsulfat, Natriumchlorid und Ammoniumnitrat sowie die irreversible Produktbildung aus Glyoxal in Anwesenheit von Ammoniak waren Forschungs¬gegenstand einer Atmosphärensimulationskammer-Kampagne am Paul-Scherrer-Institut in Villigen, Schweiz. Hierzu wurde zunächst das zu untersuchende Saataerosol in der Kammer vorgelegt und dann aus photochemisch erzeugten OH-Radikalen und Acetylen Glyoxal er¬zeugt. Für die Bestimmung der Glyoxalkonzentration im Kammeraerosol wurde zunächst eine beste¬hende Filterextraktionsmethode modifiziert und die Analyse mittels hochauflösender Mas¬senspektrometrie realisiert. Als Extraktionsmittel kam 100% Acetonitril, ACN zum Einsatz wo¬bei die Extraktionseffizienz bei 85% lag. Für die anschließende Derivatisierung wurde 2,4-Di¬nitrophenylhydrazin, DNPH verwendet. Dieses musste zuvor drei Mal mittels Festphasenex¬traktion gereinigt werden um störende Blindwerte ausreichend zu minimieren. Die gefunde¬nen Henry-Konstanten für Ammoniumsulfat als Saataerosol stimmten gut mit in der Literatur gefundenen Werten überein. Die Werte für Natriumnitrat und Natriumchlorid als Saataerosol waren kleiner als die von Ammoniumsulfat aber größer als der Wert von reinem Wasser. Für Ammoniumnitrat und Kaliumsulfat konnten keine Konstanten berechnet werden. Alle drei Saataerosole führten zu einem „Salting-in“. Das bedeutet, dass bei Erhöhung der Salzmolalität auch die Glyoxalkonzentration im Partikel stieg. Diese Beobachtungen sind auch in der Litera¬tur beschrieben, wobei die Ergebnisse dort nicht auf der Durchführung von Kammerexperi¬menten beruhen, sondern mittels bulk-Experimenten generiert wurden. Für die Trennung der Imidazole wurde eine neue Filterextraktionsmethode entwickelt, wobei sich ein Gemisch aus mit HCl angesäuertem ACN/H2O im Verhältnis 9/1 als optimales Extrak¬tionsmittel herausstellte. Drei verschiedenen Imidazole konnten mit dieser Methode quanti¬fiziert werden, nämlich 1-H-Imidazol-4-carbaldehyd (IC), Imidazol (IM) und 2,2‘-Biimidazol (BI). Die Effizienzen lagen für BI bei 95%, für IC bei 58% und für IM bei 75%. Kammerexperimente unter Zugabe von Ammoniak zeigten höhere Imidazolkonzentrationen als solche ohne. Wurden die Experimente ohne Ammoniak in Anwesenheit von Ammoni¬umsulfat durchgeführt, wurden höhere Imidazol-Konzentrationen gefunden als ohne Ammo¬niumionen. Auch die relative Luftfeuchtigkeit spielte eine wichtige Rolle, da sowohl eine zu hohe als auch eine zu niedrige relative Luftfeuchtigkeit zu einer verminderten Imidazolbildung führte. Durch mit 13C-markiertem Kohlenstoff durchgeführte Experimente konnte eindeutig gezeigt werden, dass es sich bei den gebildeten Imidazolen und Glyoxalprodukte handelte. Außerdem konnte der in der Literatur beschriebene Bildungsmechanismus erfolgreich weiter¬entwickelt werden. Während der CYPHEX Kampagne in Zypern konnten erstmalig Imidazole in Feldproben nach¬gewiesen werden. Das Hauptprodukt IC zeigte einen tageszeitlichen Verlauf mit höheren Kon¬zentrationen während der Nacht und korrelierte signifikant aber schwach mit der Acidität und Ammoniumionenkonzentration des gefundenen Aerosols.
The study monitored the emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the exhaust of cars fuelled by liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and unleaded petrol (ULP). Six cars, four fuelled by LPG and two by ULP, were tested on a chassis dynamometer at two different cruising modes of operation (60 km h−1 and 80 km h−1) and idle. A total of 33 VOCs were identified in the exhaust of both types of fuels by the use of GC/MS. Due to the complexity of the dataset, Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) software PROMETHEE and GAIA was used to rank the least polluting mode and fuel. The 60 km h−1 driving speed was identified as the cleaner mode of driving as was LPG fuel. The Ozone Formation Potential (OFP) of the VOCs was also calculated by using the incremental reactivity scale. Priority VOCs leading to ozone formation were identified according to the three incremental reactivity scales: MIR, MOIR and EBIR. PROMETHEE was applied to assess the most preferred scale of reactivity for predicting ozone formation potential under different scenarios. The results enhance the understanding of the environmental value of using LPG to power passenger cars.
The aim of this work was production of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) plasma polymerized thin films and optimization of their physical-chemical characteristic for sensor development. The films were analyzed using several techniques. It was possible to produce composites (graphite clusters imbibed by silicon oxide film) made from only one reactant (TEOS). Deposition rate can vary significantly, reaching a maximum of 30 nm/min; cluster formation and their size widely depending on deposition parameters. The film surface was hydrophobic but can be wetted by organic compounds, probably due to carbon radicals. These films are good candidates for sensor development.
An exposure system was constructed to evaluate the performance of a personal organic vapor dosimeter (3520 OVM) at ppb concentrations of nine selected target volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These concentration levels are generally encountered in community air environments, both indoor and outdoor. It was demonstrated that the chamber system could provide closely-controlled conditions of VOC concentrations, temperature and relative humidity (RH) required for the experiments. The target experimental conditions included combinations of three VOC concentrations (10, 20 and 200 $\rm\mu g/m\sp3),$ three temperatures (10, 25 and 40$\sp\circ$C) and three RHs (12, 50 and 90% RH), leading to a total of 27 exposure conditions. No backgrounds of target VOCs were found in the exposure chamber system. In the exposure chamber, the variation of the temperature was controlled within $\pm$1$\sp\circ$C, and the variation of RH was controlled within $\pm$1.5% at 12% RH, $\pm$2% at 50% RH and $\pm$3% at 90% RH. High-emission permeation tubes were utilized to generate the target VOCs. Various patterns of the permeation rates were observed over time. The lifetimes and permeation rates of the tubes differed by compound, length of the tube and manufacturer. By carefully selecting the source and length of the tubes, and closely monitoring tube weight loss over time, the permeation tubes can be used for delivering low and stable concentrations of VOCs during multiple days.^ The results of this study indicate that the performance of the 3520 OVM is compound-specific and depends on concentration, temperature and humidity. With the exception of 1,3-butadiene under most conditions, and styrene and methylene chloride at very high relative humidities, recoveries were generally within $\pm$25% of theory, indicating that the 3520 OVM can be effectively used over the range of concentrations and environmental conditions tested with a 24-hour sampling period. Increasing humidities resulted in increasing negative bias from full recovery. Reverse diffusion conducted at 200 $\rm\mu g/m\sp3$ and five temperature/humidity combinations indicated severe diffusion losses only for 1,3-butadiene, methylene chloride and styrene under increased humidity. Overall, the results of this study do not support the need to employ diffusion samplers with backup sections for the exposure conditions tested. ^